Mayhem's Hellhounds: Tales of blood, fire and ash..

I remember... How beautiful Tunisia was at sunrise... The heat of the summer, the light wind on my face, the spray of the sea and those long boring lines in front of the neighborhood's bakery … A land peace where no gunshots to be heard and no scent of rotten corps to be smelt... But everything began to change after the apocalyptic American Russian war in Ukraine started growing worse and worse! And its arrival to my country was.. Inevitable! After that, there was no sun to rise, not anymore, not for anyone…

I remember how the announcement of the election results in 2024 was like declaring war against ourselves.. We all learned how power and greed can transform us into nothing but the Hellhounds of Mayhem herself, blind beasts cursed for eternal anguish! But it was too late… Civil war between the revolutionaries and the system already started to annihilate what's rest of country.. My mother said we had no choice but to leave, go anywhere, she took me with her to Romania leaving dear Tunisia behind to be devoured, raped and torn apart in front of our eyes! ... I was only 6 at the time, but I still remember how painful seeing the coast getting smaller and smaller was, I couldn't have done it without holding her hand, but she was pushing me away..

November 2039

(Bucharest, Romania)

- Radio: "And on this day we celebrate our glorious victory's fourteenth anniversary.. We won against those damn peace-hating terrorists! The revolutionaries! ... Our great leader.. The president of Tunisia is celebrating in the streets of the capital city alongside ordinary citizens….."

- Pfff!! Enough of this!

- My Mum: Why did you do that for?!

- I can't believe you're buying this Mum!

- My Mum: We've been isolated of Tunisia for too long Aser! Don't you think we have to check on its news once in a while? At least when we're given the opportunity to do so…

- It's no news! The Tunisian rulers are spreading these cheap lies to convince us that their country's all good! And it's not!

- Mum: You don't know that!!

- Yes I do Mum! We knew that since you and I escaped 15 years ago? But we always chose to ignore these painful facts because we're cowards! And we'll always be!

Yes… I am a coward! No!! Stop it!!...

- Mum (Pointing her finger at me in rage): Choose your words carefully!! And we'll visit the psychiatrist one more time before your graduation party!

- We both know that's not going to happen! I got rid of them! ... Or at least I'm keeping them under control!

- Mum: Who?!

- The voices in my head!! I thought I told you about them!

- Mum: This reminds me Aser.. Have you written your graduation speech?!

- Yes indeed!

- Mum: Can I read it?

- No!! L.. Let it be a surprise!

Next week was the big even that everyone was waiting for.. Except me…

I studied in Romania and became a hydro electronic engineer.. Following the footsteps of a father I never knew, and defying all my mother's wishes for me to be a politician, she always says "Politicians are the first to be rescued when the ship's down!" I never believed in this, never will! .. We were welcomed by the university's headmaster Mr. Frusck, a pathetically greedy man with an even more pathetic desire to make as much profit as possible off of his students, the symbol of everything I'm trying to destroy! But he's not evil.. He's just an idiot..

- Mr. Frusck (Dressed up in his very generic stupid-looking suit): Aser Mokhtar, Our brightest student! Welcome!! (Then he turns to my Mum..) Madam Mokhtar, you look great as always!

- Mum: Thanks Mr. Frusck!

- Mr. Frusck: And also.. Some journalists interviewed me earlier this afternoon about your son's remarkable achievements! I had to take some of the credit for myself of course….

- How cheap you are and the way you pretend you're not never stop giving me headaches Mr. Frusck! (I interrupted him) And since you're here, tell them to introduce me as "Zenith" (A nickname given to me by my dad before he passed away) Not as Aser Mokhtar!!

- Mum (Fed up): Aser?!

- No Mum! It's Zenith!

- The party's host: "….And now please welcome the highest-scored student this year: Aser Mokhtar!!!"

Damn you Frusck!!

I never wanted to embarrass myself nor my Mum so I went to deliver my thrilling speech... I, of course, had other plans!

- "I want.. to thank you all folks.. for celebrating with us today! …."

- Mr. Frusck: He's one of the best engineers in the world now! Romania's lucky for having him!

- Mum: Indeed Mr. Frusck!

- Mr. Frusck: I have a job for him in my brother's corporation! He'll make us.. I mean.. you.. a ton of money, madam Mokhtar!

- "The world has suffered too much in the past two decades, some countries survived and moved on.. Some have not been so lucky. Even global superpowers like America and Russia were obliterated and wiped out of the face of the map! After the apocalypse we learned that the world can no longer solve his problems by fighter jets and shotguns! Only we, the scientists can heal this planet and restore his long lost greatness!"

- Mr. Frusck: Won't he start getting to the point?! I thought I told you to help him write his speech about business!

- Mum: I haven't read it.

- Mr. Frusck: No! Madam Mokhtar, what have you done!!

- "The third world war, the plague, civil wars and the drought have killed too much people in many countries including my own! Romania served me well! It made an engineer, the best engineer there is! But never made me a warrior who serves his true and only home! So, after all these years in exile, I will finally return to Tunisia to help change and rebuild it with my superior engineering skills!! …."

- Mum: What?!

- Mr. Frusck: What?!!!

It was clear in front of my eyes! Everyone looked pissed-off! Pretty sure they thought I was crazy! But they're definitely not the first! I am indeed crazy!! I speak with my imaginary friends all the time! You see, just like I'm doing right now! I created them to help me endure my loneliness and fight the voices in my head!

(At home..)

- Mum: How could you do this! Were you drunk?!

- I'm going and there will be no arguing in here!!

- Mum: You're going to just.. leave me?!

- I thought that I should suggest you come with me but, I knew you'll refuse! Too afraid to leave this European pit and come back to your injured disfigured home!

- Mum: No you're not going Aser!!!

- I've already chosen my path Mum! Oh and I can still send you some of Tunisia's stolen fortunes to satisfy you and that awful Frusck! And if you wouldn't mind now, I must go or I will miss my trip! And please remember: No matter what happens.. I'll always be you little boy!

The trip was exhausting.. But not anything near the place I just left! I arrived early.. In an arms smuggling ship to the coast of some city! I failed to recognize anything; May be war took away the cities' names but when I arrived, I discovered it took away everything that made this place home! Welcomed with sad empty streets.. Crushed and burned cars everywhere.. And eyes staring at me from every window of every scary-looking scorched old building..

The apocalypse forced all the countries to close their borders and isolate themselves from the rest of the world! A lot have changed in 15 years! But now I realize that this isn't Tunisia anymore! It's a haunted wasteland! And I'm now trapped right inside it! No home! No family! No hope!

Chapter I

The Blood Hounds

- Hello! (I said..)

- I haven't seen you here before (Pointing his gun at me!!) Who are you?!

- No... No no need for this sir!! I saw this hotel so…..

- This hotel is out of business for 15 years! You won't find anything here!

- I'm looking for a place to stay for a while!

- What you're seeking exists only in the capital son! Perhaps..

- Perhaps?!!

But even if you make it there alive, you won't be allowed to enter! It's a fortress, the only surviving grand city in all of North Africa! The rest is just.. Ashes! (With a sad look on his face, full of anguish!) Like this one!..

I turned around to see two guys smoking something..

- (Suddenly): What are you looking at, stranger!!

- Go away!!

Drug addicts! They've invaded the country for sure! The only thing that can make you forget the fact that your world is.. destroyed! Yet after all, they're just victims! The real criminal is standing right there:

- The two addicts (Suddenly): Cops!!! Let's get out of here!!

- Police officer: Hey you!! Stop right there!!!

Now I'm in trouble!

- Police officer: You're under arrest!!

- No sir I wasn't with them! There is a simple misunderstanding!!

- Police officer: Shut the hell up!! (Punching me in the face making me pass out!!)

I haven't spent two hours in this place and here I am; in the police station... A miserable building! With collapsed walls full of bullets, and burns.. And I soon discovered why!

- Cops (Screaming): Every officer to the main atrium!

- Police officer: We have an intruder!!

Suddenly, I hear multiple gunshots.. A masked man walks through the smoke and starts butchering police officers one after the other! Ripping them into pieces with his terrifying swords.. Then I see another shadow, a woman this time! Even more badass than the masked one! She throws a grenade at the main door and I'm now caught in a massive cross fire!! Then I start feeling a stabbing pain in my shoulder!! I see blood! A lot of blood!! Falling on the floor quickly...

(Days later…)

- Will he survive uncle?

- Yes! I got the bullet out!

- Look he's waking up!

I started opening my eyes slowly.. And what I saw was.. unbelievable! A young woman with out of this world beauty! The most exquisite thing I've seen since I got here! Her coal black hair was tickling my face and….

