19. Chapter 19

Marinette couldn’t tell if she was hungry, horny or just plain dying.

It very well might have been all three, wrapped up in the neat little guise of PMS.

In her now nearly 2 years of womanhood, Marinette had long since stopped trying to guess what mother nature would throw at her each month, instead hoping for the best while prepping for the worst.

And by worst, she meant the feeling she was experiencing at this very moment.

“I don’t get it!” The teen yelled, curled up in the fetal position on the living room couch. “I’m not even on my period and my body is trying to kill me…” She trailed off pitifully, accepting the hot pad that was passed over the sofa and pressing it to her abdomen with a sniffle.

“I remember feeling the same way when I was your age.” Mrs.Cheng settled on the couch, shifting her daughter’s head until it sat comfortably on her lap. She gave a sigh, running her fingers through the blue-black strands that so closely resembled her own as she peered down at her miserable child. “A lot of my symptoms used to happen during ovulation, too. Cramps, bloating, hunger, not to mention those irrational bouts of anger! Unfortunately it seems like you take after your mother once again, ma petit.”

Marinette just moaned, screwing her eyes shut as another painful spasm shot through her abdomen. Her mom tutted over her, leaning down to press a kiss against her forehead. “How in the world did you get through it?” She asked through clenched teeth, finally relaxing as her cramp let up.

“Mostly the same way you deal with it. Tea, hot baths, lots of rest and even more motherly kisses.” She emphasized her point by planting tiny pecks all over Marinette’s flushed cheeks, not letting up until the girl let out a giggle. “Although of course,” Sabine continued, sitting back up with a laugh of her own, “things did get a lot better when I eventually went on birth control…”

Marinette shifted uncomfortably, her internal ‘awkward mom talk’ alarm going off immediately. ‘This wasn’t going to be good…’

“It was right around the time I met your father-“


“-we knew we weren’t ready to have a little Marinette just quiet yet-“


“-but it was absolutely incredible-“


“-how quickly my PMS vanished!“

“I DON’T-“ Marinette cut herself off, glancing up sharply at her mother. “Vanished, you say?”

“Oh yes!” Mrs. Cheng laughed “About a month later I was practically symptoms free, and I can count on one hand the number of times I had cramps since then.” There was a pause as the younger Cheng girl gave a small hum. “You’re scheming, Marinette. I can sense it.”

“I’m thinking Mama, there’s a difference.”

But she was scheming.

Oh Lord was she scheming.

Marinette mentally weighed whether or not the embarrassment and possible backlash of her next question would be worth the rewards. She tossed the idea around for a few seconds before another powerful cramp made the decision for her. Steeling herself for one hell of a conversation, Marinette opened her mouth only to be cut off by her mother’s next words.

“If you’d like to go on the pill, just let me know.”

The teen shifted again, shaking her head incredulously at the woman’s casual tone. “Are you…I mean, really? You’re ok with that?” Her mother just laughed.

“Of course. You know I don’t like seeing you so uncomfortable. Honestly, I’m a little ashamed I didn’t think of it sooner.” She soothed her fingers over her daughter’s brow once again. “We can set up an appointment to get you a prescription sometime this week if you’d like.”

“Yes please oh gosh yes thank you!”


And so they did.

One doctor’s visit, a slew of embarrassing questions and a trip to the pharmacy later, Marinette finally got her hands on a tiny compact of blue and tan pills.


“Is it weird?” Alya asked, her voice drifting through the phone propped up against one of Marinette’s pillows.

“I mean, I don’t feel any different yet. My mom says things will start changing in about a month.”

“Well that’s good at least. I swear I’ll never complain about my pms again after seeing what you have to go through.” Alya’s face gave a compassionate look that warmed Marinette even through the screen. “Do you think you’ll make it back for the afternoon block?”

The teen heaved a sigh, rolling over to check the clock. She had gone straight home as soon as her lunch hour started, hoping a quick bath and another dose of Pamprin would help ease her discomfort. Call it one of the perks of living just steps from your school.

“Probably not,” she said sullenly, feeling no better than she had an hour ago. “I think I’ll just-“ There was a loud yell on the other end of the receiver, followed by a heavy sigh.

“Give me a second Mari, I have a feeling something mad dumb is about to happen.”  There was a half-minute of mumbled chatter before Alya’s face once again filled the screen. “Sorry girl, I’ll have to call you back! Gotta go give Adrien the sex talk real quick. Bye!”

