45. Chapter 45

They receive a transmission from General Organa as they break atmo on D’Qar, ordering them to report to the Blue Room for a debriefing as soon as they land.  Admiral Statura is waiting with Leia and a number of other officers when they arrive. Kess chivies the crew into their seats and begins the report after a nod from Statura.  

“General, Admiral,” Kess nods back to the leaders. “Overall, I can  report that the mission was successful in that it got us seen and it advertised the stories we wanted. The cantina on Takodana was receptive to our presence and message. The supply drop was completed without complication, though Maz Kanata did express some concern over the likelihood of a future First Order raid if we continue using her base of operations for stirring dissent.”

“She doesn’t need to worry.  We won’t bother her there again.” General Organa shakes her head as Chewie opens his mouth to comment. “We’ll send her a message of thanks and maybe a few more blasters.”

Rey nods, snagging a stylus to jot down notes as Coyle, now looking like the man they’d first met, speaks up. “From what I’ve heard, such an attack is unlikely, General. Maz’s cantina is a good source of intel for the other side, just as it is for us.”

Kess shrugs, swirls the caf in her mug. “I forwarded you the details of our welcome on Bespin. The First Order patrols did not make any significant attempt to pursue. I made the call to go onto Coruscant ahead of schedule.”

Admiral Statura opens his mouth, but the General shakes her head at him and he changes course. “Were you able to determine the nature of the First Order’s business on Bespin?”

“No, sir.” Coyle taps his fingers on the table. “Couldn’t get close enough to pick up any communications without drawing more attention.”

Nodding, Kess adds, “We got visual on a single Marauder-class starship in low orbit. It didn’t look like a blockade or siege. They might have been running surveillance and we just got unlucky.”  

“I have a rendezvous scheduled with a contact on Bespin in three days.” Coyle frowns, fidgeting. “A different,” he glares at Rey, Finn, Poe, and Kylo, “crew should be able to infiltrate, even after we,” he shoots Kess a dirty look, “tipped them off.”

“You are, of course, referring to the transmission that went out over public comms channels for the whole galaxy to see.” General Organa fights down a smile, pulling up a grainy image on the display hovering over the table. “We’re pleased with what you accomplished here. Whose idea was it?”

Finn hooks a thumb at Kylo.  “All him, General.” Rey feels Kylo’s agitation at the sudden attention from everyone in the room.  

“Good thinking,” the General smiles.  

Kylo grabs Rey’s thigh under the table and squeezes just hard enough to sting. She soothes him through their connection. She’s praising you. It’s okay. He doesn’t respond but his grip eases.  

Leia continues.“The news networks loved it, put it on every feed they could.  We wanted your faces out there, and now everyone’s talking about them.” Kess, Poe, Finn, and Kylo all straighten in their seats as Rey opens her mouth to ask what the General means, but Leia preempts her. “We’ll get to that later.  Captain, please continue.”

“We weren’t going to hang around to chat after that, so we hit Coruscant after receiving approval from Admiral Statura. We stayed within CoCo Town; the timing was wrong to go to the mid-level districts and given what happened at Triga’s, I thought it prudent to get off world rather than cause more of a ruckus. The agitators weren’t actually First Order, just some crazies looking to start trouble. The fight was unexpected, but no casualties can be attributed to our crew. Everyone on our side showed remarkable restraint and professionalism.”

General Organa’s eyes twinkle. “The fight also made the HoloNet. You’re quite the celebrities now. I appreciate everyone’s self-control and diplomacy, given the circumstances.  You came off looking as heroic as anyone can in a trashed bar.” She taps on the table and the projection changes.

It’s a video, quick snippets from their time at Triga’s patchworked together from personal recording devices and local surveillance. Rey has never seen herself on a holo like this and it’s disconcerting to watch herself laugh, to see the way her hair moves as she walks. There’s a long recording of Finn and Poe laughing over their escape as Rey, leaning her head against Kylo’s shoulder, listens with the crowd in the bar.  Then it cuts to Kylo stating his name and the challenge from the First Order skinheads and ends with a shaky clip with bad audio that just catches the ignition of the lightsabers and Kylo’s growled advice for the punks to run.

