
In the tea restaurant, a classic love you more thanic an say is playing melodiously. Sitting by the window, a lady in noble dress is using coffee gracefully. But with her frequent actions of looking at the door, we can see that she is waiting for someone.

Anning came in a hurry. When he arrived at the door of the restaurant, he adjusted his breath and went to the appointed position.

Four eyes meet, in each other's eyes to see each other's doubts.

Peaceful smile first say hello, "Hello, are you the mother of Nancheng?"

Cheng Ya did not answer directly, but first looked at the woman in front of her. She was charming, beautiful and capable. This was her evaluation of peace. But how could such an excellent woman disdain to poison the small town?

If there is no such thing as taking medicine, Cheng Ya is sure that she will fall in love with this woman at first sight. She sees her young shadow in Anning. If she does not marry Xiushu, she should also shine in the workplace.

"Auntie?" Peaceful and nervous again.

Last night, Luo Xiaoyu told her about her decision to build a family. After hanging up the phone, she was excited and didn't fall asleep all night. She was full of scenes when she lived with Sunan city.

In the early hours of the morning, she had a dream. She even dreamed about the imaginary child, the happy day of their family.

So she was in a daze all morning.

All this until after receiving a strange phone call, she felt that she had been floating and finally landed.

Did the mother of Sunan city actually call in person? The nuns couldn't wait to show their attitude when they didn't arrive in the daytime last night. Although she was nervous and forgot the basic etiquette when she received the phone call, after hanging up the phone and calming down, she could not help feeling that a good day was coming.

The attitude of the Xius is very clear. They are willing to promote it.

Before going to the appointment, she constantly gave herself psychological construction. When Su Mu was finished, the revolution was half successful. But I didn't expect that when I saw Su mu, all her psychological construction collapsed, and her nervous palms were sweaty.

Cheng Ya returned to his senses and pointed to the opposite position without any expression. He said faintly, "sit down."

Anning walked to the seat and sat down.

"Aunt, I..."

The atmosphere is a little stagnant. She wants to say something to ease the atmosphere, but she is interrupted by Cheng Ya.

"Anning, I heard that you are Xiaotian's good friend?"

Her words make the smile on Anning's face suddenly stiff there, and her hands are twisted into numbness on her knees.

"Aunt, it's not..."

Cheng Ya interrupts Anning's explanation with gestures, and her eyes are a little colder, but her good upbringing makes her unable to say anything more hurtful.

"Anning, you don't have to explain. Xiaocheng has told me the truth about you. Although I don't agree with you, the child is innocent. Even if I don't like you in my heart, I can't deny the child in Xiaocheng. What's more, I think you should explain is Xiaotian."

Speaking of Luo Xiaotian, Cheng Ya's heart is somewhat regretful. She likes the child very much, but after experiencing this event, her fate with Xiaocheng may be over.

But fortunately, this one is called Anning. Even if she gives birth to a child, she will not be her daughter-in-law or her grandson's mother.

With her head bowed in embarrassment, she found that she was stripped in front of Su mu, and there was no secret.

But just in front of the truth, all lies can only be self humiliation.

At the same time, she was embarrassed. Fortunately, she got a diagnosis of early pregnancy after listening to Luo Xiaoyu's words. Otherwise, she would have accepted Su's merciless ridicule at this time.

Remembering what Luo Xiaoyu said to her last night, she pinched her thigh hard under the table. The pain made her lacrimal gland burst into tears involuntarily.

Sucking his nose, he looked up pitifully at Su Mu and choked, "aunt, I know I'm sorry for Xiaotian and Nancheng, but I really like Nancheng, just want to be closer to him. However, I can assure you that I have absolutely no other thoughts. You can rest assured that I will stay away from Nancheng and Xiaotian in the future and not disturb them. "

Seeing the peace of crying, Cheng Ya's hard heart began to loosen. She picked up a paper towel from the table and handed it to her. "Well, don't cry. You don't know you have a body. Even if you don't care about yourself, you are also taking care of your baby."

Anning took the paper towel, by wiping tears posture, mouth slightly a Yang.

It seems that Luo Xiaoyu is right. Su's mother is kind-hearted and simple. She only needs to shed a few tears in front of her to ensure that Su's mother is full of sympathy and won't say anything ugly.

Of course, there will be a thorn in her heart, but Anning believes that time is the best medicine. As long as time goes on, the thorn will be pulled out slowly.After wiping her tears, she looked at Su mu with a pair of rabbit eyes and said, "aunt, I won't trouble Nancheng any more, and I won't do that to Nancheng. If you don't believe me, I can swear."

For fear that Su Mu would not believe it, she held up four fingers to make a poison oath, although the possibility of making this poison oath was zero.

How could sue let herself take her grandson to make such a poisonous oath?

If Cheng Ya saw Anning raise her hand, she changed her face and said, "what are you doing? Don't mention the past. Today I come to you to discuss with you about the children. "

Anning blinked his wet eyes and said, "don't worry, this child belongs to me. I can raise him by myself."

"Nonsense!" Hearing that she was going to raise her child by herself, she was so anxious that she couldn't help yelling, "I know Nancheng doesn't like you, but the child is innocent, and I won't let the child grow up outside."

However, thinking of their current situation, she sighed, "I know the situation between you and Nancheng is a little complicated, but now the most important thing is the child. I have discussed with Nancheng and asked you to move to him for the time being. After all, there is an experienced Su MA in the apartment in Nancheng, and she will take care of you."

"As for you, we'll wait until the baby is born."

This sentence has far-reaching significance. Of course, Anning never dreamed that this kind-hearted Su's mother was also pursuing her son and abandoning her mother. Of course, Luo Xiaoyu didn't tell Anning about this kind of thing. After all, a lot of things will happen in ten months. They just cooperate with each other. They can terminate their cooperation at any time. There's no need to let each other know everything.

So Anning mistakenly thinks that Su's mother is implying that if she gives birth to a boy, she will be promoted to Mrs. Su smoothly because her son is expensive.

After all, in a rich family, children are more important than everything.