62. Prince and the Fusion, Origins ~Cheque Please~

Miguel reawakens at the dead of the night.

The seven all crossed their arms in front of Miguel JoJo, who is chained to a chair.

"Hey, Finn!" shouted Spongebob. "Slap Mr. JoJo in the face!"


"Where's Mr. Krabs!?" asked Spongebob.

"Who's Mr. Krabs?" asked Darwin.

"Right..." said Spongebob. "Looks like you have to slap him again so I can ask him another question."


"Where's Mr. Krabs!?" shouted Spongebob. "Barnacles! I asked the wrong question again! Finn?"


"Where's Spongebob... OH!!! BA HA HA HA HA HA!!!" laughed Spongebob. "I'm Spongebob! Slap 'im again!"






"WAIT!!!" shouted Miguel. Star Platinum grabs Finn's hand. He nods as Star Platinum lets go. "You must be asking who I am, right? I am Miguel JoJo, and you are all in danger-..."

"No," said Patrick.


"No, Patrick," said Spongebob. "We were asking him who he is."

"Oh... Too bad he's out-cold now," said Patrick.

Miguel is knocked out once more, drooling some blood.

"Oops," said Finn. "Sorry... PB said I was kinda mutated or whatever... Must be another word for magic."

The seven stare at each other silently.

"So... You guys like any anime?" asked Josuke.


Stephen Rivers, in a helicopter, saves all of the people in Cebu from the ongoing battle as he leads them out using a helicopter.

Suddenly, a large explosion happened.

Stephen looked outside.

"Oh no..." said Stephen.

Suddenly, Stephen was sucked into a portal with his helicopter.




Damaso and the three turn to the right to see a large helicopter crash.

"Wait... Why'd you bring what's his name here?" asked Anne.

"Stephen!" shouted Miguel, waving his hands.

For some reason, Stephen was unscathed by the crash.

Now... after several hours of being beaten with the words, "WHERE'S MR. KRABS!?"

Miguel wakes up once more.

"Where's Mr. Krabs?!" asked Spongebob.

Time stopped.

Time resumed.

"Okay... that's enough of that," said Miguel, who is now unchained.

Everyone else is now on the ground, knocked out.

Miguel sighs in relief.

"Welp... To Kars Industries," said Miguel. Miguel picks up all of the kinda underage cartoon characters and puts them in an ice cream van he stole. "This feels weirdly wrong."


The seven are chained up in seven chairs. From left to right, Josuke, Finn, Jake, Spongebob, Patrick, Gumball, and Darwin each wake up in a dark room. Spongebob and Patrick are tied to especially tiny chairs to match their sizes.

"Where are we?" asked Josuke.

"I'll show you where you are!" shouted Miguel, preparing Star Platinum. "WHERE'S MR.-!!!"

"Sweetie, calm down. It's over," said Anne.

A baby crying could be heard nearby.

"Oh no," said Anne. "You woke the baby up." Anne walks away and enters another room.

"Whoa! That lady looks like Anne!" shouted Josuke. "And you look like me! And that guy with no legs over there looks like an adult version of my little brother! What... What is happening right now!? WHOA!!!"

" I am Miguel JoJo, and you are all in danger," said Miguel. "My dimension was destroyed by a serial killer who lives among you in this town. Her name is Yoshiko Kira. On this Earth, I don't know her real name."

For some reason, that name clicked in Josuke's head.

"Interesting!" shouted Josuke.

"Boring!" shouted Patrick. "You're wrong, little boy! This isn't interesting! This is massively boring! I, a student of Wumbology, should know this. Can I please get a Krabby Patty now?"

"I can turn into a frog and get smaller!"

"I used one of my Stands to disable yours," said Miguel. "Now, listen."

"This feels like History Class," said Gumball. "This is boring."

"I have an idea," said Darwin. "We turn these collars off and on again..."

"We can't move our arms, though," said Finn.

"If we believe in ourselves, maybe we can!" shouted Josuke.

"That must be true! That sounds true enough!" shouted Spongebob.

"Astral Projection, boys!" shouted Jake. Jake immediately takes a nap while the others close their eyes.

"Believe!" they each whispered. "Believe!"

Miguel facepalm.

"I need your help," said Miguel. "Our Universes are endangered... I've had a vision. Seven of you fight an Angel of Death like I was. This is your fate. You guys are meant to be seven heroes meant to save your dimensions. And I promise I'll help you..."

The seven giggle excitedly.

"Wait!" shouted Finn. "How do we know you aren't lying?"

"Jedan?" asked Miguel.

"Whoa! You know Jedan-!!?" asked Josuke.

Suddenly, tentacles entered their heads as they saw visions of what happened next. A cat, a skeleton, plankton, a cyclops, and an insectoid vampire.

They go back to reality.

"Whoa..." said the seven, as they start giggling excitedly once more.

"So... it's your destiny to save the four... five! Five worlds to face your destinies," said Miguel. "But you need my help. And... to help me, you need to save my destroyed world."

"HOORAY!!!" shouted the seven.

"Wait... Why would we need your help?" asked Patrick.

"Because I can do this," said Miguel, as he tries to stop time. "STAR-!!!"

"I've seen enough," said Patrick. "You get the job, sir."

"But... I didn't even do anything yet," said Miguel.

"What can you do?" asked Finn.

"I can control time and souls," said Miguel.

"Cool!" smiled Finn. "But how did you disable our magical powers?"

"Those magical powers are called Stands. They are a physical representation of your personality, mind, and spirit. Your Stand is essentially a physical form of your soul," explained Miguel.

"Whoa," said Finn. "So... you can control Stands?"

"I can only control Stands that are 15 meters within my radius," explained Miguel. "I can't control Stands that are outside my 15-meter radius."

"Wait... Why are we tied up like this?" asked Patrick, suspecting Miguel.

"Yes! Why would I tie you up after BEATING ME TO SUBMISSION EVEN THOUGH I WAS ALREADY SUBMITTING!!!?" shouted Miguel.

"Why would you?" asked Patrick. "That's pretty sus if you'd ask me."

"N-No..." Miguel facepalmed. "That was a rhetorical question."

"And I gave you a pretty rhetorical answer. You're sus," said Patrick.

"'Rhetorical' means 'done for an effect...'" Miguel sighs. "Hay Naku... Jessica should've told me that you people are kinda..."

"Imaginative?" asked Darwin.

"Radical?" asked Finn.

"Jewish?" asked Josuke.

"Stupid. I was going to say stupid," said Miguel. "Also, Jewish people are what you call Israelites."

"Oh!" shouted Josuke. "My mom said that her friend hated Jews! Thought 'Jewish' meant happy people."

"They're happy in their own ways," said Miguel. "Now, do we have a deal?"

The seven look at each other. They turn to Miguel and nod at him.

"So I'll let you go now?" asked Miguel.

The seven nod.

Time stopped.

Time resumed.

They are now unchained.

"GET HIM!!!" shouted Patrick. "COME ON, BOYS!!! ATTACK HIM!!!"

Nothing happens.

"Uh oh," said Patrick, as he sees Star Platinum teleport before him. "His imaginary friend looks kinda mad."

Star Platinum hammers Patrick to the ground with its fist, knocking him out.

"Anyone else?" asked Miguel.

"Ooh! I've got one!" smiled Josuke. "I once saw my mom's boyfriend doing it with him! How's that for an attack? We have the same mom so that must've traumatized you, huh?!"

The people around him stare at Josuke.

"Oh!" shouted Josuke. "You mean to attack him physically... not psychologically! I getcha!"

"Cheque please," said Finn.