10. Chapter 10

If you had asked Adrien last Monday how he thought his week would end, he would have given you a long, very thought out list of possible outcomes. He might have said it would end in an epic day of lounging at home, winding down from his whirlwind tour. Perhaps his Sunday would consist of another schedule being thrust in his face or perhaps it would be spent with friends.

Needless to say, a kiss from Ladybug was more than he would have ever dared to hope for.

He registered the action a split second after her lips connected with his in a hurried clacking of teeth. Chat felt his eyes bulge wide, all traces of anger (at himself, at the situation) fleeing as a rush of anxious glee swooped in to replace it. The kiss was inexperienced, both parties too stunned to do much more than press together in a quick and fumbling embrace, arms stiffly hanging down by their sides and bodies connected only the precious contact of their faces.   

Nevertheless, it was the most incredible thing Adrien could ever recall experiencing.

He couldn’t bring himself to close his eyes like they do in the movies, instead letting his gaze wander over Ladybug’s features as she continued to press her lips tentatively into him. They were soft but insistent, clumsy but passionate as they danced against his own. She was more beautiful than he had ever seen her.

 ‘This is happening’ he though dizzily, hoping to draw her closer but unable to make his body comply.

The kiss ended far too soon, Ladybug withdrawing after just a few precious seconds of contact. She drew back with whine that shot straight to Adrien’s stomach, lips curling inwards as a fiery blush peppered its way across her features.

She had yet to open her eyes.

The two heroes stood opposite each other for a good 30 seconds, wind whipping at their forms as the heated cloud of emotion swirling in the foot of space between seemed to hang on for dear life. Neither of them spoke, the only sound punctuating the early morning stillness being the occasional chirping of birds passing by. That, and the roar of blood in Chat’s ears as he watched his Lady’s eyelids finally flutter open.

Beneath the shocking impact of blue was something almost feral. ‘She had been wanting to do that for a while’ Chat realized with a flip of his stomach, unable to completely hide the vicious streak of happiness he felt.

 It must have shown across his face however, as Ladybug’s blush deepened, prompting her to cross her arms and huff out an exasperated snort. Chat couldn’t help it now, trying half-heartedly to swallow his self-satisfied grin before letting it break over his face in a look of complete victory.

“Yeah, alright. No need to look so smug there.” Ladybug mumbled out, ducking her head before glancing back up as if to confirm he was still there.  Chat’s grin only grew impossibly wider at her reaction, ‘why she was looking positively bothered!’

He briefly wondered if it was healthy for his heart to be beating this fast.

“Me? Smug? Never, My Lady!” he responded through the lump of desire in his throat. How he managed to keep his voice steady through the maelstrom of emotions whirling around his skull was beyond him, but Adrien silently gave thanks for the unnatural sense of bravado that came with his alter ego.

“You’re incorrigible.” Ladybug announced, throwing her hands up to begin pacing atop the flagstone church. Chat just gave a chuckle, leaning against a pillar as he watched her frantic march. 20 seconds of giddy silence was all he could manage before…

“You kisssssssssssssed me…”

She whirled at the sound of his childish singing, and Chat had to repress the urge to burst out laughing at her absolutely scandalized expression.

“Oh, what are you? Six years old?” She asked through clenched teeth. Adrien could tell she was repressing a grin though, by the way her lips tugged up at the corners. He really loved her lips.

“You kisssssssssssssed me!” he repeated gleefully, leaning his body forward for emphasis as he shot her a particularly rakish look. She dodged his expression with a playful narrowing of her eyes before ducking behind the column next to his.

“Chat Noir you are actual, literal trash!” He heard her exclaim out of his line of sight. Quick as a flash, he weaved his way behind her pillar, leaning around the corner until his head was inches from her spotted shoulder before drawling low into her ear…

“Trash you kisssssed.”

Ladybug jumped, surprised by his proximity as she gave a small shriek. She turned to him with an exaggerated frown, poking his chest with the tip of her gloved finger as he continued to laugh.

“You keep this up and it’ll be your last.” She warned.

“Oh, so you were planning on there being more?” Chat inquired in a falsely innocent tone, heart still rocketing against his ribs.

“That’s not-“ Ladybug interrupted herself with a huff, face heating up once again. “You are…”

Chat grinned, that same sense of heady power rushing back over him like it had during their last heated encounter, now a week past.

“Seems as though I’ve left you speechless.”

“God, do you ever stop talking?”

“Not when there’s still so much to say, My Lady.”

His “Lady” readied a response, the words dying on her tongue as she was struck with wicked inspiration.

‘If he wants to play this game, then so be it’ she thought tartly, stomach turning pleasantly. Shifting her body so that it was facing his as they continued to lean against the cool, marble pillar beside them, Ladybug leaned in close. “Good thing I’ve figured out how to shut you up.” 

Chat looked like he was about to reply with a quip of his own, but she didn’t allow him the chance.

Marinette primly rolled up onto her toes, once again pressing her lips firmly against his for just a brief moment before breaking off with a grin. It was quicker than their last, an incredibly chaste kiss more akin to the pleasant pecks she received from her Aunts on the holidays, but it still seemed to send Chat wheeling.

