

Knox fell on the floor as he was pushed by the vampire who immediately crawled on top of him. He was cornered against the sides of the cabinets next to the sink. He was surprised because it was so sudden for this to happen.

"Neal?" he called out, reaching his hand out as he tried to calm the vampire.

The blood from the cut at the back of his palm reached the vampire's nose. Neal once again felt that ure as he smelled that sweet scent coming from the mafia. He grabbed Knox's hand and then licked the cut.

The texture of his tongue made Knox jolted as he felt that this vampire needed more. He wanted to ask about this. He didn't know how Neal would drink his blood. Knox wasn't expecting that right at this moment, the vampire would take the lead and bit his hand.

"Blood.." Neal whispered. "I want..blood."

His thin small lips gasped and those fangs of his showed up, impaling through that skin.
