510. July the 4th Part I ~The Kidnappings~

Aurora slams the door open. "Hello, bitches! It's moi! The DEVIL!!! Good morning, you fucking ugly bitches..."

The Demons bow to Aurora.

"AH HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ha... Does the world hate Miguel yet...?"

"Ma'am. Their hearts voted for his death. New racist groups known as the Crucifixors wish to crucify him. Then there are the Dreamsexuals, who wish to overthrow Ibarra. And there are the Twitterers who wish to change the Messiah. Which isn't a THING!!!"

The people cackle psychotically.

"Yes! My evil plan is set for ABSOLUTE BODACITY!" cackled Aurora.

"Uh... Aurora, what is your evil plan...?"

"Tell me, Stewart... Have you ever heard of... THE KAREN!?!?"

"Over 60% of Hell's population has those people, My Lord."

"Yes... Karens everywhere on Earth-777 WILL END UP CANCELING MIGUEL!!! Right...?"



"Wait, my Lord... Did you... INVENT Karens just for this moment...?"

"Ngyes!!! Genius, aren't I...? Haha!" she giggled.

"My Lord, that sounds very convoluted. Using your Demon Powers to invent and manipulate Karens to kidnap Ibarra's daughter...?"


"You... invented Karens to kidnap God's Grandson...?"

"Uh... Yeah!"

"Queen Aurora... I'm telling you! This wouldn't work!"

"Have faith, Stewart!"

"You're a Demon! We literally don't do that! Faith is not our th-! THIS PLAN WON'T WORK!!!"

"Yes, it will!" yelled Aurora.

"No, it won't."

"Yes, it will."

"No, it won't."

"Kill yourself."

"You kill yourself."

"Kill yourself."

"You kill yourself."


Suddenly, he gets puppeteered by some force and grabs a knife. "Screw you, My Liege..." He then stabs himself 40 times, flopping to the floor, dead. He then dusts away as his soul becomes an object out there in the 3rd World.

"You. What's your name?" asked Aurora.

"Stewart..." shivered the second butler.

"You're my butler now. I shall now baptize you as Stewart Jr."

"Yes, my Liege."

"Is my plan smarty-smarty...?" she asked with a death stare. "Well, Steve Jr...?"


"Sorry, what...?"

"Stewart Jr! My liege..."


"Absolutely ingenious, My Lord..." said Stewart Jr.

"Ingenious...? What does that mean...? Un-Genius...? Un-Genius, right...?"

"Google says that it means you're clever, original, and inventive, my Queen..." he shivered.

"Yay!" Aurora smiled, as she proceeds to Fortnite dance, doing orange justice.

"I wanna go home..." sobbed Stewart Jr.


"Why...?" he shivered.


"Yes, my liege..." He puts the pencil in his mouth and spits it out.

"DO IT!!! Without CHEWING!!!" she said, still dancing.

"Yes... My Liege..." He swallows it and begins choking.


He exploded.

A servant walks in to offer her Boba, which turns into a glass of flames.

"You there!" yelled Aurora. "Name!"


"I venerate you as Stewart Jr. Jr!"


"Swallow the pencil!"

"Stewart and 12 Juniors!" yelled Aurora, as Stewart and 12 Juniors stands up. "Is the leader and coordinator of the Karens ready for the attack...?"

"Ma'am, yes, Ma'am!"

"Very well... Let the day begin..."


J. Jonah and Lois appear on the screen.

"Hello! J. Jonah Jameson here representing the Daily Bugle!"

"And I'm Lois Lane representing the Daily Planet!"

"And welcome... to the Daily News Network!" they yelled together.

Lois reports, "Top story for today is The Karen Movement! A massive movement of Karens, as the internet, jokingly calls them, starting a movement to banish Rafaella Ibarra and Gabrielle Ibarra to Hell for being Succubi!"

"You are not the legitimate leader! You are not the legitimate leader!" yelled the Karens outside Miguel's house.

"Can I just please enjoy my morning coffee!?" asked Miguel. "This is my... front yard... after... after all...! Please...?"

