We Xiujia won’t recognize such a woman

When it comes to children, xiulaozi's anger has gone out a lot, but he still says with an ugly face, "children can stay, but Nancheng, we Xiujia won't recognize such a woman."

The implication is that he wants the child, but the mother of the child can only ha ha.

When Xiuyuan heard the old man's words, he was relieved. If the old man didn't like the child, he wanted to attack Sunan City, but he had lost the chance.

Fortunately, xiulaozi is so old-fashioned that he still attaches great importance to his children.

"Also, when a peaceful child is born, a man's surname is Xiu." Mr. Xiu thought for a moment and added.

If the child's surname is Xiu, his family's property will fall back to Xiu anyway.

I have to say that master Xiu's abacus is still very loud.

But his words changed the faces of all the people present, and everyone had their own measurement in their hearts.

Cheng Ya subconsciously looks at her eldest son, the child and other people's surnames, which is not a glorious thing for a man.

But the biggest influence of his words is not Sunan City, but Xiuyuan, who has always been thinking about his family.

He didn't expect the old man to insist so much? Even if such a thing happened in Sunan City, it almost made people laugh?

Jealousy makes him forget his brotherhood completely. Jealousy is enough to obliterate human nature.

He clenched his hands tightly, and the veins on the back of his hands were enough to show his forbearance. Even if he was no longer happy, he was not qualified to say no in front of the old man.

On the other hand, when the client heard that the child wanted to be surnamed Xiu, he looked calm and shameful, as if it had nothing to do with him.

A few seconds later, the public heard his voice, "grandfather, I was given medicine that day. Are you sure the child is normal? After all, what the State advocates now is eugenics. "

The old man's son is tiny Leng son for a while, and then the Mou son flashed a trace of Yin Li, "if the inspection child has a problem, then deal with it again."

Clearly is a life, but no matter the child's father, or the name of the child's grandfather, who did not take him seriously.

Xiuyuan's brain, after time's repair, was finally rebooted. He spent so much energy to let his family know about his children, but it didn't end like this.

He said to the old man with a smile on his face, "grandfather, we don't know whether the child is healthy, but until we are sure that the child has problems, we can't let the child live outside, do you think?"

Sunan City coldly raised his eyes to glance at him one eye, in the heart cold hum a, this is the medicine that Xiuyuan gourd sells?

There's no way for him, so I just find something to disgust him. No wonder the Xius don't like it.

Xiuyuan turned the gun head to Sunan city with bad intentions. "Brother, I know you are angry, but the child is innocent, and this child is the first grandson of Xiuyuan's family. How can you do it?"

Master Xiu thought about it for a moment, and ordered, "well, Nancheng, you can get people here and let your mother take care of her."

"No, Grandpa. I'll let Anning go to my place and let Su ma take care of her."

Sunan city doesn't dare to put the peace full of bad thoughts on the side of xiuzhai. If he doesn't worry about the backyard, how can he fight in the front line?

When master Xiu thinks that he still has Su Ma there, he doesn't say much and agrees. However, he is afraid that Su Nancheng will disobey his words, so he specially tells Cheng Ya to pick up Anning together.

When leaving the house, Cheng Ya is not at ease to send her son out. She looks at the eldest son, who has not been close to her since she was a child. "Small town, how do you come here these days?"

Out of this kind of thing, presumably the son's heart is not good, right? But she, as a mother, has been kept in the dark all the time.

Sunan city looked down at the well maintained face, showed the first relaxed smile at night, and comforted, "Mom, I'm ok. Don't worry, I'll deal with it."

"That Xiaotian she..."

Luo Xiaotian is the first girl to show her to her son. He must like that child, but now that something like this happens, can these two children get along with each other as if they have nothing to do?

Mentioning Luo Xiaotian's name, Sunan city showed a sad look on her face. She said bitterly, "Xiaotian, she's gone. She's very angry." But the next second, he promised Cheng Yashi, "but mom, don't worry, I won't let her go, I won't let her go."

Cheng Ya is a little sad, but she can't think of any words to persuade her son. She can only hold her son's hand tightly, so as to transfer energy to him.

Just for a moment, Sunan city had sorted out her fragile heart and said to her mother with a smile, "Mom, I'm ok. It's cold outside. Go in quickly."

Cheng Ya nodded and went back to the inside step by step.

Seeing the closed gate, the smile on Sunan city's face quickly faded and strode toward the car.

Xiuyuan, standing on the second floor, saw the car driving away, with a sneering smile on his face. Sunan City, our war has just officially started.From now on, I will let the old man down to you bit by bit. The peaceful thing is just an appetizer. I hope you have a good meal.

As the car sped along the winding road, the man with a gloomy face pushed the accelerator to the bottom.

Thanks to the fact that it's night and there are few cars on this road, this high-performance car can give full play to its best performance, drifting one by one.

This crazy drag racing behavior didn't end until it was almost downtown, and the accelerator on the foot slowly recovered from the most tense state to the usual state.

Sunan city's mood because of a vent obviously eased a lot, but the face is still ugly.

He suddenly turned the steering wheel and drove in the opposite direction from the downtown apartment.

The night became more and more deep. A black car on the downstairs of an apartment connected with the night.

There was a man standing beside the car. The dots on his hand showed that the man was smoking a cigarette.

If it's not the cover of night, you can see a pile of cigarette butts on the ground.

While smoking, Sunan city looks up at the apartment in front of him. The apartment is very high. He can't tell which floor is yunjixi's house. But when he thinks that Luo Xiaotian is in that house, he feels much closer to her.

Originally, he planned to go to Luo Xiaotian with the evidence at night to tell her the truth of the matter. He didn't betray this relationship, and he didn't feel sorry for her.

But the child's affairs disturb his plan. He doesn't know if Anning is really pregnant, but it has to be said that the pregnancy has indeed succeeded in preventing him from looking for Luo Xiaotian to make peace.

Xiaotian, can you wait for me again? I will give you an account of this.