Chapter Six: Fall Break Begins

The air, ever moist and foggy had dampered the out of school spirit for most. Ethan had not felt such a way, as the pond be foggy, it is still quite pretty in his eyes. The first day of fall break was so nice to him, it was wonderful.

And most definitely the fog did not stop Jack, he appeared as chipper as he always was. "Geez, where are you going dressed like that? Won't you catch something?" Priscilla Greenfield chides as they walk under the great oak, hugging a red blanket with white polka dots close to her chest.

Jack hums quietly, swinging the picnic basket as he walked.

"Nah, I gotta practice. I'm going to grow hot in a jacket playing soccer, you know?" He grins, setting the basket down at his feet before stretching his arms above his head.

"Right. If you become sick, don't come crying to me. I'm going to tell you I told you so three times." She said, waving a finger in his face. Jack smiles sheepishly and swings his arms as he walks.

"Ethan, what do you plan to do this break?" Priscilla innocently inquired with a small head tilt.

Ethan shrugs slightly, staring up at the foggy skies. "Me? I had plans to study. Oh, I heard there was a storytelling convention and I think I wish to go." He ranted slightly, walking beside his friends.

"Oh? Can I tag along?" She asks with a smile and Jack sneaks a glance at her. Ethan smiles and nods, "sure if your parents think it's okay." Spoke Ethan, giving her shoulder a little pat.

They were coming up on the old abandoned playground, that had seen certain wear and tear.

This was an ideal meeting spot for him and his friends, as nobody would visit the run down slide that appeared as if someone even touched it, it would shatter into a million tiny metal shards. Excluding how uncomfortable and old it had looked.

The swings chains had been rusted and one of the seats were torn from one end of two rusty redish chains.

"Hey, who's that?" Jack stops walking and nods towards the top of the slide. Priscilla squints her eyes as she looks at who he was mentioning.

"That's…" Ethan trailed off, noticing those brown braids. "Irene."

"Hm, you know her?" Priscilla perks up, tilting her head. Ethan nods silently and stares at the back of the girl's head.

"Oh, then let's invite her to tag along!" Jack chirps, waltzing up to Irene who sat silently with her back turned to them. Ethan followed quietly, he did want her to join them if he were to be honest.

"Hey, aren't you Irene?" Jack calls, standing beside the rusty slide. The girl looks over her shoulder with a scowl and her and Ethan lock eyes for a moment before she quickly looks away, her back still turned to them.

"What do you want?" She asks simply, a hissing undertone.

"Well—" Ethan cuts Jack off by walking forward and speaking. "Um, my friends and I would like for you to join us in our outing." He finishes and Jack's charcoal eyes search Ethan's face quizzically.

There was silence for at least ten seconds before she spoke again. "Fine, whatever." She murmurs, standing up and jumping down onto the woodchips.

Jack tilts his head slightly, his face contorting into confusion. He leans over to Ethan and whispers, "so, was that a yes or a no?" He asks quietly as Irene turns towards the three of them.

Ethan smiles, "perhaps that was a yes?" He answers, walking ahead of Jack and stopping in front of her. "We're just going on a walk at the moment but now will have a short picnic." He explains the schedule of their plans to Irene who didn't look at his face once.

She didn't respond, not even a head nod. Priscilla sighs deeply and walks ahead of them, setting the red blanket down on the grass just past the woodchips. Irene follows Jack and Ethan silently and sits on a corner of the blanket while Ethan, Priscilla, and Jack sat close to each other.

"My mom packed plenty of goodies so one more to finish all of this is nice." Jack says as he opens the picnic basket, beginning to take out slices of strawberry shortcake, cheesecake and an abundant amount of afternoon snacks.

"Here you are, Pris." Jack smiles softly, setting a decorative small plate in front of her and sliding a nice slice of cheesecake with a sandwich cut into a nice triangular shape.

Priscilla's bright blue eyes light up at the sight of the delicious cake. "Oh, my favorite! Thanks, Jack." Priscilla smiles, taking a fork from him and cutting a small piece of the cake slice.

Jack smiles widely and rubs the back of his neck sheepishly. "No problem, Pris." He mumbles before letting Ethan and Irene choose their snacks and pastries.

Irene had not said a word and as Priscilla spoke about whatever had interested her this morning, Ethan shot them a glance and a head nod to let them know to have her join in the conversation.

Priscilla clears her throat, making Irene stop munching on her sandwich.

"What?" Irene murmurs, narrowing her eyes like Priscilla was going to say a bad word.

Priscilla raises an eyebrow at her manner of speaking. "Well, excuse you. I was just wondering how your morning went." She speaks in an elegant and slightly stand-offish manner before eating a bit of her cheesecake.

"Then don't." Irene mutters, looking away. That brought an awkward silence to fall upon them and Priscilla was visibly annoyed.

The silence was only filled by the distant stream a bit ways east and the early chirping.