Marinette let out a choke, scrambling for some reply before the call cut out suddenly. She stared at the blank screen, eyebrows raised until finally she just shook her head, replacing the device by her pillow as she settled in to get some studying done. She had grown used to Alya and Nino’s parenting antics long ago, having more than once been on the receiving end of one of their legendary lectures. Her heart went out to Adrien, hoping he could handle whatever divine wisdom he was about to receive. She gave a slight grin, flushing at the thought of him being curious about sex. ‘With a body like that, the boy should have more than enough experience…’

Marinette pushed the traitorous ideas away, taking a few deep breaths to ward off the un-solicited whisper of desire that trailed its way down her abdomen. She wrote it off as her period’s doing, not lingering on the thought as she cracked open her history book.

Adrien was her friend.

Her sweet, genuine, insanely hot supermodel of a friend, but a platonic one none-the-less.

Plus she was not the same love-struck, slack-jawed, foot in mouth weirdo she had been when they first met. She had proven she could keep her cool, could interact like a normal human person, and they had grown closer for it. 

In fact Marinette was grateful for his friendship. Or perhaps she was just grateful she no longer had to plan her life around their interactions. It had honestly become a bit exhausting, pining after him so long, and she was glad their conversations came easily now that she had let her obsession go.

Turns out, her crush was just a regular (if exceedingly handsome) teenager. One who dropped pencils, stumbled over words, and occasionally even made lame jokes, just like the rest of the student body.

‘Besides,’ Marinette thought as a familiar chime drew her eyes to the little ‘C.N’ that popped up on her lock screen. ‘I have enough blonde boys to keep me busy right now...’

She spent the rest of her day in bed, working through homework and personal projects alike while maintaining a running commentary with Chat. They texted nearly every day, surprising considering the fact they couldn’t really bring up personal topics. Yet somehow they managed to go on for hours about the most random things, their silly small talk never failing to bring a twinkle to Marinette’s eye as they went about their daily lives.

But of course she had to cut him off once her clock read ten. ‘Boy, not leaving my bed all day sure is exhausting.’


[ alright kitty, we both need to get to bed ]

[ of course, I wouldn’t want to keep you from your sweet dreams ]

[ as long as they all feature me of course ;) ]


Marinette shuddered a bit at the truth of his statement, letting out a huff of air as she stomped down her flicker of arousal. Tonight was for sleep, and she wasn’t going to let her hormones ruin that for her!


[ HA im too tired to dream, about you or otherwise! ]

[ well in that case I wont keep you up ]

[ goodnight my lady <3 ]

[ goodnight chat ]


Marinette blinked at the screen, chest warming at the sight. It was the same send-off they gave each other nearly every evening, but something about it really seemed to strike her this time. It probably had something to do with her tumultuous emotional state as of late, but she was suddenly quite enamored with his signature heart emoticon. She chewed at her lip as it curled into a contented grin, reaching out to type on a whim before locking her phone up for the night.


[ sleep well <3 ]


Marinette made her way to the bathroom, humming happily as she commenced her evening hygiene ritual. Teeth brushed, face washed and moisturized, clothes off, hair up and lights out. The very last thing she did before climbing back up into her loft was to fish the birth control compact from her purse, working the little capsule marked “Friday” out of its foil before grabbing her nightly water bottle.

‘With a little luck, I’ll be back to my old self in no time.’ she thought, popping her final pill of the first week before tucking herself back in for the night. ‘No more debilitating cramps or crazy emotions or…’



Pure, white-hot jealousy.

Stomach curdling, mouth twisting, hand clenching jealousy that burned across every square inch of her polka dotted body.

She tried to remain amicable, she really did. What with the crowd of reporters swarmed around her, nearly a dozen cameras poised on her face as she gave a recounting of the day’s attack, Marinette wasn’t exactly in an ideal place to be simmering the way she was. And yet that didn’t stop her possessive gaze from wandering over time and time again to where her partner (HER BOYFIREND!) stood, preening in front of his screaming mass of fans.

She watched with distaste as one of the scheming little harpies leaned into Chat, nearly mashing their faces together as she snapped a selfie. This, of course, inspired the rest of them to begin pulling out their phones for pictures of their own. ‘Was it really necessary to loop an arm around his shoulder you little-‘

“Ladybug?” Marinette drew her attention back to the press, forcing another pleasant smile.

“Ugh yes, one last question before I have to go.” All around her hands flew up and Ladybug forced herself to tune out the squeals that followed Chat’s ridiculous flexing. She knew it was all for show, but it still left a sour taste in the back of her mouth, especially with how strangely he’d been acting towards her lately.

