23. Training Time

Luz Noceda stood still with her eyes closed. She wasn't wearing her normal clothes. Uodeela had given her a white robe to put on in preparation for her training.  She stood barefoot in the dirt doing her best to concentrate. She did her best to try and use her other senses to read the environment around her.  Just like Uodeela had asked.

"Now listen kid," said Uodeela, "you can still hear my voice so pay attention and absorb what I'm telling you."

"Yes Master," replied Luz.

"Good now keep your eyes closed, I want you to use your other senses and tell me about the place we're in," instructed Uodeela. She had taken Luz to a deep part of the forest that was unfamiliar to her in order to try and get her to focus.

Luz kept her eyes closed and focused her other sense. She could hear the birds chirping in one area of the forest, she could smell the flowers that were near her, she could feel the breeze brushing past her and the ground under her feet.

"I hear birds chirping," she said.

"Good, from which direction?" asked Uodeela.

Luz focused on the sound, "from the north."

"Good, what about the ground?" asked Uodeela.

Luz felt the dirt under her feet and between her toes, "the ground is moist and a little muddy I think it rained here recently."

"Yes that's right, what do you smell?" asked Uodeela.

"I smell some flowers," said Luz.

"What kind?" asked Uodeela.

Luz sniffed the air, "midnight orchids, which are also used in sleeping potions."

"Good, magic flows through all living things. You need to be able to feel this connection," said Uodeela, "you are the conduit for magic through you it can flow as well, and then you can have it do what you want it to do. In order to have the best chance you have to clear your mind and focus only on what you want to do with magic. Now breathe!"

"Yes Master," said Luz, who began to take long slow breaths.

"As you breathe clear your mind, don't think about anything except what I'm about to tell you," said Uodeela.

Luz continued to slowly breathe, but stopped for a moment.

"Ah I'm sorry," she said, "I got a random thought in my head and now I lost my focus."

"You have a lot of these random thoughts don't you?" asked Uodeela.

"Sorry it's just, my mind is weird," said Luz, "most people can concentrate on a single task or block things out, but I can't do that. My mind is constantly racing and I sometimes feel that if I don't keep thinking about things I'll explode. That's part of why people think I'm a weirdo, my mind works differently. My mom says that my mind just works differently than others. She said that's what helps me be creative, but it also makes it really hard to concentrate on things."

"I see," said Uodeela, "I can understand what you're telling me, but magic takes both creativity and focus. Imagination isn't enough, you have to be able to focus on what you want to accomplish. I know this might be hard for you, but that's why we're training. So Luz I'm going to ask you to try and concetrate again, if you can do that we'll move to the creative part and then you can let your mind expand and explore. But before that you have to empty it."

"I don't know if I can," said Luz despondently.

"That's why I asked you to close your eyes," said Uodeela, "It will help you to better focus and block out distractions. Now let's try again!"

Luz closed her eyes and tried to empty her mind again. She breathed deeply and slowly letting the air in and out of her lungs.

"Now as you continue to focus on your breathing think about how air flows," called Uodeela, "Imagine in your mind a gust of wind, what does it do? How does it move? When you are hit by a strong wind what happens to you?"

Luz conjured up an image of a strong gust of wind in her mind listening to Uodeela and how it behaved.

"In a moment I'm going to have you drink the Elixir of Air," said Uodeela, "normally this Elixir makes one light as a feather, with you I think it will allow you to control wind. So let's see if you can make the air around you behave as you want." With that Uodeela handed Luz a bottle filled with a white liquid. Luz took the offered bottle and drank it in one gulp.

"Keep your eyes closed," commanded Uodeela, "but feel the air around you. The breeze against your face, and now imagine in your mind you controlling the air and bending it to your will."

Luz chuckled at this, "you mean like an air-bender?"

"A--what?" asked Uodeela.

"An air-bender," said Luz, "It's from a show I used to watch in the human worlds about people who can bend various elements one of those being air---"

"Concentrate!" yelled Uodeela slamming her staff against the ground for emphasis.

