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Sunan city was defeated by her shrewdness. This woman didn't eat any loss in front of him. How could she have been cheated by Luo Xiaoyu yesterday?

"Sunan City, or I'll say my conditions are good first."

Luo Xiaotian see man silent, first compromise way.

Sunan City glanced at her, then said faintly, "I'm all ears."

Luo Xiaotian can't think of any conditions at the moment. Seeing that the man really wants to listen to her conditions, he can't help wringing his eyebrows and thinking seriously.

The man didn't urge her. The direction of the car was more and more biased, and there were fewer cars on the road, so the accelerator at the foot was heavier.

After a moment of silence, Luo Xiaotian finally said, "there is something I have to report to you."

Sunan City, um, but his attention was focused on the road in front of him. There were fewer cars in the suburbs, but the light was bad. He had to pay more attention.

"I'm going to go with Ji Xi to review this Friday."

The voice of low if the mosquito calls rings in the car. Sunan City instinctively responds. Ten seconds later, the brain reacts and says with a gloomy face, "what did you say just now?"

Luo Xiaotian had to admire men's ability to change face.

It's much worse than the day in June. It takes only a second for the two expressions to change.

She couldn't help retreating and explained pitifully, "Nancheng, Ji Xi can't see. It's really pitiful. He went to the hospital alone and no one helped him. How helpless do you think he should be? There is a saying that friends are just for trouble, isn't it? "

Sunan City sneered and sneered at the woman's excuse, "I can ask Secretary Jin to arrange someone to take the blind man to see a doctor."

The blind man stabbed Luo Xiaotian's ruanle. She was like a kitten whose tail was trampled on. Her hair stood up all over her body. "Sunan City, I don't allow you to say that about Yunji Xi. Although he can't see, he is blind, but his heart is not blind."

Sunan City see annoyed little woman, also did not insist on cloud season Xi bad words, but not salty said a sentence, "I'm afraid your request will not be realized."

Luo Xiaotian stares at the man and looks out of the window, saying that he refuses to talk to someone.

Sunan City shook his head helplessly and continued to march to the top of the mountain.

Seeing that the road became narrower and narrower, she turned from asphalt road to gravel road, which made Luo Xiaotian curious. However, at the thought of men's bad behavior, she pursed her mouth and put away her curiosity.

Until the car bumped all the way to the top platform to stop.

"Wow, how beautiful it is here?"

Luo Xiaotian has been attracted by the scenery in front of him. The stars are shining all over the sky, as if he wants to pick them from afar. This kind of scenery can't be seen in the urban area in any case. The stars in the sky have long been replaced by the high-rise buildings in the city. It's lucky that there is no haze at ordinary times. I don't expect to see such beautiful scenery.

The man saw her happy look, smile to cover the roof of the cover open, originally dark car instantly bright.

But Luo Xiaotian didn't feel the cold wind.

She reached out and touched it. The cold of the transparent glass made her fingertips tremble.

It turns out that the roof of the whole car instantly becomes a piece of transparent glass. Under the refraction of the glass of the stars, it is very beautiful.

She was almost reluctant to move her eyes.

"Do you like it?"

In fact, this question doesn't need to be asked at all. Looking at the little woman's shining expression, I know I like it very much.

Luo Xiaotian nodded heavily, completely forgetting that she was still angry with the man just now. She couldn't help exclaiming, "Sunan City, it's good to lie in the car and watch the stars."

Sunan city is also like a woman, adjust the position, put your hands on the back of your head, lie down and watch the stars, far away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the tranquility here makes your breath begin to calm down.

It seems that these tens of millions have not been smashed in vain.

This car is a new model just coming out of a big company. It has a very romantic name, picking stars from afar. Originally, Sunan city planned to take Luo Xiaotian to see the stars on a holiday, but the old house was very close to here, so it came smoothly.

So far, this decision is quite right, at least the smile on the little woman's face has not closed.

"Sunan City, you know, when I lived with my grandmother as a child, I could often see such beautiful scenery, but later I moved to the city, and I never saw such scenery again. But now even if I live in grandma's house, I can't see such a view, and grandma's house will be demolished soon. "

The smile on Luo Xiaotian's face slowly faded. She missed her grandmother and the days when she lived with her grandmother when she was a child. If only time could go back?

"Sunan City, do you think in a few years, we will never see such beautiful scenery again?"

Inexplicably, she began to be sad again.

Sunan City pitifully touched her head, "fool, when you want to see the stars in the future, we can come to see them at any time. If we can't see them here, we will go to other places to see them. I believe there will always be a place where we can see the stars."Luo Xiaotian looks at this face which can bewitch the mind. He is afraid that in a few years, things will be right and people will be wrong.

This night two people came to a Platonic love, only talk about romantic snow moon, not in any sexual behavior.

Later, Luo Xiaotian fell asleep.

When she woke up, it was the next morning, and she was still in bed in her apartment.

Fiercely sat up, she had a moment of trance, as if last night was just a dream. She rubbed her hair, which had been out of order. She was in a daze for nearly a minute. Then she glanced at the alarm clock on the bedside table.

There was another flurry of war.

Compared with her hurry, the man in the restaurant is more calm. Seeing Luo Xiaotian's figure, he calls her out.

"Xiaotian, come to dinner."

Luo Xiaotian buttoned his clothes and replied, "no, I'm too late."

Sunan City calmly poured a glass of milk for her, "come to dinner, I'll take you there later."

Although it's an exclusive bus, it's obviously not as fast as an exclusive car. After all, it's difficult for people to speed up in the morning when there are many cars and people.

Luo Xiaotian heard the man's voice and went to the restaurant. She didn't know if she had been sleeping too late last night. She had a headache.

"Drink a glass of milk first, and lift your spirits."

Sunan City considerate put the milk in front of her, supervised her to drink the milk.

After a glass of milk, Luo Xiaotian finally recovered a little strength. Seeing the rich food on the table, his appetite was also hooked up.

She picked up one side of the tableware and began to enjoy it until she felt that her empty stomach was almost filled. Then she said, "when did we come back last night?"

She didn't even know how to get from the car to the bed.