26. CHAPTER 26




It has been 6 months………6 challenging, heartbreaking, beautiful months.

Six months ago….Chief Bailey arrives at the fire station and told her and Maya that her beloved brother had a baby. Six months ago…..Carina looked in those little light brown eyes and saw her past as well has her future. The two women took the baby in their home and after months of adjustments, giggles, near death experiences, they are still standing. They are still standing together….as a family of three along with all of their extended family and friends from the hospital and fire station. They could have crumbled again…and retreated in defeat but they fought for what they wanted. It wasn’t easy…but they made the right call.

Now here they stand on Ginetta Rosa DeLuca-Bishop’s 1st birthday. It will be a tremendous day of reflection and great celebration.

Carina finishes hanging streamers up on the wall as a memory takes over her senses…..

“The baby was dropped off at Grey-Sloan two days ago.” Miranda goes on to explain delicately to the two women. “And a note about the child was delivered last night.”

“Bailey…what is going on?” Maya says firmly.

Carina nods her head in agreement. “Yes, please just tell us.”

“You said the mother’s end.” Maya says as she tries to connect the dots. “What about the father?”

Dr. Bailey takes another breath before turning her attention to Carina. “The reason the baby was dropped off at Grey-Sloan is because the father…used to work there.”

“Yes…that is correct.” Mrs. Kentzman confirms. “Unfortunately it has come to our attention that the father is deceased.”

“Oh my god.” Carina stutters out before feeling her wife’s hand slip in her own.

“Miranda?” Maya simply says.

Miranda just nods her head. “Yes.”

Amy Kentzman looks at her notes before continuing. “Andrew DeLuca has been identified as the baby’s father.”

Carina blinks slowly at the memory as another one flashes her mind………

“Hey, it is going to be okay.” Maya whispers.

Carina just shakes her head. “It doesn’t feel real and--.”

“I know.” Maya says firmly. “But it will be okay.”

“My head is spinning and she is…real.” Carina says looking at her wife for the first time.

“I know.” Maya repeats.

Carina swallows a lump in her throat before springing up from the couch to stand by the coffee table. “Bambina…I know that we said we would worry about kids later, but…”

“Carina--” Maya tries to step in.

“And I know that the world is messy right now.” Carina goes on as she waves her hands around in the air before placing her hands to her chest. “But…I am all she has in this messy world.”

Maya nods her head and stands up in front of her wife. “Babe--”

“I am all she has.” Carina cries looking down.

“I know.” Maya says as she gently lifts Carina’s chin up so her wife can see her face.

“È la figlia di Andrea.” Carina says into the air before looking sadly to the woman in front of her. “Maya, I’m sorry Bambina….I’m sorry.” (She is the daughter of Andrea.)

“Hey, hey, hey.” Maya says chocked up as she notices Carina looking down again. “Babe, look at me….please.”

“I can’t.” Carina says sadly.

“Yes, the world is a mess.” Maya says, grabbing on to Carina’s arms with a soft touch. “But the world is changing…and it’s beautiful.”

Carina hears this and looks up in a state of slight shock. “Bambina?”

“You said that to me…when you asked me to marry you.” Maya says with a smile when she thinks back at that day. “Of course we take her.”

With her eyes closed Carina smiles in the memory as something flies through the air and hits her on the head. Her eyes snap open and she notices a ball of tape on the ground and her wife standing by the wall with her signature grin on her face.

“Captain Bishop, did you just throw a wad of tape at me?” Carina murmurs out.

“I did.” Maya teases before looking at her wife concerned. “Are you okay?”

“Mmm.” Carina hums back with a smile before reaching over to help her shorter wife. “Here let me….”

Maya snorts before giving her wife a tiny glare back. “You’re not that much taller than me.”

“And yet.” Carina laughs as she easily tapes the sign up on the wall before looking over to her wife with a smirk.

“Cute.” Maya laughs.

“She’s going to love the little sea animals.” Carina says as she looks around at the newly decorated room. “This was a great idea.”

“I know.” Maya says proudly as she looks around at the little decorations of sea animals all over their apartment. Ginny absolutely loves the small aquarium by the water and has very quickly become obsessed with the tiny creatures of the sea….especially the seals.

Carina snorts. “Maya.”

“I mean….thank you.” Maya teases as she puts her hands on her hips.

“There you go.” Carina sings as she notices Andy sitting at the table finishing up on the task they gave her earlier.

“Job done.” Andy says as she drops the last baggie down in the party bowl before getting up from the table. “Little baggies of trail mix that only Maya is going to eat.”

“What’s wrong with trail mix?” Maya chirps back.

“Nothing Bambina.” Carina reassures her wife before whispering towards Andy’s ear. “Gibson and Miller are in charge of bringing other snacks.”

“Thank god.” Andy mumbles under her breath.

