"You know, You can't borrow money from Sunan city at will!"

Luo Xiaotian is like a lost soul.

Just now, she had already paid her grandmother's hospitalization expenses. She had almost used all her savings to scrape up her grandmother's hospitalization expenses.

But now grandma wants to do heart bypass surgery, the operation cost is at least tens of thousands of yuan, plus the hospitalization cost, at least more than 100000 yuan. Where can Luo Xiaotian go to collect so much money to operate on grandma?

Luo Xiaotian is a little desperate. Her parents certainly won't pay the money. If their parents were really worried about grandma's life and death, they won't leave her sick grandmother alone in the countryside.

Luo Xiaotian sneers. Her father may have forgotten that he still has a sick mother.

Grandma's illness must be treated, but the expensive operation cost makes Luo Xiaotian anxious and can't help crying. For Luo Xiaotian, who earns a meager salary by drawing cartoons, more than 100000 is undoubtedly a sky high price.

Luo Xiaotian is really in a desperate situation. I don't know who to ask for help. Who can help her?

Suddenly, Luo Xiaotian feels the check of 100000 yuan in her pocket and hesitates.

Although the man gave her the 100000 yuan, Luo Xiaotian didn't want to use it. If she used it, wouldn't she bow to the man?

Looking at the mobile phone number put together with the check, there was also a name on the paper - Sunan city.

Can give a check of 100000 yuan, this man should be unusual, right? He said she could find him. Would he help her?

Looking at the grandmother lying in the intensive care unit, Luo Xiaotian clenched her teeth. Her shaking hand still took out her mobile phone and dialed the number she was most reluctant to dial.

Luo Xiaotian gets through the phone with a nervous mood. Luo Xiaotian is also hesitant in her heart. She is afraid that Sunan city will not answer the phone, or just play with her.

Listening to the voice of the phone, Luo Xiaotian's heart doesn't know why it's so tight. SHe has only seen the man once, but she can't think of anyone else.

"Yes Mr. Su? I am Luo Xiaotian "

" Miss Luo? "


"What's the matter with Miss Luo calling so soon?" The voice of indifference even makes people unable to hear men's happiness and anger.

"I have something I want to ask you for help..." Just a mouth to ask for money, Luo Xiaotian only feel very ashamed, but for grandma, no matter what let her do must do!

Sunan City heard the woman's voice, but picked eyebrows, did not speak, just light listening to the woman's next words.

"I want to borrow some money from Mr. Su for the time being..."

"Borrow money?" Sunan city in the phone to hear this, didn't hang up the phone, but gently smiled.

"Miss Luo's way for asking for money is really unique."

Luo Xiaotian's heart was tight when she heard this.

"My grandmother is ill. I hope Mr. Su can lend me some money for the time being I know it's very abrupt for me to say that, but I have no one else to ask. Don't worry, I will return it! I'll give it back to you as soon as I have money! "

Sunan city didn't speak. The atmosphere seemed to be silent. Luo Xiaotian's heart sank to the bottom of the valley. It's hard to say that they only met once and began to borrow money. If Luo Xiaotian was not desperate, she would never borrow money from this man.

But now.

"Miss Luo..." Sunan city suddenly opens its mouth, which makes Luo Xiaotian feel tight.

"You know, You can't borrow money from Sunan city at will!"

"Tangdu Hotel 608, Miss Luo should know how to do it?" With these words, Sunan city hangs up and leaves the opportunity for consideration to Luo Xiaotian.