"Right, concentrating," repeated Luz trying to focus again.

"Now when you're ready use your hand let air flow out of you," said Uodeela.

Luz raised her hand and pushed it forward letting out a gust of wind. She could see the effect it had on the grass and flowers as it burst out of her hand!

"Good, again!" said Uodeela.

Luz turned around and fired off another gust with her other hand.

"Again!" called Uodeela.

Once more Luz repeated the action, this time the gust was much more powerful!

"Again!" said Uodeela.

This time Luz used both her hands and aimed at a small bush in front of her. She used so much force that she blew the bush out of the ground!

"Now air is much more than just a means to blow things around," said Uodeela, "there is so much more you can do with it. Watch me!" With that Uodeela closed her eyes, powering up her magic form.

When she was ready she put her hands to the ground and jumped high into the sky using the wind to help her reach an incredible height! Then at the top of her jump she continued to manipulate the air and use it to slow her decent. She landed back down with the barely a sound.

"Now let's see what you can do!" challenged Uodeela.

Luz concentrated. She closed her eyes and knelt down, then summoning all the stregnth she could muster she pushed herself off the ground high into the sky. As Luz rose above the treetops her heart skipped a beat at seeing the vastness of Amphibia below her. It was an amazing sight to behold and the feeling of being so high in the sky was incredible! Almost like she was a bird! As she began to fall back to the ground she used the wind to steady herself and slow her fall. She landed a bit harder than Uodeela, but still not hard enough to hurt anything.

"THAT WAS AMAZING!" screamed Luz in delight! "When I was up there I could see so much. Plus it was such a rush being up so high!"

"Okay calm down there kid," said Uodeela, though she smiled as she said this, "remember I said magic isn't just fun and games. It's very serious."

"I know, I know, but still that feeling of being up in the sky," said Luz dreamily, "I've never felt anything like that before!"

"Alright, alright," said Uodeela continuing to smile, "I'm glad to see you did enjoy yourself! Magic does have its perks, so long as you remember to focus." Uodeela playfully used her staff to tap Luz on the head hoping to ingrain that lesson in her.

"So what's next?" asked Luz.

"As I said, magic takes imagination," said Uodeela, "so what can you imagine air to do?"

Luz stood still pondering the question.

"Here let me show you," said Uodeela who closed her eyes activating her magic mode. When she opened her eyes she began gathering air in her hands and spinning it around, after a few seconds she released a small tornado from her hands. Next she moved her arm in a slicing motion sending a blade of air at a small tree, it managed to slice off a branch of the tree.

"The air blade can be made as sharp as you like," said Uodeela, "less power and it will leave some small cuts and nicks on your opponent, more power and you may very well cut them in two."

"That is pretty impressive," said Luz.

"This is where imagination comes into the mix," lectured Uodeela, "what you can do with not just wind, but with any element of magic. How you use it will depend on how creative you can be with it."

Next Uodeela summoned a fire ball to her hands, but instead of throwing it she had it circle around her. She summoned three more fire balls and also had them circle around her as well. After a bit she sent them off and summoned a pillar of ice under her that raised her up. She began using pieces of the ice pillar and threw them out in front of her. Finally she created several orbs of light in front of her, she sent one directly at Luz's face.

"Ahh!" cried Luz in surprise, as the orb hit her, temporarily blinding her.

"Light orbs can be a great source of light, but they can also serve as a handy way to stun your opponent," said Uodeela, "a handy trick I came up with."

"Wow this is all a little overwhelming," admitted Luz, "and I mean I can only use one element at a time, not like you."

Uodeela had to stop herself from talking, instead thinking what she wanted to say, maybe you can only use one element now Luz, but if you can learn how to unlock your gems power, then there's no limit to what you can do.

"Which is why you need training in how to use the various elements" said Uodeela, "now let's see what you can do!"

Over the next few hours Uodeela instructed Luz in various uses of air and wind. She showed her a few techniques that she herself used. Luz became familiar with some of the basic moves like air blasts, and air slashes as well as some more advanced moves like the mini tornado. After awhile they ended the session.

