Chapter One: Junior High

The house was filled with a breakfast scent; toast, eggs, and pancakes filled in through the house, which laid in a small town in Wyoming.

Ethan looked at himself in the window, fixing his schoolboy tie which he had recently mastered doing. A handsome boy with sensitive and utmost delicate features resided in this town.

A bracelet that appeared made of gold rested on the boy's wrist, the image of a key charm dangled off it. With a ruffle of his chestnut curls, he made his way down the creaky stairs.

"Oh, Marriane, watch it!" Cried his mother when the little girl climbed onto the table, successfully knocking over jam and water. His mother had the most sickly skin, even though she was well. Her mahogany eyes were brilliant and it contrasted against her pale skin.

"Uh oh!" The little girl giggled, her eyes spelling mischief in every way. With a soft humph, she jumped off the table and began to run around the spruce table to avoid discipline. She had delicate features much like her brother, but she had more of an auburn color hair.

"Ethan, may you not be late of your first day in the eighth grade. Eat while I catch your sister." His mother instructed as she hurried to clean the table. Ethan sighed softly and obeyed. He sat down at the table and feasted on pancakes and scrambled eggs. The Pinwick house was hectic in the morning, as it was in the afternoon.

He glanced up at his father, who had his nose in the morning newspaper. His father did not much care about the everyday drama of his little girl wreaking mischief. Ethan much resembled his father with his handsome features, as he had his striking green eyes, which was much like a waxed and shined apple.

Ethan looked down at his own plate, mainly having small pieces of egg that he finished quickly before getting up and gently lowering his plate in the sink.

Off his way to school; the school was not that far so walking was a supreme choice. He walked under the oak tree on Dolberth Lane and the glistening pond down the road. The school entrance was bustling as he was at least thirty minutes early; girls huddled and gossiping, boys hanging out in the halls and classrooms.

"Hey Ethan." With a turn of a head, he sees a familiar smiling face. "Good morning, Priscilla." He returned the smile at the golden curled girl, who looked radiant this morning. Had she a petite body and rosy cheeks, she was a liked candidate for the boys in school. Priscilla Greenfield was a long time frenemy of Ethan Pinwick. Always second however, as Ethan was a good one at math, an area at which Priscilla lacked slightly.

"Isn't it exciting? We're starting our last grade in junior high. High school may bring upon many experiences. And I shall beat you this year." She said with utmost confidence, her school dress swishing as she walked beside him in the halls.

The comment made the chestnut haired chuckle, "may you wish. I don't intend to lose." He replied, giving her a challenging gaze.

"Hey, Pinwick!" Ethan stumbles slightly when an arm flies over his shoulder. He turns his head and his vision falls upon a grinning face.

Ethan smiles, "good morning to you too, Jack." Jack and Ethan were good friends, as were they and Priscilla. All were childhood and it was a wonder it lasted so long.

Jack Paris was the king of sports all through his years in school. Captain of the football team, captain of the men's volleyball, soccer, even cricket. He had all the badges on his belt, and he would excel at any sport he decided to play.

"Hey Pris." Jack greeted Priscilla, leaning forward slightly and waving at her which she returned in elegance.

"So, dude, thinking of joining any sports this year? Come on, please?" Jack asks, patting Ethan's back.

Ethan shakes his head and glances at his best friend. "I'm not that interested in playing them, you know this." He explained with a soft sigh, closing his eyes briefly.

Jack smiles sheepishly and rubs the back of his neck. "Yeah, but worth a shot? We're kinda short handed on the cricket team." He explains, looking out the window. The three chatted aimlessly as they walked through the halls, but the petite Priscilla could not ignore the whisper of the girls as they passed.

"Oh, bye guys. I have to get to my locker before class begins and I suggest the same for you two, boys." Priscilla speaks up, lagging behind slightly before turning away and walking off to her locker.

Jack looks over his shoulder to watch Priscilla for a moment before turning back to Ethan.

"Pinwick, ain't she a darling? I suspect you and her in a bit of time will be more than school friends." Jack grins teasingly, poking Ethan's slightly pale cheek.

His eyebrow twitches in annoyance and he thwacks Jack on the head. "Oh please, you've been saying that since the fifth grade. Will you ever give that up?" He huffs, meeting Jack's brown eyes with a frown.

Jack rubs his raven strands in mock hurt, "nah. It's going to happen. Haven't you heard? The old east wing, some kids were going over there and graffiting stuff about the late teacher who had an accident last year." Jack whispers, leaning in closer to Ethan's ear. Ethan raises an eyebrow at this.

"Really? That is kind of insensitive." He murmurs, staring off into space. Jack nods, "yeah. Apparently if the principal catches who does it, they're getting expelled. Which makes enough sense." Jack hums, his vision wandering over to the window where he sees the football team.

"Hey, uh, catch ya' later Pinwick!" He grins, patting his back briefly before running off. Ethan smiled slightly before walking off to find his own locker. He dug into his pants pocket and pulled put a piece of paper that was given to him open house. It read:

Ethan Pinwick's locker combination;


Ethan had time to practice during the open house, as a summer without opening a locker left him dwindled. As he turned the corner, he was knocked back by a sudden force onto the floor.

"Watch it!" An English accent, he had thought. He winced and looked up to see who had said such a thing. A girl stood in front of him, glaring down at him with dull brown eyes. Her brown hair was placed in two braids that laid on her shoulders. Her school shirt was ruffled and untucked and her plaid skirt was untreated.

Ethan's eyebrows furrow as he looks up at her. Why is she being so hostile, didn't she bump into me? He thought, but did not turn it into words as his mother had a well trained boy. He quietly stood up and fixed his clothes. "Right. I'm sorry." He mumbles, watching the girl walk away.

He continued on his way to his locker and thankfully made it without any further interruptions. After transferring things in and out, he saw the students start to make their way to class as it was time for the first day of school to officially start.start to make their way to class as it was time for the first day of school to officially start.