"You are not the legitimate leader! You are not the legitimate leader!" yelled the Karens outside Miguel's house.

"Today, after all, is July 4, supposedly the Independence Day of the United States, and sadly, it is overshadowed by this dastardly movement LIKELY SUPPORTED by Spider-Man!" yelled J. Jonah.

"Please stop including Spider-Man here, J!"

"No!" yelled J. Jonah.

"Sadly, July the 4 th  Flags had been vandalized by the Karens, saying that the flag is a representation of its colonization by the Filipinos!" said Lois. "Many say that the reason for this is because Miguel Ibarra is the problem of it all, arguing that he shouldn't have been born Filipino."

"You are not the legitimate leader!" yelled the man, vandalizing with his fellow Karens. "I argue that Ibarra is practically Hit*BLEEP!!!* And he should go KILL HIMSELF for being A GAY NON-WHITE MESSIAH!!! WOOO!!!"

"Y'know!?" yelled another. "He should've been born white if he loves the world so much!"

"No! He should've been born black!" yelled another.

"Shut up! Asian is all-powerful, homie!" yelled a woman. "He should've been Asian. Not Filipino!"

"He is Asian!" yelled back the other one.

"You callin' me a liar!?"

"Sir, he was chosen because he has Jewish blood," said the Apostle, wearing armor while stopping the rioters from entering the Temple.

"What's a Jew...?" asked the young man.

Note: All of the vandals are at most 14 years old.

"Other rioters argue that the problem isn't Ibarra but his wife and daughters, who do not deserve rights for being sinners," said J. Jonah.

"DOWN WITH THE QUEEN!!!" yelled one woman, tearing down her statue with other people.

Suddenly, the statue falls exactly on top of the woman's foot.


"People in the Super Nation state that Miguel is a corrupt leader and had actually done illegal things before, such as using an unregistered Time-Turner or scraping a human body on the road with his car..." said Lois.

A bunch of kids run away as Miguel's car is tied with a Mannequin as he goes to work.

"Hey!" Miguel stops the car and walks outside.

"Others have taken it to violence and started doing terroristic attacks on several Churches..."

"God isn't real!!!" cackled a terrorist, blowing up a Church as people run away in terror.

"So, in the end, what will the King of New Israel decide for these Karens...!?" asked Lois.

The Ibarra Family silently eats at the dinner table.

Miguel stares blankly at the wall.

Gabby drinks her orange juice.

Anne texts on her phone.

Rafaella plays with a spoon.

"I wanna abdicate myself..." said Miguel.

Gabby spits out her drink.

"WHAT!?!?" asked Annalisa and Gabby.

"Yeah... Abdication... That sure is a thing."

"Dad... You can't just abdicate yourself and make me the Queen."

"Exactly. I'm making some other family the royals. I'm tired of this, Gabby. I'm tired of walking around the streets where people constantly rebuke me for my choices, my feelings, and what I look like!"

"Miguel... I respect your decision," said Annalisa.

"Mom!" yelled Gabby. "He can't just do this! It's his responsibility! My responsibility! Our responsibility! I grew up my whole life believing that we could change the world! If you walk away from this... If we all do... We... wouldn't matter... We'd be nobodies!"

"Gabby!" yelled Annalisa.

"Well... Sorry to burst your bubble, Gabby..." Miguel stands up and walks away. "But I quit. And we are nobodies."

He opens a portal and leaves.

Gabby angrily hammers the table. "Mom... Why would he-...?"

"Gabby... Let me tell you a story..." said Annalisa. "Your father... he was a Golden Retriever... He was quiet in class. He liked to look smart and recite all the time but wasn't really that smart. He was kind and friendly to the people around him and he wouldn't hurt a fly. But one day... One very fateful day... Miguel crossed Sir Father Whopper, our Principal who was also a Priest. In our school, a Catholic school, we would be forced to write a reflection based on the Homily after every Mass we'd go to, which was forced by the office of the students. Every week we had a Mass. But that day... that fateful day... he wrote a reflection that wasn't part of the Homily. You see, in the Homily, the Priest began rebuking the students who had been, as he said, 'too entitled' because of their inability to donate to a certain cause. He said they were pessimistic as they said that their money is already budgeted for the week.