"Want to go to a storytelling convention?" Spoke up Ethan, breaking the tense silence. Priscilla's head snapped up, looking between them in an almost frantic manner.

"I will think about it." Irene had said in an almost inaudible way. Ethan smiles and takes a bite out of his sandwich.

"Great, we will meet near my house at eight and catch the bus." He explained simply, looking over to the green trees that surrounded the park.

"Wait— I mean, you don't even know if she enjoys storytelling?" Priscilla points out, waving her finger.

Ethan nods before taking another bite out of his sandwich.

"That's true, I don't. But, if she wants to come, I will gladly invite. I like spending time with all my friends." He explains animatedly, moving his hands while he speaks.

Priscilla lets out a long sigh, eating her cheesecake. Jack grins and pats her back, "aw, it's not all bad." He comforts before eating a tea cake cookie.

After they pack up the picnic, folding the red blanket neatly and setting it on top of the basket, they begin to walk out of the run down park.

Irene lags behind slightly, never staying too close or beside them.

"I've got to go, guys. Got a game that we're practicing." Jack says as he takes the basket from Priscilla's hold.

Ethan smiles and waves at Jack. "I hope you win, good luck!" He speaks as Jack runs off.

"Well, it's just you and me now." Priscilla whispers, her hands folded neatly in front of her as they walk.

Ethan shrugs and walks beside her silently, watching the great white clouds in the skies. They seemed as if he could reach out and touch them, to feel their fluffiness even though he knew clouds were nothing but water vapor.

"Irene's with us too. So, it's more so you, me, and Irene." He jokes but judging by Priscilla's expression, she was less than impressed.

Priscilla clears her throat before lagging behind slightly. "So, are you and Ryder twins? I heard from Liam Walker, but it makes sense since you both are in the same grade. Is it true?" She asks, genuinely curious to know.

Irene looks up for a second before looking away with a scowl. "Leave me alone." She mutters, her eyebrows scrunched. Priscilla of course did not take lightly to the Schottsman being rude to oneself, someone like her of high elegance and proceeds to scold her, making Ethan stop walking and look at the scene.

"Oh, you— may I dare say you are being rude? Watch your tone! I know you don't talk to your mother that way, now do you? I asked you a question and you are doing the utmost to not answer! Stop being so rough." Priscilla Greenfield let the mother out of her as she scolded Irene as if she was an itty bitty child.

Irene stares at Priscilla stunned, had the girl never been told down before for her nasty behavior. Oh, but it snapped more than a cord, the entire bundle of wires have had at its wits end and she explodes.

"I'm not being rude! I told you to leave me alone and I mean it! Just stop being a bloody prick! I was minding my own and then you have the nerve to get in my face when I tell you to go away!? It's none of your business about me and my brother!" Irene shouts, her face scarlet from a sudden rush of anger that overtook her features.

Ethan was starting to get nervous, a fight would not have been good, especially when they were both his friends. Well, he was trying to make Irene his friend and this might dent it or delay it so.

"Hey, let's calm down—" Ethan starts, walking over to them. Irene shoots him a glare. "You shut your mouth too! You're not in this!" She hisses and Ethan shrinks away.

"Don't talk to him like that! You are ungrateful, at least he's trying to be nice to you." Priscilla defends Ethan, walking in front of him. Irene pauses for a second, her eyes darting between Priscilla and Ethan who hid behind her.

In reality, he did so for no real reason, he just didn't feel like moving.

"I— I…" Her words die out in her throat as she purses her lips before swiftly turning the other way and running off down the dirt road.

"Huh, wait!" Ethan calls, holding a hand out as she runs off. Priscilla grabs his arm, putting it back down beside his waist.

"Let her leave, she was rude and mean." She shakes her head disapprovingly, crossing her arms against her chest.

The girl then sighs, twirling a curl of blond hair around her finger. Ethan frowns as he follows her, continuing their walk.

"Don't you think both of you could have handled it better?" He says softly, keeping his green gaze towards the dirt underneath their shoes.

"Ethan, stay out of it. She was rude, she needed to be told right." Priscilla says in way that firmly states the end of the conversation.

"I suppose…" He trails off into silence as they walk. Where they were headed? Ethan had no clue, only that Priscilla was leading them.

"Welcome home, Ethan!" Marriane squeals, her feet pitter pattering against the hardwood flooring. In the late evening, he had finally gone home after walking around the whole town with Priscilla Greenfield.

Ethan hastily pulled off his shoes, throwing them over at the shoe rack, at least hoping it would make it yet they ricocheted off the wall and landed near the front door. He pushes past his little sister, heading straight upstairs.

"Ethan?" His mother inquired, poking her head out the kitchen at hearing someone walk up the creaky stairs.

He did not respond and turned the doorknob to his room, shrugging off his sweater and having it strewn onto the floor and then preceding to flop face first into his blue covers.

Had this incident with Priscilla ruined his chances of friendship with Irene? It had plagued his mind.