125. The Legend of Spazura

Over 3 trillion years ago, a demon came into existence. Its original form was unknown, but its new form was to mock God's original form.

This demon soon ruled as one of the infinite Old Gods that came before everything. This demon was one of the men of Lucifer Morningstar during his rebellion against Heaven. When Lucifer failed, the demon escaped.


...he was soon caught by the TVA, led by the Time Keepers of Earth 616, Prime-Earth, and Earth D4C Magic... Time Baby, Nathaniel Richards, and Rip Hunter had the demon arrested.

As punishment, this 5th Dimension Demon was compressed into the third dimension about 30,000 years ago, so he "settled" and he bore two children...

First, he created a silicon-based inorganic being he called his daughter. This "daughter" is a rock that he formed out of Uru. He morphed it into a black diamond, as it formed a feminine form in its dark body, becoming his "daughter." He called "her" Black Diamond. He created another, a much weaker version of this inorganic being, she called, "White Diamond." His two daughters would soon reign in the galaxies for another 10,000 years as he secretly roamed in the 4th and 3rd Worlds in secret. He planned things such as manipulating probability for Loki's escape from Earth 616, causing a massive split in the Y-Axis Timelines. Or, even Barry Allen went back in time to save himself and his mother, causing a massive split in the X-Axis Timelines. Or even, the destruction of Universe D4C-Magic, causing endless cycling of the creation of infinite bizarre Earths that this demon found rather amusing.

He was caught...

In the heat of battle, his daughter, Black Diamond, was shattered into pieces. Angered, this demon. To mock the cruel and relentless God, he copied his original form, a triangle with an eye. This demon was then cast out into the dream world forever, but not before bearing his last child. He created a virgin birth somewhere in the 4th-World Planet of Arctic Mon-Kis. His child in spirit is Spazura, the legendary creature meant to conquer worlds in the name of this demon...

Bill Cipher.

Only the chosen one, a man of marvel, is destined to defeat Spazura, but through doing so, will release this demon... All of this shall happen if and only if the Monster Emperor is killed. This is the new prophecy of the new timeline created by Jessica Polnareff. And if the chosen one kills Spazura, the chosen one shall battle the Angel of Death. Their battle shall cause the Event Made in Heaven...

Yours Truly,


May God help us, and free the Universe from endless destruction by The One Made in Heaven.

"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!It's funny because he had been trapped there for 10,000 eternities. Pain is hilarious!"

Fuck off.