“I don’t like this new dynamic between you two.” Maya tells her wife and best friend after they playfully continue to gain up on her. “You’re spending too much time together.”

Andy bursts out in laughter. “What else can I do to help?”

“I just printed out new photos and was going to put them in those frames on the table.” Carina answers.

“I’m on it.” Andy says as she claps her hands together before heading back to the table.

“Perfecto.” Carina says before her phone goes off on the counter. She sees that it is her mentee and answers with a smile. “Hello Wilson….when are you getting here?”

Maya looks over and watches as her wife’s face scrunches in irritation. “Carina, is everything okay?”

“Unbelievable, I’ll take care of it Wilson.” Carina says into the phone before hanging up and dialing up a new number. “I’m gonna kill him.”

“Kill who?” Andy asks Maya.

Maya nods her head and clicks her tongue. “I’m guessing Kyle.”

“Kyle!” Carina yells into the phone as she starts to walk away. “Why is my resident still waiting on scans that should have been delivered yesterday?!”

“Okay…” Andy drawls quietly before leaning towards Maya. “I wouldn’t want to be Kyle.”

Maya shakes her head in agreement. “No.”

Andy laughs before making sure that Carina is out of earshot. “When does the surprise get here?”

“Few hours.” Maya says with a small smile.

“Carina has no idea?” Andy asks.

Maya shakes her head still smiling. “Nope.”

“Nice.” Andy chirps as Carina walks back over. “All good Doc?”

Carina scoffs and slips her cell phone back in her jeans pocket. “You both would help me hide a body.”

“Without question.” Andy replies quickly.

“Again…” Maya says through a laugh as she squints at her best friend and wife. “I’m not sure I like this new dynamic.”

Carina and Andy both burst out into laughter as Katherine comes walking out a wet Ginetta wrapped in her favorite shark towel robe in her arms. The older woman got into town earlier that week and has been soaking up every moment with her daughters and granddaughter.

“Alright!” Katherine cheers with a giggling Ginny wrapped the towel in her arms. “I have the freshly bathed one year old!”

“Mimma!” Carina cheers, gushing over the cutest baby of all time. “You make the cutest little shark ever.”

Maya smiling reaches to tickle Ginny’s belly. “Did you and Grandma have fun in the bath?!”

“Thank you again Katherine.” Carina says to her mother-in-law appreciative of all the help.

“No need to thank me.” Katherine tells the younger woman before placing a small kiss on the baby’s cheek. “I am a very excited and proud grandmother today...and every day.”

“It’s your birthday Jelly Bean!” Maya gushes as she claps her hands together a few times. “What do you think?”

The women continue to gush over the giggling birthday girl before the door opens and Travis and Vic come walking in with a big pink box and guilty looks on their faces.

“Hey!” Vic yells out before going in defensive mode and Travis trails behind. “It’s not our fault.”

“What’s not your fault?” Maya asks before pointing to the light pink cake box in Montgomery’s hands. “Tell me you didn’t destroy the cake on the way here.”

“We did not destroy the cake on the way here.” Travis replies swiftly as Vic nods her head next to him.

Maya looks over to Carina before letting out a relieved breath. “Good.”

“It was destroyed before we left.” Travis quips quietly.

“What?!” Maya hisses.

Carina sees her wife getting amped up and reaches over to place her hand gently on Maya’s arm in an attempt to calm the other woman. “What’s the issue guys?”

Vic looks at Travis before tilting her head back and forth. “We probably should have checked the name before we left.”

Maya looks over as Travis opens the box to read the message on the cake. “Happy Birthday…Gilly!”

Carina looks over and lets out a huff before snapping her yes at the ceiling as Andy takes a look and starts to laugh.

“What kind of name is Gilly?” Andy asks.

“It’s probably short for Gillman.” Travis says before smirking over to Vic. “I actually dated a Gillman back in--”

Maya snaps her gaze up and silences the ramble. “Ah.”

“Never mind.” Travis mutters.

“We got it, we got it.” Andy says to her spiraling best friend as she pushes Travis and Vic towards the counter in the kitchen to try to fix the name on the cake.

“Bambina?” Carina says to her wife as she reaches over to rub Maya’s back. “Are you okay?”

“Yea…it’s fine.” Maya mutters out unconvincingly.

Carina brings Maya’s hands up to her lips before placing a soft kiss on her knuckles. “I love that you want this day to be so special for our baby girl.”

“Ginny’s not even going to remember is she?” Maya asks as she looks to her daughter.

“Bambina.” The brunette chirps through a tiny giggle as she takes Ginny in her arms. “She’s one…what did you expect?”

Maya holds up her hands and sighs. “I don’t know.”

“She won’t remember but you will.” Katherine says to her daughter as she runs her hand over Maya’s cheek. “Enjoy the day Sweetheart.”

