Not to be covered by others

Xiulaozi's dignified voice rang out again, "Xiaocheng, what's the matter?"

It can be heard that the old man is very dissatisfied with this matter. It's not a good thing that his two grandchildren mix up with the same woman.

Looking at the pure girl, I didn't expect that he was so scheming. What xiulaozi didn't like most was the girl with more thoughts.

Cheng Ya doesn't watch gossip at ordinary times. For a moment, she doesn't know what's going on. However, it's rare for her to see her father-in-law's serious expression. She can't help looking at her eldest son who hardly worries herself.

"Little town, what makes your grandfather so angry?"

Although the small town is not the flesh and blood of the Xiujia family, both husband and father-in-law are very close to the small town, and the child of the small town is also very proud, and has never done anything to make her or the Xiujia worry about.

Sunan City placated patted Luo Xiaotian's hand, and then explained, "Mom, it's nothing serious, grandfather has some misunderstandings."

He looked at the elder monk and said calmly, "grandfather, what does our family do? It's entertainment. How can we believe the gossip in the newspaper?"

In fact, Xiuyuan has another purpose. Even if it doesn't disgust him, doesn't it indirectly disgust him to make his family hate Luo Xiaotian?

Although the Xius did not choose their daughter-in-law, they did not allow one woman to be confused with two brothers.

Sure enough, after hearing Su Nancheng's explanation, the expression on his face didn't improve. He said calmly, "even if it's gossip, if Miss Luo and Xiao Yuan are not so close, can those paparazzi take these photos?"

Besides, such intimate photos can't be explained by being close. Although he is old, it doesn't mean his brain is broken.

Originally, I thought the girl was very good, but now it's more and more unpleasant.

Luo Xiaotian is in a hurry. She wants to stand up and explain, but she is pressed down by Sunan city.

He didn't bring a woman here to be scolded. He just wanted to let the little woman know that anyone would misunderstand this, so it's normal for him to misunderstand.

Moreover, he also wants Xiuyuan to know that this kind of scandal making is very important.

"Grandfather, what if I say Xiaotian is also a victim?"

His words undoubtedly aroused a wave among the three people. The old man's white eyebrows were raised up, not angry but awe. "Small town, what do you mean?"

Sunan city didn't shrink back, instead, it had no timidity to look at the old man's eyes and said with a smile, "I thought my grandfather knew."

Jin Ke has already investigated the truth of the matter. Later, he received Jack's plan about Luo Xiaoyu's money laundering. He felt it was necessary for him to take preventive measures with his family, so as not to make things happen in the future. They were not prepared at all.

What he said made him silent. After a while, he got up on crutches and went to the study without saying a word.

Xiufu also took a look at Sunan City, and then went at his father's pace.

Only Cheng Ya looks confused.

She didn't have a good look at her son, "Xiaocheng, what are you playing dumb? Is there anything you can't let your mother know?"

Luo Xiaotian is also surprised. Is the danger just like this? The two elders of the Xius left without a word. What is this?

Sunan city toward the mother smile, "Mom, don't worry, grandfather and uncle will not oppose us."

Cheng Ya doesn't know what to ask in front of Luo Xiaotian, but the episode just now can't stop her from liking the girl. She is especially satisfied with her son's appearance of protecting a calf.

It was the first time she saw her son like this.

"Xiaocheng, if you have time, bring Xiaotian home for dinner, you know?"

Sunan City fondled Luo Xiaotian's head and said with a smile, "Mom, don't I bring Xiaotian home for dinner? Mom, are we both hungry? "

Hearing that they haven't had a meal yet, Cheng Ya is in a hurry. The child, who hasn't had a meal, doesn't say it earlier. It's all this.

"Ma Li, do you have any other dishes at home? The young master hasn't eaten yet? "

She didn't care to greet them here. She got up in a hurry and went to the kitchen to prepare the food.

Luo Xiaotian breathed a sigh of relief, nervous underwear are wet, really twists and turns ah.

She tried to free her hand from the man's, but she failed several times. In Xiujia, she couldn't speak loudly, so she could only stare at him with round eyes.

Sunan City smiles, "Why are you looking at me like this? Do you suddenly think I'm handsome? "

Luo Xiaotian's big round eyes look at the man unbelievably. Is he taking the wrong medicine? After a while, it's almost the same as the summer weather.

"I know you want to ask me something in your heart. We'll talk about it after dinner, OK?"

Sunan City affectionately pinched her face which can be broken by blowing, doting on the way.

Luo Xiaotian wants to avoid the devil's claw, but there is no way to avoid it, so he has to open his eyes and kill him with his eyes.The man was amused by her lovely expression, and his hearty laughter rang out in the living room.

Just at this time, Xiuyuan came back from the outside and heard the laughter coming from the living room.

See two people like knee paint, can't help but change face.

"Xiaoyuan is back. Have you had dinner? It happened that your elder brother didn't eat either. "

Cheng Ya just came out of the kitchen and saw his little son standing in the living room. Because Xiuyuan was standing with his back to the kitchen, he didn't see his face full of sinister expression.

Hearing his mother's voice, Sunan city discovered the existence of Xiuyuan. He raised his head and looked at his half brother with deep meaning.

Luo Xiaotian is a face uneasy tightly grasp the hand of Sunan city.

Xiuyuan put away the expression on his face, turned around and said to his mother with a smile, "Mom, I haven't eaten yet? That's good. With the light of big brother, I can have a hot meal. "

Cheng Ya slaps her little son angrily and says with a smile, "this child, talking in front of the guests, makes me abuse you as usual."

Xiuyuan just like he just saw Luo Xiaotian, especially boasted, "Yo, are you bringing your girlfriend back? I don't know which family's daughter can get into elder brother's eye? "

He really admired the emergency ability of Sunan city. He took Luo Xiaotian home the same day. Is this to declare his ownership to his family?

The more so, the more that Luo Xiaotian in Sunan city heart position.

Sunan City ignored his sarcasm, and gently squeezed the little woman's hand. She stood up and walked to Xiuyuan. PI xiaorou said with no smile, "Xiaotian is very popular. Of course, I want to take it home early to let my mother have a look, so as not to be coveted by some people."

Xiuyuan's face changed, but in front of his mother's face, he couldn't say anything, just unwilling to look at them.

Luo Xiaotian directly avoided his eyes, bowed his head, and regarded each other as the air.

Since yesterday, Xiuyuan has been listed as the number one dangerous person in her heart, how far to avoid.