242. Stands So Far VI: (and I draw bad...)

Star-Spangled JudgmentAbilities:-Law Immunity=The ironic ability of the President is his Stand, a top hat that allows him to be immune to the principles of the rules of America's law. Originally thought to be mind control by Miguel JoJo, Mr. President is actually just immune to the law and every American citizen is automatically blind from that fact, thus being a somewhat lesser form of mind control and more of a telepathic side effect of being an American Citizen. Meaning, Mr. President is above all American laws. Anyone who works for him will also automatically be above the law, but only as long as they follow him, making him practically a dictator. Those who follow him are also just mind-controlled citizens, which the main characters horrifically figure out later on. His Stand only works as long as he is on American soil. Also, only American Citizens are unable to see his dirty deeds as the deeds are instantly wiped from their memories. Dark and Hercules are immune to this since Dark is an illegal immigrant and Hercules is an alien, making him an illegal immigrant as well. Miguel and the Crusaders are also immune since they are not American Citizens and Yuki renounced her citizenship.-Transformation=Despite being a top hat, the Stand can transform into a humanoid form. It becomes like a humanoid with the top hat as its head. It wears a nice tailed-tux and is rather slender. It has black pants, a white polo, a black bow tie, black shoes, and white gloves. The Stand's eyes are on the hat. The Stand also wields a fencing sword. It is a similar Stand to Silver Chariot, but it does not offer its User Speed Force Connection.-LevitationPower: SSpeed: SRange: CDurability: SPrecision: SPotential: D