“When we first got wind of this video, we were expecting a disaster, but…” The General shakes her head, smiling. “Look at this.” She gestures at the view counter in the corner of the display. “Thirty million views in under twenty four hours.  This… There’s something here. People are talking about this and sending it to their friends. We’ve received several requests for comments from various news sources and have, so far, declined them all. We may need to rethink that.” She pulls the comms feed back up, tapping a finger against her chin. “This, too, has gotten a lot of attention.”

“Excuse me, General?” Finn raises his hand as though he’s not sure for the proper protocol in the situation. Leia nods to him, still contemplative, and he continues, “Is there any way you can access the First Order intranet from here?”

General Organa raises an eyebrow at the request. “It’s possible. Why, Finn?”

“It just reminded me, you know, of the First Order films they made us watch. Sometimes other videos would get on the intranet, things from outside, and everyone would share them before they got taken down. They were really popular. Everyone got so excited when a new video was put up because, well… We weren’t given access to the regular HoloNet, so it was sort of like,” he looks down before finishing, quietly, “seeing the outside world.”

Rey finds Finn’s hand and threads her fingers through his. On her other side, Kylo slides his hand into hers, and she can see Poe reaching for Finn beneath the table. Her palms tingle as their combined energies flow together.  Finn’s affinity for the Force is stronger than Poe’s, and he lifts his chin after a moment to look back up at the General, strengthened by his friends. “Maybe someone put this up on the ‘Trooper ‘net.”

General Organa understands, better than most, the words that people don’t say. “Statura, would you call in one of your specialists?”

Statura nods to Kess, who speaks into her wrist comm. “Thorne, get two specialists from Foley’s team to the Blue Room immediately with whatever slicer droid they have on hand.”

Did you know anything about the intranet videos? She asks Kylo. The the vids loop, painting the side of his face with the blue and red of their sabers.

He shrugs in her mind. It was below my attention. My access to the ‘Net was never restricted, but Hux and the other officers were fanatical about controlling the ‘Troopers. She feels him grappling with something that feels like sympathy for the man on her other side. Anyone found responsible for that sort of insubordination would be sent for reconditioning.

Rey rubs her thumb over Finn’s knuckles as they wait, brooding over the word ‘reconditioning.’

It doesn’t take long for two sleepy-eyed specialists to arrive in rumpled uniforms, toting holopads under their arms. A hovering droid with two long arms and spidery fingers trails behind them. The specialists grab mugs of caf as Statura outlines the order and begin setting up the slicer.

“What exactly are we looking for?” One of the technicians asks as the screen of her holopad flickers to life over the table. The slicer droid inserts a finger into a port on the holopad and whirrs..

Everyone turns to look at Finn who swallows under the scrutiny and nods. “Can you access the First Order intra? I’ve got credentials that should still work.”

“Just get to an access point?” The second tech blinks and the two lean together, conferencing in hushed whispers in the light of the projection before nodding as they straighten. “Yeah. The real trick is making sure they can’t trace it back to us, but this guy,” he pats the droid on what could be called it’s head,  “is pretty good at covering it’s tracks.”

Rey watches the screen flicker as they work. She doesn’t follow what’s happening. She’s never had a holopad of her own, and has used them only rarely, but Kylo is transfixed. His interest flows through the link, pulling her along for the ride.

Then they’re looking up at a login screen hanging in the air above the table. Kylo’s eyebrows raise. That was fast.

Finn drops Rey’s hand and walks over to the technicians, tapping out a username and password. A hexagonal sun rotates until a navigation page loads. Everyone lets out a collective breath of relief. Under Finn’s direction the technicians pull up the entertainment board. The holos from their adventure are at the two top spots on the page.

“Yeah!” Finn cries, clapping his hands and smiling. “Some genius managed to rip it from the unsanctioned transmissions.”

Rey  glances down the number three through eight spots, frowning at the appearance of Kylo’s name followed by things like ‘temper tantrum’ and ‘destroys everything.’  

Kess snickers as she skims down the list of the titles. “You’re a popular guy, Ren.”

Following her gaze, Finn rubs the back of his neck. “There’s not a whole lot of entertainment options for ‘Troopers. We take what we can get.”

