229. The Magician Part II ~True American~

A fair-skinned man with gray hair cackles as he removes a kneeling man's mask.

He takes off his mask as a Sub-Saharan boy sobs in fear.

"I want this one..." sneered the man, speaking in a southern accent.

"Please, sir..." sobbed the boy, speaking in a South African accent. "I do not want to be here! Where is my mother!?" he sobbed.

"Don't worry about your mama anymore..." the man sneered. "From now on, I'll be your daddy..."


"The United States of America is destined for greatness... It wasn't born from the backs of feudal villains... It is born with the promise of liberty. Ever since that robot puppet of yours was arrested, you are forced to run for President once more, is that correct?" asked Doughnut.

Doughnut speaks to Miguel through the iPad.

Miguel sighs. "I made a couple of loopholes in my nation's laws to reenter as President."

"You're just as corrupt as the people you sought to destroy."

"I'm trying to help everyone in the eight worlds, Doughnut!"

"Doing the wrong thing for the right reasons? Don't you see your own hypocrisy!?"

"I know that the Second World Order is ruling over your life, President Trumpet."

President Trumpet pauses as if he couldn't understand what Miguel was saying.

"President Trumpet?"

"What did you say?"

Miguel squints his eyes. "Look... I can help you... I promise..."

"JoJo... Stop forcing your ideals into my nation's. Stop forcing my nation to join yours."

"Why do you choose for your nation to bar itself from the rest of the worlds!?"


"It was built in the backs of slaves..." Miguel squints his eyes. "Slaves like my people."

"And now you think you can impose your power to make me your slave."

"I promise that your nation will still have its identity! It worked for the Filipinos, it should work on -!"

"You're joking, right? Hundreds of tribes end up assimilating into the Philippines as one nation... The tribes lost their identities, cultures, traditions, religions, and languages because of the Philippines becoming one government."

"I'm doing this to help people!"

"I'm telling you, Miguel... Some day... Something bad will happen. And it will happen soon. Because of your stubbornness!"

"So be it."



Hercules released his Stand, Golden Sun.


Golden Sun immediately points at the arm.


Chains made of pure golden Stand Energy from every corner lock the arm in place.

"Everything Golden Sun points with its index finger is imprisoned in the chains of timelessness!" Hercules turns to the others. "Now, DARK!!! YUKI!!!" yelled Hercules, as Yuki shot a shuriken and Dark struck at the arm with his katana.


"WHOA!!!" yelled Hercules, dodging the dagger shot at him which came from a book that opened by itself on the shelf.


From the posters of Marcos on the wall flung several knives toward the group, which Dark used his katanas to block everything.

"Why, Marcos!? Why!?" asked Dark, sobbing. "The Aquinos... were right after all!? Marcos posters do fling knives from Marcos' face!"

"Don't worry, Dark. Those are probably from the Stand-User," smiled Hercules

"Oh, thank God!" Dark sighed in relief. "Hail Marcos!"

The books start dropping as several daggers were thrown toward them, which Yuki blasted and destroyed.

"Herc! Lock the other arm in time!" yelled Dark.

Golden Sun points its other index finger at the arm, but the arm quickly retracted.

"DARK MOON!!!" yelled Dark, as he warps out his katana and stabs the arm behind them, the one from the receipt.

An agonized scream could be heard from within the receipt.

Dark cruelly twists his sword into the man's flesh.

Hercules gives a worried expression as Dark prepares to cut off his arm.

"WAIT!!!" yelled the man. "Please! Have mercy!"

"No..." Dark squinted his eyes.

Dark prepares to slice off his arm.


Dark squints his eyes. "What do you mean?"

"I'm doing this because I was promised freedom by the Boss! He promised to have him killed!"

"To have who killed?"

"My master! Skinny Legs!"

"A slave? What are you? From the 19th Century?" asked Yuki.

"Actually, slaves there are almost 50 million slaves around the world owned by multiple people from the underground market," Dark squinted his eyes. "Herc, let him go."

Hercules unlocks the time chains as the man walks out.

