4. Writing with Marcy

The days and weeks continued to fly by as Luz adjusted to life in her new school. Her new reputation was actually a welcome one and she enjoyed the occasional high five's that kids would throw her way. In addition she started getting used to her schedule, and was thrilled that she shared some classes with Anne, Sasha, and Marcy. Currently she was on her way to English class which she shared with Marcy. They had previously had a test last time and Luz was dreading the results. In an effort to distract herself she had gotten to talking with Marcy about Azura theories again as they walked together to their class and managed to find seats together.

"So in conclusion Luz," said Marcy as she finished her theory, "That's why I feel in book 6 it is inevitable that Hecate will betray Azura. Their alliance was only made out of an "Enemy Mine" scenario against the Arch Mage and that kind of alliance is fragile at best."

"I see where you're coming from," said Luz, "and it's true they were enemies in books 3 and 4, but hear me out on this. I think that not only will Hecate and Azura continue to be friends, I think they will progress to become lovers."

Marcy had to stop herself from laughing at this before continuing, "Lovers?! You think after everything that happened between them that they could become lovers?"

"Yes I do," said Luz defensively, "here's why: Firstly while it's true that Azura challenged Hecate to a duel, she only did that to prove herself. Even though Azura lost she was actually very gracious about it and Hecate even told her after the duel that she felt Azura put up a good fight and was tougher than she thought. Hecate straight up told her that she respected her. Secondly, during their fight against the Arch Mage Azura got injured and Hecate seemed really worried about her She stayed by her bedside until she woke up. Finally, there have been subtle hints throughout the books that maybe the reason Hecate has disliked Azura is because she's not sure of her own feelings regarding love. She was also raised in a very controlling family, and they were cold and distant to her, she never really knew what love was and that's why she has trouble expressing it."

"Hmmm that's a lot to consider," pondered Marcy, "but they're both still on the quest to get the Sapphire Staff. Only one of them can claim it, don't you think they'll have to fight again in order to determine who gets the staff?"

"Maybe that will be the big twist at the end of the book. Instead of fighting they'll decide it isn't worth the friendship they've built, and then Hecate will confess her feelings to Azura," answered Luz.

"Ok Class settle down," said the teacher as the bell rang and class started, "I've got the results of your tests back and I will be handing those out now."

The teacher proceeded to hand back the tests to the students. Marcy was beaming as she looked at her result and saw an A+ on her test, Luz was not so happy to see a C on hers.

"Aw dang it,'" she exclaimed, "those vocabulary words were hard. I thought I did better."

"Sorry Luz," said Marcy.

"Now I notice that many of you didn't do so well on this test," said the teacher as she returned to the front of the class, "since I'm feeling generous if you'd like a chance at extra credit see me after class. In the meantime let's continue on with today's lesson."

As the bell rang to signal the end of class, Luz and Marcy approached the teacher's desk.

"Ms. Syler," began Luz, "I'd like to hear what you have for extra credit."

"Well of course, you seem to be the only one who wants to try it," she answered.

"No I'd like to hear about it too," exclaimed Marcy stepping out from behind Luz.

"Marcy, I shouldn't be surprised," said Ms. Syler, "though I should also remind you that you have literally no need for any extra credit. I don’t think it's possible for you to increase your grade anymore."

"Well I mean what if something happens between now and the end of the semester," said Marcy.

"I highly doubt that, but feel free to listen as I tell Luz," began Ms. Syler, "So Luz for extra credit I'd like you to write a short story. I'll give you some freedom to write about what you want, but I want you to try and incorporate some of the vocabulary words that we've been learning in your story."

"I get to write?" asked Luz excitedly.

"Yes, you have until the end of the quarter to turn in your short story," said Ms. Syler.

Luz left the classroom in surprisingly high spirits

"So Luz do you have any idea what you're going to write about?" asked Marcy.

"I have no idea, but writing, especially creative writing, is something I really enjoy. Can I ask you a question Marcy?" asked Luz.

"Yeah sure," replied Marcy.

"Have you thought at all about what you want to do when you grow up?" asked Luz.

"Well my parents certainly have," said Marcy sarcastically, "though personally no I haven't given it too much thought, I mean we aren't even in high school yet."

"I think the only thing that would really suite me is to be a writer," said Luz, "I can't see myself working in any kind of office job. I'm not good at focusing on delicate tasks or staying still for long periods of time. And obviously I can't become a witch, so maybe I could be a writer."

"Oooo maybe you could write the next big fantasy series that will be a hit among teens and young adults," said Marcy, "any chance I can be a character in your book?"

Luz grinned at Marcy, "Well since you asked nicely then sure. But that's all later, for now I have to think of what I'm going to write for this short story."

"Do you want some help with that?" asked Marcy.

"What?!" said Luz surprised, "I mean I don't want to force you to help me."