Kylo glares, breathes out through his nose, and shrugs. His annoyance prickles along her thoughts, but he’s trying not to show it.

General Organa braces her hands on the table and leans in, pointing at a link on the projection “There’s a comments section.” She observes. “And view counters. That’s… a lot of hits.”

Finn nods. “You can only watch Order from Chaos or Birth of the Empire so many times before you get desperate for anything else.”

General Organa smiles, and her expression is mirrored by the officers around the room. “We can work with this. We’ll need a few days to get everything in order, but we can build on this. We didn’t expect this sort of a jumpstart, so be proud of yourselves. You all did exceptionally well. You’re dismissed. Catch some shut-eye while you can ”

Everyone is too tired to talk much after the meeting, and Rey staggers to her room alone after a quick farewell to her friends and a kiss from Kylo stolen in an alcove.

She is awoken by a sharp knock at her door the next morning.  She’s still laying down, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, when the door slides open and Kylo enters. “There’s a code on that door.”

“I know. I memorized it ages ago.” He’s awake and energetic.  

How late is it? She squints in the light filtering in from her window and groans as she flips the covers back for him. “Get in if you’re getting in.  Go away if you’re not.  We don’t have to train today and I want to take full advantage of the-”

He pounces on her, holding her face in his hands as he kisses her into wakefulness.  He smells like soap and tastes of caf, so he’s already gone for his run, taken a shower, and had his breakfast. His excitement sparks through their connection and it tickles her mind like the bubbles in Poe’s beer on Coruscant. She pulls him down on top of her but he stops her hands when they try to pull his shirt off. “I have a surprise for you, and I’d rather be fully clothed when you open it.”

Kylo rolls off of her and she sits up, running a hand through her sleep-knotted hair to gather it into a braid.  “A surprise? Is it breakfast? Because I wouldn’t -”

Something small and square rests on his open palms when he turns back to her.  The holochron, still dented and battered but whole, covered now in a lighter material that knits through the sleek glass and metal.

“Oh, Kylo. Does it- How did you-?!”

“Uncle Chewie helped.” He places it in her outstretched hands and she cradles it to her chest. “Dameron, too.” She gets glimpses of long, frustrated hours, tastes a memory of the delighted glee Kylo shared with Poe and Finn when the holochron finally lit up. “It works.” The pride he feels radiates through the bond and its like the sun on a clear day, warm and satisfied and happy.

She’s can’t speak, can barely breathe. Thank you doesn’t seem like enough, but it carries everything she feels through the bond.  He smiles at her, pleased at her reaction, and she sets the little box aside to kiss him again.  He runs his hands down her back as she laces her fingers behind his neck, pulling herself up into his lap. No one has ever done anything like this for her, spent this much time or effort on something just to make her happy.  When he breaks the kiss, she strokes her fingers through his hair. “Have you talked with her yet?”  

“Yes,” he rumbles, kissing her with soft lips. “She’s still an insulting pain in the ass, so the damage didn’t change her personality.” Rey laughs and he basks in the sound. “You can start training with her today if you want.” Kylo stands, dumping her out of his lap, “But that means you need to get out of bed. Maybe try working on that mastery she wouldn’t shut up about before everything went to shit.”

It isn’t hard to convince Kylo to take a second shower, and after they’re dry again Rey dresses, stowing the holochron in her pocket before trotting to the cafeteria. Too impatient to fill a plate and sit, she grabs whatever she sees first and eats as they make their way to the training room.

It’s empty save for Finn at the weight rack. He finishes his set and lopes over as Rey dusts the crumbs from her hands. “Hey!” He hails them. “I wasn’t sure if you two were coming today. I spoke to General Organa this morning and she gave me some great news!” He beams, wiping his forehead with the hem of his shirt. “They’re bringing the Stormtroopers that want to enlist planet-side this afternoon! They’re being assigned under me!”

“That’s wonderful!” Rey agrees and he pulls her in for a quick, sweaty hug.

“Do you think, I mean, would it be okay if I brought them here and they trained with us? If the General okays it?”

Kylo shrugs as Rey nods, discomfort at the thought showing through the bond and in his terse expression. “It’s a public space.”

