An interview

Since Luo Xiaotian has promised to go to work, she naturally wants to go. Sunan city is right. Without a regular job, it is basically impossible to pay off debts.

Luo Xiaotian is worried about putting her grandmother in the hospital alone. In the end, Luo Xiaotian plans to hire a nurse. No matter what, grandma's illness is the most important thing.

"Every day's inspection must be good, changing the hanging bottle must be good, taking medicine must be on time, and the medicine before and after meals must be divided, every day I have to turn over my grandmother and wipe her hands and feet..." Luo Xiaotian said everything in detail, thinking about what was left out.

If it's not for paying off the debt, Luo Xiaotian wants to take care of her grandmother herself. In this way, she can be relieved. Although she has fixed the time for the operation with Yisheng, Luo Xiaotian can't be relieved if her grandmother's Day is not good.

"Don't worry, Miss Luo. I have many years of experience in taking care of the elderly. I will take good care of your grandmother."

Hearing what the nurse said, Luo Xiaotian felt relieved and looked at her grandmother lying on the bed. Then she turned and left.

Standing at the door of the so-called interview company, Luo Xiaotian was shocked and opened her mouth. Is this the company he owned?

Luo Xiaotian thought it was just a small company But looking at this luxurious high-rise building in front of her, it's not something that a small company can own

After calming down, Luo Xiaotian walks towards the company.

"Hello, miss. May I help you?" The sweet voice of the receptionist came.

Excuse me, I'm here for an interview. What floor is the interviewer on

"Interview?" The receptionist was obviously stunned when she heard the interview.

"I'm sorry, miss. Our company hasn't recruited recently. Are you in the wrong place?"

Luo Xiaotian listens.

I'm stunned!

"I didn't go wrong. I received your interview notice here. Could you help me to ask?"

The receptionist was about to say something when the phone rang.

"Manager, OK, I see."

As soon as the receptionist answered the phone, her attitude changed.

"I'm sorry, Miss Luo. I didn't get any news before. Go up the elevator and turn right on the fifth floor. I wish you a successful interview."

Hearing what the receptionist said, Luo Xiaocai was relieved. She was surprised that she didn't say her name just now. How did the receptionist know?

The location of the interview is very easy to find, Luo Xiaotian went in and was called to the interview room by a supervisor.

"Miss Luo? I heard that you draw cartoons by yourself, right? Yes, it has a good foundation. What our company is looking for is people who have cartoon skills. And our interview topic this time is to let you make a cartoon character of your own design on the spot. Does Miss Luo have any questions? "

Luo Xiaotian was a little surprised to hear this topic, but if she said there was a problem, she would have to leave on the spot.

"No problem."

"Good. I'll give Miss Luo half an hour. I hope Miss Luo won't let me down."

The supervisor is not polite and gives Luo Xiaotian half an hour.

Holding a paintbrush in hand, it's fake if you don't feel nervous. If you really start designing from the beginning in half an hour, it will be too late. This is a challenge for the painter.

But Luo Xiaotian is not afraid. Before, Luo Xiaotian often designed some characters herself. At this time, she was very handy. She took out an unfinished work she had designed at home not long ago and gave it to her supervisor.

This supervisor didn't think much of Luo Xiaotian. Luo Xiaotian was introduced by people from above. Such a person must have a background. Generally, he doesn't have real material. Although he won't be eliminated in the end, the supervisor still wants to give Luo Xiaotian a bad impression.

But the director didn't expect that he only gave Luo Xiaotian half an hour. Luo Xiaotian actually designed the characters.

Originally not optimistic about the director, after looking at the image of Luo Xiaotian's design, his eyes immediately lit up, and then, even his eyes were a little excited.

You know, it's not easy to design a character image, and it's really a test of painting skills to draw so well in such a short period of time.

The director's eyes changed from excitement to eagerness.

"I didn't expect Miss Luo to be so good at painting! Good, good! You are the most needed talent in our company

The sudden praise surprised Luo Xiaotian, but she was very grateful .

"Thank you, director."

"Miss Luo's ability is completely competent in our company. I don't know when Miss Luo can come to work?"

"Thanks to the supervisor, I can start work any time!"

"Well, you can take office tomorrow."