Your father, Miguel Ibarra, wrote a polite but blunt reflection.

I remember what it said... 'Yes, I agree with you. The students here in the good school of Santo Lorenzo Ruiz should have donated. But, no, you are the one entitled.' That was all he wrote. He was called into the Principal's Office.


'Yes,' said your father. 'You are entitled. You really think that you're doing such a good job rebuking students who barely have enough to pay for this damned school? They barely can buy lunch in the cafeteria, and your entitled self would dare to rebuke the poor.'

'Wow! You know SO much, Mr. Ibarra!'

'I don't know much. But I do know your treatment of this school is wrong. A truly good person wouldn't impose their own religion on students. There are students of other religions in this school. Agnostics and atheists. And you force them with your God.'


'I know that I don't know much. And that you're an entitled jackass!'

'Do you want me to suspend you!? Who are you to speak to me like this!?!?'

'I'm a nobody standing up to a 'somebody' like you. A lonely nobody that no one knows... and no one wants to know... because if they do know about him, they will resent what they've done... which is... to not know about him... and not knowing about him comes the resent... and that resent... is resent...'

'You've repeated the statement thrice. I think it's implied, already...'"

Hey! That's a callback to The Gospel Truth Chapter I!

You explained it in tedious detail. I think that's implied, already.


"He said... 'I'm nobody, Sir Father Whopper... I will always be a nobody... And I had the balls to stand up to someone as entitled as you... Why don't you use YOUR OWN money to donate to those children if you care so much? I've seen my friends take more scraps than YOU EVER GOT from my reflection! There is a problem with Priests today! And you're part of it!'


'Then why do I speak the truth that you clearly can't comprehend?'


"What are you saying?" asked Gabby.

"I'm saying that your father would never care if he was a nobody... Because he lived that life. He actually wants that life," said Annalisa. "Compared to this...

Your father was silenced because he didn't matter. And Sir Father Whopper had the power to silence him because he mattered. So, your father couldn't do anything. But he knew if he was heard... if he could do something... people wouldn't like what he would say... even if it is what is right. Then again... Right and wrong are relative.

He went into this knowing that he'll get hurt... and you have to understand what he went through to get here. What we all went through. Because we were nobodies, too. I was the school slut. Lord, Jed, and the bois were school losers. The girls were beta females... We were all poor and the school treated us like shit... We were nobodies, sweetie... We were treated horribly by everyone... just to be groomed into becoming heroes... Perhaps, it's a cruel beginning for a better ending."

"But... Dad isn't a nobody..."

"Exactly. Because he stands for people like us when no one else does so. When they try to make us the bad guys, Miguel settles things diplomatically. If that doesn't work, he'll go on the offense."

"Okay..." Gabby bowed her head...

"GUYS!?!?" asked Miguel, running downstairs. "WHERE THE HELL IS RAFAELLA!?!?"

Seconds Earlier, while Miguel was sulking... Miguel writes in his journal with Rafaella playing with some blocks on the floor, but later, his phone rings.

"Hello! Are you the MAN-AGER of this institution?" asked someone on the phone.

"Yes... Sadly, I am."

"I'd like to complain that some Albanians are in MY PROPERTY... I've written a formal letter to arrest these hooligans!"

"I can't arrest them if they're just making an outdoor Mukbang video... AND FOR THE LAST TIME!!! The park isn't your property!"

Suddenly, a beautiful Owl Demon, known as a Goetia, teleports into the room and grabs Rafaella.

She then pops away.


Belos receives a call from someone. "Yes?"

"It's done, sir. You are now allowed to genocide the Boiling Isles..."

"Wow... Karens can get things done!" smiled Belos.


"And what's that for short?" asked Belos, politely.