Whether it be a post-patrol make out session or just a run-of-the-mill akuma attack, Chat always seemed to be making a speedy exit, barely sparing her a kiss on the hand before bounding out of sight. It worried her, and frustrated her even more so. How many times had he declared his undying love for Ladybug in the past few years? And yet her boyfriend still insisted on slipping away, on pulling back when all she wanted was more.

The most confusing part was that he seemed so willing to give it, right up until he made his hasty retreat. Marinette knew she shouldn’t push, shouldn’t expect too much too fast, but goddamit if she didn’t have feelings too.

 A small part of her whispered that he regretted dating her, that she didn’t live up to the hype he had built up after 2 years of pining away. Chat used to look at her like she was a goddess, now his eyes always seemed to be dancing away. He used to beg and bade for her to stay just one minute more, but now he was the one always running off with some half-formed excuse.

And in this moment, seeing the horde of fangirls (some of them quite a bit prettier than she was) fawning their way around him, Marinette couldn’t help but feel the cold fingers of inadequacy dig their way beneath her skin. Thankfully, the supernatural sense of confidence that came with her transformation warded off any outward signs of her internal moping, and she turned to the gathered people with a tight smile.

“Yes, you!” Ladybug called out, pointing to a familiar red headed girl who had elbowed her way to the front of the crowd.

“Hi! I’m not sure if you remember me, but my name is Alya. From the Ladyblog?” Marinette gave a distracted nod, still half-focused on the shameless display going on across the square. “My readers are dying to know if you and Chat Noir are planning on making an appearance at the Annual Pumpkin Lighting in October. Can you confirm?”

“Oh, ugh, yes!” Ladybug said, trying to look directly into Alya’s camera lens as she went on in an official tone. “I can affirm that my partner and I have received the mayor’s invitation and will most likely be attending.”

“Awesome, awesome. So do you-“

Marinette’s attention snapped from Alya at the sound of an all-too-familiar giggle floating its way across the crowd. “Chatty-kins!” The falsetto rang out, instantly setting Marinette’s blood to a boil as she watched Chloe Bourgeois lay a hand on her partner’s chest.  “When do I get my picture?”

Ladybug dug her fingernails into the palm of her hand, taking a few deep breaths as she prepared herself to return to her interview. ‘Chat’s a big boy, he can handle himself around grabby upstarts like Chloe.’

Of course that plan (along with her last fuck) flew out the window as her classmate planted a kiss on her stunned boyfriend’s cheek.


*Kill Bill Sirens*  [x]



Marinette didn’t even register herself plowing through the line of reporters until half of them lay on the sidewalk behind her.

 In fact the only thing she could register through the blinding streak of jealousy was the word “MINE” as it blazed a path through her lungs, out of her throat and finally across the clearing in a feral yell.

Chloe turned just in time to stumble out of the heroine’s way, eyes widening as Ladybug descended upon the newly freed Chat Noir with an almost animalistic fervor. She grabbed at his collar, wrenching the bell towards her as she crashed their lips together.

But Ladybug didn’t relax into the kiss this time, oh no. Quite the opposite actually.

With an audible parting of her mouth, Marinette turned to stare Chloe down, never breaking eye contact as she very visibly shoved her tongue into Chat’s mouth. The boy startled for just a second before easing up alongside her with a small groan. It was a clear message, one that even the entitled diva seemed to get if her wide-eyed gulp was any indication.

‘Stay back’ it said. ‘This one’s mine.’

In fact Marinette was so dead set on making her declaration known (to Chloe and to all of the other equally stunned fangirls behind her) that she never really stopped to ponder the true extent of her audience. Driven by lust, and fury, and maybe just a bit of sadness too, she poured every bit of her confliction into the kiss…

That is until her eyes caught on a tiny ladybug phone charm, dangling just inches from an illuminated camera lens.

All at once the world came back into focus. Marinette separated from Chat as a slew of questions came flying their way. The teen balked, seizing up at the realization of her actions as cold dread made its way through her veins. She stood frozen, overwhelmed by the flashes of light and loud voices that assaulted her from all angles.

‘Bad, bad idea…’

Luckily, Chat managed to recover before her, shaking his head in wonder before flipping the girl up over his shoulder. He secured her wiggling form with a firm hand to her lower back, swiveling to address the crowd grandly.