- You're feeling better now?

- Where…. Where am I??

- I'll take that as a "yes"! My name is Rimass; this is my uncle Zouhair and my friend Ian!

Her friend?! He's the masked man! What's going on here!!!

- What happened to me Rimass?

- Rimass: You were shot in a battle between the police and the freedom fighters…

- Freedom fighters?! You're the ones who attacked the station!! I.. I have to go!

- The uncle: May I ask where?

- I don't know!

- Rimass: Look, we didn't want this to happen either but this is the only way! Ian and I found you covered in your own blood! You clearly weren't a cop so we brought you to the only place safe in the whole city.. Here! To our secret hideout!

- I can't stay missy! Your friend here murdered like 20 police officers! … What's your goal behind the attack man?! Answer me idiot!!

He looked at me with a cold impression on his skinny face..

- Rimass: He.. cannot! Ian was tortured by the system's cops a long time ago! His throat was damaged, and he never said another word! The same system that took my parents away from me!

- So this is it?! Revenge? I don't think it's worth it miss Rimass! Vengeance will not magically resurrect your parents! And it definitely will not bring his voice back! And now I'm leaving!

- The uncle: You don't understand! If you get out of here they will get you again! They will torture you and probably kill you to squeeze out as much information as possible! My niece saved you!

- Rimass: That's ok uncle! What's your name handsome?

- Aser, Aser Mokhtar, but please call me Zenith!

- Rimass: Zenith! What a cool name!

- Thanks!

- The uncle: I remember.. Some 30 years ago.. Before I became a professor.. I worked with a man called Ahmed Mokhtar! But I don't think….

- He's my father!!

- The uncle: Oh really! Appears to be quite obvious actually: Snow white skin, a tiny hairless face hiding behind all the tall brown hair, and those hypnotizing big chocolaty eyes! You look just like him, except the muscles of course! … We were calling him "Chocolate Ahmed" haha! They should've called you "Chocolate" too instead of "Zenith"!

- Hahah!!

- The uncle: He saved me from death once you know! What a wonderful coincidence that my niece settled my debt after all these years!!

- "There is no coincidence, uncle, only….

- The uncle: ….only the illusion of coincidence!" He believed so much in this saying! I didn't of course!

- So what made you made you quit being an engineer?

- The uncle: W… What engineer?!

- You said you worked with my dad! He was an engineer working in Asia!

- The uncle: Hhh!.. Who told you that? Is it your mother huh?!

- What?

- The uncle: This is a lie Zenith! We were mercenaries, operating in ruined countries like Syria and Afghanistan! Terrorizing people.. Hunting down freedom fighters.. That was our job!

- Impossible! He was a good man!

- The uncle: Yeah he was an international criminal, a terrorist and a murderer but he was my friend and a good man! This is the truth! You see... When I witnessed death with my own eyes, I started to question my existence, my life, and my right to take the lives of people who where only defending their lands and their homes! When I came back to Tunisia I continued my education and started working as a philosophy teacher!

- Ian (Moving his hands weirdly.. Only Rimass seemed to understand!)

- Rimass: Ian's asking: Where's your father now?

- He died.. A couple of months after I was born... Before the apocalypse and the civil war!

- The uncle (Clearly mocking): haha, imagine if Chocolate Ahmed fought in the civil war! He would have annihilated everyone for sure!

- What did you say?!

- Rimass: That's enough uncle!

- The uncle: He'll be happy to know that his son is following on his footsteps!

- I'm no mercenary!

- The uncle: I know what you are!! (Reading my papers he took from while I was unconscious!) ….A hydro electronic engineer from Bucharest Romania! I'm wondering what will make an engineer graduated from Europe to come back to this hellhole?! I know you want to fight! You're just afraid to confess!

- You see a lot professor! (I said to make him stop tormenting me!) I'm here to make things change! But I'm not sure if fighting is the best way to do it!

- The uncle: We may think we're free but we're not! We're just slaves to our past! and to our family's legacy.. You'll know that, eventually!

This man got me in a box there! I'm not here to stay with terrorists and crazy philosophy teachers, I have to go! But leaving this hideout isn't easy! The walls almost disappeared behind the huge libraries.. Books like I've never seen! And the most exquisite paintings and works of art! From where did they get those I wonder? They're thieves! I'm sure they….

- Rimass (Suddenly): Dinner is ready. You can join us if you want! Zenith?.. Zenith?

- Oh.. I'm sorry, I was.. admiring those books! From where did you get them?

- Rimass: Books are every dictatorship's reckoning! They're freedom's armor! When the system started banning and destroying books.. We had no choice but to take them in, to protect them!

- And the paintings?

- Rimass: The soup will be cold soon!

- Ah of course!! I'm starving!

It was.. delicious! More delicious than anything I enjoyed in Romania! Or maybe it's the Tunisian food I missed for 15 years!

- Is.. is that caviar?!! Oh my god I haven't tasted caviar before in my life!!

- Rimass: Ian stole this from a truck on its way to the city's governor!

- Wow!

- Uncle Zouhair: "All animals are equal.. But some are more equal than others!"

- From: "Animal farm"!

- Uncle Zouhair: Very good!

We finished eating.. It was awkward but surprisingly entertaining! After that Ian and the uncle went to bed leaving me stranded between my ideas in this place! This hole has what every Tunisian home in this city hasn't! They live like kings here while the outside world burns.. They're not so different from the governor they're stealing from!

- TV: "Let's look at how was Tunisia two decades ago! Let's let the French see how we were two decades ago!! They owned us hh! And now what's become of their beloved country?? The world's most disgusting plague hole! You ask why?! Because they hadn't the courage to do what's necessary! .. Immigrants, Amazighs, terrorists, plague-packed countrymen! We got rid of them all to strengthen Tunisia! For Tunisia!! For Tunisia!! For…."

- Rimass: This is the capital's ruler! The president of poor divided Tunisia for 10 years! The number will very possibly increase with the next elections!

- This damned man rule you?! This is really worst than I thought!

- Rimass: You have no idea! … The tale of this country is not about heroes fighting villains! It's a story of tortured souls! A story of survival! No matter who we are or what we're fighting for.. We will be always responsible for the mayhem we're suffering!

- We will help write a happy ending to this story Rimass! I promise! (Looking at her.. holding her hand!) So.. Since when do you live here?

- Rimass: Since the end of the war.. After my parents were slaughtered!

- I'm.. Sorry! But remember.. When the hero keeps fighting the same villain too long, he may end up just like him!

- Rimass: What do you mean?

- You spent so much time fighting the system until you end up just as dangerous and ruthless as he is!

- Rimass: They raided our house at night.. Took mum and dad away, thrown them in that black police van to never be seen again! They burned my father's books to the ground and almost killed me if not for Ian who miraculously saved me! Our only crime.. is that we said "No" in their faces!

Her eyes quickly started brimming with tears! I couldn't withstand seeing her in such anguish!

- I understand your loss my dear! I suffered too, living my whole life in the shadows, leaving behind my country! Pain and regret have eaten me alive, and now I discover that my father, my greatest example, was the embodiment of everything I stood against! But tell me Rimass.. Is vengeance worth dying for??

- Rimass: I'm a freedom fighter! Always will be!

December 2039

It's December, I don't know which day exactly but.. I spent a month in the hideout with the three of them; I'm not a guest anymore! I cooked food and cleaned the floor with them.. But I've never was one of them..

Rimass and the mute got out early, to harvest food, or lives.. But they left the door open! It's a great opportunity for sure! Should I go? Find my own path? No!! I must not betray Rimass! They've honored me how could I leave them!! But you're an expert in leaving people behind aren't you?! I can't stay here forever! Oh my god I am so weak! Yes you are! No!! Damn it.. The voices are back!! Whoever I'm talking to now, please help me! I am really crazy!!

(Hours later)

- Rimass: Uncle.. Uncle wake up!!

- The uncle: What??

- Rimass: Zenith's gone!!

- The uncle: Where?!

- Rimass: They saw some cops taking him!!

- The uncle: Well too bad! I warned him! Such an idiot.. Don't bother; he'll be dead by now!

- Rimass: Ian and I interrogated a police officer!

- The uncle: And….?

- Rimass: He said they took him to.. The capital!


- W.. Where am I?

- Some man: Hey! He woke up!

- Another man: Good! You'll walk!

When I opened my eyes I saw fancy walls, found myself in a room with luxurious furniture.. a golden floor under my feet! Am I dead? I hoped so.. Because what was waiting for me next was truly infernal!

- Police officer: Come with us!!

I walked through that humongous door to slowly realize how in trouble I really am! And upon a sudden, I hear a very uncomfortably familiar voice:

- Welcome! (He said..)