Now it was her turn to be smug. Watching as her partner stood silent, a wide eyed look of contentment warming his feature, Ladybug marveled at her neat little trick. ‘Who would have thought there was a mute button on this thing?’ she asked herself gleefully, perking her eyebrows up at her awe-struck companion before lazily making her way to the next column in the row.

Her hips swaying perhaps just a bit more than usual.

‘That’s twice today you’ve kissed Chat Noir.’ Marinette’s brain whispered, and she flushed, a little stunned at her own forwardness. ‘What in the world have you done now?’

“You realize that’s just an incentive for me to talk more.” Chat called after her, sounding a bit breathless as he followed her farther towards the northern tower of Notre Dame. 

“Don’t press your luck, Kitty.” Ladybug hopped down to the level below them, wincing as the impact sent a shock of discomfort to her sore knee.

Chat was on her in an instant, wrapping a hand around her waist as concern replaced the want in his expression.

She was sad to see it go.

“That hurt, didn’t it?” It wasn’t a question.

 Ladybug looked up to find his black mask was furrowed in concentration. Her stomach did flip flops as he pulled her closer, supporting her weight almost completely as he gently lowered her to sit on the ledge below.

“Just a little tender is all.”  She responded as he plopped himself down beside her. “I wasn’t lying when I said it wasn’t a big deal, I’ve gotten worse injuries from tripping down the stairs at school.”

“I find that hard to believe.” Chat said cooly, gaze still focused on the way her hand massaged at her kneecap. His shoulder sat pressed against hers.

“Most of my coordination comes from being Ladybug, I think.” Marinette admitted with a small chuckle, extending her leg gingerly before leaning back against the wall behind her. “I’m a complete klutz once the suit comes off.”

She watched Chat file away the information, his green eyes glowing at the tiny factoid like she had just handed him some priceless treasure. ‘Careful now.’ Marinette chided herself.

“I have no doubt My Lady is just as flawless out of her suit as she is in it.” He said resolutely, maintaining a purely conversational tone before sending her a flirty look at his statement’s double meaning. “Feel free to shut me up any time now!”

“Oh, aren’t you just so suave.” Ladybug said, slapping at his shoulder with a roll of her eyes.

They fell into a comfortable silence, one that neither of them felt the need to break as the heroes took in the sunny atmosphere of another Parisian morning. Or perhaps late morning, it the brightness was any indication of how much time had passed.

Ladybug looked out from their vantage point, watching as the square in front of them began to fill with more and more people. Some had stopped what they were doing to peer up at the façade of the church, squinting and pointing at the duo with eager expressions and pleasant waves.

 ‘Ugh-oh, busted’

Chat noticed her shift in expression, following her eyes downward to take in the crowd that was rapidly forming below them. With a grin, he stood up, hauling Ladybug gently to her feet alongside him before peering over the edge. It was impossible to hear at this height, but she had a sneaking suspicion his attention was met with more than one adoring scream from below.

“Looks like we’ve been caught.” Chat said humorously, making a grand show of bowing and flexing before turning back to her with a mischievous twinkle in his eye. “What do you say we give the people a show?”

Ladybug knew exactly what kind of show he was thinking about by the way his eyebrows wiggled suggestively, but she had other plans. Another wicked plan hatched in her mind, and Marinette strode to the end of the ledge, pulling Chat along with her. “Sounds good to me.”

With a look that clearly said ‘this is too good to be true’, Chat made a move to pull her closer, Ladybug cutting him off with a raised hand. She had to resist the urge to laugh at his disappointed pout.

“So, you ever heard of the game Assassins Creed?” She asked innocently, eyes looking pointedly at the steep drop ahead of them.

Chat looked confused for a second, following her line of sight before the implications of her words sunk it. His eyes widened, mouth falling open in protest.

“Ladybug don’t you-“

‘Too late’ Marinette thought, reveling in self-satisfaction at his gob smacked expression before launching herself into a swan dive off the side of the church.

It was a move she had done a hundred times, but her stomach still swooped at the exhilaration of free-falling. Below her, the crowed stood in awe, some cheering and other snapping pictures at their polka dotted hero sailed through the air. Marinette laughed, swiveling her body into action as she neared the ground. Her yo-yo zipped out with incredible speed, hooking itself around the church’s lowest archway (which was still quite far up) and swinging its wielder safely to the concrete below.

Her landing was feather-light, knee not twitching in the slightest as Ladybug touched down delicately.

“Good Morning!” She greeted the cheering crowd pleasantly, heart still thrumming with adrenaline. They responded in earnest, prompting Ladybug to strike a few heroic looking poses as dozens of phone cameras flashed in her direction. Seconds later, she felt a shadow come crashing down beside her, Chat having finally clawed his way down the façade of the building.

Her partner brushed himself off roughly, hair falling wildly around his face as he made an attempt to join in on her impromptu modeling session.

“Look you long enough.” Marinette couldn’t help but whisper smugly, keeping her pleasant smile forward as she twined her arm with his.

