The Universe is looking forward to his next work?

The audience gradually understood the low temperature artist's pursuit of art.

Anyone who sees this beautiful art may not be able to help but stop and praise it.

Sea of ​​Dreams, that's an excellent name.

As Yan Dong said, these ice blocks are extracted from the earth's sea.

It's like people's dreams.

After all, if it weren't for this happening, who would believe that the sea would turn into ice, fly into the sky and spin around the earth?

The audience sighed in the video.

"After seeing the art of cryogenic artists, I felt that no ice sculpture in the world could appeal to me." - Tony Stark.

"From an artistic point of view, a cryogenic artist is undoubtedly a real dedicated artist, and as a high-dimensional civilization, his understanding of art is much higher than ours." - Dr. Octopus

"...Although the behavior of cryogenic artists taking ice from the earth made me feel very uncomfortable, I have to say that this scene is really beautiful." - Xiadou

"Compared to the Trisolaran civilization, the Cryogenic Artist civilization has brought a milder disaster to the earth...but also colder." - Bruce Wayne

"Because the cryogenic artist has never thought of invading and destroying the earth's civilization...he is just doing his art." - Holy Hee Hee

"His thinking seems to be very similar to that of a saint, inaction and desire... but the difference is that a saint will not interfere with everything in the lower realm." - Master Xuandu

"So, the cryogenic artists never thought of giving them back Earth's oceans, right." - King of the Undead

After they watched this extremely amazing art, the audience in the heavens and the world gradually became silent again.

Thinking about it now, what cryoartists have done for the sake of art, can they say that cryoartists are wrong?

Or are the earthlings too unlucky?

Actually there is no answer.

Because this is the normal despair of low-dimensional civilization in the face of high-level civilization.

The video is not over yet, at this time Yan Dong seems to have finally broken away from this art.

He did not forget his mission, and solemnly launched an inquiry to the cryogenic artist.

"I want to ask, can you restore the sea of ​​dreams to our sea of ​​reality before you leave?"

"Let me destroy my own work myself, joke!"

The low temperature artist naturally refused, which was no different from what Yan Dong thought, or in other words, it was exactly the same.

Not to mention a cryogenic artist, even he himself cannot destroy his own works.

For artists, works are like their own children.

How could they have the heart to destroy their own children?

So Yan Dong asked a compromise question.

"Then, after you leave, can we recover by ourselves?"

"Of course you can, why don't you just send these ice cubes back?"

This is no problem for a cryogenic artist, he is only responsible for making this art, and it has nothing to do with him as to how this art will disappear in the end.

He just enjoys the atmosphere of this art.

"How to send it?" Yan Dong raised his head and asked, all human beings were listening.

"How do I know." The cryogenic artist said lightly.

"Last question: as colleagues, we all know that ice and snow artworks are short-lived, so the sea of ​​dreams..."

"The sea of ​​dreams is also short-lived. The filter film on the surface of the ice cubes will age and can no longer block the heat. But the process of its disappearance is completely different from your ice sculpture. The process is much more violent and spectacular."

"The ice cubes vaporize, the pressure makes the film explode, each ice cube becomes a small comet, the entire ice ring will be haunted by a silver mist, then the sea of ​​dreams will disappear in the silver mist, and then the silver mist will also spread into space and disappear Now, the universe can only look forward to my next work in another world far away."

The cryogenic artist happily replied that after the sea of ​​dreams disappears, this will be another spectacular art.

"How long will this take place?" Yan Dong's voice trembled.

"The filter is invalid, use your timing, um, about 20 years. Hey, why are you talking about things other than art? Trivial trivial! Okay, goodbye, goodbye, and appreciate the beauty I left you. !"

After saying this, the ice puck rose rapidly and quickly disappeared into the air.

According to the observations of major astronomical institutions in the world, the ice ball flew rapidly in the direction perpendicular to the ecliptic plane. When it accelerated to half the speed of light, it suddenly disappeared in the space 13 AU from the sun, as if it had entered an invisible hole. Same.

High-dimensional means they could never have imagined, including the departure of cryogenic artists.

No one knows where he came from or how he left.

He is like traveling between the universes at will, omnipotent from high dimensions to low dimensions.

Even if he leaves, the disappearance of the cryogenic artist will shock the audiences in the heavens and the world, lamenting his omnipotence.

However, for this earth, the cryogenic artist left, leaving only a huge mess placed above the earth.

Perhaps for a long time, humans will be in a period of super water shortage, admiring the ice cubes in the sky, thinking about when they will fall down.

However, as cryogenic artists say.

The universe can only look forward to my next work in another world far away.