It's him! It's the president! The racist guy from the TV! Standing behind some intimidating looking old man with a long beard and sunglasses!! I'm in the presidential palace!!

- The old guy: Identify yourself to the president!

- My name is Aser Mokhtar, a hydro electronic engineer!

- The president: Welcome to the capital Mr. Aser….

- The old man (Interrupting him!): So you do understand why you're still alive!

..He said while viciously staring at me! Not with his eyes, I saw no eyes, only my reflection on his fancy black sunglasses.. But I knew he was looking at me because I felt it! Followed by a chill crawling up my spine!

- The president (Showing me some blueprints): The great Tunisian dam! A project launched since before the civil war! Yet the work has stopped due to the absence of experts! Until you arrived here! Now we're in danger more than ever! The drought is getting more and more brutal and Tunisia will fully die of thirst within less than 2 years! After that, there will be nothing left to save! … First chancellor Mr. Hanfewy will escort you to the facility where you will start doing what you do best!

- The old man, Hanfewy: Come with me!

They forced me into a car.. It was.. humiliating! Why do I have to suffer this much just because I want to help saving my decayed country?!

I started seeing the streets through the window, the people, the cars.. The trees, the trash! The capital, unlike anything I've seen before, looked very.. "normal"! And right next to me that creepy old man! Tall, tough-looking, wearing a black clothing that looks like some kind of a traditional ceremonial or a religious Tunisian suit.. Since the first time I saw him, I saw nothing but power incarnated! A chancellor stealing the show from the president himself.. Or running it!

- Hanfewy (With a voice that scared the crap out of me): There will be water running in every Tunisian home within 8 months!

- Why 8 months sir?! I thought we had 2 years!

Then I saw it! Through the vehicle's window! The president's face with his stupid smile everywhere! I understand now! The election is in 8 months!

- I know why the unnecessary new deadline! (I looked at him!) You want me to fix your water crisis because if I don't, our little pall will not have a chance in the next election! And maybe, just maybe.. people will revolt against your system!! This makes me the one with advantage here! If you don't do as I command, we can all sit and watch the system fall in front of our eyes!

- Hanfewy: You don't get it do you?! If you don't get the dam working in time… You won't live long enough to see the system fall Mr. Mokhtar!

- Rimass (In great disturbance): We' going to save him!!

- Uncle Zouhair: Rimass calm down!

- Ian (Looking at her and putting his hand on her shoulder gently)

- Rimass: Don't say this Ian! You know exactly why they took him to the capital! The engineer from Europe, the only mind brilliant enough to save little Tunisia from death of thirst! He and he alone can prevent the system's downfall and I cannot let this happen!

- The uncle: So.. Are you planning this thrilling rescue mission because you want to destroy the president's system or... or because you want to save a man, a friend…. a lover?! … I'm just curious!

- Rimass: What did you say?!

- The uncle: Yeah yeah I know you know exactly what I'm talking about! I saw you kiss Zenith!

- Rimass (Embarrassed): What???? Not true!

- Ian (Leaves angry..)

- Rimass: No Ian wait!! You're happy now uncle?!

- The uncle (While staring at her maliciously): And one more thing Rimass! Do you know that Zenith is technically Tunisia's last hope.. If you take him away the dam won't be built, and millions will die, including, very possibly, us! Does this equation sound logical to you?

- Rimass: Uncle, your higher "powers of intimidations" are not working on me! You should know that I'm doing this because I have to, not because I want to!

- The uncle: I see.. Well! For years you focused your operations here for a reason! We don't have the resources to infiltrate the capital! It's the revolutionaries' job.. Not ours!

- Rimass: Then we will go to them! They will help us when they know what's at stake!

- The uncle: They're hiding in the western mountains since they lost the civil war.. They are dangerous and unreliable! But since you insisted, I'll contact a friend who has relations with them!

- Rimass: Ok you call him and I will go apologize to Ian now! You better pray he forgives me!!

- The uncle (With an evil smile): Ah! You mean for kissing the guy you met a month ago and breaking up with the one who saved you from your dark fate!

- Rimass (Angry): Uncle!!

- The uncle: I prayed everyday that you may stumble upon a more handsome boy who can at least speak and you apparently did! What else can you wish for haha?!

- Rimass (Outside the hideout): Come on my sweet you know this isn't true! Never ever believe everything uncle Zouhair says! He has his own abilities to play on people's emotions! Come on let's go inside now!

- Uncle Zouhair: Our mutual friend informed me that the revolutionaries are ready to help you; they'll send a spy from inside the city to get you in!

- Ian (Shaking his head, trying to say it's a bad idea)

- Rimass: Thanks! And I'll try to forget what you said earlier!

- The uncle: Oh I wish you can Rimass! I wish you can!

- Rimass: Let's go!

- Uncle Zouhair: And Rimass! Be careful dealing with them, the revolutionaries! ... They're not like us, they're monsters!

- Rimass: And we're what uncle? Some innocent angles?!

The dam's state was absolutely terrible! But this country needs more than just a dam, it needs hope! If the project fails Tunisia dies, if it isn't ready in 8 months I die! I'm in a very bad position right now!

- Mr. Hanfewy: Mr. Chief Engineer you had 5 hours you better have results!

- Looking at the building's current.. problems… I speculate we will need at least one year to finish constructions!

- Mr. Hanfewy: Years ago.. We had a Chief Engineer working here. She spent her life trying to make this dream come true.. Before she died she confirmed that the dam is almost ready.. You must carry on her work!

Is that sadness I sensed in him when he talked about her?!

And suddenly, a tear came out of his tiny eye.. He tried to hide it quickly but I saw it!

- You.. You loved her!

- Mr. Hanfewy: My dear Sarah! She was so close of achieving this miracle, but she rattled those damn revolutionaries' cage! So they conspired to assassinated her.. And they did! They took her away from me! Right after she passed away, I had a vision from god….


- Mr. Hanfewy: I saw the dam successfully working! ... I saw people happy! God was warning me… The vision made me realize something!

- ..Realize what Mr. Hanfewy?

- Mr. Hanfewy: You know what Mr. Engineer, enough of this.. Guards!! Take this young man to the dungeon and show him how beautiful this city really is!

- No.. No! What are you doing!!! Hands off! (A punch in my face) Outch!! (Kick!) Stop!!!

And when they forced me on the floor and covered my head with that freaky black bag I felt like it's going to wipe me out of existence!

(In the "dungeon", a dark spooky place)

- Mr. Hanfewy: Mr. Aser!! Welcome to your new home.. You will not see another sunrise!

- Yeah what a wise decision! Killing the only man able to save this hellhole from absolute mayhem!

- Mr. Hanfewy: You know what's the funny thing here.. You're still thinking I want to save this hellhole!

- Bastard!! You never wanted the dam to be built! I guess people are easier to rule when they're thirsty huh?!

- Mr. Hanfewy: Hahaha!

- What about the president dude! You're going to just … sacrifice him?!

- Mr. Hanfewy: The president will be dead by morning! Just like the two of you!

- Two?! Wait where are you going! Hanfewy!! Hanfewy you dog!!! Your dead woman will be ashamed of you!!

- Rimass: We must wait here!

- Ian (Giving her some food from his backpack..)

- Rimass: Thank you my sweet! I'm starving actually…

- Ian (Smiles while touching her hair..)

- Rimass (Abruptly...): Ian watch out!!! (Gunshot!) Shoot shoot!!

- The attacker (Shooting): Throw your weapon and surrender!!

- Another one: You're outnumbered!! Speak now! Who are you?! AAAAAh!

- Rimass (Shooting): I got one!

- Ian (trying to tell her he ran out of bullets)

- Rimass: You're out?! Oh no me too!

- Another one (Approaching..): Ok who's to die first? The lady?! Or the masked man?!

- Rimass (Screaming in fear): Nooooo wait!!!

- (Suddenly): Easy guys! Easy! Those two are with me!

- The attackers: Hold your fire!!

- I believe you are Mrs. Rimass and Mr. Ian!!

- Rimass: Who are you?!

- I apologize again for this incident but my revolutionary friends here seem to be a bit ill-tempered!

- The attacker: I'm sorry sir!

- Rimass: You're the spy boy?!

- Yeah, my name is Malek and I will be your humble guide here until you finish your mission!

- Rimass: Well.. They didn't tell me the guide will be a teenager!

- Malek: I guess war makes kids grow quickly isn't that true Mrs. Rimass?! Now, this van will get us inside the city but we have to bribe the guards at the gates.. They know me so just act normal!