“Thanks Mom.” Maya says back.

“Plus she seems to like it now.” Carina says as she sets down the wiggly toddler so she can look at the balloons and other decorations. “Here you go Babe.”

Maya lets out a calming sigh and smiles at the little girl as the words sink in from her wife and mom. All she wants is for this day to be perfect for her daughter, but it doesn’t have to be perfect. As long as they surround the little girl with all the love in their hearts on this day and everyday it will be amazing.

“What is the delectable smell?” Travis asks with his nose up in the air.

“My homemade garlic knots.” Carina says with a smile as she runs her fingers over Ginny’s locks before the little girl toddles away.

“Stop….” Travis drawls as he places his hand on his mouth. “My mouth is actually watering.”

Maya laughs at her friend but when she glances back to the oven she sees Ginny reaching to touch the hot door with her little fingers and terror takes over her body and her nerves start spiking through her skin.

“Ginny! No!” Maya yells out with her heart stuck in her throat at the sight of her daughter near the hot oven. “We don’t touch….hot.”

“It’s hot…ouchies.” Carina says to her daughter as she kneels down to get on the little girl’s level before pointing to the oven. “Hot.”

“Hot!” Ginny yells out.

“That’s right! It’s hot!” Carina repeats before looking over to Maya. “Bambina, she just said her first official word.”

“Oh my god.” Maya murmurs with her gaze still down on the little girl as her breathing continues to calm down. “She’s going to be a fire fighter.”

Carina can’t help but roll her eyes before standing up next to the blonde. “Okay….can we get through potty training before sending her off to the fire academy?”

Maya nods her head and laughs before hearing the front door jiggle again with more birthday guests.

“We’re here with food and drinks!” Miller yells out cheerfully with his arms full of bags as Jack and Dean trail behind.

“And gifts!” Jack adds as he trails behind with his arms full. “Her favorite uncle brought lots and lots of gifts!”

“Where’s Pru?” Andy asks the guys noticing a certain little girl missing.

“Miranda said she would pick her up from daycare on her way here.” Miller explains as he places the bags down on the floor.

Ginny sees the bags of snacks on the floor and rushes towards them only to get swooped up by her mommy. “Mm-mma!”

“I know, I know.” Maya says with a kiss to her cheek before turning to her mom. “Mom can you get her dressed in her little purple dress…I draped it over the rocking chair in the nursery.”

“Of course.” Katherine says before taking the little girl in her arms. “Let’s go my little bug!”

Miller pushes the bags aside before looking around for Hughes. When he doesn’t see the woman he is secretly in love with he goes over to Gibson. “Where’s Victoria?! I need to talk to her, it’s urgent.”

“I think she stepped into the bathroom.” Gibson answers before studying Dean’s face. “Dude, you’re sweating.”

Dean feverously wipes at his forehead before gasping for air. “I’m gonna do it.”

“Go for it.” Jack repeats confidently before realizing he has absolutely no idea what Miller is talking about. “Wait…what are you going to do?”

Dean nods his head and licks his bottom lip. “I’m gonna tell Vic I love her.”

“Uhh……” Jack stammers.

“Come on Miller.” Dean says as he tries to psych himself up.

“Hey!” Warren sys as he walks into the apartment before noticing Dean acting weird. “Why does he look so weird?”

Jack winces before whispering in Ben’s ear. “Miller’s gonna tell Vic that he loves her.”

“Now?” Warren hisses.

Jack just nods his head. “Yup.”

“Oh boy.” Warren sighs as he watches the rest of the team head into the living room. “Where’s Ruiz?”

“Not here yet.” Jack chirps back.

“Thank god for small miracles.” Ben mumbles as he follows Jack further into the apartment.

Dean paces in the hallway by the bathroom when the door flings open and Vic walks out. He quickly follows her into the living room as his palms go sweaty.

“Vic!” Dean calls out loudly.

“Miller!” Vic bellows back, matching his tone.

Dean walks over and stands in front Vic while trying to catch his breath. “Victoria.”

“Are you okay?” Vic asks with a scrunched nose. “You look like you’re about to vomit.”

“Maybe.” Dean mutters before shrugging his shoulders. “Probably.”

“Do you need some water or….a bucket?” Andy suggests hesitantly.

Carina scrunches her nose before suggesting a better option. “Maybe just go to the bathroom.”

“Or outside.” Maya snaps firmly to her guests. “Outside is a great place…away from my apartment.”

Carina hears this and turns to wife who simply shrugs her shoulders. “Bambina.”

Meanwhile Dean is continuing to try to get his breathing steady. “Victoria Hughes, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking….and uhh….”

“What’s happening?” Maya asks Andy.

Andy realizes what is happening first and her eyes go wide. “Oh no.”

