"It seems that you are not stupid..."

Qinhuai's face is blue, looking at Luo Xiaotian is like looking at a monster, and then look at Sunan city. The silence of Sunan city makes Qinhuai's heart sink three points, and his face is even more ugly.

"Xiaotian, don't talk nonsense. When did you get to know Mr. Su? Is Mr. Su something you can follow?" Luo's father's face is white. If this offends Sunan City, will Luo's family survive?

"Forget it, let's go!" Qinhuai heart is not willing, but took a look at Sunan City, and turned to leave.

"Ah Huai! This is our wedding. How can we just leave? " Of course, Luo Xiaoyu was not reconciled! She left like this, didn't she make Luo Xiaotian proud?

Qinhuai has a headache. He can't afford to offend Sunan city. What's more, he still adheres to the Su family, so now he can only coax Luo Xiaoyu.

"Xiao Yu, don't worry. I'll hold a new wedding for you. I'll definitely find a place 10000 times better than here, OK?"

Luo Xiaoyu is not reconciled, but Luo's mother pulls Luo Xiaoyu behind her back. Luo Xiaoyu snorts and turns to leave.

When the bridegroom and bride are gone, the guests will not stay. The noisy venue just now is suddenly deserted.

Luo Xiaotian said that she was going to have a wedding, but even Luo's parents didn't stay, which shows how much her parents don't care about her.

Luo Xiaotian's face has been tense until everyone was gone.

Looking at the wedding dress on her body, Luo Xiaotian feels more ironic. She staggers to the dressing room and looks at her self in the mirror. However, she finally can't hold on and squats on the ground to cry.

My sister robbed my fiance, but my parents were indifferent. What could be more sad than that?

"Enough crying?"

Suddenly, a cold voice came from behind, which surprised Luo Xiaotian. Looking up, it turned out that it was Sunan city standing behind her, looking at her coldly.

"Why haven't you left yet?"

Sunan city gave cold smile, "I have never been used."

"What do you want?"

"Since you say you are my fiancee, don't you have something to do that my fiancee should do?" Sunan city evil spirit said.

"You Don't mess about"

"Scared so soon? How did you beg me just now? " Sunan city hummed coldly.

Luo Xiaotian knows that it's wrong for her to take advantage of him, but she doesn't want to bow to this man. She just stares at Sunan city with red eyes.

"It's just being abandoned. You are not dead." The voice of Sunan city is very contemptuous, even with a trace of disdain. This attitude directly annoys Luo Xiaotian.

"What do you care if I cry?" Luo Xiaotian is in a bad mood and has a bad attitude towards Sunan city.

"What? Feeling ashamed ? If you want to blame yourself, you have no charm and can't keep men. Even if you cry to death, Qinhuai won't look at you more. He will still marry your sister, won't he? "

Luo Xiaotian has to accept that what Sunan city is saying is true, but she is told by a man that she has no charm and can't keep it. As a woman she can't bear it!

"Who says I am crying because of that scum man Qinhuai? He is the kind of scum man whom I disdain! "

" really? " Sunan city gave a cold hum.

"If I were you, it would be better to think about how to make people who hurt you cry than to cry here."

Luo Xiaotian admits that what the man said is true, and the truth is often painful. But if he says it so frankly, it will only make Luo Xiaotian more angry.

"You came to see my jokes, too, didn't you?" Looking at the man in front of her with resentful eyes, the hatred in Luo Xiaotian's heart is deeper.

"Jokes? You're not worthy of my emotion"

She's not glamorous? What does this man mean!

Almost at that moment of impulse, Luo Xiaotian made a bold move

Sunan city felt a pair of warm lips towards him, he didn't hide and let the woman kiss his lips.

Luo Xiaotian's kissing skill is undoubtedly green and astringent, not even kissing, but covering the man's lips.

But that kind of soft glutinous feeling makes the heart of Sunan city hot. Looking down at the woman with closed eyes, the woman's eyes are slightly red. It seems to give people have a feeling of pity.

"It seems that you are not stupid..."

The woman's movement is obviously stiff, but Sunan city doesn't give her time to think about it any more. It turns passivity into initiative and deepens the kiss.

The dressing room, originally the place to make up for the bride, has become another activity place.

When the woman is on the table, the wedding dress is already messy. The man looks at the woman with an evil smile on his face, then straightens his waist, and the action is even bigger.

The woman under him obviously didn't expect things to develop in this direction, but the pain on her body has made Luo Xiaotian have no time to think about other things.

"What's the look on your face? Isn't that what you're looking forward to? " The man's tone is slightly ironic, even with infinite contempt.