25. Azura's Troupe Part 2

Luz woke up to the sounds of bubbling. She cast her sleepy gaze around and saw the cauldron that Uodeela had brought into the basement a few weeks ago. Uodeela had been hard at work gathering up the ingredients she needed for a rare Elixir, this particular elixir also needed to stew for two weeks. So Uodeela had moved a cauldron into the basement to keep it out of the way. Today was the day she added the final ingredient to the elixir.

Yawning as she stumbled out of bed. Luz quickly got changed and was getting ready to go upstairs when the basement door opened and Uodeela, Amara, Gustav, and Lilly came down, almost bumping into Luz.

"Oh sorry there Luz," said Lilly

"Watch it there kid," said Uodeela, "we were all just coming down to check the elixir, After I add the last ingredient it won't be long before it's ready."

The amphibians and Luz gathered around the cauldron and watched as it continued to bubble. Uodeela had been silent about this particular elixir, but had promised to talk more about it as it drew nearer to being ready.

"So I know I haven't even told you all what this elixir is," began Uodeela.

"I know," said Amara, "it must be really complicated with all the different and rare ingredients you’ve been getting."

"Not only that, but you've been brewing it for so long," added Gustav, "much longer than any elixir we've ever attempted."

"Yes that's because this is a very special elixir," said Uodeela, "what you are looking at is the Elixir of Life!"

All eye's went from the cauldron to Uodeela and then back again.

"Are you serious Master?" asked Amara, "the Elixir of Life?! As in the one that can bring you back from the dead?"

"Well more like it can save you from death," clarified Uodeela, "to be clear the Elixir only works to save you from an early or untimely death. It can't do much against dying of natural causes or disease. If you were mortally wounded or drowned or something like that and made sure to take the elixir quickly after that you would live! The elixir will cure your wounds and patch you up good as new."

"Wow that's incredible!" exclaimed Luz.

"Indeed it is," said Uodeela, "that's why it takes so many rare ingredients and so long to brew. As of right now there's only one more thing it needs." With that Uodeela drew a knife causing the others to jump in fright.

"A bit of salamander blood," she said as she casually made a cut on her hand letting several drops of blood fall into the cauldron. With that the elixir turned a bright shade of gold and continued to bubble excitedly.

"It will still need to stew for three more days," said Uodeela, "but after that it should be ready."

"You could've warned us that you were going to do that," said Luz in shock.

"I could have, but where's the fun in that?" answered Uodeela sarcastically.

"So what are you going to do with it Master?" asked Lilly.

"Well for sure I'll keep a few bottles of it, you know in case of an emergency that my normal regeneration can't handle," began Uodeela, "but I'll probably sell some of it too. Try to bring in some extra money. Maybe on our way to Wartwood we can stop in Ribbitvale, lot of wealthy elites up there. I'm sure they'd be interested in an elixir that let you survive death."

"Oh that's right you're going to be leaving soon right Luz," asked Lilly a little sadly.

"Yeah," replied Luz also a little sadly, "Uodeela said she heard that one of my friends was in Wartwood and said she'd take me there once our lessons here were over."

"Oh you'll be crossing the whole valley," said Lilly, "Wartwood is literally on the other side of it. I've never been there, but I hear it's a nice small town made up of mostly farmers."

"Gosh I can't believe our time together will be coming to an end so soon," mused Gustav, "it's feels like the weeks just flew by!"

"Yeah that's how it works sometimes," replied Uodeela, "Things are always changing and you never know how much time you have left with someone, best enjoy the remaining time you have with each other."

Later after the lesson the four friends made their way up to Uodeela's living room, when Gustav came up with an idea.

"Hey so it looks like we might be saying goodbye soon, how's about we go out in style?"

"What do you mean?" asked Lilly.

"Before we all go our separate ways let's put on one more show of Azura's Troupe!" said Gustav.

Luz, Amara, and Lilly looked at each other before looking back at Gustav.

"Hmm I guess I wouldn't mind another chance to act as Azura again," said Luz.

"You know I really liked playing Glen the Frog Knight," said Lilly.

"I suppose it would be fun to put on one more performance before we all have to leave," said Amara.

"That's the spirit!" said Gustav in excitement as he hugged his friends, "glad to hear you guys are onboard. Let's start thinking of what we want to do!"

Over the next few days Azura's Troupe came together and rehearsed. They were able to re-use many of the props and costumes that they used the first time and did their best to try and come up with a show on short notice. They decided to do a similar format to what they did last time. Luz hurriedly tried to come up with a script from her book while Lilly began studying the next scene from the Frog Knight. The group rushed to try and get things ready as quickly as possible, before long the night of their performance arrived!

