42. True Colors (Part 2)(2)

"Maybe you shouldn't say that," said Belos, "he could be watching you right now." As he said this he looked up towards the ceiling.

"Bah, he already knows how I feel," whined The Collector, "even if he is watching us you know he won't do anything!"

Belos cast another look of disdain at the ceiling, "if all he can do is watch events play out then he really is a poor excuse for a god. I prefer gods who strike down sinners! And since that's what I plan to do I suppose that makes ME A BETTER GOD THAN YOU!" Belos defiantly yelled that last line up at the ceiling almost daring The Collector's brother to smite him, but of course nothing happened.

"Ha, Ha," laughed The Collector, "oh I know he heard that, but you're right he won't do anything about it, ha, ha, ha, ha!"

"Yes…well getting back on track, what are we going to do about Luz?" asked Belos.

"I say don't do anything," replied The Collector, "if those glyphs are still carved in your arm then that must mean that the timeline is still okay. My guess is that Luz will still make her way here eventually, it just wasn't now."

Belos paused as he considered this, "I suppose that makes sense, but how can she get here without the box?"

"I mean you got here without using that box, maybe Luz will find another way?" said the Collector.

"I suppose that's possible, still I may want to keep an eye on her and see how the situation develops."

"Well she's back in the human relam though, and Sasha isn't with her anymore so how are you going to do that?" asked the Collector.

"I don't know," answered Belos, "it was a fluke that I was able to get into Sasha's head, but I don't think I can count on anyone else finding my old mask and casually putting it on."

"So does that mean you're going to do something about that Andrias guy?" asked The Collector.

"What do you mean?" asked Belos.

"I mean he said he wants to conquer Earth, you know where you're from. You said the reason you want to wipe out all witches is to save humanity from them," said The Collector, "I figure since this guys posses a more direct threat to your world that maybe you'd want to do something about him."

"It's not my problem," answered Belos flatly, "I'm busy trying to protect humanity from witches I don't have time to deal with him."

"Oh do you not have time or are you scared?" taunted The Collector, though right as he said this Belos shot out his arm at the wall The Collector was on, he quickly dodged out of the way.

"I have more important things to deal with," said Belos, "I don't have time to waste on that fool. Though that power the box uses, I am interested in that."

"I thought you'd be," said the Collector, "my brother is the one who made the box, well to be more accurate he made the gems. He put a lot of his own power into them."

"Yes, but how were the girls able to absorb that power into themselves?" asked Belos intrigued

"I don't know, it happened when they opened the box, but I don't know the specifics of how it works or why it worked for them," said The Collector.

"Just imagine what we could do if we had that kind of power..." said Belos flashing The Collector a sinister smile. A smile The Collector returned…



Arc 5: Home