"I think that's enough hands on training for today," said Uodeela, "though now that I've shown you the basics I expect you to set aside time to meditate in order to keep practicing your focus and concentration. It is essential that you learn these fundamentals. It will make it easier for you to use magic in the future."

"Okay I promise I will," replied Luz.

"Though if you'd like a little more practice," began Uodeela, "we can try jumping home."

"Yes I would very much like that," said Luz excitedly.

"Okay kid follow me," Uodeela knelt to the ground and closed her eyes. She pushed off using the winds to help lift her in the air. Luz followed suit staying behind Uodeela and making sure to concentrate. Luz's jumps weren't as graceful as Uodeela's but she did start to get the hang of it. Luz made sure to concentrate and use the wind to help push her off the ground. As she got better her jumps and landings became more graceful. Before long they had arrived back at Uodeela's house. Though they were in for a surprise as they saw Amara outside doing some training of her own. She seemed to be practicing a set of fighting moves with various punches and kicks. She turned as she saw Uodeela and Luz come towards her.

"Oh hey didn't think you would be back so soon," said Amara stopping her training.

"The wind can make travel happen in the blink of an eye," said Uodeela, "was that Newt-jitsu you were doing?"

"Yes it was," replied Amara, "I've been practicing on my own whenever I had free time."

"Huh I see," said Uodeela, "that fighting style is usually used by members of the Newtopian Royal Army, where did you learn it?"

"A friend of the family who is an officer in the army taught it to me," said Amara, "she was one of the few friends my parents let me have. And my parents said that a "proper newt" should know how to fight. How did your training go Luz?"

"Oh it was wonderful!" exclaimed Luz, "I got to soar into the sky and see the view, it was probably the closest I'll get to flying!"

"Ah using wind magic then," said Amara, before suddenly coming up with an idea, "hey Luz is that Elixir still working on you?"

Luz raised her hand and fired a blast of wind.

"Perfect," said Amara, "I've been practicing the forms and positions of Newt-jitsu, but it's not the same as trying them against an actual opponent. What would you say to a friendly sparring match?"

"Huh you want to spar?" said Luz, "I'm not really much of a fighter though."

"I think it's a good idea," said Uodeela, "this will give you another chance to practice controlling the air. You don’t need to be a good fighter to spar. You just need to use your wind powers to help you better move around the battlefield. I think this will be some good practical expirence."

"Are you sure it won't be unfair since I can control the wind right now?" asked Luz.

"Nah that just gives me more of a challenge," said Amara, "I like a challenge, so let's see what you got." Luz nodded her head in agreement.

A few minutes later Amara and Luz stood aside from each other in a small clearing in the forest. Uodeela had agreed to be the referee for this match.

"Alright let's have a good clean fight now," she said, "we'll have this be a three round fight, knock your opponent down to win the round. Fighters ready?"

Both Luz and Amara nodded.

"Begin!" said Uodeela.

Amara charged straight at Luz and attempted to hit her with various punches. Luz blocked or dodged the attacks and when she saw an opening used her hands to blow wind at Amara. The gust was strong enough to blow her away, but Amara didn't let that stop her and came right back at Luz. Luz again dodged the attacks and moved her arm in a slicing motion sending a blade of air at Amata. Amara got down on all fours to dodge the blade and crawled towards Luz, standing back up when she was near her and throwing punches at her again. Luz continued to block the punches but was caught unawares as Amara swung her tail at Luz's feet managing to trip her up and knock her to the ground.

"Amara takes the first point!" called Uodeela, "got to watch that tail kid. Any newt or salamander worth their salt knows how to use their tail as an extra appendage. Aiming at the feet and trying to trip up your opponent is an especially useful tactic."

Amara offered Luz a hand up which she accepted, the two returned to their starting positions.

"Okay now for round two," said Uodeela, "fighters ready?"

Both Luz and Amara nodded.

"Begin!" said Uodeela.

