
"Xiao Hu, did I ask all the people you called?"

Well can son's face of cruel and resolute let Luo Xiaotian not from of beat a cold shiver.

Pan Zhaohu hesitated, "Ke'er, do you really want to do this?"

Luo Xiaotian on one side is like a cat smelling fishy smell. His expression is suddenly bright. Does he still have hope? As long as the big brother named Xiaohu can be tough, maybe she can leave here safely.

Although Jing Ke'er was annoyed to death by Pan Zhaohu's retreat, he still squeezed out a little sad expression on his face. He looked at each other pitifully and said weakly, "little tiger, I can't swallow this tone. My career is ruined, and now even sister Mimi has left me. Little tiger, you will help me, won't you?"

Pan Zhaohu's heart was almost broken. Thinking of the goddess's situation, his slightly melted heart began to harden again.

Luo Xiaotian looks at the interaction between the two people, and her heart is cold. In her opinion, Jing Ke'er's acting skills are really clumsy. No matter her expression or tone, they are all very artificial. But some people just like this. Look at this man named Xiaohu, he looks like a heartache.

It seems that she can't count on the tiger brother.

I just don't know why jingke'er asked the tiger brothers to send people here?

When she was rich in thought, she only heard pan Zhaohu clap his hands, and the door was opened again. The first one who came in was a camera.

Luo Xiaotian can't help but smoke the corners of his mouth. Isn't this the routine of Xiuyuan? If she is just hugged by a strange man to take a few photos, she can barely accept it. A hanging mental arithmetic is half put down.

It turns out that she underestimated the cruelty of women.

When the camera is ready, there is a sound at the door. Luo Xiaotian stares at the naked men who come in like fish.

Now, to be precise, it's just topless.

Luo Xiaotian's eyes are slightly puffed. Is it really good to wear so little on such a cold day?

Jing Ke'er saw these men with bare upper body, slightly wring their eyebrows, but in the twinkling of an eye, they looked like smiling faces, "little tiger, didn't I ask you to find some men who are not good-looking?"

She is to toss Luo Xiaotian, not to let Luo Xiaotian to enjoy happiness, what gang rape is it to find these handsome guys?

Pan Zhaohu puckered his mouth in embarrassment, went to Jing Ke'er and said in a low voice, "now men's public relations are all like this, otherwise they don't have business."

Luo Xiaotian's breath is completely unstable. Although pan Zhaohu's voice is very low, she is close to each other, so she hears every word he says. Especially when she hears the three words of male public relations, she has nothing to say.

"Forget it, where's the medicine I asked you to prepare?" Jing Ke'er no longer tangles with this question, reaches out his hand and asks pan Zhaohu to take the medicine. The latter takes out a bottle of medicine from his pocket and puts it in her hand.

Although Luo Xiaotian didn't know what medicine it was, it was definitely not a good thing. Common sense told her that she should refuse it at this time.

She looked warily at Jing Ke'er, "Miss Jing, what do you want to do?"

Jing Ke'er took up the medicine and took it under the light. He said with a gloomy smile, "Luo Xiaotian, it's really cheap for you at night. I didn't expect that all male public relations are like this. I promise you will be satisfied."

"No, jingke'er, do you know what you are doing now? What you do is against the law. If you get caught, you will go to jail. "

Luo Xiaotian's heart constantly has the fear to come up, really did not expect well Ke'er to be so vicious.

"Illegal? Ha ha ha, Luo Xiaotian, do you really think I am law blind? When you take this medicine, you will ask those male public relations to spoil you, and this camera starts shooting when you start to grumble. What crime do you say the police will arrest me for? Well

At the thought of staying for a while, the corner of Jing Ke'er's mouth can't help but go up. It's so wonderful, isn't it?

Luo Xiaotian faltered, almost did not fall, a pale face constantly shaking, "no, jingke'er, you can't do this to me."

If she was touched by these men, she would rather die.

Jing Ke'er winks at Pan Zhaohu. The latter immediately catches Luo Xiaotian.

She took the medicine and approached Luo Xiaotian step by step. "Luo Xiaotian, what do you think it would be like to see this short film in southern Jiangsu? Do you think he wants a whore like you to be ridden by thousands of people? "

At this moment, Luo Xiao's innocent fear, a cold rising from the bottom of her feet, thinking of the situation she will face, her hair can't help but feel numb, she looked at a line of male public relations, "everyone, I know you and Jing Ke'er are not together, I beg you, you help me, help me, OK?"

"Pa!" Well Ke'er clapped his hands and waved to her, "Luo Xiaotian, you still said you didn't play tricks in front of Sunan city? I think you're quite clever in splitting up, aren't you? I'll tell you that a lot of money will bring out brave men. I will reward each of these male public relations with a house. Do you think they will help you out? "

Luo Xiaotian, who has been beaten up a little bit, is even more affected when she hears that everyone is rewarded with a house. She doesn't know how expensive the house price in Z city is. Even the houses in the suburbs start with five figures. This time, jingke'er is very hardBut she can't give up, the consequences of giving up is not what she can bear. She once again explained to the male public relations in a row, "ladies and gentlemen, if you rape me, I will sue you. Although you have a house, you have to live in prison for the rest of your life. It's not worth it..."

"Enough, tiger, what are you waiting for? Open her mouth."

Jing Ke'er is already impatient, and she can't give Luo Xiaotian this time to plot against those male public relations.

Pan Zhaohu, who received the order, immediately put Luo Xiaotian on the table and couldn't move. As Jing Ke'er's body came closer and closer, the medicine in her hand was crumbling. Luo Xiaotian's heart continued to sink. She opened her eyes in fear and couldn't accept all this.


The door was kicked open from the outside!

The city of Southern Jiangsu falls from the sky like a God. Luo Xiaotian, who is pressed on the table, can't see the whole picture of the city clearly, but at this moment, she can rest assured!

In the dark, she knew nothing.

When she woke up again, what she saw was the snow-white ceiling. She sat up abruptly and checked her clothes up and down nervously. It turned out that it was the sick clothes?

Why is she here? Is everything before a dream? She can't tell reality from dream.

"Great, Xiaotian. Are you awake?"

Luo Xiaotian heard the voice and looked up. A trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. "Peace, how can you be here?"

Anning's eyes quickly flashed a trace of venom, but it was fleeting. She pretended to be worried and went to the bedside, complaining, "you, you, it's only a long time since I contacted you, there was an accident. If I didn't call president Su, I still don't know you're here?"