does she have my plumpness?"

"Both inside and outside? Agent Zhang, do you think she has such a possibility? " It's not personal. It's just a matter of fact.

But other people don't think so. For example, the main actor of this incident, Jing Ke'er, feels that she has been despised. No matter what, she is still the best and most famous actress this year? What do you mean she can't?

Jing Ke'er always feels good about herself. She thinks she is the best woman in the world, but she is not as good as Luo Xiaotian who has nothing.

Now she is so stimulated by Sunan city that she has completely forgotten Zhang Mi's explanation. She stands in front of the man with an unconvinced face and asks, "Sunan City, aren't I better than Luo Xiaotian?"

referring to Luo Xiaotian, Sunan city has changed her face. Her sharp eyes sweep the heavily makeup face and say, "where are you I can't compare with Luo Xiaotian. "

Jing Ke'er's face turned red with anger, and all her reason ran away from home in an instant. She was unwilling to walk up to the man, deliberately straightened her chest, exposing her plump chest to the man's vision, and said defiantly, "does she have my plumpness?"

Sunan City sneered, "if she wants breast augmentation, she can be twice as full as you."

Zhang Mi is so anxious that her hair is almost gray. She looks at Jing Ke'er desperately, but her eyes are cramped, and she can't stop Jing Ke'er from humiliating herself.

Jing Ke'er is said by the man to be a little guilty, breast augmentation this matter also know Mimi sister, how can he know?

Sunan city didn't want the embarrassment to end, and continued to sarcastically, "jingke'er, not only your chest has been stabbed, but also your nose, chin and forehead have been stabbed. Do you think you can be compared with Luo Xiaotian as an artificial beauty?"

"Do you want me to say anything else?"

The man doesn't pity the well Ke'er who has already turned pale, and his tone is indifferent.

Although Zhang Mi's heart is strange well Ke Er's white eyes, but in the end is her artists, can only harden the hair to come out to make ends meet, "Mr. Su, don't be angry, Ke Er doesn't mean that?"

But Sunan city didn't go down the steps. Instead, he said coldly, "I can hold you up and hide you. But in the past, you brought so many benefits to the company. I only withdrew the resources invested by the company in you. As for the way out, agent Zhang, you are not the eldest sister in this industry. It depends on you."

In fact, this matter is not without room for maneuver. After a while, Sunan City forgot this matter. Jingke'er can still be active again in the circle, but now her future is directly ruined just because of her stupidity.

After listening to the president, Zhang Mi turned white.

It's over. It's over.

Without the resources of the company, what's the difference between her taking Jing Ke'er and taking a new person? These years, it's hard to get to the present position, but it's all wasted because of Jing Ke'er's ignorance.

It's really a success, and a failure.

Back in the office, Zhang Mi is angry with Jing Ke'er.

"Jingke'er, you can ruin your future. Can you leave me alone? Over the years, I've cleaned up a lot of mess for you. I can't clean up this mess. You can find something to clean up for you. "

Thanks to her good health, otherwise she would be angry with this stupid woman. Dare to challenge the boss, who gives her courage?

Calm down, Jing Ke'er is completely out of order. She looks at Zhang Mi like a pear blossom with rain and says sincerely, "sister Mimi, I know I'm wrong. The company has abandoned me. You can't ignore me any more. I beg you. No matter what you ask me to do, I will listen to you. "

from frugality to luxury, from luxury to frugality, she has been used to living in the spotlight. If she suddenly returns to normal life, she will go crazy.

Zhang Mi hummed coldly, "now you know, please. Didn't you have a great reputation in front of the president just now? If you dare to question the president, you should think of the consequences. "

Two people sit on the bench together, but not alone.

Jing Ke'er herself regretted to death, but her words were just like the spilled water. She couldn't get it back. She could only place her hope on her agent.

Since she takes herself from a passer-by to the position of goddess, she will surely have a way to solve this crisis.

"Sister Mimi, don't you like the house on Nanhuan east road very much? Shall I buy it for you? " Jing Ke'er, who has been short of muscle, has started to adopt the Huairou policy.

Zhang Mi's serious look slowed down.

Well can son see this, hastened to work harder, and then throw bait, "last time you didn't complain with me about the problem of sharing? After this matter is settled, we can sign another contract. "

Zhang Mi's attitude began to soften, and her tone was no longer as sharp as just now, "but it's not that my sister refused to help you this time, but that you offended a person who can't be offended. Even if I was reincarnated by the monkey king, I can't help you."

After listening to her words, Jing Ke'er was decadent. Is it really so bad?

"But..."Hearing the turning words, Jing Ke'er's expression brightened. She looked at each other expectantly, waiting for the following.

Zhang Mi continued, "but the president didn't kill you out. He just didn't put the company's resources on you. We can create without resources."

Creating resources? Jing Ke'er has been in this business for many years. Naturally, he understands what Zhang Mi means by creating resources?

She looked at Zhang Mi in embarrassment, "sister Mimi, do you have to do this?"

Zhang Mi asked, "do you have a better way?"

That night, jingke'er came to Tangdu Hotel dressed up.

At the door of the box, she hesitated. It was Zhang Mi who pushed her and forced her in.

"Director Zhang, I'm sorry to have kept you waiting. We're late." Zhang Mi saw Li Dao, a pair of eyes smile can't see, see well Ke Er is still pestle, can't help staring at her.

Jing Ke'er can only smile and greet director Li hypocritically.

Mimi said she would stand up from where she fell. This new play is the starting point of their efforts.

Director Li just nodded indifferently, "Miss Jing, agent Zhang, what can I do for you at night?"

He didn't forget the appearance that Jing Ke'er played a big role at the beginning. Fortunately, the company changed the heroine this time. He no longer had to look at Jing Ke'er's face.

If it wasn't for Zhang Mi's sake, he wouldn't have come to dinner this evening.

Zhang Mi doesn't care about each other's attitude at all. Now she doesn't care.

"Director Li, how can you be so outspoken? We are old friends no matter how we say it, and Ke'er has made a lot of your plays. We can say that without director Li, there would be no Ke'er for us. "

Listening to the flattery, director Li can't help but sneer. Jing Ke'er made a lot of plays for him, but it also delayed him a lot. He was late for three or two days and didn't say it. He often played and disappeared, letting a group of people open the window.

That is, the company forced arrangements, he can only endure, now the company asked for replacement, he did not set off firecrackers to celebrate has been good.