Why are you here?

"Ji Xi, you've been alone for a long time. Haven't you ever thought about finding a girlfriend?"

Looking at the empty refrigerator, Luo Xiaotian can't help prying into his private life.

Yunjixi gave a wry smile. The other companion he wanted was always in front of his eyes, but he couldn't say it. As for other people, no matter how good they were, he couldn't get into his heart.

"For a disabled person like me, no girl would like me."

Listening to his voice of self devaluation, Luo Xiaotian's eyes rose a touch of anger. She came to yunjixi, bent down and looked into these empty eyes. "Yunjixi, I don't want you to belittle yourself like this. You are the best in my heart. Although you can't see, you are not inferior to normal people in thought or action."

Do you like me? Almost out of the mouth.

Fortunately, reason stopped him at the last second.

He was afraid of saying that. They didn't even have to be friends.

"Ji Xi, do you have something to say to me?"

Luo Xiaotian looked at his desire to talk and stop, and simply spoke first.

Cloud season Xi lonely shake his head, "nothing. By the way, I haven't touched your things. Go and pack them yourself, and I won't leave you for dinner. "

The colic of his intestines became severe again. He had to use all his strength to make his tone the same as usual, but his forehead was secreting layers of beads.

Luo Xiaotian's sharp eyes found the abnormality, "Ji Xi, what's the matter with you? Why are you sweating on your forehead?"

Yunjixi originally wanted to hide, but the sudden pain made him cry out uncontrollably.

"Ji Xi, what's the matter with you? Is it a stomachache? Don't scare me

Luo Xiaotian looked at the man slowly curled up into a group, anxious, but just now in addition to anxious, nothing can be done.

When the man began to moan, she remembered and went to the hospital.

"Ji Xi, don't be afraid. I'll take you to the hospital."

"No I'm fine I don't go to the hospital. "

Yunjixi excluded hospitals from his heart. From childhood to adulthood, his parents did not know how many hospitals they had gone to for his eyes. No matter at home or abroad, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, his parents never gave up.

This continued until he was able to live on his own.

The hospital was a desperate place for him.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't agree. Yun Jixi's face turns white. Which medicine can solve this problem?

"No, you must listen to me this time. You don't know how ugly you look."

Finally, Yun Jixi is taken to the hospital under Luo Xiaotian's tough attitude.

After a long examination, yunjixi was diagnosed with intestinal obstruction.

And the doctor also said that if the disease is not sent to the doctor in time, the patient's life will be in danger at any time.

Fortunately, because of Luo Xiaotian's insistence, yunjixi went from the gate of hell and came back.

When Sunan city got the news, yunjixi's operation had been completed, but she was still sleeping.

"Sunan City, why are you here?"

Luo Xiaotian heard the noise, looked back and saw Sunan city standing at the door of the ward, not surprised.

Sunan City walked to her with a black face, "my woman is taking care of another man. Don't you think I should come here?"

Luo Xiaotian blushed and muttered in his heart that their relationship is not real. Should we say it so seriously?

"What happened to him?"

When Sunan city saw the bloodless cloud Ji Xi lying on the bed, the expression on his face was improved, but the tone was still stiff and tight.

Luo Xiaotian quickly explained, "Ji Xi got intestinal obstruction, fortunately found in time, otherwise there may be life-threatening."

Speaking of this, she really felt lucky. Fortunately, she came here in the afternoon. If yunjixi's wishes were met, he would not go to the hospital even if he fainted at home.

But the condition of intestinal obstruction from the onset to death, often only one or two days, and the longer the time, the greater the possibility of intestinal necrosis, if a large area of intestinal necrosis, even if the surgery, postoperative nutritional absorption disorders will appear, a great impact on the body.

Sunan city to see this tired face, sharp hard heart can not help but collapse one side.

Just at this time, a voice like thunder sounded.

Luo Xiaotian covers his stomach awkwardly.

Sunan city had just had a sunny face and overcast down, "you did not eat?"

Luo Xiaotian smiles with a guilty heart.

Just now, she was tense and didn't feel hungry. Now when she saw Yun Jixi lying on the bed successfully after the operation, her tense nerves finally relaxed. Then she felt hungry, and her chest was close to her back.

Sunan city really wants to pull this woman over and beat her a few times. What time is it now, it's almost midnight, and she hasn't eaten yet? Will she take care of herself?Knowing that the man was angry, Luo Xiaotian went up to him and pulled each other's sleeve with his hand. He said coquettishly, "I'm sorry, people didn't mean not to eat. It's just that the situation was so urgent that I forgot. But I promise that I will eat on time in the future. "

See the man or a pair of unhappy appearance, she quickly raised a hand, "I swear!"

Looking at this deliberately flattering face, Sunan city was helpless, but had to compromise, "forget it, I'll take you out to dinner."

Luo Xiaotian quickly said, "no, I can't leave."

The temperature in the room suddenly dropped.

Luo Xiaotian secretly dislikes himself. Can't he say it mildly?

She said with a smile, "Sunan City, I mean Ji Xi is not in a coma, and he can't see it. What if he wakes up when we go out?"

Seeing that the man is still silent, she can only harden her head and speak again, "and Ji Xi's family is not around. He is just a friend of mine. Who will take care of him if I don't take care of him?"

Sunan City coldly glanced at the people on the bed and said, "please take care of them. I'll pay for them."

"No way..." Seeing the man shooting a murderous look at him, Luo Xiaotian quickly explained, "I mean, please take care of him. After he wakes up, do you think so?"

See the man silent, she quickly put forward an opinion, "or we order takeout?"

Sunan city cold hum, thick eyebrows sneer up a Yang, "midnight, order takeout? Do you think everyone doesn't sleep like you? "

Luo Xiaotian laughs. Is it so late? She forgot the time.

"That's OK. I'll just drink some water. Ji Xi's medicine should be over soon. I'll eat it when he wakes up."

This time, Sunan city did not say anything, directly turned around, handsome left.

Luo Xiaotian wants to stop him, but he doesn't know what to say after stopping him. He can only watch the slender figure go further and further.

Finally, she can only sit back on the stool lonely.