
"Where did he go?"

Matthew asked, he roamed his eyes but no matter how many times he blinked it was already empty. Knox was nowhere to be found. The assistant felt his defeat and sat down on the desk, "So asking me to get him takoyaki is just an excuse," he mumbled.

He sighed. "I told him to stay and wait. He's not listening to me at all." Matthew brushed his face, looming inside that empty office. "What am I supposed to say to the Chairman?" he mumbled, at loss.

Speaking of, the door opened and a familiar figure stepped inside the room. Matthew quickly straightened his back as soon as he met the Chairman's eyes.

The Chairman chuckled as he halted. "I guess my excuse won't work on him at all." He said.

The assistant bowed his head. "Apologies, I clearly told him to wait here and finish the last two meetings."