Once again Amara charged at Luz, this time Luz focused and used her wind powers to jump high into the air avoiding Amara completely. From up in the sky Luz began launching air blasts at Amara trying to catch her unawares. Amara managed to dodge them and waited for Luz to descend. Once she was back on the ground Amara charged at Luz again, Luz managed to jump right over Amara and land behind her quickly launching an air blast at her that blew her away. Still Amara didn’t fall down from the attack and renewed her effort to get at Luz. As she got close to Luz she started throwing punches hoping to distract Luz, when she felt she had an opening she once again used her tail to try trip Luz up. But this time Luz saw the attack coming and jumped back out of range. She then began spinning her hands making a small tornado in them and sent it right at Amara. The tornado caught her and spun her around for a few seconds before dissipating at which point Luz came up to her and kicked her in the chest causing her to fall to the ground.

"And Luz gets the point for round two!" declared Uodeela, "nice work there kid! So that means we go to the final round for the tie-breaker!"

This time Luz offered Amara a hand up which she accepted. They both returned to their starting positions.

"Final round," said Uodeela, "fighters ready?"

Both Luz and Amara nodded.

"Begin!" said Uodeela.

Luz took the offensive this time charging right at Amara and blasting wind at her. Amara jumped back to dodge these attacks and wasn't able to get close to Luz to counter her. Luz pressed her advantage trying to catch Amara in one of her air attacks. Amara got down on all fours and crawled at Luz avoiding her air attacks before getting right up next to her. Once again she threw punches at Luz and tried to distract her before using her tail to swipe at her feet. Luz got tripped by the tail, but didn't fall down. She tried sending another mini tornado at Amara, but Amara manged to dodge the attack. As Amara got closer to Luz, Luz used the air to jump over Amara and land behind her. Luz tried to throw a punch at Amara but Amara grabbed her arm and placed her feet in front of Luz, then used her other arm to push Luz who tripped and fell face first in the mud.

"And with that the match is over," said Uodeela, "Amara wins! Nice job Amara, do you feel that helped your training?"

"Yeah I think so," said Amara, "hey Luz are you okay?"

Luz got up and wiped the mud from her face, surprisingly she was smiling!

"Yeah I'm great!" she said warmly, "you really are tough Amara. But I had fun!"

"I'll admit you didn't make it easy," said Amara, "I underestimated you. You seem to be doing well with those powers. If you keep practicing I think you could become a fine witch."

"Awww thanks Amara," said Luz, "it means a lot to hear you say that."

"Hey if you want, maybe I could teach you a few moves too," offered Amara, "you were a good opponent today, and I'd love the chance to spar again. If I teach you some moves that would make you even tougher."

"I'd like that, thanks Amara," said Luz, with that the two friends walked back inside Uodeela's house. Uodeela smiling at seeing the connection between them.

Later Uodeela came down into the basement to talk with Luz.

"Hey Luz, there's something I want to talk to you about," said Uodeela.

"Oh what is it?" asked Luz.

"I may have a lead on the location of one of your friends," answered Uodeela.

"Really?!" said Luz, "who?"

"Anne," said Uodeela, "listen I know you might not exactly be thrilled to see her but--"

"No wait," interrupted Luz, "I actually do want to see her."

"You do?" said Uodeela surprised.

"Listen I've thought a lot about what happened between Anne and I," began Luz, "and the truth is part of it was my fault. I did something I shouldn't have done. I need to find Anne, and I need to apologize to her face to face for what I did. I don't know if she'll accept my apology and maybe she still won't want to be friends with me, but I need to at least try. I need to tell her I'm sorry.

Uodeela stood in shocked silence at hearing Luz say this, "I'm honestly surprised to hear you say that."

"Like I said I've been thinking a lot about it," said Luz, "I want to make things right between me and Anne, that means I have to apologize to her, and it also means…..I have to accept that she may not forgive me, but I have to try."

"Very well then," said Uodeela, with that she pulled out a map and laid it out in front of Luz.

"This is Tadpole Pond where we are," she said indicating the town, "The news I heard about your friend is that she's in the small town of Wartwood, over here," said Uodeela indicating the town on the map, it was far to the west.