(Later.. Beyond the great gates of the capital)

- Rimass: Wow! I haven't entered the capital since I was a little girl! And it looks.. the same!

- Malek: People here are living like kings in comparison to other cities and states in North Africa.. Or in the whole world for that matter! But crimes, pollution and poverty are increasing by the day! Not to mention the water crisis that will obliterate every living soul in this country within nearly two years. Things are worst than ever!

- Rimass: Since when you're working with the revolutionaries?

- Malek: After I left my father, the revolutionaries took me in, trained me to be spy.. But after the Priestess's death their schemes started to collapse. I work in smuggling immigrants and fugitives in and out now.. To earn a living!

- Rimass (Surprised): Wait, the Priestess is dead?!

- Malek: You knew her?

- Rimass: Actually I met her during a major arms smuggling deal many years ago.. But I still remember her like it was yesterday! :

"- The Priestess: Tell me girl.. Why are you doing this?

- Rimass: I want to change my country for the better!

- The Priestess: No no.. You lied Rimass! If you really were after change, you'd know that there's no change for the better or the worst! Because change is change no matter the outcome or the point of view.. But I see that vengeance made you too blind to realize this! "

- Rimass: ....She was inspiring, but terrifying! I can't believe she's just.. gone! She was a legend!

- Malek: Yeah! That's what you will become when you devote yourself to a goal.. to an idea! You become a legend!

Chapter II

Healing with fire

I always talk to my imaginary friends.. But they never answered! Please.. Answer me this one time! Is this where my tale ends? Half naked in this cold dark cell hopelessly waiting for my executioner to come and get me?!

- (And suddenly!): Water!!!

What was that? Is that you? You answered me?! No way! There is someone else in this cell isn't there?!

- Who.. Who's there?!!

- Someone sitting in the dark: Water!!

- What?!

- ... Water is the key to the new age! (Said with a deep but obviously feminine voice) And look who's standing in my prison cell! The water engineer! The key to salvation! And the gate way to change!

- Who are you?!

Then she stood up in the shadows and started walking slowly towards me.. I can only feel how heavy her steps were, almost shaking the ground.. She was a young woman! Maybe in her late twenties! Blond hair and super muscular arms tattooed with the most magnificent Amazigh symbols I've ever seen! I thought the Amazighs were extinct during the civil war! And then.. I saw her face! ...

- Don't be frightened young man!

- No... Not at all missy!

Her face was viciously disfigured.. Burned to the bone! You won't be able to distinguish but those beautiful gray eyes in the middle!! For a while there, I thought I saw Freddy Krueger!!

- Zenith.

- I know who you are!

- And you?

- My friends call me..: the Priestess!

I heard that name before! Rimass told me stories about the mighty revolutionary leader, the legendary Priestess! "The woman who led a thousand men to the gates of the capital"... "The Priestess's gaze can melt solid rocks!".. Wow!

- The Priestess (After a long awkward silence..): You're asking questions about my face! Aren't you?

- Will that make any difference? I'm interested in knowing the legend behind those scars!

- The Priestess: The system's hounds visited my home at night! They covered everything with gasoline and.. set ablaze! My boyfriend was barbequed, and I got out with no face ... Everything else was burnt, to the ground!

- So you too Priestess.. Motivated by nothing but vengeance!! What a shame!

- The Priestess: No!! (She seemed offended..) I never believed in vengeance! I believe in change! Nothing of what happened to me made me who I am! I'm on the war path because I've chosen to.. And about those scars, they're nothing but a reminder that my suffering was real!

- Indeed it was..

- The Priestess (With a psychopathic intimidating look on her already creepy face): Fire is nature's purifier! Her burning is.. Healing!

- So how did the legendary leader end up here?

- The Priestess: No no no no, I'm no leader! Freedom fighters do not believe in leaders! And the reason I'm caught here has nothing to do with the revolutionaries' ridiculous plans!

- You're not with the revolutionaries?

- The Priestess: I'm here on behalf of "The Eye of Shiva"!

- What's "The Eye of Shiva"?!

- The Priestess: A secret organization dedicated to restoring balance and freedom to the world after the apocalypse! A name cursed by every tyrant and feared by every government!

- Malek: So, who's the man you're trying to bust out?

- Rimass: His name is Aser Mokhtar, Zenith, a friend of ours.

- Malek: Freedom fighters are tortured and killed in the system's dark dungeons every day, what makes this guy so special?

- Rimass: He's no freedom fighter.. He's an engineer, they're using him to build the dam and save Tunisia's system from falling!

- Malek: Your plan is to stop the dam project?!

- Rimass (Confident): Yes!

- Malek: Look dear, if the system falls everyone will falls with it!

- Rimass: Are you sure you're with them?! I thought revolutionaries believed in self sacrifice!

- Malek: Are you sure you're the daughter of a pacifist journalist?

- Rimass: You know my father?

- Malek: My grandfather knew him! His name was Mansur Thibb,

- Ian (Turns to Rimass quickly)

- Rimass: Ian is saying that he knew your grandfather! He and my father were friends, until he betrayed him!

- Malek: haha! Betrayed him?! Whatever the mute guy told you I'm pretty sure it's not the truth!

- Rimass: And do you have the truth Malek?

- Malek: My grandfather was a super spy, your father's most reliable source of Intel for his journal, kept him always many steps ahead of the bad guys.. They formed a great team! But something seemed terribly wrong about your dad! He started disappearing for days at the time and meeting with suspiciously scary people! So….

- Rimass: ….So he started spying on him!

- Malek: Yes! And when he did he found out his darkest secret!! Mrs. Rimass, your father was working with the enemy!

- Rimass (Angry): My dad never worked for the system!!

- Malek: Not the system!! Even worst: "The Eye of Shiva"!

- Rimass: "The Eye of Shiva" does not exist, my friend.. It's nothing more than a wild fantasy! Rumors.. Stupid conspiracy theories and nothing else!

(Meanwhile.. In the presidential palace)

- The president (In tremendous pain): I.. I don't feel so good!

- The president's Doctor: You'll need to rest sir!

- Mr. Hanfewy: I had a vision from god! Your sudden illness is a warning about a dark future.. You must prevent it from happening! You must stop the work on the dam to save your life and everyone else's!

- The president: What!?! I won't believe this!

- Mr. Hanfewy (With a frightening voice! Echoing through the palace's halls..): You dare to question the message of god?! .. You dare to ignore your destiny and the fate of this country?!

- The president (Confused): No, This cannot be happening!! No! ... No!

- What is "The Eye of Shiva"'s purpose here?

- The Priestess: Don't you see? Tunisia has become a hellhole for suffering, poverty, ignorance and death! They sent me to accomplish exactly what you're here to accomplish: Making things change!

- You had a plan?

- The Priestess: You already met the evil chancellor and that stupid so called president, don't you think that with them taken care of, Tunisia will become a better place?

- I'm not really a fan of their actions but killing the country's rulers will not solve anything! It will make it descend into chaos!

- The Priestess: haha! And we are the children of chaos! She created the universe, what will destroy the old society will only open the door for a new one to grow!

- No!!

- The Priestess: "The Eye of Shiva" is destruction before recreation! She's London's fire, China's plague and Noah's flood! (She said with a maniacal smile!) You may think we're different but we're not Zenith.. We complete each other!! I engineered Tunisia's reckoning! After that you will step in and plan on building it again.. Building a new Tunisia!

- You're insane!! I'm so glad you're trapped here!

(In one of the capital's dark streets)

- Rimass: Answer the question man! Where is Aser Mokhtar?!

- I don't know!! I'm just a simple cop!

- Rimass: Every 5 seconds pass without you answering, Ian will crush one of your fingers so I suggest you speak quickly!

- Ian (Cuts his finger off!)

- The cop: AAAAAAh!!

- Rimass: Where.. is.. Aser Mokhtar! (Looks at Ian, Cruelty and hatred sparkling in her eyes) Do it again!!

- The cop: A… AAAh! No, stop! The engineer is currently in a dungeon right under the palace! The president already gave an order to stop the dam and execute him tomorrow morning!

- Rimass: Why would they do that?! Something really fishy is going on!

- The cop: You're too late revolutionaries!! Hail the system!

- Malek: Shut up! You have very interesting powers of interrogation Mrs. Rimass!

- Rimass: Looks like we have to infiltrate the presidential palace!

- Radio (suddenly): "All Tunisians are shocked tonight after they heard of the devastating loss…."

- Malek: What's…..

- Rimass: shsh!!

- Radio: "…His wife found him dead in his private dining room.. Passed away after what appears to be a severe heart attack…. The first chancellor Mr. Rashid Hanfewy will be announced as president until the next election take place…."