A large crowd had gathered almost the entirety of the town was there. Uodeela was once again handling tickets as backstage the actors rushed to get ready. They decided to have a small get together before the show to psych themselves up.

"Okay gang are we ready to put on an incredible show?" asked Gustav.

"YEAH!" replied the others.

"Luz as the leader of Azura's Troupe you should say a few words," suggested Lilly.

"Well let me just say I'm glad we're all together here," began Luz, "even if we may part ways soon I'm glad I got to know you all. You know before I met Anne, Marcy, and Sasha I didn't have any friends in the human world. Then things kind of got complicated with Anne, but then I met you all here and got to make more friends!"

The amphibians all smiled on hearing Luz say that.

"Lilly you're very kind and compassionate, you offered to be my friend when you barely knew me, and I'm glad I got to spend time with you and that I was able to talk with you about difficult things," said Luz grinning towards Lilly.

"Gustav, I know you've had it rough with being made fun of by the toads, but I like you just the way you are. I think you being different was a good thing, brains always win over brawn and I think you're a great musician!" said Luz to Gustav.

"Amara, I know we may have had a rough start, but I think it's amazing that you've grown so much, I like how confident you are. Thank you for teaching me some of those fighting moves and having a sparing session with me," said Luz.

"You're welcome," said Amara.

 "Ahora! Vamos a tener un gran noche! Now what do you say we get out there and give them a show!" said Luz excitedly!

Everyone cheered in agreement and the four friends came together in a large group hug as they got ready for the show.

Lights flashed on the stage as Gustav stepped forward, he would once again be host for the night and introduce the acts. Gustav made his way to center stage and spoke to the crowd.

"Ladies and gentle frogs, welcome once again to an amazing performance by Azura's Troupe," began Gustav, "tonight promises to be an amazing display of talent and acting the likes of which have never before been seen in all of Amphibia!"

A loud mummer broke out among the crowd as they heard this.

"Firstly we continue our story of "The Good Witch Azura" starring that wonder from another world, "Luz the Human!" said Gustav clearing the stage as Luz and Amara approached dressed in their Azura costumes.

"Azura," said Amara as Hecate, "our paths have crossed only in battle, but today I stand before you seeking an ally!"

"Oh why this sudden change of heart?" asked Luz as Azura.

"Thou hast heard of the Arch-mage?" asked Amara.

"For certain I have," replied Luz, "but what is your concern with him?"

"The Arch-mage has begun collecting magical artifacts, even attacking other witches to obtain them," said Amara.

"Doth thou think he will turn his attention to us then?" asked Luz.

"It is only a matter of time, we would not be able to face his power alone, but together we may stand a chance," said Amara.

"How do I know that this is not some elaborate plan to trick me?" said Luz, "perhaps thou has already made a contract with the Arch-mage and this offer of friendship is a trick to get me to lower my guard."

"Azura, doth thou think me so foul as to attempt that?" asked Amara.

"We have long been enemies," answered Luz, "I think thou wouldst attempt it if the opportunity were to arise."

"Enemies we may have been, but I always respected you," said Amara, "thou dost remember when you challenged me to a duel at the Bog of Immediate Regret?"

Luz nodded her head.

"Thou didst lose, and it was within my power to end your life, but I spared you," said Amara, "I have never liked how thou performed magic and I thought that thou was impatient and naïve. But I never doubted your abilities. There are a great man other witches I couldst ask for help, but I know thou is brave and determined. We may have had out differences in the past but thou knowst the power of the Arch-mage, if he were to obtain enough artifacts he would become more powerful than any witch in the land."

"I hear what you say," said Luz, "I too have begun to fear the Arch-mage's power. Dost thou think we can prevail over him in battle?"

"We shall know soon enough," answered Amara, "so wilst thou join my cause?" with that Amara stretched out her hand.

"Indeed I shall," said Luz taking the offered hand, "let us put our skills to the test against him,"

Luz and Amara ran offstage. Gustav came on dressed up as the Arch-mage.

"Soon I shall acquire all the magical relics in this land," began Gustav as the Arch-mage, "When I finally have the Sapphire Staff  I shall be the most powerful sorcerer in the world!!"

"Hold Arch-mage!" exclaimed Amara and Luz as the entered, "your villainy ends here!"

"Ah the good witch Azura, and what is this? Hecate!" said Gustav surprised, "how didst this happen? I thought you were both mortal enemies."

"We may have been foes in the past," began Luz.

"But we see you as a far bigger threat," finished Amara.

"Ha thou art more foolish than I though if you think to challenge my power," laughed Gustav, "but if you wish to throw your lives away so easily then so be it!"