"My name is Alan Wilson," he said, crawling out from a small piece of paper. "I am from South Africa and I was kidnapped to become a white man's slave twenty years ago. I wield the Stand, The Magician."

"What do you want?" asked Dark.

"If you want me to not try and kill you, help me find and kill Skinny Legs and offer me protection from The Boss."

"I can make that happen with Miguel JoJo," said Dark.

"I thought he was no longer the President," said Alan.

"He has his ways with the government."

"Help me kill this man so I can live as a free man."

"Well... As a Filipino whose race was also burdened by the white man's whip... I'll be happy to help, Mr. Wilson."

"l do not entirely agree with what your employer is trying to do... but I understand his intentions of freeing those who need to be freed. If America goes down, it will be the last nation to have slavery in the entire eight worlds, as slavery had been demolished entirely in Maharlica."

Dark smiles and nods to Alan.

"Okay... so... where is this guy?" asked Dark.


The fat gray-haired wrinkly old man, Skinny Legs, drinks a cup of coffee on his porch, staring at the sunrise. Behind him is the American Flag, waving in the wind.


Dark points his katana at the back of Skinny Legs' head.

"Hello, there," smiled Dark. "General Kenobi!"

Dark squints his eyes.

Yuki prepares her shurikens.

Hercules prepares Golden Sun.

"Look Skinny Legs..." sighed Dark. "What you're doing isn't okay."

"I've heard of you," said Skinny Legs. "Your employer said that he wanted to bring down the walls of America."

"Yes," said Dark.

"And you agree with him? You want America to be absorbed by a higher and mightier nation just as you Philips were colonized by our beloved country?"

"I think that he's only trying to make everyone equal."

"That kinda world cannot and I mean cannot exist with that many people and with Miguel JoJo being at the top of everythin'."

"Miguel JoJo was taught good values by his mother. That is why he is perfect for Presidency."

"And yet he crawled his way back to his position. You believe in Marcos, right? A man who was a tyrannical dictator who oppressed your nation the same way?"

"I don't adore Marcos for his mistakes..." Dark squints his eyes. "I adore Marcos for his genius and his skills... For the love of God, the man had made his own appeal brief and argued his very own case before the Supreme Court. The Americans hate him because they fear him... Because they fear on what he could do... what he had done... The man may have had terrible actions, but you can't help but be in awe of his passion and his indomitable will. Like that one zombie from Plants vs. Zombies 2. You know! The one in the Neon Mixtape Tour level! Where the zombie would bring out its boombox and play the best music!"

"Oh... And you wish to see that skillset in a good President?"

"With great power comes great responsibility."

"Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

"And you think Miguel JoJo would fall into hypocrisy as well?"

"I think... I think what you're fighting for will cause backlash and hatred..."

"You own slaves. Who are you to say such things?"

"Yes... I own slaves... Not because the black man is supposed to be a slave... But because I've always been afraid of what the black man can do if we let 'em go."

"You're a fucking piece of dogshit," said Yuki.

"Call me such... But I'm a white man who lives in fear... No different from those who fear the white man... My parents were once mugged in an alley by your race, Wilson... A black man murdered my parents... Call it a stereotype... call it prejudice... But it does happen... Things like this do happen..."

"Fuck you," said Alan.


"I have no respect for someone like you..." Dark squinted his eyes. "That's all I can say."

"All this hate always comes from fear... Fear of something that is different from ourselves..."


"Because I hate them... I fear them... I told you that already, but you wouldn't listen. I'm afraid of them. I'm just doing my job and keeping them in line. And here ya are thinking that I'm a racist who thinks they are below me. Believe me, I want to believe that. I want to think that. But I'm just afraid... and I, therefore, hate them..."

"I saw your basement!" yelled Hercules. "YOU ENSLAVED CHILDREN!!! CHILDREN!!!"

"You're a psychotic piece of shit," Dark squints his eyes.

"Even psychotic pieces of shit are human with their own perspectives..." said Skinny Legs.

"But your ideas make me gag... it makes me sick... You blame an entire RACE of people for your own problems and that's wrong!" yelled Dark.

