First Move


"Are you still not ready? I already prepared the car outside,"

Matthew knocked on the door for the third time. He already told the chairman that they were going to attend the early meeting just like what he wanted. He opened the door half and saw Knox putting on his black coat.

The assistant felt relieved. He won't receive scolding from the chairman today, right? At least that's what he wanted for today. He wanted a peaceful day today and to keep things on track.

"Where is he?" Knox asked, tucking his necktie elegantly before leaving the front of the mirror, referring to the beauty who would accompany them today.

"He's downstairs, already prepared faster than you." Matthew said, checking his wristwatch. "Come on down and eat breakfast. We already have half an hour to go. You know the chairman hates late people. Today is a special day so behave," He warned as they excited the bedroom.

The maids told them that the breakfast was already served just like what Matthew ordered earlier. In the dining room, Knox saw the vampire dressed in a simple purple sweater and white pants. He has this hairpin at the side of his hair, holding his bangs.

Knox paused before sitting down. His eyes didn't leave the vampire's pretty face while Neal just glanced at him. The vampire was busy thinking about the information he connected last night. He couldn't wait to try this mission and found out about that girl.

Matthew nagged his boss. "I said eat already," making Knox go back to his senses.

Knox sipped his coffee. He still couldn't help but glance at Neal sitting on the other side of the table. It was like the vampire was glowing in front of his eyes. He suddenly regrets asking him to come with them to the company.

For sure, there were a lot of people there and all of them would ask about this vampire. "I suddenly want to lock him up,"he mumbled.

Matthew leaned closer to him. "If you don't stop fantasizing I will be the one who will lock you up with a lot of work until the chairman didn't let you go,"

Knox glared at him and nagged Matthew. "Shut up, you're acting like my mom."

After breakfast, they all headed inside the car and the ride went on. Neal was comfortable at the back seat with his phone. He was texting Theo. He already informed the other vampire about the situation and what was going to happen.

His phone rang back and another text from Theo.

[I know her. She was a second year here.]

A faint smile formed across Neal. He knew that Theo was reliable as always. They also kept this one secret. No matter what, the boy was always on his side and taking another mission like this was only making him excited.

[Thank you, Theo. I will let you know when I arrive.]

After replying, Neal put his phone back in his pockets and then he roamed his eyes outside the car window. Luckily, there wasn't traffic today and they arrived 10 minutes before the meeting started.

They walked inside the company and just like what Knox had expected. Everyone has their eyes on them, especially onto Neal. The vampire didn't mind them at all. As long as they won't pester him it was fine.

They took the elevator.

"You know what to do, right?" Matthew asked. He was the one feeling nervous right now. Even though Knox came with him, these small thoughts about his cunning side weren't subsiding at all.

Today, the company opened another partnership with their new investors. That's why everyone looked so busy in the lobby and there were a lot of people too. They have big time visitors from other countries today and putting Knox into his behave mode was a hard one.

"Don't worry, I won't cause trouble today." Knox replied, adjusting his necktie while looking at his reflection through the glass walls of the elevator.

"You better behave. I already told the chairman that you will do your best."

As soon as the elevator opened, Knox turned his head to the vampire and said. "You stay in my office."

Neal looked at him disagreeing.

"I won't be able to watch you if you're by my side, so stay in my office and wait for me. I won't take too long." Knox said. He tapped his assistant. "Matthew, I'm going alone, accompany Mr Oliver to my office,"

Matthew gave him a nod and he watched Knox walk away from them. After that, he glanced at Neal. "We shall go too."

The vampire didn't protest and walked with the man. He has no business here anyway, so better to entertain himself with some other things. He only came because Knox wanted to be with him.

Meanwhile, Matthew showed him the neat office that was always empty. Shelves on the right corner and a lot of piled documents on the left cabinet. The surroundings were neat and well maintained even though it was always empty.

"You can sit anywhere you want," Matthew said. He got busy cleaning the desk. It seemed like the secretary put in another new document for Knox to sign up.

Neal takes a seat. "I didn't know that he was a rich CEO." He said. "Why is he wasting his time investigating about rogans? It would not do him any good."

Matthew raised his head. "Who knows, maybe he was trying to solve something from his past." He said.

Neal paused. He thought that maybe he was right and it led him to wanting to ask questions but remained silent. He didn't want to look nosy because just like Knox, he was also trying to find out something that connected him to the rogans.

Neal Oliver didn't just want to avenge Ren, but also he wanted to discover who made all of this. The mastermind and their reasons for ruining this world.