After working off  some of his exuberance by talking, Finn heads back to his training, and Rey and Kylo withdraw to a corner to open the holochron. Rey calls forth the glowing violet light with the lightest touch of power as the figure of Master Yali materializes.

“There you are, my girl!” Master Yali jabs a finger up at Rey. “It was something of a surprise waking up to your young man’s mug instead of yours!”

Kylo rolls his eyes. “This is the thanks I get. I could have left you crumpled, Yali.”

Rey smiles and speaks before Yali can begin arguing. “It’s so good to have you back, Master.”

“Master, eh?” Yali steeples her fingers under her pointed chin. “This one told me about what happened with your other master. It almost made me think you might not want to learn any more of my tricks.”

Rey lifts an eyebrow. “You have more tricks to teach me?”

“We’ve got enough jokers in this cantina, girl. Of course I’ve got more to teach you! First, however, you must tell me what happened with that Snoke monster, how you got here.” She points to Kylo. “He says you cut off the beast's hand ?” Yali howls with laughter. “Tell me everything!”

Finn drifts over as Rey finishes up her tale and is introduced to the little master. He is polite, deferential,  and when Yali directs them to begin practicing, he is eager to participate.

“It’s different with someone you’re not bonded with, and you, Finn, you looks like a nice, helpful young man. Isn’t that right, boy?” She jabs a tiny finger in his direction.

“Yes ma’am!” Finn salutes as a reflex and then grins.

Yali taps a finger against her chin. “I like him. He’ll do just fine.”

She explains what will happen, and Finn is game to try it out once the exercise is explained to him. “So you’ll be in my head?” He asks Rey. “Guiding me against him?” He jerks his chin at Kylo.

Rey shrugs. “Not in your head. It’s more like using the Force to power up what’s already there.” Nibbling at her bottom lip, she adds, “You don’t have to do this if you don’t want to. I can ask someone else-”

“No, I’ll do it. I trust you.  It’s just… weird, you know?” Finn scratches the back of his neck, looks to Yali. “It’ll help?”

“It will,” Yali confirms with a sharp nod. “Thank you, Finn.”

Sectioning off the bond with Kylo takes all her concentration. She focuses only on the meditative trance, finding Finn and holding him in her mind. It’s difficult where the bond is easy, slippery where Kylo’s thoughts try to enfold her, warm and secure. She has to bat Kylo away, scold him for cheating and distracting her.  She gets it after a few false starts once he relents.

“I feel it,” Finn announces with unfeigned wonder. “That’s you, right? Second pair of eyeballs staring out the back of my head?”

“That’s it. Now, see what you can do.” Yali orders.

The Force guides her, and guides Finn through her. It knows how it wants to be used and the more she empties herself, the less she thinks about each action, the easier it flows. It’s uncomfortable to stretch past the single point of focus that is the two of them. Adding Kylo as an opponent almost overwhelms her.  She has to wear him down, trip up his will to fight, even as he snares Finn’s arm and she is forced to undo the binding before Kylo can exploit the weakness.

It’s not an even match, the two of them against Kylo, not even close. His years of training outweigh their combined efforts. She raises a question when she and Finn are out of breath and drenched in sweat. “Are you accessing my trance through our connection? That’s cheating!” He smirks, smug with his satisfaction, not even winded, and she thumps his shoulder.

Soon after that, training is interrupted by a whistle from Finn’s comm that alerts him to the arrival of the newly enlisted ‘Troopers. He bids Kylo, Rey, and Yali a hurried farewell and runs off to meet them.

Rey meets the squad herself a few hours later with General Organa and the Resistance leaders. The men and women stand at perfect attention as they run through the expectations and assignments of the new arrivals, only relaxing when Finn tells them they can. Then they shuffle their feet and don’t meet anyone’s eyes but Finn’s. Rey notes their identifications and nicknames, their assignments and direct reports. The General welcomes them with warmth, addressing several by name and recounting the ways that they were able to escape from the First Order. At first, none will speak without direct permission, and Finn has to explain again that things work differently here.

