32. Chapter 32

‘Am I a bad person?’ Marinette mused, unlocking her phone as she studied Adrien from across the courtyard. Lunch hour was just drawing to a close and, true to form, the boys had returned a scant five or so minutes before classes were to resume.

Just enough time for her to have her fun.

Nino looked to be launching into another one of his tangents, dragging Adrien along with him as they settled at one of the concrete tables that dotted the school’s main outdoor atrium, and the blonde seemed to be enthralled in the conversation, nodding in agreement as he absently toyed with his cell. Marinette swallowed a smile, deciding to let her mischievous nature win out over being a merciful girlfriend as she launched her first attack.


[ so I decided to skip lunch today ]


She was pleased to note that Adrien’s eyes immediately snapped to his device with the arrival of her message, the boy continuing to half-listen to his friend as one hand reached  down to reply.


[ bad girlfriend, food will make you strong ]

[ im plenty strong, thank you very much. besides, i just wasn’t hungry ]

[ and why is that? ]

[ because I’ve got a craving that food cant satisfy… ]


To his merit, Adrien kept his face remarkable passive. Marinette squinted across the distance between them, unable to make out any extreme reaction but noting the way his shoulders seemed to stiffen just a bit. ‘That’s right…’ she thought, leaning back against her lonely bench with a smirk, ‘Here kitty, kitty.’


[ …what are you craving? ]

[ oh you know, just the usual ]

[ attention, affection… a nice pair of hands between my thighs <3 ]


Marinette was too far away to hear his exact words, but Nino seemed to be more than a bit concerned at the way his best friend launched into a hysterical fit of coughing, reaching over to thump Adrien on the back with a puzzled expression. Meanwhile, the trickster watched her boyfriend pull himself together with a shaky smile, giving a thumbs up before hunching back over his phone.

He angled the screen slightly away as Nino rolled into another conversation.


[ any particular pair of hands you had in mind? ;3 ]

[ yours, ideally ]

[ great answer ]

[ but mine can also come through in a pinch… ]

[ …and a press… and a pet… ]

[ you paint a vivid mental picture there, my lady… ]

[ i REALLY wish you would have texted me this earlier, I could have helped you out. now ive got class in a few minutes and i cant give you the full attention you deserve :( ]


Adrien shifted in his seat, and Marinette mirrored the action (though her restlessness sprung from mischief father than pent-up arousal.)


[ oh that’s fine, im sure you’ll make it up to me later. but in the meantime, i’ve got a little something for you chaton ;) ]

[ for me? ]

[ for you! ]

[ I hope you have a pair of earphones handy?? ]


Marinette nearly snorted with laughter as she watched Adrien whip around, gesturing to Nino’s headset with such a look of desperation that it verged on the hilarious. A befuddled Nino relinquished his equipment with a quirk of his brow, accepting Adrien’s overflowing thanks as the blonde made a speedy exit.

Her boyfriend beelined to the nearest empty bench, walking a bit unsteadily as he positioned himself with back against the wall, and Marinette allowed herself only a brief period of pity for the boy before attaching the link with a stifled grin.


[ Video File: 60.4 MB ]

[ enjoy <3 ]


It was only a few moment before…

Adrien’s yell nearly drowned out the afternoon bell as it rolled across the busy courtyard with a frustrated fury.

‘Yes, I think I am a bad person,’ Marinette decided, gathering up her school bag as she whistled a gleeful tune en route to her next class.


“Never gunna give you up, never gunna let you down…”