"K.A.R.E.N. PARTY!!! THE KAREN PAR-!!! Oh, f-..." Belos smirks and the caller hangs up.


"Luz..." said Amity,

Luz is seen playing with Floo Powder by using it to teleport the potato chips in her mouth. Luz is also staring at the locket Miguel gave back to her. "Yeah...?"

"What are you doing...?" sighed Amity.

"Playing suicide..." said Luz.

"What!? What kind of sick game is that!?"

"It's a... Human thing..."

"No, it isn't," said Anne, sipping some boba.

Amity looks closely at Luz. "Did you give the Potato Chips arms and legs so they could play with Floo Powder and did you turn your throat into a Chimney so they could hop into it!?"

Luz's throat has a tiny burning furnace and the potato chips are all taking Floo Powder to teleport into her throat. "Fine! I'm stress-eating! Miguel gave the Owl Locket back to me and he probably hates me now after I almost got everyone killed because I didn't take my elixir that day!"

Dipper, Mabel, Luz, Amity, King, Sprig, and Anne sit at a bench in the Boiling Isles.

Dipper tries to use Luz's sling ring.

"You can't use that. You're not magic..." said Mabel.

"Don't do that. Your waistline would get uh... undesirable...?" asked Amity.

"Wow... That sure is sugar-coating like never before!" smiled King, as Amity pushes him off the bench.

"Sorry... What Miguel said about responsibility... I feel like I do let my insecurities affect my decisions... It was all my fault... and I deserve this..."

Amity tries grabbing Luz's hand, but Luz pockets her hands.

"Give yourself a break..." frowned Amity.

"Are you mad...?" asked Luz.

"Yes. I'm mad," Amity looks away.


"Stop doing that!"

The other Weather Reporters look at the pair with confusion.

"Aha... Doing what...?"

"That! You keep saying and acting like everything's your fault! It's not! God! Give yourself a break!"

"What the hell are you talking about!?" asked Luz. "Amity. I nearly got all of you killed!"

"Yeah! Because it was outside of your control!"

"Not... It was! I turned myself into an Owl Beast!"

"Okay... Then what were you supposed to do, Luz!?"

Suddenly, a rock hits Luz's head.

"Ow!" Luz turns around to see a bush far away with Amity's hair poking out of it. "What the-...?"

"Luz! Pay attention to what I'm-!"

"Uh..." She gasps... and feels a tingling sensation in her thoughts. "Get down..." said Luz, with widened eyes.




A portal opens and Weird Rick walks out of it.

"Hello, Weather Reporters..." said Weird Rick, smirking.

"What do you want...?" asked Luz, squinting her eyes.

Everyone stands up. Dipper takes out his electric crossbow. Mabel takes out her grappling hook. Anne activates her Charged State. Sprig takes out his slingshot. Luz and Amity activate their Tao Mandalas. King prepares his scream.

"Huh... If it isn't Ibarra's scrawny puke of a student...?" said Weird Rick. "... and her bitches..."

"What do you want, Weird Rick...?" asked Luz.

"I want you to take something..." said Weird Rick.

"Take what...?" asked Amity. "Your garbage freedom?"

"Not something from me. Something to me" said Weird Rick.

"And that being...?" asked Anne.

"This is a Rift Mirror..." said Weird Rick, taking out a 3d picture of a round mirror with his hologram. "This contains something very important to me, and I need you to take it to me."

"Why should we help you...?" asked Luz.

"The one who has this is Belos," said Weird Rick.

"Wait, what...?" asked Luz. "You're not working with him...?"

"We were, but he had failed to improve upon his promise... So we'd like your help to capture his mirror."

"That mirror..." said King. "I know that mirror! I used that to break the Collector free! Is that your plan...!?"

"No," smiled Weird Rick.

"You're lying," said King.

"Am I, now...?" asked Weird Rick. "Well, alright, then."

Suddenly, several drones become visible and throw electric nets over Dipper, Mabel, and Luz. The drones electrocute them and teleport them away.

Suddenly, they disappear in a split second.