“I hate to cut the show short, but my Lady and I have other business to attend to!” He sent Alya’s camera a suggestive wink before bounding out of sight, running until they were no longer within earshot of the masses.

Marinette felt numb, bumping along on his shoulder before Chat slid her down into a secluded alley way. Almost immediately she turned to lay her head against the wall, screwing her eyes shut as she focused on bringing her heartrate down to a more humanly sustainable pace.

‘Do you ever think? Ever use your brain for anything other than keeping your body alive? Because I’m pretty sure that was just about the dumbest-‘

“Alright, so I gotta ask.” Chat’s voice cut through her self-depreciating thoughts, prompting Marinette’s head to swivel towards him. “What in the world was that?” He was a few paces away, leaning back against the brick with one leg propped up on the wall behind him. Maybe it was his distance or perhaps his cocky grin, but suddenly Marinette felt all her emotions congeal into one solid mass.

 A mass she aimed directly at him.

“No Chat Noir, I’ve gotta ask! What in the world was that?” He blinked at her a few times, his grin only widening in the most infuriating way.

“My lady, do detect a hint of jealousy?”

“You’re about to detect me walking away unless you answer my question!”

“Well it looked like you very nearly running over a few civilians before jamming your tongues down my throat…” Marinette balled up her fists, cold fury and aching inadequacy making her chest wind tighter with each short breath she took. ‘Does he ever stop teasing for one minute?’

She wanted to scream at him, wanted to yell and curse and make him feel as bad as she felt.

 But she didn’t do any of that, because she cared for him too much. (Hell, she might even love him for all she knew!) And even though a big part of her wanted to make him hurt, a much larger part of her couldn’t stand the idea of causing him pain.

So she did none of that.

She didn’t scream or yell or curse. She didn’t tear him down, didn’t chew him out. Instead she let her shoulders slump, curling in on herself in way she’d never done as Ladybug before. Marinette drew in a shaky breath, hating the irrational tears she felt prickling behind her eyes as she addressed the alley in a small voice.

“Do you regret this?”

From the corner of her eye she saw Chat stiffen, the grin sliding right of his face as turned to her. “What did you just say?” He didn’t sound pleased.

“I asked if you regretted this. Us.” Marinette repeated, voice growing stronger despite the nervous energy that swirled in the pit of her stomach.

“I don’t…what are you even talking about Ladybug?” She watched his mouth open and close a few times, mask pinched together in confusion. He looked as if he were about to speak again, but she didn’t allow him the chance, now unable to stop the words as they tumbled between her lips to shatter the silence surrounding them with each gut-wrenching syllable.

“Am I not what you expected? Not what you imagined I’d be? Are you disappointed now because the girl you’re dating hasn’t lived up to the expectations you had for me? For Ladybug? Whoever!”

“My lady-“ She silenced him with a flash of her eyes to his.

“For two weeks now you’ve ran off anytime I so much as kiss your cheek! I told you we can slow down if you’re uncomfortable but lately I can’t even put an arm around you without driving you off! So what is it Chat? What did I do to make you so off-put by me?” She crossed the alley then, seething and shaking as she planted herself right in front of Chat. “If you don’t want me-“

The words died on her tongue as gloved hands whipped around her waist. Marinette made a small sound of surprise as Chat whirled her around, switching their positions so her back was pressed firmly against the brick building as he latched on to her throat with an open-mouthed kiss. She shivered, body immediately flooding with heat as his tongue and teeth went to work at the juncture of her jaw.

“How could you…possibly think…I don’t want you?”  He paused every few seconds to press his lips against her again and again, emphasizing each phrase in a way that chipped off every vestige of sadness or anger Marinette felt until she was raw under his touch.

“Then why did you- ahhhhhuh” She tried to will herself to speak, but the way he drew his claws along the small of her back, mouth never ceasing its erotic dance across her pulse point, made it impossible for her to do more than whine out her pleasure as she melted under his attention. Chat pulled back, drawing in a breath as his tongue ran along the front of his teeth. He seemed to be considering, and Marinette was about to pull him back to her when he made his next move, cupping the back of her neck with one hand as the other splayed out against the wall beside her.

“I’m going to do something,” he began in a low voice, his words stirring a delicious sense of anticipation low in the pit of her stomach. “and you need to tell me if it makes you uncomfortable.”

‘That’s not likely’ Marinette thought with a shiver, nodding none-the-less as Chat’s eyes gleamed darker.