"If I was that Filipino idiot Miguel JoJo enslaving whites, would you care about it!?"

"Yes," said Dark.

"Then why are you allowing him to have that same power? That possibility that he can just rule over us as we did you!?"

"He won't."

"YOU DON'T KNOW THAT!!! Sooner or later, he'll be no different than his ancestor... Simoun JoJo... The man who hated white man like it was his own bane! THAT'S WHAT I'M TRYING TO TELL YOU!!! Let me go because he's no better than me."

Dark stares at him with disgust. "There is a difference... Miguel isn't doing this out of fear... He's doing this out of love..."

"And are you doing this out of love? Or are you doing this because you're looking for a way to redeem yourself for what you've done? You killed an old African-Filipino man, I believe... A policeman... who was kind and gentle... Fergus Jefferson, was it?" he sneered. "A man who you helped kill for Salvi and his deal with the KKK?"

Dark lowered his katana as he tightened his grip.

"I'm a good person..."

"No, you aren't... You may have the blood of a Filipino, but you're still half white..."

"I've changed..."

"No one in this God-forsaken country changes! YOU'RE A SAVAGE!!! YOU'RE ALL SAVAGES AND HYPOCRITES!!!"



The old man spits out blood.

Alan stabs him in the chest, as Alan sobbed.









Alan stabs him over and over again.

Dark, Yuki, and Hercules horrifiedly watched the old man's insides get torn off and mangled by Alan Wilson.


"Christ..." sighed Dark.

"You worked for the KKK?" asked Alan. "You? A brown man?"

"I didn't know... at the time..." sobbed Dark. "I thought it was a regular job... I've felt so disgusted with myself... after I learned who I was hired to... I was tricked by my own father... That's why I left."

Yuki's eyes quivered as she stared at Dark. Hercules sighs out of concern.

"Ever since then... I hated... that I killed someone... in the commands of a white man... killing what I consider to be my own."

"You are not a black man."

"BUT I CONSIDER THOSE MARGINALIZED AS MY OWN!!!" Dark yelled. "A colored man killing a colored man... No one aired it on the news because I was colored... How awful... and I can't hate white men for what they made me do either... because that makes me no better than those prejudiced fucks...I'm sorry."

Alan sighed. "I think that you just hate yourself..." he bowed his head. "Don't apologize to me as I am not a representative on behalf of my entire race, you poor idiot. I suggest you get a hobby and go read a book so you can learn to love yourself again. I am not angry with you, for even slaves were commanded to whip fellow slaves. Rather, I feel sorry for you... A troubled Samurai Warrior who was tricked by awful men with ulterior motives... I understand as well... I've killed my own fair share of innocent men, women, and children for my freedom. I am not proud of it... I even hate it, actually... But I did it for them..."


Alan walks inside the house and entered the basement as he unlocked the keys.

Two children ran outside hugged Alan.

"Do realize that this is what you did... You helped me free my family, and I am grateful for that... Now, I offer you this... Rather than hating yourself every day... become a true hero and save those who need saving..." said Alan. "Do what a true American would do... Be a true American...I do not hate Americans, for I believe that its spirit is true, kind, justified, and free... Be the truly modern American man and help those in need and those oppressed... Like how you helped my family..."

Dark began to sob.

"Then you could truly be a hero you always yearned to be..." said Alan. "Thank you."

"Thank you, Mr. Dark!" smiled the two children, a beautiful boy, and a beautiful girl.

"No... thank you..." smiled Dark, as he took off his mask and finally reveals his face, which is a handsome and light-skinned slightly brown face. He has a flat nose and big lips with curly blonde hair. "I promise... I'll help people from now on."

"You better..." said Alan. "Tensions are rising and something big may come that will tarnish your friend's image."

"Okay..." nodded Dark. Dark turns to the other two. "Guys?"

"I'm in!" smiled Hercules.

"Fine," sighed Yuki. "But give me a room and a kitchen in the mansion."

"Fine," Dark rolled his eyes and sighs.

"I will be returning to my home country tomorrow..." said Alan. "Call me if you need help."

Dark nodded happily with tears in his eyes. "Okay."