- Rimass: The president's dead?!

- Malek: It's him! Hanfewy did this!

- Rimass: Who is Hanfewy?

- Malek: The high chancellor, former minister of religion.. He assassinated the president for sure!

- Rimass: Why?!

- Malek: The president is just a figurehead, looks like he's no longer needed! You think this damn election matters?! Hanfewy is the real president for 15 years!

(The next morning.. In the dungeon of misery and despair)

- Radio: "The capital is invaded by protests and riots like we've never seen in 15 years! Thousands are gathering outside the presidential palace accusing Rashid Hanfewy of murdering the president and getting in the way of the dam project…."

- The Priestess: Looks like my friends out there have successfully started the fire!

- Of course!!! You! "The Eye of Shiva" is behind the riots!!

- The Priestess (Super exited!): When there are no more lies to sell! When the system's cage is rattled! Chaos will step in to restore balance! Behold Zenith! Mayhem has begun!!

Hanfewy that idiot! He gave "The Eye of Shiva" a golden opportunity to doom us all!! Tunisia's doomed!! I'm doomed!! Everyone's doomed!! I have to get out of here! … Wait, there is guards running toward us.. The execution's time!! It's the end of my tale isn't it?!!

- Rimass (Dressed as a prison guard): Hey!

- Rimass!!! (I screamed with immense joy!)

- Rimass: Protesters will soon be able to enter the palace! Let's get you out of here!

She came in with Ian and unlocked the cell.. I strongly hugged her!! I couldn't behave any different! But when I started kissing her lips Ian looked at me with murderous intent!

- The Priestess: hahah! (Mocking) Rimass dressed up as a cop?! Time has been cruel indeed!

- Rimass (Surprised): You?! You're alive!!

- We can't let her out Rimass! She's going to destroy everything!

- The Priestess: Stay out of my way Zenith!! (She said after violently pushing me towards the bars)

- Rimass: Wait what's your plan?!

- The Priestess: Killing Hanfewy!

- No! Stop her!

- The Priestess: Come on Rimass! You're a freedom fighter; don't be so low in faith!

- You will never learn!

She kicked me in the face again and ran.. Made my nose bleed this time! But I have to follow her!

This is too much!! Hanfewy, the riots.. And now the full force of "The Eye of Shiva" is here!

- We have to go after the Priestess!

- Rimass: No! We must help her.. Hanfewy is the real enemy here! And I'm not letting him build a new dictatorship while I'm sitting in the presidential palace!!

- Ian (Moving his hands to tell something)

- Rimass: More guards are coming!

- I'm going!

- Rimass: No! Wait!!

I left them fighting the guards while I went looking for her before she makes anything stupid! Watching the huge riots from the fancy windows of the palace.. The few guards struggling to stop thousands of pissed-off Tunisians! What a scary view! Tunisians!! Destruction isn't going to give you back your freedom! Please don't burn your country!! Like there is anything left to burn..

- Hanfewy (Upon a sudden!): Look who's here! Mr. Aser! Hanging around in the palace's halls! You came to continue the work on the dam haha?!

- You're sick! Evil!! The country's burning in front of your eyes!

- Hanfewy: Funny!

- We don't have to see Tunisia descend into mayhem! Please give up!! You have the power to end everything! Do it for Sarah!!

- Hanfewy: Yes yes I do have the power! (Holding me strongly by my hand trying to capture me!) In fact, I have the greatest power of all! I have you!! When the people find out that I have the key to their salvation, they will kneel to me like nothing happened! I'll rule here in my fortress! And you.. You are staying as my hostage!

Think fast! Think fast! Think fast! And in the blink of an eye, I kicked him and took his gun quickly!

- You will speak to the angry people right now and you will tell them you're giving up all your authority!

- Hanfewy (In pain): And if I don't?! You're going to shoot me Aser hahahaha AAAAAAh!

I shot him in the leg! And without hesitation!

- Don't make me do it again Hanfewy!!

- Hanfewy: You little rat!! You damn little…..

And suddenly..

- The Priestess?!

- The Priestess: Hi!

- Hanfewy (Shriveling in fear): Y.. You?!

- The Priestess (Pointing her big, badass weapon at his face!): You look nervous old man!! You're afraid of my face aren't you?!

- Don't!! Consider the consequences Priestess I'm begging you!

- The Priestess: Begging isn't really your thing! Neither is standing between the people and their oppressors!

- You don't represent the people! You're here to bring nothing but chaos!

- Hanfewy: Please! Have mercy!

- The Priestess: Mercy?! There's no mercy today old man! There's no mercy!!

I closed my eyes! And all I hear is that one single gunshot.. Followed by the sound of his body hitting the ground! Tunisia.. is gone! "The Eye of Shiva" has won!

- The Priestess: The revolution has begun Zenith! And now.. After the destiny of "The Eye of Shiva" is fulfilled! After Tunisia is.. Ashes! You'll be welcomed to step in and build a new one!

- Hanfewy (Dying): S Sarah! I'm sorry!...

- Sarah (Imagining her holding his hand): I wanted prosperity, you wanted power!!

- Hanfewy: I betrayed your cause…

- Sarah: Greed made you blind Rashid!

- Hanfewy: Sa.. Sarah!!

- Sarah: You tormented your own people! You corrupted your country.. And so yourself! I'm happy you're joining me now! To finally pay for what you did to me and to everyone else!

- Hanfewy: N..No Sarah!!

- Rimass (Quickly): Rioters have entered the palace Zenith! They're trying to burn everything we have to leave!!

- Let's go!!

We ran outside like crazy men! Trying to blend in with the people leaving behind the burning palace! Pure mayhem… Tunisians lost another war against themselves! And this time.. no one knows how cruel the future will be!!

- The Priestess (On the radio): "… Today, the system of Rashid Hanfewy was taken down by a group of revolutionaries, including me!! I will not tell you my identity because I'm not a main character in your glorious story.. We're not here as conquerors and we're definitely not here to take over North Africa! I believe you had enough rulers ruining your lives with lies! Your revolution... has... begun!!!!"

Chapter III

The rest is just.. Ashes!

October, 2040

(A small bar in Tebssa, Algeria)

- So you said you were there! In the palace, the day of the revolution!!

- Yes!

- And what is a revolutionary hero doing in this miserable town Mrs. Rimass?

- Rimass: 2039's revolution went terribly wrong! "Revolutionary heroes" now are being hunted! Many of them are gone already.. I was merely a witness of this chaotic event!

- That's sad!

- Rimass: What's your name again young man?

- Fares!

- Rimass: And where was Mr. Fares the day of the revolution?

- Fares: I was training in Europe, learning to fight! To finally come home! To Tunisia! And help change it to the better!

- Rimass: You remind me of someone I know! ... So you're going to Tunisia?

- Fares: Yes! Tomorrow actually!

- Rimass: Well great! I was planning on returning too! My uncle is in there I'm going to bring him here to safety! We can take the train together!

You're wondering how we ended up in Algeria right?! Well.. I'm wondering too! Rimass said I entered a long coma after the day of the revolution! So she, Ian and that spy boy Malek brought me here.. We're in hiding now because the new system is very serious about hunting me down! Was it the new Tunisia that the Priestess spoke about? Not exactly! We have less than one year until the full drought and Tunisians began to see death hanging in the horizon, I'd love to go back and put an end to all of this but time has not been kind since 2039's revolution.. The new system found a new Hellhound! A Fascist military dictator, Colonel Wolf! Marching all over the country with his massive army, uniting cities by conquering them.. Forming his own new farm: "The great North African empire"!

- Malek: Have you seen Rimass? She'll be late for breakfast!

- She didn't tell you right!

- Malek (Confused): Tell me what?

- She traveled to Tunisia early this morning!

- Malek: You allowed her to go back out there?!

- I wasn't able to interfere! No girl loves an overprotective boyfriend, Malek! Especially a girl who's freedom fighter!

- Malek: You're letting love obscure your reason again!

- Just shut up man!!

- Malek: I know you're dating her now because her overprotective mute boyfriend is not around anymore huh! Lucky lad!

- Perhaps you're talking to me like that because you never loved anyone before!

- Malek: I loved a boy once; I almost committed suicide after he was murdered in an armed robbery! I loved my father who was all I had left.. but he never did the same! Since the day I left him behind, love never ruined my life again!

- I understand brother.. I understand!

- Malek (Sad..): Did she tell you when she's coming back anyway?!

- Don't worry she'll be here next week!

(Meanwhile.. On a Tunisian train)

- "Destination: Tunisia.. Destination: Tunisia.. Destination: Tunisia…."

- Rimass: You're ready for the trip?

- Fares: I never been in a train before!