"NO!!!" Anne activates her Charged State and punches Weird Rick, but Weird Rick is unaffected because of a forcefield around his body.

King and Amity attack as well.

"I also have Sasha, Marcy, Hopediah, and Polly," said Weird Rick. "So... In case you want to try to save your friends..."

"Why are you doing this...!?" asked King.

"Let them go!" yelled Sprig, hammering the forcefield over and over again.

"I'm so sick and tired of you people trying to kill us!" yelled Amity.

"Listen, here, you little piece of shit..." Weird Rick grabs and pulls Amity's hair. "My servitude is to Bill Cipher. No one else. If he wants me to get you idiots killed, I'll do it, happily. But I don't want you dead. I want your utility. If you don't try to even articulate what I'm postulating, these wackadoodle idiots die. Do you articulate...?"

Amity frowns. "Fine..."

Weird Rick blasts a memory into her head. "Those are the coordinates. Good luck."

Weird Rick opens a portal and walks back into it, then closes it.

"Well...?" asked King.

"We're taking the mirror."

"Are you kidding me...!?" asked Sprig. "Guys... If there's anything that Anne taught me, it's about being a responsible person. We can't just steal that mirror and break Bill free! That's not what a responsible person would do and it'd get people killed!"

"Sprig. He kidnapped our family!" yelled Anne.

"Wait, what!?" asked Sprig. "Anne... We don't know that!"

"And what about Luz?" asked Amity. "What about the twins!?"

"We'll find out a better way! We can't just go and follow his instruction!" yelled Sprig. "You'll get the whole world killed!"

"This is our family we're talking about, Sprig..." said Amity. "Right, King...?"

"I think Sprig's right..." said King.

"What!? King! This is Luz we're talking about!" yelled Amity.

"If we break that mirror, we'll bring danger to our entire world!" yelled King.

"So, you're gonna stop us!?" asked Amity.

"No," said King.

"I will..." said Sprig, preparing his slingshot.

Anne activates her Charged State. "Sprig... You're acting weird."

"Yeah... Obviously, because you taught me how to actually care about people..." said Sprig.

"Sprig... HP... Polly... Sash and Marce... He'll kill them if we don't do anything!"

"Yeah! And then what? We bring another entity into this world!?"

"What do you mean, 'another!?'"

"Uh... Andrias!" yelled Sprig.

Anne feels conflicted. "Fine...!" Anne charges at Sprig with full power, but Sprig shoots at Anne with powder.

*cough! Cough, cough!*

Anne limps around, shaking. "Sprig!? What did you-!?"

Sprig stands with intimidation.

"Did you... shoot me with... Kryptonite...?" asked Anne, with a broken heart.

"What? No! I just shot you with my foot powder," said Sprig.


Amity uses an Eldritch Rope to grapple with Sprig's hand and throw him to the ground.

"Wingardium Leviosa!" yelled Amity, and Sprig begins to float up.

Amity then holds her breath and turns invisible.

Sprig's eyes widen and he blocks the Abomination rope Amity tried to tie him up with. Sprig then shoots his tongue and latches on to Anne's hair, who yells, "EW, EW, EW!!!" and proceeds to shoot a blast of energy at Sprig. Sprig then lands on the ground and shoots bullets at the pair with his slingshot.

*shoo! shoo! shoo!*

Sprig kept on shooting balls filled with his foot powder at the two women. "BLAH!!!"

Amity turns invisible again by holding her breath and dodging.

Sprig repeatedly sticks his tongue on Anne's face, punching her with his frog tongue over and over. She grabs his elongated tongue and throws him into the rock.

"Sprig!" yelled Anne.

King is indecisive, not knowing what to do right now. Should he fight or should he ignore this?

"Guys... stop fighting..." said King. "GUYS!!!"

Sprig then knocks Anne's Calamity State out with a foot powder bullet (actually, she just deactivated by accident because it was gross). But, Amity reappears and knocks Sprig out.