“I’ve been thinking about me and you, you know.” Dean rambles on nervously. “The us…I’ve been thinking about us.”

“Miller, what are you doing?” Vic asks.

“Victoria Hughes.” Dean says as he swallows the lump in his throat. “I’m in love with you.”

The whole apartment goes still for a split second as the situation sinks in before gasps and murmurs can be heard from around the shocked and uncomfortable observers.

Maya hisses and lets out a long breath. “Oh no, no, no, no.”

“What?” Andy murmurs back, drowning in secondhand embarrassment.

Carina stunned shakes her head with her eyes still glued on Dean and Vic. “I can’t not look at it.”

“Miller.” Vic says gently as she tries her best to keep from laughing. “You don’t love me.”

“Yes I do.” Dean argues back.

“Okay.” Vic drawls with an eye roll before squinting back at the man. “You’re not in love with me.”

Dean takes a moment to take this is with his mouth wide open. I’m not?”

“Yikes.” Gibson winces embarrassed for his friend.

Carina in shock shakes her head slightly. “I honestly can’t stop looking.”

“Miller, why don’t we take a moment and think about how ridiculous this sounds.” Vic says through a small laugh before scrunching her nose in disgust. “Can you really imagine us doing all the stuff a typical couple does…uhh the naked stuff.”

“Well, when you word it like that!” Dean shrieks with his hands on his hips.

“You are one of my people…always.” Vic says as she places her hand on Dean’s arm. “But you are not in love with me.”

“Yea…..” Dean drawls out as he becomes hyper aware that they are in a room full of people. “I kinda wish everybody wasn’t here right now.”

Vic lets out a sigh and tilts her head. “I just think things got a little blurred when I was living with you…and we were raising Pru together.”

Dean hears this and starts to wave around his hand in frustration. “Right, but then Warren and Gibson--”

Andy looks to Warren and slaps them both in the gut. ”You two knew about this?!”

“Nice guys.” Maya grumbles.

“What?” Jack asks innocently.

“Why are you listening to them?!” Vic exclaims before she rolls her eyes at Jack and Ben. “Love goo Magoo and Gibson.”

Warren looks up offended. “Hey.”

“She’s right.” Jack jumps in as he shakes his head. “I should not be giving relationship advice.”

“I’m not covered in goo.” Warren mutters under his breath before leaning towards Jack. “I am however, madly in love with my wife.”

Jack rolls his eyes and leans back. “Bro…that’s the goo part.”

“So, I’m not in love with you?” Dean asks still very, very confused.

“No genius.” Vic bites back before waving her hand around. “Get a grip.”

“Oh.” Dean mutters before shifting uncomfortably in his spot. “Well….okay then.”

Andy scoffs and shakes her head. “Men.”

“Seriously.” Carina agrees.

“Can we move on please?” Maya tells her team. “Today is about Ginny and not stupid declarations.”

Carina looks over at her wife. “Bambina.”

“I mean…good job figuring it out Miller.” Maya stammers on quietly before looking back to Carina. “Better?”

“Sure.” Carina sighs through a small amused smile as the door swings open to reveal another guest arriving for the party.

“Hey Guys!” Theo yells out as he walks in with a covered tin of food as Carter Willet follows behind. “We have the chicken empanadas.”

“We also have the mango yogurt bites!” Willet yells out before noticing the weird vibes in the room.

“Ruiz!” Miller exclaims out as he waves his hand around. “Ruiz is here!”

“I'm also here.” Willet whispers before heading into the kitchen with the the bag of treats.

Theo looks at the group and chuckles over at Dean. “Why are you yelling?”

“Cap, didn’t you need help with that thing?” Miller suggests to Maya with urgent eyes.

Maya resists the urge to roll her eyes before waving for Dean to head to the other room. “Yup.”

The firefighters and Carina look around uncomfortably as they try to avoid Ruiz’s gaze before he breaks out in small laughs. They all look up at the man as he shrugs his shoulders.

“So Miller finally told Vic he loves her, right?” Theo asks.

Jack’s mouth immediately drops open. “How did you?”

“Bro, I’m not blind.” Theo chuckles back.

Vic also stunned at what she is hearing steps in front of Ruiz. “You knew.”

“I knew.” Theo quips back.

“Why didn’t you say anything?” Vic asks.

“I wasn’t worried…and he’s important to you.” Ruiz explains truthfully before raising an eyebrow to Vic. “Should I be worried?”

“No.” Vic says with a smile as Theo wraps his arms around her waist. “You shouldn’t be worried.”

When there is a knock at the door Carina points to the entry way as everybody else finds other way s to help get ready.

“I’ll get it.” Carina tells the team before heading to the door. When she opens the door she finds Robert Sullivan on the other side.

Sullivan holds up his hand before greeting the woman. “Hey.”