With that Gustav engaged in mock battle with Amara and Luz, they spun around each other and threw potions that released brightly colored sparkles to signify magic.

"You are truly more powerful than I thought!" exclaimed Gustav, "but I know that Hecate is the stronger of you two. So if I can get rid of her, then Azura is sure to fall." With that Gustav threw a potion directly at Amara, but Luz stepped in front of her and took the hit!"

"Ahhh!" cried Luz, as she fell to the floor.

"Azura!" yelled Amara as she came to Luz's side.

"Hecate, I think this may be the end for me, hurry and finish the fight," said Luz weakly.

Amara and Gustav continued fighting, eventually Gustav spoke.

"Curses it seems you were stronger than I thought, I shall flee for now, but don't think you've seen the last of me Hecate!" said Gustav, with that he fled offstage.

"Azura!" said Amara coming to Luz's side, "speak to me Azura!"

"Hecate," said Luz weakly.

"You took that spell for me Azura, why?" asked Amara.

"He was right you are the stronger of the two of us and I had to protect you, I'm sorry for mistrusting you Hecate," said Luz, "go and chase after the Arch-mage."

"No," said Amara, "no, I must tend to your wounds. Come let us leave this place." With that Amara bent down to pick Luz up and carried her offstage.

Gustav came back onstage, "and scene!"

With that the crowd cheered as Gustav, Luz and Amara came onstage to take their bows! Luz exited offstage as Gustav and Amara stayed on.

"And now while our performers prepare the next piece we present you a brief interlude as myself and the lovely Amara play some music. As an extra special treat this song is an original composition that the two of us worked on together," said Gustav. With that he brought out his ocarina and Amara brought out her harp and the two began playing.

[Please start playing "Corridors of Time" from Chrono Trigger. I recommend an orchestrated version. Though the original is still quite good]

As soon as Amara and Gustav began playing the mood both out in the audience and backstage began to shift. Luz was backstage listening to the music and something about it drew her in, almost as though she was hypnotized. The song was beautiful yet sad almost melancholic. Luz looked over at Lilly and saw that she too was being drawn into the intoxicating melody. They looked at each other but didn't speak, slowly they closed their eyes.

As Luz closed her eyes, she began to see things in her mind. She had a vision of a grand beautiful city in the clouds. They city was amazing, some kind of technical wonder! She saw grand spires and large houses throughout the city. Next she saw a girl, the girl was barely older than her dressed in beautiful robes of purple, but she was crying. Luz didn't know why this girl was crying but it made her sad to see the girl in pain.

Luz opened her eyes and realized that not only was she crying, but Lilly was too.

"Luz," said Lilly tears still in her eyes.

Luz sniffled a bit before replying, "I don't know why, but I'm sad."

"Did you see the city and the girl?" asked Lilly.

Luz nodded.

"What was that place?" asked Lilly, "and why is hearing this song making us sad?"

"Look," said Luz directing Lilly to the stage. Amara and Gustav continued to play but their instruments were glowing. They had both noticed but still kept playing. Eventually the song ended and the show continued. Amara left offstage leaving Gustav to introduce the final act.

"Ladies and gentle frogs!" exclaimed Gustav, "we once again have another performance from the epic opera "The Frog Knight!" When we last left our hero Glenn he had suffered defeat at the hands of the Dark Mage. But finding new resolve Glenn rushes to meet the Dark Mage at Newtopia and stop whatever evil machinations he has planned. Though he knows that armed as he is he has no chance to defeat him. But Glenn has heard tales of a sacred blade, a magical sword that can pierce through the Dark Mage's defenses. This sword of legend is called "The Masamune" and the rumors say it is held in an ancient temple. It is said that one must  overcome many trials in order to obtain the Masamune. Now we join our hero Glenn as he arrives at the temple!"

With that Lilly walked onstage in her costume and looked around a bit before speaking.

"Is this the Temple of Courage?" began Lilly, "I have heard many stories that claim there is a special sword here. A magic sword that may help in my fight against the Dark Mage."

Suddenly Luz walked onstage dressed in an ethereal costume.

"What is this?" exclaimed Lilly, "some spirit appears before me."

"Greetings young Glenn," said Luz in a spooky voice, "I am the spirit Masamune guardian of the temple. I guide those who come here to seek the sacred blade. Think yourself worthy to wield this sword?"

"In truth I do not know," said Lilly, "but I am here to find out!"

"Inside this temple are trials that will test your courage," said Luz, "is thou ready to attempt them?"

Lilly paused before replying, "yes I am ready. I must do whatever it takes to stop the Dark Mage and save the kingdom."

