Do you think I M as abnormal as you?

Luo Xiaoyu came with Qin Huai at the banquet. Just now Qin Huai went out to answer the phone. When he came back, he saw his wife surrounded in the middle. He found her and happened to hear the irony of Sunan city.

He stopped, walked or retreated. It was very embarrassing.

But Luo Xiaotian still saw Qinhuai in the crowd.

She asked Sunan city in a voice that only two people could hear, "can you make it big?"

Sunan city close to her ears, "why not?"

... And they were sprinkled with a handful of dog food.

Luo Xiaotian, who has someone behind her, is obviously more confident. She smiles at Qinhuai not far away and says, "brother-in-law, are you looking for your sister?"

Just now a mouthful of a sister disgusted her, now still don't let her even with interest to earn back?

Qinhuai can only go forward to say hello to Sunan City, "cousin, didn't you say you didn't have time to attend the dinner?"

When he saw Sunan City, he was also a little surprised. In the afternoon, he was asked about it, saying that there was an important meeting in Sunan city in the evening and he could not attend Li's birthday party. Who knows that he is not only here, but also with Luo Xiaotian?

Sunan City dangerous squinted, "who do you listen to?"

Qin Huai realized that he had made a big mistake unconsciously. Wasn't he telling the other party that he was investigating the other party?

He quickly explained with a smile, "cousin, don't get me wrong, I have no other meaning."

Sunan city didn't want to pursue it. With a casual hum, he turned his attention to Luo Xiaotian.

Qin Huai sensed his nose dully, went to his wife and asked, "Xiaoyu, are you ok?"

Luo Xiaoyu, who was infuriated, could not complain to Qinhuai in front of the crowd, but shook his head with a bad look. If it was on another occasion, Qinhuai would ask if someone bullied you? Why do you look so bad?

However, he saw that Xiaoyu didn't want to make a big deal and was ready to take her to leave first.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't want this thing to end like this.

You know, just now Luo Xiaoyu was eager to let the whole Party see his jokes. Why did they just leave now that it was their turn?

How can there be such an easy thing in the world?

She walked up to them and said with a warm face, "sister, brother-in-law, how can you leave so quickly? Especially after you have done something sorry to me, shouldn't you say sorry to me? "

if you dare to show her at the wedding, she will disgrace them in the whole upper class.

There's a saying that it's not right to say that evil is rewarded. It's not that the time has not come.

Luo Xiaoyu's face is very wonderful, just like the five color plate, which will be the same for a while? She didn't even have the strength to stand. She was supported by Qinhuai.

She never dreamed that Luo Xiaotian would talk about what happened in this case.

I knew earlier that she would not provoke Luo Xiaotian.

However, as usual, she tried to pretend to be miserable and looked at Luo Xiaotian with an aggrieved face, "sister, I can't understand what you're talking about?"

Luo Xiaotian sneered and acted, didn't he? OK, let's play together.

She secretly hard pinched himself, tears immediately gushed out, but just the right control, only let the tears in the eyes.

Until her eyes turned red, she looked pitifully at Luo Xiaoyu and half covered her face and said, "Xiaoyu, we have had a good relationship as sisters since childhood. What do you like? My sister always gives it to you. You like Qinhuai, you can tell me, I am your sister, as long as you like, I will give Qinhuai to you. But why did you and Qinhuai cheat me? You two get along in secret and fool me around. Don't your conscience hurt? "

Sunan city deep eyes full of smile, when did this girl acting so well? Even the words are so skillful, get along secretly? Doesn't that mean they've been cheating on each other for a long time? So many people look at it, even if there are ten mouths, they can't say clearly. In addition, her wronged appearance dragged everyone's sympathy into her hands.

He still remembers that Luo Xiaoyu used this move to win everyone's sympathy.

It's good, it's good!

Qinhuai's face turned red at once.

I think he is also a respectable man in the upper class. Now he is run by Luo Xiaotian, and the rumors nearby make him want to dig a hole in the ground.

Even Luo Xiaoyu, who originally wanted to pretend to be weak, missed the opportunity because he was a few seconds late and could only argue with a red face, "sister, don't spit out blood. Qinhuai and I were together after you broke up."

Anyway, there is no evidence, and she doesn't expect everyone to share sympathy with her, but at least it can make the situation confusing and not one-sided.

But how could Luo Xiaotian let the same situation happen twice?

For the first time, she was not prepared to be calculated by them, but said she was stupid, but she was thrown twice in the same place, then she was stupid.

She calmly takes out her mobile phone from her bag and finds out the recording of the call. After a while, Luo Xiaoyu's voice clearly rings in her mobile phone."Sister, I have designed your wedding dress for you. Tomorrow I promise you will be beautiful in front of your brother-in-law."

Luo Xiaoyu looks at the mobile phone in amazement, how can it? How did you get this recording?

But the nightmare is not over yet. Luo Xiaotian presses the start button again, and Qinhuai's voice also rings in his mobile phone. "Xiaotian, just take charge of the wedding. Recently, the company is very busy, and I can't get away from it. "

Qinhuai was almost unable to stand.

He didn't know when he was recorded by Luo Xiaotian.

In fact, Luo Xiaotian didn't even know about these recordings before, otherwise she would not have been confused by these two people at the wedding last time.

This is what she once found when sorting out her mobile phone information. It turned out that when she called, her cheek would accidentally touch the recording key. Unconsciously, these recordings occupied the memory of her mobile phone, so her mobile phone was so stuck.

"Luo Xiaotian, you are too much to record our conversation?"

Qin Huai, whose lies were pierced, became angry.

Luo Xiaotian sneered, "Qinhuai, when you have an affair with Luo Xiaoyu, why don't you think it's too much? Why don't you think it's too much when you are together, but you slander me at our wedding

If they were willing to tell her the truth, she would not make such a joke at the wedding? But feidan has been concealing her, and specially made such a scene at the wedding, just want to see her fall into the land of shoppingmode doom?

On excesses, they are second, who dares to be first?

Qinhuai face embarrassed, "even so, why didn't you take out the recording, now just take it out?"

Luo Xiaotian sneered, "do you think I'm as abnormal as you? What's the recording? I recorded it by accident. I found it a while ago, but is it a reward for evil? "

There was an uproar!

This play can be compared with TV series. How can it be so wonderful?