“Come on in Sullivan.” Carina says with as smile as she moves over for him to walk in. “Thanks for coming.”

“Thank you for having me.” Sullivan says truthfully as he holds up the boxed gift he brought for the birthday girl. “Did I miss something?”

Carina just waves him off before heading back in to the living room. “Just a little public humiliation.”




The party goes off without a hitch as all the other guests arrive for the party. Carina was the first one to truly gush at the little tribe they created when her friends from the hospital arrived with their kids for the party. Teddy and Amelia brought Scout, Allison, and Leo while Miranda brought Pru for the day of fun. When Carina came to Grey-Sloan to track down her brother she had no idea what the place would end up meaning to her. Now here surrounded by them and the firefighters from Station 19 the day could not be more perfect for her family. The house is consumed with laughter, kids squealing, and food being passed around.

“Theo, these are incredible.” Teddy tells the firefighter as she continues to snack on the tasty empanadas.

“So good.” Amelia agrees before popping another warm piece of bread in her mouth. “And the garlic knots….so delicious.”

“What about the pretzels?” Jack pouts feeling let out before holding up a few fingers. “I picked up three flavors.”

Teddy nods her head and points over to the bags. “I was just about to mention the pretzels.”

“Right, so good.” Jack says with a smirk before glancing over to the living room where the kids are hopping around and trying to jump on Ben’s back.

“Ahhh!” Ben yells out as he hops up on his knees before holding his arms out. “I am Iron Man.”

Amelia watches and sticks out her bottom lip. “Ben is good with them.”

“Iron Man?” Teddy asks with a raised eyebrow.

Dr. Bailey snorts and shakes her head. “My husband is a secret nerd.”

“Oh, it’s not a secret.” Vic chirps before popping a pretzel in her mouth. “We know.”

Travis nods his head. “We do.”

Teddy laughs before looking back to the toddlers giggling in the living room. “Look at them…so cute.”

Carina gushes at the sight before holding out her hand for Maya to take. “We love that Ginny has little playmates to grow up with.”

“Yup.” Maya says with a smile before pointing at her best friend’s stomach. “With another one on the way.”

Andy looks down with a smile. “This little guy is going to have a lot of people looking out for him.”

The party continues on for another hour before everybody huddles around the living room and dining room as Ginny opens her gifts. She just gets finished opening up a collection of books from Teddy and Owen when there is a knock at the door. Maya looks to Andy and smiles before biting her lip as she stealthily follows her wife to the front door. When Carina opens the door her heart swells with joy when she hears her wife gasping at the door.

“Papà!” Carina exclaims surprised to see her father at her front door….again. “I thought your flight was cancelled….what are you doing here?”

Vincenzo lets out a chuckle and shrugs his shoulders. “We wanted to surprise you.”

Carina confused raises an eye brow. “We?”

Vincenzo nods his head and moves to the side as Gabriella steps over with a big smile on her face.

“Hello my lovelies!” Gabriella exclaims as walks into the apartment with her arms raised out.

“No!” Carina exclaims excitedly as she starts to jump a little before embracing her friend in a big hug. “No!”

Gabriella squeezes her tighter as they continue to sway. “È passato troppo tempo!” (It has been far too long!)

When Carina lets go of her friend she looks over to her beaming wife. “Did you know about this?”

Gabriella nods her head. “Captain Bishop orchestrated the surprise.”

“What?” Carina gushes to her wife.

Maya bites her lip before smiling. “Surprise.”

“Bambina.” Carina swoons again before leaning over to kiss the blonde on the lips.

“Okay, you’re in love…we get it, we get it.” Gabriella jokes with an eye roll before looking around for the little baby she’s been swooning over on Facetime for the last 5 months. “Dov'è la mia nipotina?” (Where is my little niece?)

Vincenzo steps up and squints his eyes at the younger stubborn woman. “È la mia prima nipote Gabriella.” (She’s my granddaughter first Gabriella.)

“Where is she?” Gabriella asks Maya and Carina.

Carina laughs before looking around for the little girl who makes her way to their feet. “Here she is.”

“She is even cuter in person.” Gabriella says as Carina picks her little girl up so she can get a better look. “Hello Ms. Ginetta.”

“Do you remember Zia Gabri from her videos?” Carina asks Ginny as she takes the little hand and encourages a wave. “Puoi salutare?” (Can you wave?)

Gabriella continues to swoon as she places her hands on her chest. “She is too cute.”

“You just made it in time for food and gifts.” Maya tells their new guests.

“Perfecto.” Vincenzo tells his daughter-in-law before holding up the box in his hands. “I had this delivered from home.”

Gabriella just shrugs her shoulders. “I brought cold hard cash…and my beautiful face.”

“Awesome.” Maya retorts before waving them towards the living room where most of the guests have congregated. “Come on in, I’ll introduce you to everybody.”

