It’s really damaging

Kg international, Xiuyuan in a good mood whistled to the office, Sunan city is not in the company, he felt the company's air is fresh a lot.

It seems that he has been on a business trip for almost ten days, and no one has been seen. Although he has some doubts, he has not taken it to heart. It is said that he has gone abroad to explore the market. Maybe the business in that place is not easy to develop and he may not be able to come back for a while.

When passing by the corner, he vaguely heard someone saying right and wrong. The corners of his mouth rose with disdain. Where there are more women, there are more right and wrong. Every day, he said either this or that bad word, as if he didn't say anything bad about others, and life lacked meaning.

Although the heart is disdain, but as a particularly Pro people vice president of kg international, this kind of catch other people's plait is the thing he will not do.

Just as he was about to leave, he suddenly heard two people begin to discuss Sunan city. He could not help but stop, looked around, and found that there was no one else, so he began to quietly eavesdrop on the corner.

It's Xiaomi and Xiaoai, two female colleagues in the company's finance department, who are talking about Sunan city. They are taking advantage of urination to get out and have a chat.

Xiaomi's sister is a nurse in the hospital, so she has first-hand news. When she hears the news, she wants to share it with others immediately, but she has never found a chance.

Now I see that there is no one around, and Xiao AI is a good friend, so I gossip here.

"Xiao MI, is that true? Did the president really sleep with Luo Xiaotian's best friend? "

Xiao AI said in disbelief, full of schadenfreude in her voice. Luo Xiaotian's name is well-known in kg international. Of course, it is the envy of others. In fact, no matter who can get the favor of Sunan City, they will be envied by these women.

When Xiuyuan heard the news, his first reaction was to doubt whether Sunan city was on a business trip? Why did you get involved with Luo Xiaotian's best friend?

Is Luo Xiaotian's best friend Anning?

Just when he suspected, the voice inside continued to ring, it was Xiaomi's voice.

"It's true. I heard that Luo Xiaotian caught me in bed on the spot. Thinking about the picture, I was excited. Oh, why didn't I go to my sister at that time? Maybe I can see this scene."

Xiao Mi's face is excited to imagine that picture. I really don't know what it would be like for the president to be arrested and raped?

"So the president is really injured and hospitalized?"

Recently, someone in the company said that the president was injured and hospitalized, but Secretary Jin said that the president was on a business trip. Because Secretary Jin was the president's right-hand man, the rumor was broken.

Xiao Mi replied mysteriously, "Secretary Jin is lying. My sister saw Secretary Jin in the hospital. She heard that she was going to deliver food to the president, so the president must have been injured."

Xiuyuan didn't continue to listen to the following content, because he got the information he wanted. Sunan city was injured. It wasn't going to open up new markets. I didn't expect Jin Ke to be so bold and dare to release false news.

Oh, he wants to see how the omnipotent Secretary Jin can come round.

He sped to the office. When Xiao Li saw him, she stood up respectfully.

"General manager."

Fix always have no what facial expression of explain a way, "if someone seeks me now, all return, until I come out from the office."

Xiao Li nodded respectfully.

As soon as he got back to the office, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Luo Xiaoyu's number.

After a while, the mobile phone was picked up, and Luo Xiaoyu's sweet voice sounded in Xiuyuan's ear.

"Yuan, how can I call someone at this time?"

Luo Xiaoyu looked around and said sweetly.

Since Luo Xiaotian lost face at her birthday party last time, she was dismissed from the company. Now she works in Qinhuai's company, so she is much more cautious than before.

Xiuyuan is not in the mood to flirt with her. He opens the door to the mountain road, "is Luo Xiaotian's best friend the one named Anning?"

Hearing Luo Xiaotian's name, the original bright smile suddenly collapsed. She said with a douzhe mouth, "Xiuyuan, can we not mention Luo Xiaotian's name?"

It's really damaging.

Xiuyuan laughed, "don't you always want to see Luo Xiaotian's jokes? Now there's an opportunity in front of you. Do you want it? "

Luo Xiaoyu's expression brightened, "really? What happened to Luo Xiaotian? "

Xiuyuan repeated what he had just heard. After hearing this, Luo Xiaoyu couldn't help laughing. Later, he felt that he was laughing too loud, so he looked around. Fortunately, no one passed by.

She put away her smile and asked in a low voice, "really? You said that Sunan city and Anning were caught in bed by Luo Xiaotian? Ha ha, isn't Anning claiming to be Luo Xiaotian's best friend? How can you rob a man who is a good friend? "

At the thought of Anning, she didn't want to slander herself. Now she can't help but want to be happy.I didn't expect that Luo Xiaotian and Anning would have such a day.

"Xiaoyu, I want you to do something for me..."

After hanging up the phone, Xiuyuan's face appears a shade of gloomy color, oh, Sunan City, this is your own opportunity, he is not polite to accept.

But before that, he has to give a small gift.

Xiao Li looks at Xiuyuan who goes out again and stands up again, respectfully waiting for the order.

"Secretary Xiao, how about going to a good play with me?"

Xiuyuan said with a smile.

Xiao Li Leng for a while, but quickly reaction, "OK, repair general." No matter what good play you go to, it's not wrong to follow.

In the president's office, Jin Ke feels that his hands are hard to beat four punches. He can't handle so many things even if he is given 48 hours a day?

But the president has been trapped in love these days. He only likes to stay at home and play closed. Unless there is something urgent, he will solve it on the phone.

But these things didn't bother him. What really depressed him was that he didn't know what was going on in his right eye. He jumped all morning, but still didn't mean to stop. If he went on like this, he was afraid that the right eye would cramp directly.

Grow so big, still don't know what taste is eye cramp?

Anyway, it's all right to catch up with each other.

Just as he was roaring up to the sky, there was a sound at the door. Instinctively, he looked up and saw Xiuyuan coming towards him, followed by several senior executives of the company.

A man's sixth sense tells him that he who comes is not good.

After taking a deep breath, he quickly put on a smiling face and said, "general manager, uncle Cheng, Uncle Li, you are..."

Xiuyuan sees Jin Ke and shows a smile with deep meaning. Today, he will take Jin Ke to practice.

Jin Ke shivered when he saw him. He didn't want to worry about it. He was calm and calm. The big deal was that the water came and the land was covered, and the soldiers came and stopped him.