Do you want to see my penis?

"President, is this going to increase our office space?"

Linda's answer was four or two.

Jack showed a bewitching smile and said, "so the investment department is not satisfied with where you are now?"

Linda thought the other party was joking and said, "yes, so does the president want to change the place for us? If we change places, our performance will be more beautiful next year. "

I don't know why, usually steady and modest Linda, in front of Jack, all disordered square inch, very easy to be excited by the other side blush neck thick.

Jack handsome pick eyebrow, "please look forward to."

Nobody paid attention to it. Since the end of the meeting, Linda gradually forgot it. But every other Monday, when we came back to work, we found that the familiar investment department had changed.

"Boss, what's going on?"

Luo Xiaotian, who has passed the probation period, has followed others and is called boss Linda. She looks at the scene in front of her in horror. Is this a robbery?

No, if you are robbed, the scene must be a mess, but now the scene should not be too clean.

To be exact, the original investment department is empty and empty.

I didn't come to work for two days. Everything here, including desks and chairs, disappeared.

Isn't that weird?

Linda's face is covered, too. Has she moved? But why didn't she be informed?

"Good morning veryone."

Jack's voice rang out behind the crowd.

Everyone turned around one after another and saw their new president discharge electricity towards them with a handsome face.

Female colleagues are almost unable to stand by the electricity. All male colleagues feel inferior to themselves. How can they compare with the rich and handsome CEOs?

There are also two accidents. One is Linda, who is already very angry, and the other is Luo Xiaotian.

"President, what's the matter?"

Of course, Linda doesn't simply think that Jack doesn't know about it, because it's a financial company and there are many confidential matters involved. Therefore, the security level of this building is not comparable to that of other buildings. It can move the investment department out of the sight of the security guard. It's not allowed by the chief judge, and who will do it?

Luo Xiaotian also wanted to understand this matter, and she found an interesting thing, it seems that the president is interested in their boss?

The way the president looks at the boss is the way a man looks at a woman. It's warm and unrestrained. It's hard for her to ignore it.

Now the investment department has been emptied in two days, which makes things interesting.

Jack said with a smile, "manager Linda, at the last meeting, you told me about the location of the investment department. After careful consideration, and in order to create greater benefits for the company, I decided to adopt your opinion."

Linda, "..."

What is it?

When will she respond to him about the venue?

Luo Xiaotian quickly whispered to her what she said at the meeting a few days ago. Linda was surprised.

Is this man crazy? Can you take a joke seriously?

She twisted her eyebrows and looked at the culprit in front of her. She bit her teeth and said, "president, I'm kidding."

Jack is suddenly serious, "in my eyes, there's no word of joke, or does manager Linda think you won't reach the target of one billion next year?"


All the people present took a breath.

My God, is the target for next year a billion? You might as well just stab them.

Jack did not seem to see their reaction in general, "at the end of the year I put out a point as everyone's dividend."

One point of a billion is 10 million, 10 million to give you dividends?

The scene was boiling.

You should know that the usual salary is composed of basic salary and performance award, that is, every investment they have won will be given to you in the form of performance appraisal in the current month, and the company will give you another 10 million yuan as dividends at the end of the year, which is equivalent to more than two or three times of each person's salary.

How can it keep them from getting excited?

Don't you think it's very difficult to achieve the goal of one billion?

Linda looks at the man in amazement. Is he crazy? Although there must be brave men under the heavy reward, is that too generous?

JACK feels that Linda is looking at him. He gives each other a wink. As a result, the other party pretends not to see him.

Luo Xiaotian covers his mouth and laughs. These two people are very funny.

The relocation of the office was perfectly lonely under Jack's huge dividend. Everyone was excited and energetic.

The new environment has also greatly improved the morale of everyone, except Linda.

Because she found that the new president's office is adjacent to her office, which is nothing. What makes her even more depressed is that there is a door between the two offices, that is, if Jack wants to get to her office, he can come directly from the middle door without going through the door.What is this?

She angrily goes to the president's office and wants to question Jack. Of course, she goes through the middle door. Who knows, she pushes the door and finds the man changing his clothes.

Her strong back made her turn awkwardly.

I'm really sick. I don't have to change clothes during working hours?

When Jack heard the noise, he turned around and saw that it was Linda. With a big smile on his face, he joked, "Linda, you want to see my penis. To be frank, you don't need to watch it secretly."

Linda made a big red face, but at the thought of the purpose of her coming, she was full of confidence again, "president, what do you mean?"

Jack put his clothes on his head and said with a smile, "what do you mean? Linda, have you always been such a poor speaker? "

Being teased, Linda would like to lift a chair and throw it at a man. Is your expression poor?

After peeking at the man, she turned around and said, "president, I mean why do you work in the office next to me? And what about the middle door? "

Is it clear that he is the president of a group, but he works in a small investment department? What kind of trouble is this?

Jack has completely dressed up. He changed into a beige sweater, which makes him look handsome and sassy. Compared with the rigid suit just now, it's just different. The only thing that is the same is that his face value is still so high.

He went to the leather sand and sat down, squinting at the woman not far away, his sexy thin lips opening, "so what's your opinion?"

Linda is crazy. Can she have no problem?

Originally, she was a high mountain in the investment department, and the emperor was far away. The monkey called her king. Now that the real king is here, what else can she do?

These are not important. The problem is the middle door. Does she have privacy?

You know, investing in this industry is very traumatic. Usually, during her lunch break, she spends half an hour on the sofa to have a rest. Now there is a door in the middle, and her lunch break is completely ruined.