I’m Xiaotian

She went back to Sunan city with a smile on her face. Her white hand touched the man's hot face and said gently, "Nancheng, what's wrong with you? I'm Xiaotian."

"Xiaotian?" Waking up is only a short time. When Sunan City hears Luo Xiaotian's name, it has completely regarded peace as Luo Xiaotian, especially the cold feeling on his face, which makes him want to groan.

"Xiaotian, I feel so bad. Can you help me?" Sunan city is not satisfied with the comfort on his face. He wants more. It seems that there is a fierce beast living in his body. He is about to rush out.

Anning put his hands around his neck, closer to the man, red lips slightly hook, bewitched said, "Nancheng, if you are very uncomfortable, don't bear it, I want to help you, I will help you."

The drug has made the forehead of Sunan City secrete a thin layer of sweat, the body is burning like fire, and the woman in her arms can relieve his burning.

The smile on Anning's face is even more serious, and he breathes vaguely in the man's ear, "shall I help you in bed?"

At this time, the word "bed" is undoubtedly a huge temptation for Sunan city

Luo Xiaotian accompanies Yun Jixi to finish the inspection. It's already three o'clock in the afternoon. He recovers well. Just have a good rest. They talked and laughed and went to the ward.

"Luo Tian, President Su has saved you. Will you agree with each other by example?"

After listening to the kidnapping, yunjixi suddenly has an idea in her mind and hesitates.

By example? When Luo Xiaotian heard this word, he laughed unkindly, "Ji Xi, do you think we are living in ancient times now? He also uses his body to show Xule. "

If a relationship is not for you and me, it won't last long. If Luo Xiaotian doesn't like Sunan City, she won't marry even if she is her life-saving benefactor.

But now she seems to have fallen in love with Sunan City, so it's really not sure whether she will agree with each other.

When yunjixi heard the laughter, she felt that she was really worried. What's the identity of Sunan city? How could she marry Xiaotian? He showed a small tiger tooth and said with a smile, "Xiaotian, I'm talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously."

Luo Xiaotian said with a smile, "I won't take it seriously. If I'm hungry, I've ordered takeout. We can eat it when we go to the ward."

Just then, she saw the delivery boy standing at the door, so she said, "Hello, are you delivering delivery here?"

The delivery boy nodded abnormally.

"What's the matter with you?" Luo Xiaotian is a little curious to see each other's expression. Is it strange to look at each other?

"I'm fine. Do you know Miss Luo Xiaotian? Here's her takeout. "

The delivery boy finally decided to keep what he had just seen in his heart. Mom, the picture is always exciting.

Luo Xiaotian was sure that it was the takeout she ordered. He said with a smile, "I'm Luo Xiaotian. Please give me the things."

The takeout boy rushed to give her the food in his hand. He couldn't wait, as if the food was a hot potato.

Before leaving, he said something of different significance, "Miss Luo, you'd better not go in now."

"Ji Xi, what does he mean?"

Luo Xiaotian asked to Yun Jixi.

The latter shakes his head to show that he does not understand.

They go to the ward between talking and laughing. The strong hormone breath makes Luo Xiaotian wring her eyebrows. Recalling the words of the takeout boy, her heart keeps sinking.

As she walked into the ward, the scene on the bed made her want to scream.

Yunjixi suddenly felt the pain in her hand. She asked anxiously, "Xiaotian, what's the matter?"

"Ah, Xiaotian..."

Anning, who has been awake for a long time, pretends to be just sober, grabs the quilt in panic, and looks at Luo Xiaotian with an aggrieved face.

"Xiaotian, what's the matter?"

The sharp soprano makes Ji Yunxi frown and ask more worried, "Xiaotian, what's the matter?"

What's the matter? She also wants to know what's going on? Why does her favorite man lie in the same bed with her best friend?

She finally understood what the delivery boy said before he left. I'm afraid that people would see this scene, so she would retreat to the door and look embarrassed.

"Xiaotian, listen to me. It's not what you think."

Anning comes down from the bed and deliberately shows her blue and purple parts, but her face is worried, for fear that Luo Xiaotian will misunderstand her.

Luo Xiaotian tries to ignore the scars on Anning's body, but these different shapes are deeply imprinted in her mind.

We can imagine how fierce the war was just now.

She knows the physical strength of Sunan city better than anyone else.

Tears in her eyes, this moment her brain is blank.

Yunjixi is dying of anxiety. He has never hated his eyes as much as he did in a moment. Why can't he see. He can only place his hope on peace and hope to get the answer from peace."Anning, what's the matter? Why doesn't Xiaotian talk all the time?"

Anning didn't answer Ji Yunxi directly. Instead, she went to Luo Xiaotian, fell down on her knees and cried, "Xiaotian, I know I'm sorry for you, but you should know me. How can I rob your man? It's Sunan city. He... " Speaking of the back, she directly covers her mouth, but sobs. As for the content behind, it depends on Luo Xiaotian's imagination.

Luo Xiaotian is like a lost soul baby with a dull look. She finds that she can't even shed tears at this time.

And the culprit for all this is still sleeping in bed.

Yunjixi is an adult. Although he can't see, he can infer the truth by listening to the words of Anning and Luo Xiaotian's reaction. It's just that how can Anning get mixed up with Sunan city?

Although it is hard to understand, what is more important now is Luo Xiaotian's mood.

He took Laluo Xiaotian's hand and whispered, "Xiaotian, are you ok?"

Luo Xiaotian took a deep breath and said to Yun Jixi, "Ji Xi, I'm ok. I'll help you sit there first."

The three of them don't want to implicate Yunji.

After yunjixi was settled, she went to Anning kneeling on the ground this time and looked at her with a sad face. She looked at the girl who was closer than Luo Xiaoyu, and now she was also the one who hurt her most.

"Anning, I always regard you as my best friend. Is that right for me?"

Every word is just like taking a knife to cut Luo Xiaotian's flesh. It hurts my heart.

Why did her two closest friends betray her at the same time?

Anning hugged Luo Xiaotian's thigh and choked, "Xiaotian, you can beat me and scold me. I promise you can't fight back and scold me back."

Luo Xiaotian cold step back, no temperature said, "I don't hit you, I don't scold you, I just want to ask, why?"