111. VaN Part VI Silver Chariot Part II ~HORA HORA ...




Gumball's arm is pierced by Silver Chariot's blade.

Gumball finally brings out his second Stand.

A smaller Weird Like U.N. Me emerged from Gumball.

"GANGNAM STYLE!!!" yelled Gumball, as the Stand prepared a tiny coin from Gumball's pocket. It spins it and shoots it toward Silver Chariot.



Chariot's leg is shot by the attack as the coin boomerangs back in Gumball's hand.

"THE GENTLEMAN!!!" yelled Darwin, as Darwin transforms into a horse and his Stand, The Gentleman, rides on his back and blasts hundreds of bullets toward Silver Chariot, who successfully blocks the attacks with its rapier.

The Stand is a humanoid Stand with two goggles for eyes and has black and white stripes on its body. It is cloaked with an Americana. It carries a machine gun.

"HORA!!! HORA!!! HORA!!!"

*shing shing SHING shing shing*

Silver Chariot slashes the blade around toward the pair as Gumball and Darwin backflip away and slide on the hand and feet as they charge toward the Stand Armor once more.

"RAUGH!!!" yelled the pair.

Darwin gallops toward her as The Gentleman blasts its bullets toward Silver Chariot, who spins and slashes its sword toward Darwin, who transforms into a dragonfly. The Gentleman blasts its bullets toward Chariot. Some bullets reach the ground and have misfires, so the civilians run away.

"*bzz bzz bzz* (I'm sorry!)" yelled Dragonfly Darwin.

Silver Chariot blasts wind toward Darwin as he is thrown meters away. Gumball shoots another coin as the coin phases through Silver Chariot. Silver Chariot then lunges its blade toward Gumball's face. Gumball spins as his Stand, Weird, blasts a kick into her face. She dodges and slices toward Gumball. Gumball backflips and lands on his feet as Weird blasts punches toward her.


*pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow pow... POW!!!*

Silver Chariot blocked everything with its left hand, as Silver Chariot phases out of reality.

An earthquake occurs as Gumball loses his sense of balance and gains vertigo.

Silver Chariot appears from behind him and lunges its rapier again.

Gumball blasts a coin by accident as it bounces on a street light and into Jessica's arm, the one with the rapier. Gumball runs away but trips and stumbles backward as Jessica manages to plunge her sword into his leg.

"AAAAAH!!!" Gumball screamed in pain as he shot Silver Chariot in the face by accident. Though lucky was the shot and Gumball was let go, Gumball ends up backing away as a frisbee knocks into his face.


"What is happening!?"

"The luck of your shot is inversely proportional to your own luck," said Jessica. "At least, that's what I think is happening."

Gumball shoots another coin and blasts her in the chest. She coughs blood.

Suddenly, Gumball's coins all fall out of his pocket.

"Oh, no!" he whimpered, as he tried to pick up all of his coins again.

Silver Chariot zooms toward Gumball as she is shot by Darwin from above, who is now an eagle.



She launches her rapier out of her holder and stabs Darwin in the chest as he morphs back to his original self.

He drops flat on the ground, bleeding.

"Darwin!" Gumball growls at her and charges as he tosses a coin at her. The Spin energies resonated around Gumball.

"Spin is a state of Hamon moving in perfect rotation. The spinning must equal the Golden Spiral. The energy may be destructive or constructive, depending on the way you manipulate the vibrations that come from the energy source.Just focus on the movement of the coin... its vibrations and its slow approach toward null motion: Zero."

Gumball's eyes resonate with fury. "Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa-!"

*beep beep beep beep*

Gumball calls someone from his phone.

"Hello? Mr. Reaper? We need your help!" yelled Gumball. "There's this crazy lady from your old photos and she's trying to kill us."

Gumball struggles to dodge her attacks as she plunges her sword toward Gumball.



*zzt zzt*

The cellphone is stabbed by Silver Chariot.

"HORA!!! HORA!!! HORA!!!"

Gumball jumps on a table behind him and blocks her attack with a chair. He then throws the chair on her as she slices it in half. He throws stuff like chairs, umbrellas, plates, glasses, and utensils at her, which she all cut clean in half.

He sees Darwin, still struggling to stand right back up.

"RAUGH!!!" he yells, as he leaps and hugs her face.

"GAH!!!" she yelled. "Fucking off of me, you little twerp!"


"No... you're... NOT!!!"



Gumball's arm is chopped off.

"AAAAH!!!" he yells. "OH MY GOD!!! AAAAAAAAAAAH!!!"



Silver Chariot grabs the new Stand's hand.

"Astig Talaga," said Josuke, smiling. "You're another version of Sonia, huh? She's kinda my ex and stuff."


She slides away from Purple Rain Prince's punch.


Jake's fist was blasted toward her face as she phases through it and zooms backward.

Jake freezes her on the ground using his flesh as he pummels her.

"Ah!" she yelled, as Josuke blasted Purple Rain Prince's fists toward her.


She blocked all of the attacks.

"You're slow," she said, squinting her eyes.

Darwin kicks her away as a kangaroo as she tumbles and smoothly slides herself backward.

Spongebob stays on Josuke's shoulder and so did Patrick. Spongebob summons an MK47 while Patrick reveals Goofy Goober Rock.

"Tch-..." she whispered. "I'll kill all of you with a single-..."

"No..." said The Reverse-Flash, who suddenly appears seemingly out of thin air.

Tears run down from Josuke's quivering eyes.

"Hello, Josuke Higashikata," he sneered.

Gumball blasts his coin as The Reverse-Flash grabs his neck.

Josuke begins to cry as the others quickly attack.

Jake blasts his fists. Goofy Goober does so, too. Spongebob and Darwin shot at the Man in the Yellow Suit.

Josuke kneels down and covers his ears and sobs.


"AAAAAAAAAAH!!!" yelled Gumball, as The Reverse-Flash snapped his spine in half.

"See you again some other day, 'Aswang King'."



Josuke sobs softly, as the others turn around to tend to their friend.


Miguel arrives as he sees the trail of lightning.

"Hey... You okay, kid?" asked Miguel. "Gumball?"

"It's fine... Josuke healed me," said Gumball. "After... a short while... But it's fine..."

Miguel tries to grab Josuke's shoulder.

"I-I-I-I couldn't move... I... I just couldn't..." he sobbed.

Miguel hugs Josuke and pats his back. "It's alright, kid... It's alright. I'm here."

Josuke squeezes the cloth on Miguel's coat, sobbing and howling. "Gumball could've died because of me, Mr. Reaper... I almost didn't heal him..."


"Are you sure it was her?" asked Miguel.

"Yep," said Jake.

Miguel sees the recording from a nearby witness. They all watch it from a large hologram."It's her," he said. "I can't believe it..."

"Maybe it's not really her," said Anne, looking annoyed.

"Maybe..." said Miguel, tapping his finger on the table. "If she's not on our side that's going to be a problem." His eyes quiver. He swallows on his throat and his skin sweated."I'll look into it."

Josuke sees a photo of The Reverse-Flash on the video as his eyes went teary, quivering.

"Sorry, boys. But, vacation's over," said Miguel. "We're gonna have to try to chase our next break again."