"Very well then let us enter," said Luz, with that Lilly and Luz walked offstage before running around the back and entering from the other side.

"Hark! What is this?" exclaimed Lilly, "I see a great pit before me, there is a door on the other side, but it seems impossible to cross."

"Thou must figure out how to cross this pit," said Luz, "that is the first trial."

Lilly mused out loud, "this distance seems too great, even with my best leap I doubt I could make it. And yet I see no way or mechanism with which to cross, I see no rope or chain, though there is nothing on the other side I could fasten it to even if there was some." Lilly put her hand to her chin as she tried to think of some way to cross the deep pit.

"If this challenge be too much for thee, then you may flee now," said Luz.

"No I must succeed," replied Lilly, "hmmm, if there be no way that I can see, the perhaps I shall chance a jump." With that Lilly got into a crouch preparing to jump across the pit. Hoping she would make it. She crouched down and got her legs ready before finally taking off in a mighty jump! But she didn't clear the pit and landed right on top of it.

"Ahhh!" she exclaimed, "wait, there is an invisible floor here."

"So there is," said Luz, "Thou needed courage to take the leap, sometimes the danger we see ahead of us is but an illusion."

With that Lilly got up and leap the rest of the way across the pit making it to the other side.

"Thou hast completed the first trial," said Luz, "now let us see what awaits you next."

Lilly and Luz again ran offstage and around the back before entering onstage again. As they did Gustav and Amara wheeled on a set of spikes and a cardboard cut out of fire.

"What is this then?" asked Lilly, "it looks like some sort of obstacle course. Indeed I see swinging blades, jets of fire, spike traps, and all manner of dangerous traps!"

"It will take a heart full of courage to get through these dangers," said Luz.

"Very well then forward I go!" said Lilly, with that Lilly charged through jumping at various points and pretending to weave her way through obstacles (that unfortuantly weren't actually there onstage) and danced her way to the other side of the stage.

"I have won the second trial!" exclaimed Lilly.

"Indeed you have," said Luz, "only one more trial awaits you, in the next room, is thou prepared for it?"

Lilly marched offstage ready to face the final trial. Once more she ran around to emerge from the other side of the stage.

"I see some deep pit here, though unlike the first one, I can actually see the bottom," said Lilly, "Methinks there is some form or creature down there." As she said this Gustav came onstage clothed in a black cloak.

"There is indeed a creature down there," confirmed Luz, "one that can transform into your greatest fear! For this final trial you must face this creature and also your greatest fear!"

Lilly walked across the stage and drew her sword, as she did Gustav threw off the cloak and began speaking.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Look at Glenn he's so stupid and weak," he said to Lilly.

"I know that frog," said Lilly, "you teased and bullied me in my youth. Cyrus protected me from you. But I fear you not!" Lilly lunged forward with her sword striking Gustav, he fled offstage and Amara came on dressed as the Dark Mage.

"Oh Glenn," said Amara, "thou has no hope of defeating me. Cyrus was the best knight in all Amphibia and he fell before my power. You were barely worthy to polish Cyrus's boots, what makes you think you can beat me?"

"I know I can win against you Dark Mage!" declared Lilly, "I must win against you, both to avenge Cyrus, but also to put and end to your evil! That is enough to let me know that I can triumph over you!" Glenn charged forward with his sword and struck down Amara, who fled offstage. At that point Gustav came back on, dressed as Cyrus.

"Glenn," said Gustav in a somber tone, "you abandoned me."

"No," said Lilly taking in the sight of Cyrus and dropping her sword, "Cyrus I'm sorry!"

"I needed your help! We could have defeated the Dark Mage together, but because of your cowardice I am dead. How could you let me die?" demanded Gustav in an angry tone.

"Cyrus…."said Lilly dropping to her knees and beginning to cry, "I'm so sorry!"

"I never should have wasted my time on you," said Gustav, "I thought when we joined the knighthood together we would be brothers on a journey! We would have adventures together, but because of you I am dead!"

"NO!" screamed Lilly, "please Cyrus I tried to stop the Dark Mage after you were slain!"

"But you failed!" said Gustav, "even after the Dark Mage defeated you in battle you didn't even have the courage to take your own life. You could have joined me in death."

"Cyrus please," begged Lilly, "I am here to try and finish what you started."

"It should have been me who killed the Dark Mage," said Gustav advancing on Lilly and drawing his sword, "with you out of the way I can defeat the Dark Mage and claim my rightful glory." With that he brought the sword down on Lilly, only to be surprised as in one quick motion she  grabbed her sword from the floor and brought it up to block his.