Slowly, almost tentatively, he moved closer, laying his forehead against hers before continuing on in a quiet growl. “I don’t ever want you to question whether or not I want you…” He kissed her on the lips then, fully and passionately in a way that left no room of objection. Then came the familiar press of his body against hers…only now with an entirely new ridge of flesh that pressed firmly against her hips.

‘Was that?’

“…because I really fucking want you.”

It was.

Marinette’s eyes widened, an overwhelming surge of heat rolling over her body as she bucked on pure instinct alone. The motion brought her tighter against the tantalizing hardness trapped between them, eliciting twin moans from the teenagers as Chat’s hand tightened its grip on the back of her neck. He looked about as debauched as she felt, hissing between his teeth as he peeled himself away from her.

Before she knew what she was doing, Marinette snaked a hand out, her finger hooking around his belt in order to press him back tightly against her. This time his groan was louder, slitted eyes bearing down on her heatedly as Chat brought his other hand to grip at her waist.

“I really fucking want you too.” Marinette heard herself say, not quite knowing how the words had formed, but grateful none-the-less that she was even able to speak through the dizzying sense of arousal that seemed to permeate her every sense. Her response was met with another growl from the boy, and (even more excitingly) another twitch of his hips as they rolled forward to grind into her own.

“Ladybug…” He let his mouth return to hers, parting immediately with a wet pop as their tongues imitated the jerking motion going on below. Marinette’s breath came in quick huffs, senses overloaded by the intoxicating vulgarity of it all, Chat rutting up against her in their secluded little nook as she focused on not biting down in her ecstasy.

‘He wasn’t running away because he didn’t want me’ she thought wondrously, head falling back as Chat returned his attention to her neck. ‘He’s been running because I get him hard.’

 That thought, coupled with the now unbearably pleasurable sensation of his cock grinding against the v of her hips, lit a flame beneath her very core, ripping a cry from Marinette’s throat as Chat swooped up to smother it with his lips. “I have to stop if we get caught.” He warned, voice low as it murmured across her skin. He emphasize his point with another slow but scorching thrust, and this time she had to bite down on her lip to avoid making another sound.

They could have been there for hours, as far as Marinette could tell you. Though perhaps that fact that their suits (their goddamn suits that kept her from fully experiencing the skin-to-skin contact she so desperately craved) had yet to melt away indicated it wasn’t more than a few minutes they spent rocking against each other. There came a point where the atmosphere shifted, the intensity of their passion reaching a fever pitch that both teens noticed between the whispered gasps and aching moans.

Though neither of them vocalized it, it was obvious that they had reached a tipping point, and now a decision had to be made. Do they pull back now, content in their exploration beyond their previously unspoken borders? Or do they dare push forward, further into the sinful territory upon which they now tread?

Their decision was made for them by the electronic beep that echoed through the alley.

They parted with synchronized groans, hips stilling against each other as the intensity of the moment hung heavy in the space between them. Finally, Chat shifted away slowly, as if the movement pained him. Marinette had to swallow a plea at the departure of his warmth, instead reaching up to grab at the wrist situated above her shoulder in an attempt not to slide to the ground. Chat’s breathing was ragged, the only sound in the otherwise silent alleyway until a small voice rang out.

“Let me get this straight…” Marinette said, tongue heavy with the lingering weight of her desire “You’ve been running off on me for the past two weeks because you…” She didn’t know how to finish the question, instead allowing her eyes to flicker back to the bulge her boyfriend was sporting.

Despite the fact she’d just had that very same mass pressed against her only moments before, Marinette couldn’t fight down the blush that spread across her cheeks at the sight. ‘You did that to him’ a small voice whispered triumphantly, and thought made her shiver.

She sensed more than saw Chat gulp under her gaze, shifting just slightly before clearing his throat. Marinette gave a squeak, flushing further as she realized she was ogling him in the rudest of ways. She fixed her eyes straight ahead, trying not to think about the fact that her very obviously aroused boyfriend was still just inches away.

“Uh, yeah.” He began, voice still gravelly in a way that tied Marinette’s guts up into knots at the sound. “I didn’t really know how you’d feel about…but I guess if…” Chat shook his head with a huff, the beginnings of a smirk worming its way across his features as he caught her eye once again. “Well, if I knew that would be your reaction… I would have started pinning you against walls a long time ago.”

This earned him a snort. “Glad to see you’re recovered enough to wise-crack.” Marinette muttered, unable to keep the redness from her cheeks as she gnawed at her lip. Another small beep sounded from the corner of her ear, reminding the heroes that their time was drawing to a close.

