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[Author is still recovering, but author is back. Giving you a new update]

"Here they are," Alice mumbled.

"How's the fresh air outside, Hellion?" Ava asked. "Did you finally calm down?"

Hellion raised an eyebrow. "I am always calm. What do you mean, Doctor?" he glanced at Knox, who was also looking at him with those sharp slanted eyes.

"Is he going to join the meeting too?" He asked. Referring to Knox, the tone of Hellion's voice was a little dissatisfied.

The woman walked towards him and pinched his right ear lightly. "Stop acting like a child. Of course, Mr Knox will join us starting today. Don't forget that he is our intel for this case," she said.

Hellion heaved a deep sigh and then didn't say a word anymore. Since they are all here, Ava told them to head to the main office.

Knox just followed Neal, making sure that the vampire was close to him while Hellion was in front and Alice was behind them. They reached Elijah's office and found out that the captain wasn't there.