She’s not my family

Hearing the news, the doctor came to see the gauze on the hand of Sunan city. He couldn't help taking a breath of air conditioning.

What's going on? The amount of bleeding has to be a split wound, right?

"Doctor, take a look at his wound. He's bleeding a lot." Anning looked anxiously at the doctor.

The doctor made a decision at the moment, "well, the patient's family, don't worry about it first..."

"She's not my family." Sunan city black face unhappy interrupted, not standing in the ward is the patient's family.

Annie smiles awkwardly at the doctor.

The doctor twisted his eyebrows. If it's not a family member, it's not a family member. Is it necessary to be so fierce?

But for the sake of the patient, and now one arm is almost bloody, I don't care with him for the time being, "look at the amount of blood, it should be the wound is cracked, nurse, take apart the gauze first."

As a result, the doctor found that the patient was the most uncooperative patient. When the nurse touched his hand, he was almost not thrown out by the other side.

The doctor's face suddenly did not look good, how to return a responsibility, did not regard the medical staff as the human?

Anning immediately apologized to the doctor and nurse, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, he's in a bad mood. Don't be angry, don't be angry." Then, he said to Sunan City, "Nancheng, your hand is bleeding. We'll talk about something later. Let the doctor see your wound first, OK?"

Sunan city gave her a cold look and said, "who are you? Can you name me, too? Don't you just want money? Make an offer. "

In front of the doctors and nurses, Anning felt as if she had been slapped in public, with hot pain and embarrassment. She can even read the way doctors and nurses look at her.

"Nancheng, can you stop it?" She said with an aggrieved face.

Sunan City sneered, "don't do this, don't what? Anning, I really underestimate you. Get out of here. I don't want to see you any more. "

When Anning went to call the doctor just now, he calmed down for a while, and the more he found something strange. For a while, he was blank?

If he doesn't find any more tricks in it, he won't have to mix.

One side of the nurse and the doctor look at each other face to face, how to see a doctor, looking at become listen to gossip? The doctor looked at the name of Sunan city at the head of the bed, and then remembered that the patient was the one that the hospital leaders took special care of?

When it comes to the name of Sunan City, people in Z City who know a little gossip all know it. Is it the boss of kg international? However, it seems that the circle of rich people is in a mess. Look, this is just a mess of relationships between men and women?

In particular, the exclusive nurse of this ward had to come to the ward to report everything. Naturally, she recognized that the woman in front of her was not Luo Xiaotian who had been in the hospital for the past two days, and she could not help guessing something.

But even so, she did not dare to say anything, can only stay quietly next to the doctor, when a obedient little nurse.

Seeing more and more blood dripping on the ground, as a doctor, he told himself that he should remind the other party,

"Mr. Su, I don't want to care what happened to you, but can you let us deal with your wound first? If you continue to bleed like this, you will lose too much blood."

Sunan City angrily glared at the doctor, "you get out of here, too."

"But Mr. Su, if you don't treat your wound, if you lose blood seriously, it will be very troublesome."

This is the most difficult patient a doctor has to deal with.

"I said, you'll all get out of here, don't you hear me?"

Sunan City glared with anger, and the whole person was as irascible as a wounded animal.

"Nancheng, I know you are very angry now, but your hand really needs to be dealt with, if..." Anning's pale face comforted him, but he was mercilessly interrupted by the man,

"enough, Anning, I don't need you to manage my affairs. You just want money when you do all this. I can give you as much as you want."

"Sunan City, I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Luo Xiaotian's voice rang out at the door.

Sunan city turns his head and sees Luo Xiaotian, who had left, appear in front of his eyes again. He smiles and greets him, "Xiaotian, are you back?"

Luo Xiaotian just left with Yun Jixi. When he came to the corner, he heard Anning calling for a doctor in panic. He hated the man in his heart, but he still didn't feel at ease. After listening for a long time at the door, he rushed in again when he heard that Sunan City insulted people with money again and again.

Yunjixi just stands beside without any expression.

"Sunan City, it's not true that you share the same virtue with the rich second generation. When you do something wrong, you only know how to use money to smash people. Besides using money to smash people, what else can you do?"

Back to the door of peace, I didn't expect Luo Xiaotian to go back, the bottom of his eyes flashed by, a touch of evil, Luo Xiaotian, Luo Xiaotian, it seems that you are still reluctant to part with Sunan City, isn't it?

When she turned around, she had a pathetic look again, with tears in her eyes, and said wrongly, "Xiaotian, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."He bowed to her deeply and left with his mouth covered.

Luo Xiaotian coldly looked at the man in front of him, "Sunan City, now you are satisfied with it, and hurt two women at the same time." Yu Guang caught a glimpse of his right hand, which was still bleeding all the time. He couldn't bear it, but he continued to say with a cold face, "Sunan City, the hand is your own. If you don't want it, others won't feel sorry."

After that, she turned and left the ward with Ji Yunxi.

Sunan city want to call the voice of the exit as if blocked by something in general, can only watch the woman disappear in front of him.

Seeing this, the doctor gave the nurse a wink. Although the nurse was very afraid of being shaken off by Sunan city again, under the doctor's sign, she had to go to Sunan city and ask for Sunan city's advice in fear, "Mr. Su, I'll help you remove the gauze."

This time, there was no response from Sunan City, and they were allowed to do it.

After opening the gauze, the doctor saw the bloody wound and twisted his eyebrow. It seemed that he had to sew it up again.

"Xiaotian, what are you going to do?"

Yunjixi didn't say any consolation words, but directly asked her future plans. No matter how much consolation this kind of thing happens, it's bullshit. People are not machines. If they have seven emotions and six desires, they will be sad and sad. All these can't be forced.

As a friend, it's OK to accompany her through this difficulty.

Luo Xiaotian, who came out of the hospital, couldn't control his emotions and began to cry.

Cloud season Xi is not comfort, quiet standing in place, waiting for her to vent.

After crying for ten minutes, Luo Xiaotian finally calmed down and asked in a strong nasal voice, "Ji Xi, why do you say it's the two of them?"

Why? Yunji really can't answer, but he knows that life is not as good as nine times out of ten. If life is too smooth, it's meaningless.