Saving Claire II

Before Beatriz could move, Neal quickly jumped and dashed. His sword swung in the air and a swish sound resonated back.

However, he failed. When he opened his eyes, the space in front of him was already empty. Neal put his guard up and looked around. Trying to look for the lady who quickly disappeared.

"Do you think you can slice me in two just like that?"

Her voice once again echoed through Neal's ears as she laughed. Her voice came from the different side of that endless frozen ocean.

"Did you already forget what my ability is?"

Then everything changed. From the wide blue ocean, flowers bloomed and the green trees came back to life. It was also endless, but this time it has the moon watching them down.

"Don't tell me you became weak, or you are just this weak, Neal?" Beatriz's voice asked. "I am expecting more. His Highness really wanted you to be with us."

Neal turned around. "Don't be a baby and show yourself!" he snarled.