
Sunan city did not understand, "I asked you to arrange a commercial performance for her? How can it be snow? "

Don't he have artists who specially receive announcements? Don't they still live well? The popularity is almost catching up with the first-line artists.

Jin Ke has a headache. He doesn't know whether the president really doesn't know or pretends not to know. Just because of Jing Ke'er's EQ, can't he offend everyone when he takes on business performance?

Offended the producer, is not quite snow?

"Say what you want."

Sunan city has no patience to chat with him here.

Jin Ke clenched his teeth and said, "president, although Jing Ke'er is pretty coquettish, her EQ is really not good. You can shout cards when making TV series, but whether it's a commercial show or a variety show, there are audiences at the scene. Our company takes so much effort to package her as a goddess. If the audience knows her true face, won't she be ruined?"

A little surprise flashed at the bottom of Sunan city's eyes. Well, he never paid serious attention to jingke'er. This acting skill and EQ are not good. How can we get along in this field?

"Then even the commercial performance has been pushed."

Jin Ke took a breath of air conditioning. What does the president mean?

It took him a long time to find his voice and stammered, "president, are you going to snow well?"

This is a bolt from the blue for an artist.

Sunan City picked eyebrows and asked, "jingke'er's acting skills are so bad, do you want to destroy our TV industry?"

Jin Ke, "..." The hat is so big that he doesn't wear it.

What's more, in today's impetuous entertainment industry, how many people really have acting skills? How many actors are really responsible? Some stars obviously have no acting skills, but with the popularity of the film, their pay is more than twice as high as that of the actual actors, but the producers still pay the bill?

"President, did jingke'er offend you?"

When he thought about the benefits that jingke'er had brought to the company, he couldn't help laughing bitterly. It was Zhou Lang's clever plan to make the world safe - losing his wife and losing his army.

The southern city of Jiangsu made a long sound, which made Jin Ke make a silent gesture immediately.

Curiosity kills a cat. He shouldn't be talkative.

Because of the instructions of Sunan City, jingke'er is in dire straits.

"Sister Mimi, why was my new play robbed by the second tier star?"

Jing Ke'er took off his sunglasses from his face and threw them aside. He said angrily.

Zhang Mi, her agent, has always thought that she is afraid of falling when she holds Jing Ke'er in her hand and melting when she holds it in her mouth. She almost gave her up as an ancestor. But now when she sees Jing Ke'er, she doesn't even have a smiling face.

For a long time, Jing Ke'er couldn't make a sound again, "sister Mimi, I'm talking to you?"

Zhang Mi took a look at her and said seriously, "but, have you offended anyone recently?"

As for the artist who has a good appearance but a good EQ, she has broken her heart. She doesn't know if Jing Ke'er has offended others. Now she is going to be banned.

But what she was more afraid of was that Jing Ke'er didn't even know that she had offended others later.

If you really see the confused look on Jing Ke'er's face, Zhang Mi's heart aches.

"Sister Mimi, what are you talking about? Is there something inside my new play?"

Jing Ke'er is more and more angry, more and more angry. Since she became popular, she hasn't suffered this kind of loss, especially when she was robbed by a second-line star. She can't afford to lose her face.

She suddenly stood up and said, "no, I'll go to Sunan city and ask him to support me."

"Stop." Zhang Mi yelled, "jingke'er, sit down for me."

Well Ke'er, who has always been regarded as a princess, has never been treated like this. She looks at her agent wrongly and blinks her big eyes. "Sister MI, why are you yelling at me?"

Zhang Mi is already two big at this time. How can she have such leisure to coax Jing Ke'er? She looks ugly and says, "Jing Ke'er, you are a pig. Who in the world doesn't know that you are the artist of President Su? Since you dare to pluck hair on the head of a tiger, do you think he will worry about President Su's face? To be honest, who have you offended these two days? "

Jing Ke'er, who was scolded as a pig, didn't dare to talk back at the moment, because now Zhang Mi looks so terrible, just like a wild animal falling into madness. If she doesn't feel happy, she will be bitten by each other.

Zhang Mi sighed and tried to be calm. "But you know, not only your new play, but all your endorsements and commercial performances have stopped."

Jing Ke'er was stunned. It took a long time for her to respond, "sister Mimi, what are you talking about? My endorsement, how can my commercial performance be completely stopped?"

Doesn't that mean her future is ruined?

No, it shouldn't be like this. She is the most popular first-line star nowadays. A lot of endorsements and commercial performances are coming. How can she stop?Zhang Mi also wants to know why, but it doesn't say anything. Let Jing Ke'er have a good rest at home, which means there is no exposure. Is it a star?

She is not easy to hold the well can son, this just how long passed, this let her how can endure this tone?

"Ke'er, tell me exactly what you've done in the last two days."

Zhang Mi took a deep breath and decided to smooth it out.

Jingke'er thought about it and said, "I haven't had any work these two days. I've been at home all the time. By the way, I was stood up by Sunan city yesterday. It's too much..."

Speaking of what happened yesterday, she was so angry that she wanted to kill people. It was Sunan city that told her to go to her home for dinner. As a result, the man ran away with Luo Xiaotian. What do you mean?

Zhang Mi seems to smell a trace. She interrupts Jing Ke'er's murmur, "you just said who stood up last night?"

"Sunan city."

Well Ke Er mentions this name, a face is not happy.

Zhang Mi thinks she probably knows who blocked Jing Ke'er.

"You told me everything yesterday, including the details."

Sometimes Zhang Mi really feels tired. With such a troubling artist, she should be premature.

Jing Ke'er was a bit embarrassed. "Do you have to say it?"

It would be shameful to say it word for word. Who is she? She is a famous star in the limelight. She was rejected even when she was sent to the door. Where is her face?

Zhang Mi looked at her with a straight face, "if you don't want to ruin your next life, tell me word for word."

Finally aware of the seriousness of the matter, Jing Ke'er glanced at her face and repeated what happened yesterday. After repeating it, she said discontentedly, "is that Luo Xiaotian comparable to me? If you want to have no buttocks or breasts, Sunan city will take a fancy to her and leave me at home. "