285. Camping ~Tooru~

The trio eats barbecue while camping in a clearing in the forest, quietly enjoying their meals. And by quietly, I mean viciously eviscerating each other verbally.

"TAKE IT BACK!!!" Gabrielle puts Narcos down in a pin-hold.

"NEVER!!!" hissed Narcos.

Mercuria silently ate barbecue while Indian Sitting.

"SAY IT!!! SAY IT!!!" yelled Gabrielle.

"I don't wanna!!!" sobbed Narcos.

"SAY IT!!!" yelled Gabrielle.


"SAY... IT!!!"


Gabrielle lets go of Narcos as Narcos pants in relief. "I'll kick your fucking ass if you say that again, little man."

Gabrielle sighs as she sat down silently in the cold grass as the others slept.

*step... step... step...*

She heard someone's footsteps.

It was a man's because of their heavy movements.

It was not Narcos', because he is asleep.

Gabrielle looked rather displeased.

"If it isn't the father of my child," she said with disgust. "Hello, Tooru."

Tooru sighed. "Gabrielle..." he nodded. Tooru wore a large bonnet over his head. He also wore a neatly-cleaned tailed tux. He had leather black shoes. He held a long black cane.

"Tooru..." said Gabrielle. "How'd you find us?"

"This is Mt. Banahaw, Gabrielle. Mountain of the Dark Gems..." said Tooru. "Of course I live here. Tracked you down here because I could tell." Tooru approached Gabrielle. "I sense that you thought about me a few times, now. Be glad that my Stand wasn't activated on your friends."

"You're planning to destroy Maharlica. How?" asked Gabrielle.

"I have the someone for that. Now... Just sit back and relax as we play this little game..."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"This little game you made between us. I send someone to kill you. You do that cute thing and fight them off chasing after me."

Tooru brushes Gabrielle's cheek as Gabrielle grabs his wrist. She hisses, but he is unphased.

"Alas, I can't really kill your friends because you know I love you... If I kill your friends, you'd hate me..."

"I already hate you."

"Do you?"

Gabrielle turns red, slightly.

"And the Boss, especially. I feel rather turned on by the competition of my Boss having eyes for the one I love."

"We aren't... We're just friends..."

"Eh... It's fine... I have other women to treat myself with while you act as Narcos' concubine-..."


Stone Free's fist is now inches away from Tooru's face. Tooru scoffs.

"Oh?" asked Tooru. "Was that, perhaps, a fit of jealous rage? You always liked older men, Gabrielle... Didn't think you'd settle for an infant."

"Shut the fuck up," whispered Gabrielle.

"You were with me because you hate yourself. That's why I know you'll go back on my side... Because you love me, Gabrielle. You loved it when our bodies were together, right? You always had a crush on me since you were a young girl. You still love me... and that's why you're going to give in. I'm sure of it..."

She smells her hair as she backs away in disgust.

Tooru grabs Gabrielle's jacket and keeps smelling her hair.

Suddenly, the rock on her locket pricks Tooru's thumb.

"GAH!!!" he cried out in pain.

"What is that thing in your pocket? A knife!?" asked Tooru.

"A message from my father," Gabrielle kicks Tooru's shin as she backs away.

"Come on, Gabby... I know you want me... My... lingering sweat dripping on your caramel body... You know you want-..."


Suddenly, as Gabrielle steps on the grass, her foot gets stabbed by the grass underneath, which sharpened like blades.

Gabrielle yelps, but Tooru grabs her mouth.

"Ah-ah... You wouldn't want to wake them up and see this," said Tooru.

He lets go of her mouth.

"See what-? MMPH!!!"

Tooru kisses Gabrielle in the mouth. Tears flow down her eyes.



"GAH!!!" Tooru falls to the ground as an ice spike went through his leg.

"Step away from her, creep," said Narcos.

Tooru snickers and inhales rather suggestively. "Ah... Boss... Hello, there."


Several ice spikes are shot into the ground, but all of them missed the target.

"Oh... Narcos Anastasia... Former glorious King of Medieval Kievan Rus... My beloved rival... How sad that you've been reduced back to the mind of a toddler."

"I don't know what you're talking about. Just stay away from Gabe, you weirdo."

"The time given for your love for her is but a blink of an eye for us Rock Humans and a simple ruse for your new identity... You will remember your birthright, Lord Narcos, and rule along with the Black Diamond. Your flesh and blood."

"What the hell are you talking about?" asked Gabrielle.

"There should be a top 10 list of you asking that question," laughed Tooru.

"Pfft! Right!?" laughed Narcos. Gabrielle frowns at Narcos as Narcos goes back to his serious face.

"Did you kill my sister?" Mercuria held Kiss' hand up to his neck.

He sighs. "No. Anyway... What the hell do I mean? Well... Do realize your past, Anastasia... that it's full of benevolent horse shit. I envied you because of your accomplishments... Look at you now... Even having the mind of an innocent child, you annoy me. Do realize that if you take even on New Locacaca, I will pursue you with my army."

"Your army?" asked Narcos.

"Wha-? You don't actually feel entitled to your former life, do you?" asked Tooru.

"I want to know where I came from," said Narcos.

"Your former incarnation no longer has meaning, as he had died... Your soul replaced by another..." said Tooru. 

"Makes sense," said Narcos.

"No... What I said probably doesn't make sense, but if I make it sound smart, they'll believe me," said Tooru. "Millennials..." he shook his head. "Well... Actually... you're Generation Gamma, right?"

"I don't know what that is."

"He doesn't," sighed Gabrielle. 

"Well... I bid you adieu, my former comrades," smiled Tooru, as he walked away.


Tooru stops.

Mercuria grits her teeth. "Who killed my sister?"

"Oh... Dear... This again..." sighed Tooru.

"Who... killed my sister?" asked Mercuria once more, with intention of murder and tears in her eyes.

"Kesha," said Tooru. "My... accomplice... Why?"

"Give her to me... Her location."

Tooru smirks. "Tell you what... If you reach the peak of this mountain in the Locacaca Garden, you get to try and kill her."

"Okay..." said Mercuria.

"Are you sure? She's a rather powerful Stand-User," said Tooru. "Do realize that once you agree to this, there is no going back."

"Uh... Merci?" asked Gabrielle.

"Yes!" yelled Mercuria.

"Shit..." sighed Gabrielle.

"Very well..." said Tooru. "Deal." Tooru shakes her hand. "She will be guarding the garden... Hmhm... 'Guardin' the garden...' A little homonymous right there... A bit confusing... Yeh... Ahem... We will be waiting for your performance... I wish you the best of luck..."

 Tooru shakes her hand and walks away.

"You okay?" asked Narcos.

"Are you okay?" asked Gabrielle, sarcastically.

"Psh... Yeah..." said Narcos.

"He's gone," said Mercuria.

Narcos' eyes drip tears.

"Aw... sweetie! Why are you crying?" asked Gabrielle.

"I'm not crying," said Narcos, sounding rather mellow.

"Yes, you are," said Gabrielle. She puts her finger on his cheek and shows him the drop. She kept it fixed in a drop position with Spin. "See?"


"What can I do?"


"Aw... sweetie... I promise I won't do that anymore..." Gabrielle hugs Narcos, who lays his head on her lap.


"Yeah. Bedtime story?"

"You know it!"

"You have a creepy slash unhealthy relationship, if it even is existent, which I'm pretty sure it is," said Mercuria. "And I'm too emotionally exhausted to watch you make out with him out of pity. Good night." Mercuria walks back into her tent and falls asleep.