“Had to restart my heartbeat.” Chat remarked between his teeth, grinning alongside her as his chest heaved beneath his tight, black suit.

She found she didn’t dislike the sight.




“Yeowch, you look terrible.”

“Yeah? Well you should see the other guy.”


It was T-minus one week until the start of the new school year, and with Alya’s internship now over, the girls were ready to milk every last minute out of their remaining summer. They had plans laid out for the next 5 days solid, intent on going out with a bang.

And of course by that, they meant long nights filled with movie marathons and late days of enjoying the last of the warm weather as they hit every outdoor space within a 9 block radius.

Alya had visibly cringed when she caught sight of Marinette’s black eye as the girl pooped up on her doorstep, steering her clumsy friend towards the kitchen in order to root around for something to help take the edge off.

“You know, I was glad when you picked up sewing,” the redhead began in a lecturing tone, smearing a pungent concoction of ground up herbs around the smaller girl’s bruised eye. Alya’s father was in to natural medicine, keeping a wide collection of holistic remedies around the house for use by friends and family. In fact, he had labeled an entire section off for supplies strictly for Marinette. “… of course now that I’ve had to nurse how many seamstress related injuries, I almost wish you had stuck with Aikido.”

Her patient just shrugged guiltily, blinking though the thick sludge around her eye socket.

“I live a dangerous life.” Marinette said distantly, ruminating on the truth of her statement. Alya obviously didn’t catch the meaning, packing the tiny jars back away before helping her friend off the counter.

“That you do, my delicate flower.” She crooned, eyes suddenly lighting up. “Oh! So you know how I said over the phone I had something cool to show you?”

“Yeah I remember.” Marinette replied, following her friend up to her second story bedroom. Contrary to her own (usually) put together room, Alya’s space was an explosion of stuff.  Marinette had learned to accept her cluttered ways, kicking clothes free of her path as she settled on the bed, Alya heading over to snatch her laptop before perching next to her.

“There was a sighting yesterday at Notre Dame.” She began, imputing her password before flashing Marinette a look of sheer excitement. “Chat Noir and Ladybug where there! No attack, no ceremony, just hanging out atop the church together! How frickin awesome is that?!”

‘Pretty frickin awesome’ Marinette thought to herself, recalling the events of her and Chat’s little “hang out.”

“That’s great, did you get some pictures?” She asked, already knowing the answer. Marinette knew for a fact her friend wasn’t in the crowd. However she tensed up when she got an unexpected reply.

“I didn’t but one of my readers was there and got this incredible shot!” Alya said proudly, clicking through a few more folders before bringing up an image across her laptop screen.

Marinette let out a breath of relief, noting that whatever filter the photographer used had all but erased Ladybug’s black eye. ‘That would have been a difficult coincidence to explain away’

She studied the picture further, lips quirking up and fingers fluttering in her lap at the identically rakish expressions displayed across the subject’s faces. It seemed comfortable on Chat’s face, resting at the edges of his feature as he shot the camera a toothy smile. Of course the damned cat was winking.

Ladybug stood tall beside him despite their height difference, hip cocked confidently and face flushed with what everyone else would assume was exertion. Oh course Marinette knew otherwise, the memory of her lips pressed against Chat’s coming unbidden to the forefront of her mind.

“They look great.” Marinette said distantly, eyes still focused on the easy embrace Ladybug shared with Chat. That she had shared with Chat.

“Oh yeah, I would totally hit that.” Alya replied instantly, causing the girl beside her to release a small choke.

“Which one?” Marinette asked, not sure if there was a reply she should be hoping for. Alya looked thoughtful for a second, eyes flicking back the screen before shaking her head with a resolute smile.




‘Oh, ok. Not the worst answer she could’ve gotten.’

“Thiiiirrrrrrsty…” Marinette tittered with relief, poking her friend in the shoulder before glancing back at the image. She had to admit, they made an attractive couple.

‘Of course not like that’ she reprimanded herself sharply.

“Oh you’re one to talk Miss. I-Almost-Broke-My-Phone-Because-I-Saw-A-Pic-Of-Adrien.” Alya taunted, crossing her arms with a smirk. “Tell me again how you plan on getting through life without ever seeing him again?”

Aaaahhhhh the other blonde boy making Marinette’s life a pubescent hellscape.

She had somehow been able to wiggle out of every attempt that was made in order to arrange a hangout including the two of them, a fact she was both relieved and extremely guilty about. Before he left for the summer, Adrien had become something almost akin to a friend to Marinette. Of course she attributed it mostly to the fact they were both exhausted during the scant 2 weeks of their almost friendship. Adrien probably only said those nice things about hanging out to her because he was too tired to noticed how weird she was behaving around him.

However Alya was right, she couldn’t avoid the boy forever.

“Well, maybe not the rest of my life,” Marinette began slowly, throwing herself backwards against the headboard, “I’ve mostly accepted the fact I’ll have to face him sometime…”

“Perfect!” Alya cut in, leaping form the bed to rifle through her closet. Her next words were muffled but still sent a shot of cold fear coursing down Marinette’s spine. “Because we are all going to that music festival in downtown this Friday!”