- Rimass: Oh really!!

- Train manager: Show me your passports please!

- Fares: Here it is!

- Rimass: Here it is sir!

- Train manager: So, missy! Is that the best fake ID you can come up with?!

- Rimass (Knowing she's in great trouble!): No sir I….

- Train manager: Guards!!

- Fares: Hey! Officer! Take these and go! (Handing him cash quickly!)

- Rimass: Oh thank you Fares! I don't know what to say..

- Fares: You're going to be fine now!

- "Welcome aboard the great North African empire's train! We wish you a... "

- Rimass: "The great North African empire"?! Oh no!!

- Fares: What's the problem?

- Rimass: The city I was planning on going to is not yet under Wolf's control! I'm in a very big problem right now!

- Fares (Confused): What empire Rimass? What's going on.. And who's Wolf?!

- Rimass: Wolf, Colonel Saleh Wolf, the dictator all dictators fear! The executioner in his free time! Whoever enters his territories.. a lot of times does not come back!

(Tuzor, Tunisia)

- Welcome to Tuzor.. Colonel! Would you like some tea? Tunisia's finest tea actually!

- Colonel Wolf: Governor, I heard you refused my little invitation for Tuzor to join the great empire! I expect you reconsider!

- The governor (With Confidence): Say this in front of Tuzor's citizens, and I will get nothing but a revolution! I don't have to remind you of what happened to Mr. Hanfewy huh! The citizens refuse to join your empire.. Therefore, I refuse too!

- Colonel Wolf (With a cold impression on his face): I'm not asking you for favors here Governor! I'm expressing my expectations! And as I told you.. I'm expecting you reconsider!

- The governor (Super frustrated): Listen I know why you have special interests in Tuzor while you don't even care about other cities that need your help much more than we do!! I know that everything you think about right now is our lands rich in oil and gas!!

- Colonel Wolf (Stays very calm)

- The governor: You're a man of war Colonel! A war addict! I will never let the great state of Tuzor fall in your dirty hands!

- Colonel Wolf (Suddenly gets very angry and stands up violently!!): I was fighting terrorists in the high mountains of Syria while you were still in playing around in primary school drinking milk Mr. governor! Never talk with me about war like that! This already is a war! (He said with a look on his face that put the fear of god right into the governor's chest..) You will join! Or you will die, right along everyone who dares to stand in my way!

(Several days later..)

- What do you mean she's not with you?! She left us a week ago to join you in Tunisia!

- Uncle Zouhair (On the phone): No Zenith! She's never been here!

- Then where is she?!

- Malek: What's going on?!

- We're going back to Tunisia!

- Malek: You mean "Tunisia Tunisia".. Or "empire Tunisia"?

- "Empire Tunisia", Rimass is trapped in there!

- Malek: You can't make decisions like that!! Every cop, every soldier and every "Eye of Shiva" secret operative is looking for you Zenith! You're not just some random fugitive! You're the key to Tunisia's future! Whoever controls you controls water! And life!

- There's no decision making process here brother! I'm going back to help get Rimass out and you won't do anything about it!

- A soldier: Colonel, two new cities agreed to join!

- Colonel Wolf: Is that it?!

- Soldier (Afraid): No sir I.…

- Colonel Wolf (Immediately grabs a gun and shoots him in the shoulder!!): I warned you before soldier! Bad news first!!

- A soldier (Screaming in pain): S Sorry sir!!

- Another soldier: It's the water crisis sir! Tunisia's clock is ticking; One year from now, we won't have a single drop of water!

- Colonel Wolf: Any news on the man called Aser Mokhtar?

- The other soldier: We just received Intel on him returning to Tunisia sir! I already sent several troops and professional man-hunters to track him down!

- Colonel Wolf: Great! (Sadistically smiling) And tell them to shoot his arms and legs first! We don't want him to escape this time!

I left our safe apartment in Tebssa with Malek last night.. Joined several African immigrants in the back of an old arms smuggling truck, trying to cross the borders undetected…

- W.. Where I'm I?!

- You've lost your way Zenith! Let me help you!

- The Priestess?! No way! You're dead! Very very dead! We saw your body on the newspapers!!

- The Priestess: I'm no longer a human Zenith! I'm an idea! Ideas are very immortal!

- This is a nightmare!

- The Priestess: "The Eye of Shiva"'s destiny is fulfilled! The new Tunisia is being born! And you are its symbol!

- No!! I don't want to hear your lies!!

- The Priestess: I've never been a liar!

- Nooooooooo!!

I opened my eyes quickly! It was just a bad dream! A very bad dream! … The Priestess.. She's haunting me!

- Malek (Heard me screaming..): Another nightmare?!

- Yes.

- The truck driver: That's as far as can go! You can travel on foot from here young men!

- Malek: Thanks sir!

- Thanks!

I thought I'll never be here again.. in the hideout.. It looks messy as usual, and the professor.. he was never the same since he heard about Rimass..

- Nice to see you again professor!

- Uncle Zouhair: Do you have anything on Rimass?!

- As long as she's trapped in the North African empire we can't call her! All phone signals are blocked! Going in to save her is the only way!

- The uncle: I know this look at your face.. The same look on Rimass's face when Hanfewy's men kidnapped you.. It's love! Surrounding like a fog making it hard to see.. and to think! Rimass will never risk you being captured by Wolf!

- I'm not afraid of him! (I seemed confidence)

- The uncle: Don't lie to me I know you are. And you should be! He's a monstrosity.. He'll kill you just for fun after you build that dam for him! And you must know that he's holding a huge grudge against you!

- Why?!

- The uncle: Because many years ago, a terrorist warlord in Syria hired a mercenary.. to assassinate him!

- Oh my god! The mercenary was my father!!

- The uncle (Smiling): Coincidences huh?!

- I stopped believing in coincidences a long time ago professor!

- Malek: Do you have any food here sir?!

- Where were you?!

- Malek: Relax Zenith! I was in the bathroom!

- The uncle: I know how strong-headed you kids are! But think of what may happen if you go in there!

- Malek: He already made up his mind, or else we wouldn't be hanging around in this.. scary place! There is no use stopping him now!!

- The uncle: Have you at least thought of a way out of the empire for the second stage of your plan?

- I'm still working on that part!

- The uncle: What?!

Suddenly we hear a great explosion outside the hideout! A terrifying noise!

- What was that!

- Malek: Soldiers! They found us!

- The uncle: How?!

- I don't know but we need to get out of here!

- The uncle: You two go! I'll stay here and hold them off as long as I can!! (Pulling a weapon he was hiding in his pants!)

- Soldiers: Open the door!!

- We're not leaving you behind!!

- Soldiers: Hand over Aser Mokhtar and surrender yourself!!

- The uncle (Seemed very calm!): There's a tunnel that will take you inside the empire's territory! Go!!

- Malek: Let's go Zenith!!

- Come on professor!!!

- The uncle: Tell Rimass I'm sorry boy!

- Nooooo!

He pushed me inside the tunnel before locking the secret door on himself!!

- Soldiers (Blasting the door and rushing into the hideout!): Weapon on the floor and hands in the air old man!!

- The uncle: Get out of my house you dirty blood hounds! AAAAAAAAh! (They shot him in the stomach!!!) AAAAAAh!

- Soldier: Where's Aser Mokhtar?! Answer me or die!

- The uncle (Can barely speak): We're freedom fighters! (A small smile appears on his face covered with blood).. We w win.. Or we die t trying to! H hhh!

And while we're halfway through the tunnel, we hear an even greater blast that made the ground shaking under our feet!

- Nooooooooooooo!!! ..

The uncle detonated some bomb blowing the hideout to hell, with him inside! Sacrificing his life to kill all the soldiers and clear all the evidence!

- Malek (Pulling me by my hand): Don't stop now!!

We ran as fast as we could.. And when we saw that bit of light in the end of the tunnel.. Malek couldn't be happier, but me.. I kept crying! My eyes drowning in burning tears… Rest in peace.. Professor!

- What is this place?!

- Malek: I don't know!

And before we noticed, there was this.. man.. up on the hill! Pointing his gun at us!

- Fares: Hey! Hey you!! You're under arrest for crimes against North Africa!

- Malek: Who is that?!

- He doesn't look like an empire soldier for me!

- Fares (Confused): Neither do you! I guess?!

- Malek (Even more confused): What?!

- Who the hell are you?!

- Fares: I'm Fares; the ruler and the protector of this village by the authority given to me by… by the people!! The question is: .. Who are you?

- I'm Aser Mokhtar and this is Malek!

- Fares: You're Zenith?!

- Yes!!

- Fares: Rimass told me so much about you!