“You had it delivered from home?” Carina asks her father wondering what could possibly be in the box for her little girl. “Can we open it now?”

“Mmmm.” Vincenzo hums happily.

Carina smiles back as they group enters the living room where all the guests look up to see who has arrived. The OB can’t help but feel a moment of peace when she doesn’t worry about introducing her father to a group of people. These people love her and they loved Andrea and know what they have gone through with their family. She knows this is a place free of judgment and again is hit with a feeling of gratitude at their extended family.

“Umm…you all remember my father.” Carina says to the room of fire fighters and doctors before motioning to her dad. “Dr. Vincenzo DeLuca.”

“Hello Dr. DeLuca.” Amelia says as she gets up to shakes the man’s hand before reminding the man of who she is. “Dr. Amelia Shepherd.”

Vincenzo nods his head knowingly. “The neurosurgeon.”

“That’s me.” Amelia chirps back.

Vincenzo smiles again at the young woman before noticing Chief Bailey to his left. “Miranda!”

“Vincenzo.” Miranda greets back as places a kiss on her cheek.

“Lovely as ever.” The Italian man adds.

Miranda snorts and shakes her head. “Charming as ever.”

Carina rolls her eyes at her father before guiding him to her mother-in-law to formally introduce the two. “Papà, this is Katherine…Maya’s mother.”

Katherine holds out her hand for Vincenzo to shake. “Hello.”

“Hello.” Vincenzo greets back cheerfully as he takes her hand in his before placing a kiss on her knuckles. “I can see where my daughter-in-law gets her beauty.”

“Stop….” Carina drawls embarrassed at her father’s unwavering charm.

Maya grossed out also chimes in. “Yes…please stop.”

Carina runs her hand along Maya’s back before taking Ginny over to the couch so they can sit and open the gift from Vincenzo. “Mimma, let’s open the gift from Nonno.”

With the little girl on her lap Carina quickly unwraps the paper and opens the box to see the gift. She helps Ginny pull out some tissue paper before two large stuffed animals grab the little girl’s attention and she points with her little finger.

“Up-pee!!” Ginny exclaims as she leans forwards to get a better look.

“Papà.” Carina sighs to her dad before glancing back down at the box. “They’re perfect.”

“What is it?” May asks as she leans over to get a look inside the box.

“Look.” Carina says to her wife as she holds them up for her to see.

“Are those Pound Puppies?” Andy asks.

“They are.” Carina says as she holds them up for everybody to see. “Andrea and I both got them one summer.”

Vincenzo smiles before simply shrugging his shoulders. “I know she probably has a lot of stuffed animals but…my bambinos loved them so much.”

“Andrea would carry his around everywhere he went.” Carina goes on to explain to the room through her laughs. “He made a leash from yarn.”

Vincenzo laughs out loud and nods his head as he thinks back to those times. “I remember.”

“Thank you Papà.” Carina says as she swallows the lump in her throat and smiles through unshed tears.

“Mine next!” Travis exclaims as he grabs the gift bag he brought and puts it in front of Ginny and Carina. “Spoiler alert! I got her a vintage jean jacket with rhinestones.”

Vic shakes her head and grumbles. “Of course you did.”

“I like denim, I am who I am.” Travis defends before another knock can be heard from the door.

“I got it this time.” Maya says as she walks over to the entrance to open the front door for Jo.

“Hi!” Jo greets happily with gift in hand. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

“No worries…we heard.” Maya reassures the doctor. “Kyle.”

“Yeah.” Jo sighs knowingly before handing the gift bag to Maya. “This is for Ginny, obviously.”

“Thank you.” Maya says before motioning Jo to enter. “Come on in.”

“Thanks.” Jo tells the woman before she notices Jack leaning against the wall in the entryway with a small smile on his face. “Hey.”

“Hey.” Jack greets back.

“Hey.” Jo repeats.

“Nope.” Maya snaps getting them both out of their weird loop as she points to the two. “No being weird on my daughter’s birthday.”

Jack nods his head. “Got it.”

“Miller’s misguided love declaration was enough for today.” Maya grumbles before walking back towards the living room.

“What?” Jo asks confused with a smirk.

“Miller.” Jack says before motioning towards the kitchen. “I’ll buy you a drink and tell you all about it.”

Maya glances back and briefly watches as jack and Jo head to the kitchen before stepping over to her wife who meets her by the table with her hands on her hips.

“Bambina, we should think about doing cake.” Carina tells her wife.

“Let’s do it.” Maya says as she looks over where Ginny is now sitting on Gabriella’s lap with Vincenzo showing her the pound puppies. “Your dad seems good.”

“He’s having a good day.” Carina says with a small smile on her face before pointing towards the kitchen. “I’ll grab the cake.”

Before Carina can walk away Maya grabs her by the hand and stops her in her tracks. “Hey.”