After a pep talk from Finn, whom the other ‘Troopers regard with awe, they loosen up a bit.  Statura explains the idea for the propaganda campaign, citing the success of Finn and Kylo’s transmission on the ‘Trooper intraweb.  Some of the new recruits had defected before the video went up, and one woman asks if they can see the vid before giving their opinions, so Statura pulls it up on a datapad. The ‘Troopers react to the insults thrown at Hux and Phasma with more emotion and enthusiasm as they’d shown before, some whooping with laughter, others clapping at the end.  For the first time, Rey thinks this plan might work.

After the vid finishes and the ‘Troopers move back from where they had crowded around the pad, Statura asks if they have any suggestions for the holos being planned.  Finn reminds them that all they have to do is raise their hands to have their opinions heard.  There are a few ideas, and a few stories are shared of how they were inspired to leave the First Order.  The general consensus, however, is that anything will work.

“Really,” a man with light hair named Teek says, “Any kind of entertainment is popular, and something controversial like this will really kill. Everyone will want to see it, either to talk shit or to get excited.” The others agree with this assessment and General Organa just smirks.

Scripts are provided the following morning and they practice until she can say her lines in her sleep. Rey understands the idea, look good, sound good, say the right thing, but it all seems abstract.

Yali explains it best. “Think of it as a passive form of battle meditation. That Finn boy and your man Kylo are planting a seed in the minds of the people who see those holos.  They understand what it is to be those people. At least, Finn does, and Kylo has a better idea than you or I. The ‘Troopers who watch the videos will see themselves in Kylo and Finn, in those little ducklings who follow Finn around like he’s their mother. Then, you, my lovely girl, and that very handsome Poe fellow, will water the seed with your words of encouragement and solidarity. When you use battle meditation, you are urging others to do what you want them to do by bolstering or suppressing the thoughts they already have. This is much the same.”

The little master insists on coming with her to the filming, both to see what the fuss is all about and to “get a better look at the behind on Finn’s pilot.”

They put Rey into the nicest tunic she’s ever seen, made from a gray cloth that runs through her hands like water. She tries to explain to an insistent woman that she can wash and cut her own hair, but they override her protests, so she submits to the most exquisite hour of her life. Her head is massaged, lathered, and washed. Then her hair is pulled into the most perfect version of the buns she’s worn since childhood, every hair in place. A man dusts her face with sweet smelling powders, sweeps something soft onto her eyelids and something smooth over her lips.

Finn whistles when he sees her, low and appreciative. She laughs to see him looking dapper in a Resistance uniform, his hair cut and his skin glowing. Poe twirls her around, gaping with mock amazement, and calls her a vision of beauty, which makes her blush. When she asks why he looks the same as he always does, Finn jokes that the man with the powders and the woman who cut their hair took one glance at Poe, fresh out of bed, and declared him perfect as is. Poe shrugs and bends Rey back in his arms so her buns almost brush the floor.

She doesn’t see Kylo until they’re all but done with her, though his restless energy fizzes in her mind all day. She stands in the bright lights and says the words the specialists taught her, talks about cutting off Snoke’s hand and how together, she and the Resistance will end this war for good. Then there’s a moment where people are looking at something on a screen and she catches him out of the corner of her eye. Her heart jumps. He’s dressed in a jacket and pants of a gray wool so dark it's almost black. The cut of the jacket is aggressive, militaristic, and it suits him. His hair is shorter, and her fingers ache to comb through it. You look quite handsome.

I do, don't I? His smugness is fake. She can feel his discomfort, the way his eyes flick around the room. You look... polished. I've never seen you this clean before.

She gives him a gentle shove with her mind and returns to the task at hand.  They only need her for a few minutes more and then call Kylo over to replace her in front of the camera. Rey catches his hand as they switch places, halting him as he moves to take her spot. She looks him over in appraisal, tucks a bit of hair behind his ear. "You'll do fine."

Kylo's eyes flash with annoyance and anxiety. "I'm not in this for the damned revolution, and everyone here knows it. I just want Snoke gone. I hate all of this propaganda shit."

"Pretend. It won't be that bad." She sends him as much assurance and conviction as she has, and it calms him somewhat.

