I am really alright

Anning saw the clue and said anxiously, "what do you mean?"

"What do you mean? Let Luo Xiaotian tell you what I mean? Do you think my cousin is so choosy that any woman will take it? "

Since Qin Huai learned that Luo Xiaotian was expelled from kg international, his name is proud. On the day of the wedding, Luo Xiaotian pointed out that she was going to marry Sunan city. He didn't sleep all night.

No matter from which aspect, Luo Xiaotian can't be with Sunan city.

Fortunately, the next day there was no news of their marriage in the media. He asked his father to inquire with his cousin openly and secretly. He was relieved to learn that Sunan city was not married at all.

However, when he saw Luo Xiaotian go to work at kg international, he was still worried for a long time, because even if they were not together, there must be a relationship between them. He knows the game of the rich, and I'm afraid Luo Xiaotian is climbing the high branch of Sunan city.

However, his anxiety finally disappeared until not long ago, because he got the news that Luo Xiaotian had been expelled from Sunan city. He made a private investigation and found that Luo Xiaotian had also moved out of his home in Sunan city.

In this way, the two are really separated, which is undoubtedly a good thing for Qinhuai.

Anning twists her eyebrows and looks after her sisters. As a result, she only sees the other side drooping her head. She doesn't want to explain at all. She can't help feeling anxious. Is she really right by Qinhuai?

At the moment, the loser can't lose the battle. She glanced at yunjixi and continued, "even if there is no Sunan City, there is yunjixi around Xiaotian? You're not as good as Ji Xi. "

Qinhuai disdainfully looked at yunjixi wearing sunglasses, sneered, "a blind man also compared with me?"

Luo Xiaotian, who has been drooping his head, raises his head and looks at the man who once fascinated him.

The accounts between them have not been settled last time. This time, he comes to bully Ji Xi. Do you really think she is a soft persimmon?

"Do you think you are better than Ji Xi?"

Qin Huai was annoyed by her sarcastic look. Was he cheap enough to compete with a blind man? Even if the blind man's appearance is not low, but he is not bad, right?

"Luo Xiaotian, I know what happened between Xiaoyu and me is a big blow to you, but don't speak out of conscience for your ridiculous self-esteem?"

Qinhuai grits its teeth.

Luo Xiaotian snorted coldly, "the eyes of the masses are bright. Qinhuai, what else do you have besides being a second generation ancestor? Although Ji Xi can't see, he has a lot of talents and interests through his own efforts. I can tell you that you are better than Ji Xi except for your health. "

Even she felt incredible, how did she like Qinhuai?

It's a pity that there will be such an event on the day of marriage, otherwise I will regret it after marriage.

Qin Huai saw her look of disgust and began to doubt life. Was she really as bad as she said?

Luo Xiaoyu's face on one side is not good-looking, because she also thinks that if Luo Xiaotian is not Xiuyuan's proposal, how could she marry Qin Huai?

The poor Qinhuai changed from a son of heaven to a second ancestor that everyone disliked.

Anning chuckled impolitely.

She didn't expect her sisters to be so sharp and mean?

In contrast, the other party being compared is more calm. Of course, the calm here only refers to Yun Jixi's facial expression, but his heart is unknown.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't intend to stop at this point. Instead, she turns her attention to another object, Luo Xiaoyu, who wants to settle the accounts. At the beginning, she was put together inexplicably. For a moment, she didn't respond. Later, she was too busy to settle the accounts with Luo Xiaoyu, and now it's all settled together.

"Luo Xiaoyu, I think I have nothing to say to your sister, but I didn't expect you to seduce your brother-in-law on the surface. Your behavior made me feel sick. In the past 20 years, I thought I was blind and spoiled the wrong person. Karma. I'm sure you'll get it soon. "

The cursed Luo Xiaoyu is so angry that her mouth is crooked. However, in the case of Qinhuai, she is the one who is right and wrong. What she is good at is that she uses others to attack the enemy. It doesn't mean that her own lethality is much.

"Dad, mom, I won't give you grandma's house. If you want to sue me, just go to sue me. I will never give up on this matter."

After Luo Xiaotian said these words to Luo's parents, he bowed to his grandmother's tombstone and left with Anning and yunjixi. All that remained was the four members of the family.

Luo Xiaotian's camouflage didn't fade until he got into the peaceful car, and he was paralyzed in the co driver's seat.

"Xiaotian, are you ok?"

Anning looks at Luo Xiaotian with a worried face. She has never been aggressive. This time, if the Luo family had not gone too far, she would not have said so. After this time, I'm afraid that her weak family relationship will be broken.Luo Xiaotian forced a smile and shook his head, "I'm ok, peaceful, I'm tired, please send me back to Ji Xi's home."

She needs to have a good sleep, and then come back to life full of blood, and think about the way forward?

Anning's face hesitated to ask about her and Sunan City, but seeing each other's tired face, he finally swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Well, it's a little far back to the city. You can have a sleep. I'll call you when you get there."

She thoughtfully raised the air conditioner a few degrees before driving away.

Luo Xiaotian is really tired. Not long after she got on the bus, she went to sleep. But when she was asleep, she was dreaming all the time. All the dreams were ugly faces of the Luo family. Their aggressive appearance made Luo Xiaotian instinctively want to escape, but the Luo family kept chasing her

She didn't wake up until the sound of peace came from a distance.

Anning looks worried and looks at Luo Xiaotian with a cold sweat on his forehead. "Xiaotian, are you ok? Did you have a nightmare? "

Luo Xiaotian was in a trance for a moment. After a few seconds, her eyes had a focal length, and she slowly saw the person in front of her.

She toward peace and cloud Ji Xi smile, "I'm ok, just have a nightmare."

Cloud Ji Xi is a pair of worried expression, he stretched out a slender white hand in the air groping, Luo Xiaotian tacit understanding to grasp his hand, comfort way, "Ji Xi, I really all right."

"But you just cried so loud. I felt your helplessness and fear when I heard your voice."

Although yunjixi can't see, his ears are very sensitive. He can hear something that ordinary people can't feel, just like Luo Xiaotian's mood when he was dreaming