- Malek: You know Rimass?!

- Fares: I was with her in the train! I helped her pass security with her obviously fake ID!

- You know her whereabouts now?!

- Fares: Before we split up, she told me that she's heading to the northwestern woods! Hiding in her father's cabin until she figures a way to get out of the empire!

- We'll get her! Then we'll get out of here one way or the other!

- Malek (Suddenly): Zenith! Someone's watching us! There!!

- Fares: Oh don't worry about those guys! They work with the revolutionary, the mute warrior!

- Ian?!

- Malek: Ian?!

- Take us to him!!!

The revolutionaries took us to a dark valley.. Surrounded by mountains soared into the sky!

- What happened to your village Fares?!

- Fares: There was a battle, years ago... Ancient history for many Tunisians!

- It looked very.. empty!

- Fares: It wasn't, 16 years ago! It was like most Amazigh villages, full of life.. and hope! Until the system's soldiers raided us with their machineguns! Came in their bulletproof vehicles and motorcycles.. Destroyed our homes, Burned our fields and unleashed upon us their terrible hounds to hunt us down one by one until there was no one left.. but me! One million Amazighs all over Tunisia had the same fate! All wiped out during the civil war.. A crime planned and led by one man: Colonel Wolf himself!!

- So this is why you're not trying to get out of the empire! You're here to….

- Fares: ….To kill Wolf!

We kept walking and chatting.. Until we reached a secret passage that led us to another world: Water tanks everywhere, boxes filled with weapons, the delicious scent of cooked food mixed with the fresh mountain air and kids playing football between thousands of tents! It's a secret camp!! Right under Wolf's nose! And here he is!! ..

- Hey Ian!!

- Malek: Hi!

- How are you man?!!

He looked at me oddly! But I felt like he was glad to see me!

- Ian (Turns his head towards his men after quickly shaking my hand)

- A revolutionary: I'm sorry master, they said they knew you and….

- Ian, it's Rimass! We need to grab her and get out of the empire! The hideout's location is burnt and the uncle is.. dead! (Putting my hand on his shoulder) I'm sorry!

- Ian (Showing clear sadness while moving his hands to tell me something)

- A revolutionary: The master says we're running out of water! If the dam isn't working soon, none of these people will survive!

- Oh no!

- Another revolutionary: He's also telling you that someone in that tent over there wants to see you!

- Who? (I asked but nobody answered me..) .. Well ok but we need to hurry! Malek stay here I'll be right back!

(In the capital..)

- Colonel Wolf: I trust you have good news!

- A soldier: Actually sir.. We discovered the place where Aser Mokhtar used to hide! But a terrorist managed to blow the site.. Killing several soldiers and himself.. Aser escaped again!

- Colonel Wolf: You damn idiots!! Give me one reason why I shouldn't….

- Another soldier (Interrupting him..): One more thing sir!

- Colonel Wolf: What?!!

- The soldier: There are some people in the capital's airport who requested an audience with you! They said they're from the University of Bucharest!

- Colonel Wolf: Get them on the phone!

- The soldier: Here it is sir!

- Mr. Frusck (On the phone): Good evening Colonel Wolf! I heard so much about you!!

- Colonel Wolf: Who's talking?!

- Mr. Frusck: I'm Jonas Frusck; I came personally from Romania to negotiate with you the terms of delivering Mr. Aser Mokhtar to us and I brought a lot of money! I heard he's in your custody right?!

- Colonel Wolf: Yeah that's true Mr. Frusck! We do have him for sure!! How much do you have?!

- Mr. Frusck: Two million dollars!

- Colonel Wolf: Have them delivered safely to my bank account.. Now!

- Mr. Frusck: Not until I get the engineer!

- Colonel Wolf: I will not give up my only advantage! Have my money transferred, then I'll let you have him!

- Mr. Frusck (Minutes later): Done and done Colonel! Now, where's Aser Mokhtar?!

- Colonel Wolf: Can you pass the phone to the soldier who was escorting you please!

- Mr. Frusck: Of course!

- Colonel Wolf: Soldier?

- The soldier: Yes sir! .. They insisted on having Mokhtar immediately sir!

- Colonel Wolf: Well.. Shoot them! Shoot them all!!

- The soldier: But what if....

- Colonel Wolf: ….If Romanian investigators came and asked questions.. Tell them an anarchist terrorist organization named "The Eye of Shiva" did this!

- The soldier: As you wish sir!

- Colonel Wolf: Goodbye Mr. Frusck! Happy doing business with you!

(In the revolutionaries' secret camp)

- A revolutionary: In here Mr. Zenith!

- Wait you haven't told me who I'm meeting with! ….

- Hahahaha! Zenith!

I know this voice.. This maniacal laugh! She's here isn't she.. The Priestess!!

- The Priestess: You never thought you'll see me again but I know you wished you will.. Did you? Zenith!

- I thought you were….

- The Priestess: ….dead? Huh! The Priestess is an idea! Ideas are very immortal!

- But apparently "ideas" can have their legs blown off!

- The Priestess: I stepped on a land mine! It was painful but this is not the time for….

- Straight to the point Priestess! What do you want from me?!

- The Priestess: Nothing at all! But I know what you do want from me!

- You don't know anything about me!

- The Priestess: You want to build a new Tunisia!! You want to change! You want to fulfill the mission you charged yourself with since you left Romania but you don't know how to do it!

- You have no right! It's you who destroyed Tunisia with your little "Eye of Shiva" palls! You turned everything into ash!! And now you talk about my weakness!

- The Priestess: You're not weak, you're afraid.. But you were never a coward! You are afraid of me yet here you are standing in front of me with full confidence... You are afraid of Tunisia but you came back twice!

- Things have changed! I sacrificed so much to help save Tunisia but I….

- The Priestess: I sacrificed things too Zenith, my boyfriend, my home, my face! And now my legs! The difference is that you.. you ran away! I on the other hand, never did!

- Whatever! You were always talking about chaos and revolution and the new Tunisia! Then you assassinated Rashid Hanfewy and opened the door for the worst tyrant we can think of!!

- The Priestess: I heard a lot about him! But it seems like I underestimated his real power! You must deal with him before we all die of thirst!

- But I'm weak! And alone! How can I face an entire army?!

- The Priestess: You're right! Change cannot be made by one man.. But remember! As soon as he's triggered, he can never be stopped!

She stood up! Hardly walking with those synthetic legs and approaching me.. Her eyes looking at me.. Her scary face uncomfortably getting closer and closer to mine! And then.. She kissed me!! I resisted at first but I suddenly gave up... After that.. She kept smiling, so I smiled back! It was.. the most awkward thing I've gone through!

- I must go now!

- The Priestess: Zenith wait!!

- What?

- The Priestess (Smiling): I love your hair!

- Thanks!

- Let's go!

- Malek: Who was it inside that tent?

- A nobody, just.. A random fan wanted to say hi!

- A small boy (Approaching me): Are you going to save us Mr. Mokhtar? (Said with the most innocent voice I've ever heard!)

- Of course little one!

- The child: Can I be an engineer like you someday?

- If you spend enough time dreaming of being something! Your dream will definitely become true! (Giving him a small pocketknife that my father left for me, I never used it!) You can keep this little one!

- The child: Thanks!! (Then gently hugged me and ran back to his tent..)

- A revolutionary: The master says he has a jeep waiting for you! Supplied with food and water for your trip!

- You're not coming with us Ian?

- Ian (Moving his head left and right slowly)

- Revolutionary: He's saying it's his duty to stay here and protect this community!

- Thank you Ian! Thank you so much!

- Ian (Smiles and hugs me!!)

When I looked at his eyes this time, I saw something new.. Something different! Not a terrorist cop-butcher! At the contrary! I saw growth, compassion and peace.. I saw love!

We took the jeep, driving with no stop! I missed her so much!

The trip to the northwest was.. weird! Driving on the empire's lands and looking at Tunisia's full history in front of our eyes.. We saw destroyed buildings and new ones too, tanks, markets, cops, ancient castles, trees and flames! We saw dead bodies on the road! The world maybe had to witness an apocalypse but Tunisia went through much more! Tunisia's apocalypse is a curse we unleashed upon ourselves!

- Malek: We're here!

- Rimass lives here?!

We found ourselves in front a spooky wooden cabin.. Like it just came out of a bad horror movie! Lone in a burned forest surrounded by fog.. But inside the black ashes, there were tiny green flower buds all over the place! ..The woods are coming back to life after being "healed" by fire! And so will Tunisia!

- Here she is!! Rimass! Rimass!!

- Rimass (Far away but she sees us!): Zenith?! (She screamed..) Zenith you came for me hahahahahh!!!