“Mmmm.” Carina hums as she moves closer to Maya’s face.

Maya leans closer before whispering. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Carina whispers back before placing a kiss on Maya’s cheek and walking o the kitchen to get the cake.

“Okay everybody!” Maya yells out to get the attention of all the guests. “We’re going to do cake.”

The firefighters and doctors slowly head to the dining room and kitchen where Travis and Theo offer to help Carina put the cake on the tray. As Carina pulls out the cake and puts it on a tray Theo glances down and notices the little girl’s name looks kind of weird written in icing.

“Why are the n’s capitalized in the middle of her name?” Theo asks before Travis pulls him closer to keep their voices down.

Travis winces before whispering to Ruiz. “They wrote Gilly on the cake…we had to turns the l’s into n’s.”

“Resourceful.” Ruiz says as he holds up his fist.

“Thank you.” Travis says as he bumps his fist with Theo’s.

“I’m going to devour this cake.” Andy grumbles before rubbing her growing stomach with her hand.

Robert sees this and leans over to Andy’s ear. “Are you okay?”

“Yes Robert…we’re okay.” Andy sighs patiently.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry.” Robert says not wanting to crowd the woman. “I’m just checking.”

“Don’t apologize.” Andy sighs before giving the man a smile. “We’re good.”

Robert nods his head and smiles back. “Good.”

As Robert slowly walks away towards Miller and Warren, Vic looks over to Andy who simply shakes her hand back not wanting to talk about anything serious.

“That was cordial.” Vic says to Andy with her eyebrows raised.

Andy nods her head and sighs before holding up the number 1 candle. “Let’s light this sucker up.”

Carina helps Andy put the candle on the cake before lighting the pink numbered candle. “Are we ready?”

Maya nods her head and picks up Ginny off the ground before heading to her high chair at the dining room table. “Let’s get the jelly bean in her high chair.”

“Pru?!” Dean calls out looking for his daughter who tries to buzz right past him but is caught in his arms with a fit of giggles. “There she is!”

“Ahhh!” Pru exclaims out through her loud laughs.

Dean adjusts the toddler in his arms before poking her in the stomach. “Maybe the Millers should have carrots instead of cake.”

“Cake!” Pru yells out.

Jack in agreement raises his arms in the air. “Cake!”

“Are we ready?” Carina asks Maya who nods her head.

The whole room starts to sing happy birthday to a much surprised little girl who can’t figure out why everybody is staring at her and singing together.“Happy birthday to you…happy birthday to you…happy birthday dear Ginny…happy birthday to you!!!”

Gabriella shakes her head and scoffs in Vincenzo’s ear. “It sounds better in Italian.”

“I agree.” Vincenzo says before clearing his throat and starting again with Gabriella in Italian before Carina happily joins in. “Tanti auguri a te, tanti augari a tes…tanti augari Ginetta…tanti augari a te.”

“Tanti auguri.” Carina says to Ginny before looking to her wife. “It translates to…many wishes.”

Maya smiles and kisses Ginny on the cheek before running her hand through her soft brown locks. “Tanti auguri.”

“Are you ready for a taste?” Carina asks as she hands Ginny a tiny fork for her to use. “Here you go.”

Travis squints his eyes and points at the toddler. “Doesn’t she just use her hands?”

“Our little girl does not like getting her hands dirty…unless it’s marinara sauce.” Carina tells the group as Teddy and Ben start slicing up pieces of cake for other people.

“She is a DeLuca through and through…” Vincenzo laughs loudly before looking to Maya and smiling. “My apologies…DeLuca-Bishop.”

Maya offers a smile back before holding out a plate for somebody to take. “Who wants cake?”

“We do!” Dean cheers before tickling Pru again with his fingers before taking a plate for them to share.

“Me too! Big piece!” Andy yells out as everybody looks over to her. “For the baby…of course.”




The party goes on with all of their friends and everybody has a great time celebrating the new 1 year old’s birthday. The house continued to vibrate with jokes and laughter and memories being made by all the guests.

Later that night Maya and Carina sit in their living room surrounded by the mess of the party as they enjoy a quiet moment with some leftover birthday cake. After the guests all left, Maya sat down on the floor with Ginny to play with her new toys before Carina walked over with a couple plates of the sweet desert to celebrate yet again. Maya noticing the mess shakes her head as Carina sits with Ginny on her lap.

Maya shoves a forkful of cake in her mouth before looking around at their apartment. “This place is a mess.”

“Everybody offered to stay and help.” Carina says as she licks frosting off her finger.

“I know, I know.” “But that would require for them to stay longer and I kind of wanted the three of us to have some time on her birthday.”

“Smart.” Carina says before putting another forkful of vanilla cake in her mouth. “This cake is good.”