Chat’s smirk soured into a sulk. He reached out tap at the triple-spotted studs with distaste. “You know, I really hate these things sometimes.”

“Me too.” Marinette admitted, flashing a pout of her own. She wanted nothing more than to stay in that alley, to test just how far they were willing to push their ever shifting boundaries, but her own infuriating sensibility won out as she slid out from under his arm.

Ladybug put a few paces between them, hoping that distance would help ease temptation.

It didn’t.

“You don’t have to go…” Chat tried hopefully.

“I don’t have to, but I need to. And so do you.” She sighed, unlatching her yoyo absently as she let her eyes skim his form once again in an indulgent look that didn’t go unnoticed by the object of her affections. “Besides…” Marinette drawled, feeling empowered by the hungry way he still gazed at her, “something tells me you have other business to attend to.” This time she very obviously let her eyes snap to his erection, a thrill going up her spine before she trailed her way back up to his face.

To say Chat looked bothered would be an understatement, and she might have felt smug if not for the pool of moisture she alone could feel gathering between her legs. But again her miraculous rung out, dragging her mind out of the gutter and away from thought of just how he might relieve himself once she was out of sight.

Ladybug didn’t wait for Chat to snap from his stupor, fearing the next words out of his mouth might just be enough to convince her very needy self to stay. Instead, she reeled herself up out of the alley, landing solidly on the roof despite her shaking legs. Marinette leaned over the edge, regarding the heavily breathing boy staring up at her before allowing herself one more but of fun.

‘What was it he said?’ she thought desperately, recalling the first night Chat Noir had made a speedy exit. ‘The first time he popped a boner around you…’

Ah yes.

“YOU’RE SUPER HOT I HAD AN AWESOME TIME TEXT YOU LATER BYE!” She called down, taking great delight at the way he shook a joking fist up at her before gnashing his teeth together in protest.

“Don’t make me come up there Ladybug I swear to-“ Thats as far as she let him get, turning on her heel with a loud laugh as she zipped her way back home.

Of course her bravado was short-lived, as evidenced by the guttural groan she gave as soon as she slid down through her trap door just minutes later. Her transformation broke down around her, leaving Marinette a hormonal mass against the pliant bed beneath. In fact, Tikki gave her only a second’s glance before she tittered off something about looking for cookies, the kwami making herself scarce with a knowing smile.

Marinette couldn’t find it in herself to be embarrassed, instead trying to ward off the memory of his hardness pressed between her thighs as she grabbed her towel on the way to the bathroom. For the first time since Chat’s return for the summer, Marinette had to admit to herself that perhaps this was something beyond just her period talking, the aching need for him, and him specifically, outweighing anything she could ever recall feeling before.

 ‘And boy do I’ve got it bad…’


It took a warm bath, followed by a cold shower, two episodes of How Its Made and no less than six water bottles, but Marinette finally wound down enough to consider going to sleep. She had been very pointedly ignoring her phone up until this point, but she finally allowed herself to switch it back on as she burrowed in to her covers.

There was a single message from Chat, and Marinette felt a flip of her stomach as she went to open it.


[ it was very HARD watching you go today ]


Ahh, puns. The ultimate mood-killer.

Marinette couldn’t help but laugh, the remaining tension of the day easing up as she typed. 


[ don’t ]


His response was curiously quick.


[ im sorry, did that GRIND on your nerves? ;) ]

[ you should know ive never been more turned off than I  am right now ]

[ c’mon Ladybug, no need to SHAFT me! ]


That’s it.

Marinette cracked her knuckles, dead set on besting him at his own game, once and for all.


[ you got a BONE to pick with me? ]

[ … ]

[ well well well…way to RISE to the occasion ]

[ no need to be such a JERK OFF ]

[ and to think…I used to THRUST you ]


If this was war, she was bound to win.


[ oh ur GOING DOWN ]

[ not likely, I can KEEP THIS UP all night ]

 [ fine, but I should warn you… ]

[ I always COME OUT ON TOP ;) ]


He stopped typing after that one, and Marinette basked in her apparent victory.




[ no fair! that was my next idea! ]

[ nice try… tell me I won :) ]

[ alright, you’ve truly bested me at my own game ]

[ at least until round two… ]

[ oh yeah? And when is that? ]

[ next time I get my hands on you ;) ]


Marinette could help but squirm at the words, mouth curling in to a coy smile at the promise his text held. ‘We’ll see about that kitty cat…’


[ …goodnight chat ]

[ sweet dreams my lady <3 ]