"The real Cyrus would never say something like that!" said Lilly now with fire in her eyes as she rose up to her feet. "He never cared about fame or glory and even after he became the best knight in the land he always had a humble heart. YOU'RE NOT CYRUS!!!"

Gustav and Lilly engaged again in mock battle swords clashing against each other. After several minutes of fighting Lilly finally landed a blow on Gustav. With that Gustav fled offstage. Lilly stood alone for a few seconds taking in her encounter with Cyrus and how it had affected her. Soon Luz came to her side.

"The next chamber awaits," she said to Lilly. For the final time the two of them exited offstage ran around behind and came onto the stage one last time. Again Gustav and Amara wheeled out a prop sword that was inserted into a stone onto the stage.

"Here it is then," observed Lilly, "the blade of legend, The Masamune…." She stared at the blade that was in the stone before her.

"You've accomplished quite a lot to get here," said Luz, "but that alone is not enough. If you are truly worthy to wield it, then go and pull the Masamune from it's resting place."

For a second Lilly hesitated unsure if she was indeed worthy to take it, but then she stepped forward to where the sword was and took hold of the hilt. And in one swift motion pulled it from its stone! She stared into the blade that was now in her hands seeing her own reflection in the polished metal. As she stared at the sword in amazment the realization that she was worthy of it finally dawned on her, all traces of doubt vanishing from her eyes. Lilly, now full of confidence, raised the sword up into the air and in a loud and powerful voice exclaimed,

"My name is Glenn! Long have I carried Cyrus's hopes and dreams, and now I bear the Masamune as well!! Henceforth I claim them as my own! I shall slay the Dark Mage and restore our honor!!!"

No one needed to say that the scene had ended, the entire crowd seated before them rose up and cheered! They tossed flowers onto the stage and began cheering and clapping louder and louder. Eventually Luz, Gustav, and Amara came onstage to take their bows before all four of the friends held hands and took a final company bow.

It had been hard to get away after the performance as many of the citizens wanted to personally thank and compliment each of the performers. All of them seemed to love Lilly's dramatic performance as Glenn the Frog Knight giving her compliments and praise. It was a long time before they were able to meet up with Uodeela who was looking especially hard at Gustav and Amara.

"That song you played," she asked, "how did you come to write it?"

Gustav and Amara looked at each other before replying.

"Well it's actually the strangest thing," said Amara, "one day Gustav and I were out jamming like we normally do, but suddenly we had an urge to write a new song."

"To be honest It almost felt like I could hear the notes in my mind," explained Gustav, "and I felt I just has to get them out."

"Master did you see it too then?" asked Luz, "that city in the sky and that girl."

"Yes I did" said Uodeela, "and I think I know what that was. Did you notice that your instruments were glowing?"

"Yeah we did," said Amara, "it was a little distracting, but we kept on playing, do you know why?"

"I think so," began Uodeela, "all those who are attuned to magic know that music has a magic all on it's own. It's amazing what the right melody or combination of notes can achieve and when played by one who is attuned to magic it can have different effects."

"Wow that's amazing," said Amara.

"I think you may have subconsciously been picking up some magic energy," she said to Gustav and Amara, "when you were playing that song I could see a city in the clouds in my mind."

"We saw it too!" said Lilly and Luz, "we also saw a girl dressed in purple. What does this mean?"

Uodeela paused before continuing, "I think that city was a real place. I don't think it ever existed here in Amphibia, maybe it was in another world. Luz was able to come here from another world so maybe that city we saw was from somewhere beyond the world of Amphibia. When I heard the music I felt very sad, I think something terrible happened to that city, and the girl. I think in some way the city itself was reaching out to the two of you. I think it wanted us to know that it existed and that something bad had happened there. Maybe it wanted its story told I think the city may have once been a center for magic itself. But though it no longer exists the residual magic cries out and leaks into other worlds trying to find a way to tell its story."

"Why us though?" asked Gustav.

"Music has a magic all of its own," explained Uodeela, "and you two are well versed in it, that's why you were receptive to it. Like I said, if that city was real I think it was using whatever power it could to try and reach out to anyone it could find. For whatever reason the two of you were able to feel the magical energy of the city and transform it into music. Music that then implanted an image of that city to those who heard it, and also the feeling of loss and sadness that the city and girl may have experienced. This is interesting, it may be an entirely new way to use magic in Amphibia. It will obviously require more research, but who knows what this could lead to."

Gustav and Amara were intrigued and looked from Uodeela to each other.

"But enough about all that," said Uodeela, "it's time we celebrate your wonderful performance! I have two full bottles of cider at home lets crack those open and have ourselves a party!"

The four friends cheered at that suggestion and followed Uodeela back home.