Maya agrees through her own bite. “So good.”

“Gilly liked it too.” Carina hums with her mouthful.

Maya lets out a small giggle before looking down at her daughter expecting a giggle of her own when she is met with a sleeping child…exhausted from the day of fun.

“Hey.” Maya hushes quietly to her wife. “Honey.”

“What?” Carina asks confused before noticing that Ginny has fallen asleep in her lap. “Ahhh…”

Maya looks down at their sleeping baby and smiles. “She was so cute today.”

Carina sticks out her bottom lip and squeezes her tight. “She’s cute every day.”

“True.” Maya agrees full heartedly.

Carina smiles at her wife before stretching out her neck a little bit. “We should get her to bed.”

“Yes…but before we do….” Maya says as she licks frosting off her finger before taking an envelope out of her back jeans pocket. “We have one more gift to open.”

“What’s this?” Carina asks as she takes the envelope.

Maya smiles and nods her head down. “Open it.”

Carina opens up the envelope and looks at a cabin rental agreement for the upcoming summer up at the lake where they spent their honeymoon. “We’re going back to the lake?”

“We are going back to the lake.” Maya confirms to her wife before glancing once more at the sleeping babe. “This summer…just you, me, and Ginny for a week of uninterrupted bliss.”

Carina sticks out her bottom lip and gushes at the gesture. “Bambina.”

“We can take Ginny hiking and take her down to the lake to swim.” Maya says.

Carina shakes her head in astonishment. “You are amazing.”

“I know.” Maya chirps cheekily.

“Wow…summer.” Carina sighs through a long breath. “This year has gone by so fast.”

Maya nods her head in agreement as she looks back. “A lot has happened.”

“Pandemic, wedding, demotions…” Carina starts to list off before placing a kiss on top of Ginny’s head. “This little girl.”

Maya reaches over and grazes Ginny’s cheek with her finger. “I can’t believe how much she’s grown.”

“Remember when we first got her and she would latch on and stick her little nose in the crook of or necks.” Carina says as she motions towards her neck.

Maya smiles before letting out a snort. “Now we’re lucky if she sits still long enough to eat.”

Carina chuckles at her wife before seeing Maya getting quiet from her place on the floor. She watches as the blonde takes a deep breath before a smile grazes her lips.

“What?” Carina asks noticing the far off look coming from her wife.

Maya just shrugs her shoulders before whispering out through her thick emotions. “I never thought I could be this happy.”

“Me neither.” Carina whispers back.

“And to think it all started after a camping trip gone wrong…and at trip to Joe’s to drown my sorrows.” Maya laments.

Carina laughs softly and bites her bottom lip. “I saw you carry that little baggie with the nose and I was hooked.”

“Of course you were.” Maya teases back as her wife continues to giggle from her seat.

Carina reaches over and laces their fingers. “I’m glad we found each other…that we found our home.”

“We did….didn’t we?” Maya says as she squints her eyes at the woman she married.

Carina nods her head before tilting it to the side. “Maybe we could think about getting a dog next…or a house.”

“We could name him Champ.” Maya quips.

Carina scrunches her nose before smiling. “I was thinking something classic…like Jeff.”

“Jeff!?” Maya hisses careful not to wake up Ginny. “How is Jeff a classic name?”

“It is Bambina!” Carina defends through her giggles.

“We can talk about it.” Maya laughs before an idea pops in her head. “Oooh…we can make a pros and cons list.”

“Slow down…you’re turning me on.” Carina teases resulting in more laughs from the blonde next to her.

“Are you ready for whatever comes next?” Maya asks with a raised eyebrow. “Knowing us…things won’t stay calm for long.”

“You know it.” Carina says confidently. “You?”

“I was born ready.” Maya whispers before bringing up Carina’s hand to kiss. “You’ll be right by my side, right?”

Carina smiles and takes Maya’s hand to do the same. “Right by your side.”

“Then I’m ready.” Maya says confidently.

Carina nods her head before whispering back. “Me too.”

“Do you wanna put her to bed and then we can go to bed?” Maya asks as she nods towards the hallway. “We’re supposed to meet Gabriella and your dad for breakfast tomorrow morning.”

Carina smiles and nods her head. “Mmmmm.”

“Good…because there is a very good chance that I am rocking some very slutty lingerie under these jeans.” Maya whispers with a smirk in her wife’s ear.

“Help me up.” Carina chirps as she holds out her hand for Maya to take.

Maya with a wide smile on her face hops up to her feet before helping her wife and daughter up from the ground. She softly reaches over to rub the little girls back before placing a kiss on the back of her head. The two women share a quick smile before heading into the nursery to put her down for bed.

Maya of course is right….knowing them things will not stay calm for now. But, if the DeLuca-Bishops have proven anything it’s that they can handle it.

Whatever comes next…..together.