"But would you like me too?" asked Marcy.

Luz though for a moment, "I mean yeah I would appreciate your help, but I don't want to feel like I'm forcing you to help me. Don’t you have your own homework and things to work on?"

"Eh I can do all that and help you Luz," said Marcy, "I've never tried writing a story before, but I would love the opportunity to try. Plus you heard Ms. Syler, it's not like I need extra credit. Why don't we meet  at the library this weekend and we can brainstorm some ideas?"

"Ok great! I'll see you then," said Luz.

Luz walked into the library and scanned the tables for Marcy, she found her rather quickly and walked over to wear she was. They spoke in hushed voices as they tried to decide what the story would be about. Luz and Marcy both put forth several ideas of what they felt should be in the story. Luz kept wanting to add more and more themes and characters to the story and seemed to have trouble settling on what she wanted the story to be about. She also seemed to not realize that the story was supposed to be a short story as it almost felt like she was trying to write a novel.

"Luz," said Marcy, "I get that you want to put all these things in your story, but you have to remember that this isn't a novel."

"But I want there to be romance, magic, and heartbreak with shimmer tears," protested Luz.

"I think you're losing sight of what the story is really about," said Marcy, "If you try to fill it with too many things you won't be able to tell a single cohesive narrative."

"It's just I want to put so much into it, I want to make it the best possible story," said Luz.

"I get that," said Marcy, "but you still need to focus. Here how about you choose just one thing for your story to be about, and then we can work from there."

Luz pondered for a long time before finally deciding, "Ok Let's just stick to romance. If I had to choose one thing then it would be that."

"Ok great!" said Marcy, "now tell me about your main character what's she like?"

"Well I guess she's kind of like me," said Luz, "I wanted to name her Luzara."

"Again I see where you're going with that, but it's a little too on the nose," said Marcy, "think of a different name for her, but keep the basis on yourself. There's nothing wrong with injecting a little bit of yourself into the characters you write. Just make it subtle. What is it about you that you want to put in your character?"

"I want to show that she's free-spirited, she's unique, she's kind, she….." Luz faltered.

"Luz?" asked Marcy concerned.

"She's ignored by everyone, and that's why she's had trouble finding love," said Luz sadly, Luz slowly stopped speaking and hung her head.

"Hey," said Marcy putting her arm around Luz, "It's ok. I get it. Being the weird dorky girl sometimes means you don't connect with people very well. And sometimes it's hard to find someone who shares your interests. Believe me I get how you feel. The only friends I ever had were Anne and Sasha.

Luz looked over at Marcy who was smiling at her.

"But those things make you unique, and it also means that someday when you do find someone who shares those interests that you'll connect with them on an even greater level. I mean isn't the thought of being normal far more scary?" she asked Luz.

Luz pondered this question and nodded to Marcy silently agreeing with her. Then went back to work with her trying to establish and outline for her story. Over the next few hours they finally came to a consensus and Luz left the library to begin work on her short story. She talked with Marcy over the week to get her advice and spent all her free time writing her story. When her short story was finally finished she handed it in to her English Teacher. A few days later after English class the teacher called her up to talk after the class ended.

"So Luz I finished reading your story I must say I was quite impressed," said Ms. Syler.

"Oh thank you very much," said Luz, "just so you know Marcy ended up helping me with it. Especially during the planning stage."

"You have a very good friend to help you like that," said Ms. Syler, "well I just want you to know that I will give you the full extra credit to help your grade at the end of the quarter."

"Thank you Ms. Syler," said Luz as she began to head for the door.

"Luz I think that if you keep practicing with your writing you have some good potential. Something to think about," called  Ms. Syler to Luz as she was leaving.

Luz left the classroom with a smile on her face after hearing her teacher's compliment. She ran into Marcy who was waiting for her outside.

"So how'd it go?" asked Marcy.

"It went great, she loved my story and thinks I might have potential, so all in all it went great!" responded Luz.

"I heard you tell her that I helped you," said Marcy, "you didn't need to say that."

"You helped me and I feel it was only fair to let her know, plus you didn't need to help me," said Luz.

"Hey that's what friends do," said Marcy, "Hey if you really want to thank me can I read the final version? I didn't see what you decided about the ending, did you have the main character hook up with the sullen poet and become his muse?"

"Well I don't want to spoil it, but I will send you the final version so you can see for yourself" replied Luz.

"Cool I look forward to reading it," said Marcy as she left to get to her next class.

"Hey Marcy I really did appreciate the help," said Luz, "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to try and collaborate again? Maybe we could write an Azura fanfic together?"

"Oooo that would be fun!" said Marcy, "sure I'd love to!"

Luz was ecstatic to hear Marcy's answer. Writing feels so much easier when you have a partner, she thought, I wonder would Marcy be interested in trying to write a full length novel? I bet two heads working together could accomplish a lot more.