Popularity very poor, why?

There was a layer of low air pressure in the meeting, and everyone was afraid to breathe out loud, for fear that a little louder would offend the hairy lion on the throne.

Sunan City sharp eyes one by one swept below the drooping head of the subordinates, a pair of strangers do not close.

But sitting on his left side of Xiuyuan, a pair of peach blossom eyes, complacent, completely free from someone's low pressure.

"Mr. Su, since this has happened, you can't solve the problem even if you lose your temper. Why don't you think about how we should deal with the aftermath?"

At this time, his voice was like a fire in the cold winter, which warmed everyone's cold heart.

All the colleagues in the cartoon department like Xiuyuan, or how to say that he is the male god of kg international?

"After care? Vice president, do you think what we need to do now is not to find out the person who sold out the company, but to deal with the problem first and then? "

There is no temperature in the southern city of Jiangsu. The cool and thin eyes are directly on the black eyes. Their eyes meet in the air and fight each other.

Luo Xiaotian finally realized that one mountain can't tolerate two tigers. In her opinion, whether it's Sunan city with facial paralysis or Xiuyuan with smiling face, they are not good at it.

In just one hour's meeting, they fought each other for no less than ten times. If this continues, they are the only ones who suffer.

But at this time, even Dong Qian, who usually covers the clouds with only one hand in the cartoon department, dare not say a word more. What can she say?

"I believe our colleagues in the cartoon department will never sell out our company. Our manuscript was broadcast in advance in the form of animation by other companies. There may be some misunderstanding."

Yes, the manuscript that they worked hard for several months was released in advance by the hostile company. Although the content is not 100% plagiarized, the similarity is as high as 50%. In a word, the manuscript that they worked hard for several months will never be employed again.

This news originally made the colleagues in the cartoon department very depressed. Now Xiuyuan's maintenance has completely brought these people to his camp.

It has to be said that in this war without gunpowder, Xiuyuan won the hearts of the people.

"Misunderstanding? Vice president, 50% similarity. You told me that there was just a misunderstanding? Are you too stupid and naive, or am I stupid enough to believe this reason? "

The cool and thin voice of Sunan city sounded again, which let the colleagues of cartoon department who had been relieved to take a breath again.

Why can't their male gods be as approachable as male gods? Every time I meet you, I always have a face. Don't be near strangers.

"Dong Qian, as the director of the cartoon department, don't you have anything to say?"

Sunan city turns its attention to Dong Qian on the right side. Dong Qian's face with powdered acne is so pale that it can't be disguised. It's not an honor, it's a disaster.

However, as the director of the cartoon department, she is duty bound to disclose the manuscript.

"Su, Mr. Su, please give me some time, and I will find out the truth."

At the moment, she has no idea. She can only deal with the past first.

It's just that Sunan city doesn't give her this chance.

"Give you some time? Who gives me time? Do you know how much the company lost this time? "

Usually arrogant domineering Dong Qian in Sunan city in front of the second completely into a slag, forced to have no way of her, can only move the anger down.

"Can you tell me who leaked this manuscript?"

Dong Qianchao roared in the cartoon department where he was sitting, but after hearing Dong Qian's question, no one answered, but lowered his head.

"Not really?"

Now that she has started, it's not good to let it go. Are the two big bosses still staring at her? Looking for a circle, it happened to look at her Luo Xiaotian. The artillery fire naturally shot at her, "Luo Xiaotian, did you do this thing?"

Luo Xiaotian once again saw what is called the disaster of no rash. Although she usually suffers from this kind of disaster, this time she absolutely can't take it. Once she is convicted, her career is completely finished. Is grandma still waiting for her in the hospital?

She subconsciously looked at Sunan City sitting on the throne and saw that his eyes were staring at her. When she didn't say anything, her heart sank.

Can't even Sunan city think that she did it?

"Mr. Su, this matter has nothing to do with me. Please believe me."

She instinctively explained to Sunan city.

Sunan city did not answer, but the fingers did not hit the table, this sound is like a soul catching insect, a force to the heart of luoxiaotian.

Xiuyuan's obscure eyes flashed a fine light. His eyes looked back and forth between them, and at last he raised a smile with deep meaning.

"Luo Xiaotian, you must have done it. When you didn't come to the company before, it never happened. But when you came to the company, it happened. It wasn't you. Who did it?"Dong qiancai doesn't believe her one-sided words. Whether she did it or not, she urgently needs a person to answer the charge. Looking at the whole comic department, there is no other person except Luo Xiaotian.

Who calls Luo Xiaotian's popularity bad enough?

Sunan City narrowed her eyes, and at the end of her eyes flashed a trace of indescribable thoughts.

Luo Xiaotian has nothing to say about Dong Qian's question.

Is this reason a little rash? Is it just because this kind of theft happened after she came here that the whole thing was put on her?

"Director Dong, do you have any evidence?" Xiuyuan is like an outsider, smiling to break the deadlock.

Dong Qian Leng for a moment, red face shaking his head.

Xiuyuan chuckled, "there is no evidence to say that Xiaotian did it. Director Dong, you are a little rash?"

Luo Xiaotian looks at the man who is talking for her. She doesn't understand why Xiuyuan doesn't speak for herself, but Sunan City, which sleeps beside her every day, doesn't say a word?

Dong Qian, who was questioned, blushed even more. She stammered and explained, "Vice President Xiu and vice president Xiu, I, I don't mean that Luo Xiaotian must have done it. It's just that she is the most suspect, and she has the worst popularity in our office. Maybe she did it just to revenge us."

In the end, Dong Qian finally made sense. She even once again thought that Luo Xiaotian had done it.

Xiuyuan's peach blossom eyes narrowed, and the remaining light quickly flashed through the southern city of Jiangsu. Did his slender fingers touch his resolute chin? "Oh? Xiaotian's popularity in cartoon department is poor? Why? "