Rey wants to stay and watch him give his speech, but she’s called away by the General, who needs her help, so she doesn’t see Kylo again until that evening.  She’s eaten and bathed, wearing her sleeping clothes when he comes to her room with only minutes left before his curfew. They kiss in her doorway before the comm on his wrist emits its shrill alarm and he turns to leave. How did it go?

He backpedals down the corridor, looking at her as he goes. I’m a good liar. You’ll see in the morning .

The briefing the next day has to be moved from the Blue Room to a meeting room laid out in tiered rings of desks and chairs all facing an open space in front of an enormous screen. It’s the largest room Rey has been in on the base and it’s full when she and the General arrive after a quick breakfast eaten over reports in Leia’s office.  Finn and the other former ‘Troopers are sitting dead center, and Finn is smiling.  Poe is off to the side chatting with a few pilots. The dark haired woman to his left makes an obscene gesture and they all burst into stifled laughter.  The crew from the holovids are there, as are Statura and Kess. Kylo is deep in conversation with the Admiral and the Captain, but their eyes meet as she speaks with the General. Pressing against her mind, he greets her with a gentle caress through their bond and she gives him a minute nod of greeting, reciprocating his mental gesture. After being dismissed by Leia, Rey finds a seat on the edge of the crowd of ‘Troopers.  Kylo opts for a position at the back of the room.  

The General stands in front of the large projector and everyone falls silent to listen.  “Great work over the past few days, everyone. You’ve cranked out some impressive stuff in a very short time.  Thank you.” People start clapping, but Leia waves a hand and silence returns. “We have the first cuts of two holos to show today and we’d like to get them up on the wide ‘Net and the ‘Trooper intra as soon as possible.  The editing crew worked on these all night, and they’d like to get a bit of shut-eye, so let’s get to it.”

People shift in their seats as the projector fires up.

The vid opens on Finn, standing alone by the front of the Resistance base. He’s wearing a dark shirt and pants under Poe’s jacket, the same clothing he was wearing when he confronted Phasma and when he taunted the First Order over the public comms channel.  He speaks about his life as a ‘Trooper, of having nothing but a call sign and no memories of life before the First Order.  As he talks, even Rey, who knows him well, is pulled in.  He’s magnetic.  He references his escape from Finalizer , how Poe gave him a name and how Finn chose to keep it. “The Resistance gave me a chance at a life the First Order stole.” He’s joined by another former ‘Trooper, dressed in her armor but without a helmet, and then another and another, until he’s surrounded by people in white plastoid.  He speaks about teamwork, about being valued for more than your ability to hold a blaster and recite doctrine.  

The camera pulls tight in on Finn’s face as he finishes his speech. “Phasma, Hux, and Snoke want you to believe that your worth comes only from the First Order, but they’re wrong.  You are stronger than they let you believe, and that strength comes not from them, but from inside yourself, and from your friends.  When you get out, and you can get out, come find me. I’ll be waiting for you.” The shot switches to encompass the whole crowd, now dressed in Resistance uniforms and civilian clothes. Their expressions are firm, calm, and smiling. “We all will.”

The holo ends with the Resistance’s orange starbird emblem, which fades to enthusiastic applause from the crowd and some hooting from the ‘Troopers around Finn.

Kylo nudges her through their bond. That wasn’t half bad. He sounds surprised.

Leia lets everyone clap for a moment before she speaks again. “So, what do you think? We have their attention, that’s clear from the view counts. Will this help?”

The following discussion runs in circles for a few minutes before everyone agrees that it will.  The former ‘Troopers are confident that it will fuel to the fires lit by Kylo and Finn’s recorded transmission and that the direct call to ‘come find’ the Resistance will entice common Stormtroopers and infuriate the upper levels of governance in the First Order.

What’s to stop them coming with a bombing crew and taking out the base here on D’Qar? Kylo asks as the crowd resettles to watch the next holo.

Rey had worried about that earlier in the week, and had asked the General the same question. There are decoy bases on a few other planets, and misinformation campaigns have been in place for months. There’s even been some discussion about moving the base, but I don’t know what that will come to. The General says that, given the information we have, a major attack is unlikely. Now hush, I want to see your big debut.