"Seems kind of far," observed Luz.

"It's about a weeks travel by snail," replied Uodeela, "though with good time we might make it there faster. I've been to Wartwood before, my last apprentice was from there. It will be good to see her again, maybe see if she's progressed in studying magic."

"So when can we leave?" asked Luz.

"A few more weeks," answered Uodeela, "the only major lesson I have left for you all is curses, and even then we won't be studying that much, only the basics. Curses, as I've said before, are inherently dark magic. We will only be doing basic curses and how to detect them. Advanced curses are too difficult and time consuming to learn in a short amount of time. And they can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing."

"So in a few weeks I might finally be reunited with Anne," said Luz a bit absently. She kept starring off into the distance as she pondered this outcome.

"It will give you time to think of what you want to say to her," advised Uodeela.

"Yeah I suppose it will," agreed Luz, "I'm kind of nervous about meeting her again, but I know it has to be done. So I'll think about what to say to her, and hopefully be ready when the time comes."

Far away at the toad camp Sasha had just finished up training for the day. The toads were exhausted. Sasha had cracked the whip on them to get them ready for the upcoming invasion. The toads grumbled a but as they headed back to their tents, but did seem to at least feel as though the training was working.

"Good job troops," complimented Sasha, "that's enough for today, go rest up. Tomorrow we'll do Tai Chi to help relax you a bit."

"Man I feel tried," said Fens.

"Yeah me too," said Bog, "but I feel sore in a good way."

"Sasha really is training us hard," said Percy.

"Yeah, but I think she's onto something with having us get a new base," said Bradock.

"I have to admit, when Sasha first came up with this plan to invade Tadpole Pond I thought she was crazy," said Bog, "but now I think we might actually have a chance at it."

"I must say your new regiment is quite intensive," said Grime, "Though I can't argue with the results."

"Trust me this will all be worth it once we take Tadpole Pond," said Sasha

"Yeah about that," began Grime, "we still don't really have a plan for dealing with Uodeela."

"Oh I'm glad you brought that up Grimesy," said Sasha, "The next step in dealing with her is learning her weakness. So think carefully, does Uodeela have any weakness that you can think of?"

"If I knew her weakness I would have exploited it years ago," said Grime.

"Okay next question then," began Sasha, "how does she use magic?"

"Well she's great at brewing up potions and elixirs," said Grime, "she makes them in advance and uses them when needed, but she also has a magic gem."

"Magic Gem?" asked Sasha.

"They are quite rare," explained Grime, "but Uodeela has one, it allows her to perform all manner of magic, from fire, to wind, to ice, to really anything she can think of."

"How does this magic gem work?" asked Sasha.

"I don't know all the details, but I'm pretty sure it has some sort of bond to Uodeela," said Grime, "I think she and then gem are connected."

"And where is this gem?" asked Sasha.

"She has it embedded in her staff," said Grime, "you can tell when she's activated its powers because her eyes will glow red."

"So does she carry this staff with her then?" asked Sasha.

"Yes, why?" asked Grime.

"Well duh!" exclaimed Sasha, "then it seems to me the solution is simple, get her staff away from her and destroy that gem. Then she won't be able to use her magic."

"Hmm I never really thought of that before," admitted Grime, "still getting the staff away from her is a tall order. And that's not all. In addition to everything I just told you, she also has this strange potion. When she drinks it she can transform into a heron. That's what earned her the nickname "The Red Heron!"

"Well you and I can deal with herons," began Sasha, "and with the right training the rest of the toads can handle one heron."

"She's not a mindless beast though," said Grime, "she has full control of her mind when in that heron form, that's what makes her so dangerous! She has the power of a heron and can think and strategize."

"Hmmm okay, I don't really have a plan for that yet," admitted Sasha, "but I'm pretty sure I can think of one. At any rate, forcing her to transform into the heron will give us a larger target to hit, and getting rid of her staff will take away the one big advantage she has over us."

"I think this could work then," said Grime, "lets start forming a plan for how we accomplish this."