Amity carries Anne in her arms and proceeds to take out Floo Powder from her pocket. She warps out a portable furnace around her. "The Coordinates that I'm thinking of! *GASP!!!*"

"AMITY, NO!!!" yelled Sprig and King, grabbing onto Amity's leg...



The crew ended up in the furnace of the very office where Belos was when he was talking to Kenneth about capturing Kelly. They fall into the dusty cinder and dust themselves (and Anne) after.

Amity is next to Sprig, King, and Anne. But Anne is knocked out and is practically flopped there like a ragdoll.

"Uh-oh..." said Sprig.


"(AH!!!)" They all yelled in whispered voices.

"(What are you guys doing here...!?)" asked Sprig.

Before the Reporters are Miguel Ibarra, Gabby Ibarra, and Gabrielle JoJo who are all under the invisibility cloak.

"(That was weird... I felt four other people holding onto us...)" said Amity.

Miguel squints his eyes as he looks at the pole.

Gabby elbows Miguel. "(Dad!)"

"(Oh! Sorry... Yeah... Felt that too... Four people-... Wait!)" said Miguel. "(Why are you here!?)"

"(Wait... This is perfect!)" yelled Sprig. "(Guys! Weird Rick has the others and is blackmailing us into giving him the Rift Mirror!)"

"(Then give it...)" said Miguel.

"(What!? Ibarra, he'll kill us all!)" yelled Sprig.

"(Yeah... and it's the only option you've got. We're here to kill Belos because he clearly has Rafaella. Well, at least I could sense her around here... Here...)" Miguel takes out two handkerchiefs from his pocket which turn into two invisibility cloaks. He then places them over the Reporters. One for Sprig and King and the other for Amity and Anne. "(Use these to navigate the place. Let's split up. JoJo. Guide Sprig and King. These two will... probably get killed if you don't. Amity's trained with proper senses. Gabby, go with her and Anne. Let's find the mirror.)"

"(Ibarra... this is a bad idea... We should think of a different plan,)" said Sprig.

"(I don't care.)"

"(I ask you to please reconsider.)"

"(I've reconsidered. Still no. As King of New Israel and a member of the Maharlican Council, I order you to follow my instruction and get that mirror. This is 'family' we're talking about... Our fam. So, go...)"


Luz wakes up in a damp and rocky dungeon. "Dipper...? Mabel...? Guys!?"

Luz whispers, "(Alohomora.)"

The cage unlocks and Luz swiftly tiptoes outside.

Luz warps out her Palisman and walks around the dungeon with it.

She sees several bones and dead rotting bodies being eaten by rats.

Luz, terrified, just grabs her arms and walks around in fear. "Dipper? Mabel!?"

"They're not here," said Weird Rick. "They somehow got them out... It seems that idiot forgot to counter-charm the locks..." Weird Rick holds a blaster at Luz, preparing to shoot her.

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!!!" yelled Luz. "Mr. Weird Rick, sir! Wait!"


A portal that leads the bullet toward Weird Rick's head opens. But, it bounces off of his forcefield as the bullet bounces around the walls creating a screeching noise. Out of pain, she covers her ears and closes her eyes.

When the bullet nearly touches her chest...


The energy bullet dissipates into nothingness.

Weird Rick squints his eyes. He sees the Owl Anting around her neck. "Where did you get that?"

"I made this!" yelled Luz.

"Don't fabricate lies. WHERE. DID. YOU. GET THAT!?" asked Weird Rick.

"Again! I made this for a friend!" yelled Luz.

"I'm assuming you're talking about the Anting-Anting. I'm talking about what's inside it!" yelled Weird Rick.

"Nothing is inside it!" yelled Luz.

"There is! Where... did you get that!"

Luz's eyes widen.

"I'm assuming that you figured out who gave it to you but you have no idea what's in it or why... Let me shamefully revise my question. Who gave it to you? Let me shamefully revise it again. Where did that person get it from...?"

Luz is stun-locked.

"I'm guessing that you don't know... So looks like I'll just kill you."

Luz's pupils contract out of pure fear.

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