It’s all bantha fodder. I just said the words they put in front of me. Don’t believe anything you hear.

Kylo’s face materializes on the projection, solemn, resolute, determined.

He cringes behind her. This is so stupid .

Rey shushes him as the Kylo on the holo begins to speak. He talks about power, of his need to bring order and end the chaos that has plagued the galaxy for generations. He speaks in a clear, strong voice, saying that he was mistaken in his belief that this could only be achieved by allying himself with Supreme Leader Snoke. “I joined with him to become powerful, but all I became a was a slave.  A slave to that power, a slave to Snoke, a slave to my own anger.” The General shifts in her chair at the front of the auditorium, covers her mouth with her hand. Through their bond, she can feel Kylo gritting his teeth.

The projection continues. “You were taken from your families, turned into weapons, never given a choice. I understand how that feels.” He pauses and looks straight into the camera, his dark eyes flashing. “You aren’t powerless, and neither was I. I fought Snoke and I escaped. Make your choice. Get out while you can.” He explains how the Resistance took him when no one else would, and how he is working with them to destroy Snoke. “We can bring peace. We can make our own destinies. But we can’t do it under the boot of the First Order, and we can’t do it while Snoke lives.” At the end of the holo, he challenges the viewer to come and find him, to work with him to end this war. Rey wonders how many tries it took to get it right.

There’s a moment of tense silence as the projection fades, and then the former ‘Troopers are on their feet, all cheering and clapping. Their excitement breaks the tension in the room and everyone else joins in, applauding and turning to scan the room for Kylo.  

Fuck. He’s crunched into a chair in the very back, one booted foot up on the seat in front of him, arms folded across his chest. As the attention of the crowd turns to him, he lifts a hand in an uncomfortable wave of acknowledgement.

Rey claps along with the rest and pushes admiration, pride, and affection at him through their connection. That was fantastic, Kylo! You did so well! You sounded so genuine, so assured!

I told you not to believe any of it. I’m a good liar. He’s anxious, annoyed, restless and fidgety again. It will infuriate Snoke, and I’m not sure that’s a good thing.

The General stands again as the hubbub peters out.  “From that reaction, I assume you’re all happy with this one.” Laughs and general agreement answer her. “Good. In that case, we’ll load these onto the ‘Trooper intranet. Phenomenal work, everyone. We’ll keep you updated on the progress and response. You’re all dismissed.” Leia beckons to Rey and she clambers down over the seats to the General’s side, pausing to squeeze Finn’s shoulder as she passes him.

“Take the rest of the morning off.  I’ll need you this afternoon, but for now please spend some time with my son.” Leia takes Rey’s hand in hers, looks up into Rey’s face with shining eyes. “ I can’t imagine any of this was easy for him, and he looks about ready to tear the walls apart up there. You know how I feel about maintenance requests.”

Nodding, Rey turns away and makes the hike up to Kylo.  He stands as she approaches and together they duck out through the crowd, heading back to the quiet sanctuary of her room.

When the door slides shut behind them, Kylo sighs and kicks his boots off before flopping down onto her nest. She follows his lead and lays her head on his chest. “You really did well. Everyone was so excited.  Did you see the way the ‘Troopers reacted?”

He sighs again, and frustration ripples through their connection, itching at Rey’s mind. “They’re idiots if they think any of that was true. Lasting peace can only be achieved through the strength of something like the First Order, or the Empire before it. This ‘let’s just all be friends’ shit the Resistance spins will never work on a large scale.” He pauses to kiss her hair, taking the sting out of his words. “I tried to get them to let me talk about how you cut off Snoke’s hand, but they said I had to ‘keep the message clear,’ whatever that means.”

“It’s not important.” He wraps an arm around her as she snuggles closer. “It wasn’t all lies, was it?” She looks up and his face twists. A wave of anger courses over him, hot and slimy.

“I’m not...” He huffs a breath out of his nose. “No. It’s not all lies. But that doesn’t make it true, Rey.” She doesn’t respond, and he continues, his tone sharp. “I don’t mean it the way they want me to mean it. I told you, I’m not here for a fucking revolution.” Kylo kisses her then, long and hard, and they ignore all the words left unsaid.