- Yes! Yes I did my love!! (Kissing her over and over!!....)

My father has always told Mum that "life is a long dark tragic battle, with only seconds of happiness within!".. And today.. I knew he was right!

- Malek (Pulling his pistol and pointing it toward us!!!): Sometimes you put on a mask until the mask becomes your face! Isn't that true?! .. Zenith!

- Rimass: W... What are you doing?!

- Put that thing down Malek and come to your senses now!!!

- Malek: You're not in a position where you can give me orders my friend! Not anymore! Now you'll come with me, there's someone who's dying to meet you! In fact.. He's on his way right now!

- You've been working for him this whole time!! You're working for the Colonel aren't you?! You betrayed our location!! The professor is dead because of you!!!

- Rimass: Uncle?!

- Malek: There's no shame in joining the winning side Zenith! Especially when the winning side is actually.. Your father!

- You.. You're Wolf's son?!

- Wolf (Out of nowhere! ...): Smart as ever Mr. Zenith!!

Walking with dozens of his men through the fog! ...

- Colonel Wolf: Take those two to the car!

- Malek!! After everything we've been through! Why?!!

He punched me in the damn face.. Without hesitation!

- Malek (Very proud): You brought me back to Tunisia Zenith, Thanks to you I reconnected with my father! And now that I successfully captured you! He'll forgive me for leaving him and will finally welcome me back!! Right dad?!

- Colonel Wolf (Mocking): I'm still wondering how a mercenary's son could ever become an engineer?!

- Not as much as I'm wondering how the young revolutionary turned out to be the son a tyrant!!

- Malek (Punching me again): Shut up!!

- Colonel Wolf: It's funny how the son of the man they once sent to assassinate me is now the key to all my dreams!! You will come with me Aser! And you will get that dam working!! I'll sell water and energy for desperate countries.. and the rogue states will be forced to join me!

- Rimass: Go to hell!

- Fine!! I'll do as you command! Just let her go ok?!

- Rimass (Screams): Zenith don't!

- Colonel Wolf: Ah I see! Haha! It's love!!! Love.. Love.. Hey you!!

- A soldier: Yes sir?!

- Colonel Wolf (With a wide sadistic evil smile): Kill … her!

- Noooooooooooo!!

- Malek: Father wait!!

- Colonel Wolf: What?!

- Malek: We're not alone!

.. And suddenly!

- Fares: Saleh Wolf!! For crimes against North Africa! … By the authority given to me by the people of this country! … And with the huge personal desire to rip you in half of course!! I place you under arrest and condemn you to death!

- Rimass: Fares?!

- Colonel Wolf: Hahah! Do you hear this, men?! This poor landsman wants to arrest me!!

Fares, Ian and behind them hundreds of badass revolutionary fighters with big guns.. Came out through the thick fog and marched towards us!

- Colonel Wolf (Mocking): And what are my charges I wonder?!

- Fares: Countless crimes including conspiring to occupy Tunisia, torture, murder, high treason and genocide that wiped out one million free Amazighs off the face of the earth!!

- Colonel Wolf: Oh! I understand now! (Raising his gun in the air) Attaaaack!!

- Fares (Screaming): Show no mercy!!!

The battle for Tunisia's destiny.. Has begun!

- Rimass: Zenith!!!

- Stay close to me!!

Silence faded away in all the gunshots from all sides!! I must hide until this mess is over! No I must fight! My future and everyone else's hangs in the balance! I can't risk my life here! Nooo! The voices in my head! They're back!

- Colonel Wolf (Running and shooting without even looking!): Go!!!!!

- Fares: Take this! (Punch!)

- Malek: No you take this!! (Kick!)

The scent of blood and fear quickly filled the forest's air! And....

- Rimass: Get down!!

- Thank you!

Ian came in and freed us from the handcuffs in a blink of an eye!

- Rimass: Come on let's get you somewhere safe until this mayhem's over!

- No Rimass! No more hiding! No more leaving when people need us!!

I immediately grabbed a gun and started shooting! One soldier to the next!!

- Rimass: Hey behind you!!!

She shot a soldier sneaking on us!

- Thanks again love!

- Malek (Injured): No... No! Father!

- Fares: Your son's dying Colonel! You may want to help him!

- Colonel Wolf: Like I care!! (Pushing Fares towards the sharp rocks!) He'll die as well as you!

- Fares (In pain but still smiling): Hh! Take a look around you.. Saleh Wolf!!

- Revolutionaries: Yeeeeess!!

- Soldiers: Retreat!! Retreat!!!

- We did it!!

- Colonel Wolf (Super pissed-off): No! Damn cowards!

And I turned around to only see Wolf grabbing Fares's head.. And in his other hand a big dagger! I couldn't sit here watching while he decapitates the man!

- Colonel Wolf: For the empire!! (Suddenly he started screaming!) AAAAAAAh! AAAAAAAh!!

I shot him! The bullet was so powerful it ripped his entire arm off!!

- Fares (Taking a pistol and putting it directly in his mouth): Not so tough now huh! Are you Colonel?

- Fares no!!

- Fares: I'm avenging my people Zenith!

- Rimass (Holding Ian's hand): A good friend once told me: "vengeance will not magically resurrect my parents" (Looking at me!) It won't resurrect yours either Fares!

- Colonel Wolf (Full of anguish, and rage): Pathetic!! You know something Zenith! Hh! Your father was in the same position you're in now! Had me pinned down, and injured.. But refused to finish the job! He showed a huge weakness! And gave me the chance to make a hole in his brain hahah!!!

- Shut the hell up! (I kicked him in the face!)

- Fares: Let me shut him up for good!!!

- Don't! (Taking away his gun!) Killing this man will not bring you peace! Nor to Tunisia!

And without anyone noticing.. The Hellhound quickly took Rimass's gun and shot.. me?!!

When I closed my eyes accepting my fate, I heard a gunshot followed by two others! Rimass and Fares put two bullets in the Wolf's skull after he fired, but! I'm totally fine! No pain at all!! Did he miss?!

Suddenly I look down! I see Ian's chest covered in blood! He jumped in front of me without thinking twice!! Took the bullet for himself! It infiltrated his heart and he.. didn't make it!! Sacrificing everything for Tunisia! We all cried that day!!.. But I made a promise to his soul! I'll make sure his sacrifice wasn't in vain! … I'll put an end to this sad story!

When we returned to the capital with all our grief, I had to do what no other leader has done! Speak directly to the people of this country! And my speech was.. Epic!

- "Today, a new Tunisia is born! Born out of revolution.. and sacrifice! A revolution that built not destroyed! A revolution that showed compassion.. And showed strength in the face of those who ruined our country!"

- The Crowds (Yelling!!): Yeaaaaah!!!

- Rimass & Fares: Yeaaaaaaaah!!!

- "We lost enough men to this mayhem! We lost friends, lovers, parents and protectors! But no more!! No more guns!!"

- The Crowds: No more!!!

- "No more chaos!!"

- The Crowds: No more!!!

- "No more!! No more executioners!"

- The Crowds: Yeaaaaaaaah!!!

- "In a few months elections will be initiated! And until that time, Mrs. Rimass and Mr. Fares will start reuniting all of Tunisia's divided lands.. Meanwhile I will personally start working on the great Tunisian dam and every home will have full and free access to water and energy! "

- The Crowds: Yeaaaaaaaah!!! Hail Zenith! Hail Zenith! Hail Zenith! ....

- "No no no no no not me! All hail Tunisia!!!!! "

Yes.. Tunisia! I will never forget her story.. And how it changed me!

The End!

(Or so you would think!..)

(5 months later..)

- Rimass: Someone's calling you Zenith!

- On my way sweetie!

- Rimass: Hurry!!

- H Hi.. The prime minister of Tunisia speaking!

- (On the phone..): You're enjoying the new Tunisia Zenith?

- Priestess? Is that you?!

- The Priestess: Hahah!

- … Where are you Priestess?!

- The Priestess: Don't try following me Zenith, I'm far away.. For now!

- I missed you!!

- The Priestess: I wish we could chat longer but.. I have an appointment with some very special friends!

- "The Eye of Shiva"! ... You're planning to strike Tunisia again aren't you?!

- The Priestess: Goodbye!

- No wait! Priestess! Priestess please wait! .. Damn it she ended the call!!

- Rimass: Who was it?!

- N.. No one, just.. My assistant asking for something!

(Meanwhile.. in Osaka, Japan)

- A masked man: Is everything alright?!

- The Priestess: Absolutely! Everything's going according to the plan my love!!

(Wait for Mayhem's Hellhounds II!)

By: Badis Zammouri