Don’t come to me in future

"Sunan City, you let go, you scratch me."

Luo Xiao Sirius was dragged to the door by the man. Although the boy wanted to help her, he couldn't resist someone's rough and powerful fist. He was expected to return home and didn't even know his mother.

"Luo Xiaotian, do you know that I am very angry now?"

Sunan city face sinister let her go, trying to ignore the woman's hand that was made red scars.

Luo Xiaotian shook his hand in pain. Did the man eat gunpowder at night? He used to fight each other without saying a word, but now he still says something in front of her. He's very angry?

Come on, who should be angry now?

"Sunan City, you just don't know."

She coldly dropped this sentence and then went inside again. Really, just now she was in a hurry and dragged her outside. Her clothes and bags were all inside? In such cold weather, if she goes out in such a way, she will be frozen into a popsicle.

"Luo Xiaotian, do you want men so much?"

When Sunan city saw that she had to go back to find the rich second generation, she was so angry that she could not choose to say anything.

Luo Xiaotian red eyes stop, tears in the eyes straight spin, but stubborn she never let them flow down.

After stopping for a few seconds, she took a deep breath and continued to walk inside.

But just walked less than two steps, her body was severely pulled back, she hit a generous chest, she was scared to scream.

After a while, she heard the man's angry voice ringing in her ear, "Luo Xiaotian, are you so cheap?"

Luo Xiaotian can't control her universe any more. Tears rush out of her eyes. Her vision is completely blurred, but it doesn't hinder her anger.

"Sunan City, please find out who is cheap? Did you think about me when you were rolling the sheets with Anning? Anning is pregnant with your child. Have you ever thought about me? Anning moved into your apartment. Have you ever thought about me? What right do you have to call me cheap? Even if I'm looking for a man, I'm socializing normally. "

Is it hard for him to think that he will defend himself for his whole life?

Obviously he did something wrong, but now he is criticizing her, isn't he?

Sunan city looked up at her, "I don't mean that."

Luo Xiaotian sneers twice, tears on her face and her cold expression make the heart of Sunan City sink continuously. He has a feeling that the little woman is getting farther and farther away from him.

"Sunan City, I've lost my boyfriend and my best friend at the same time since you and my best friend got together, so please don't restrict me as a boyfriend."

This will only make her feel that this man is scum, at least after Qinhuai split, or very happy to admit.

Sunan city's anger has been doused by Luo Xiaotian's coldness, and there is no spark. He admits his fate and sighs, trying to channel, "Anning and I are not what you think, I need a little time, Xiaotian, you wait, I will give you a reasonable explanation."

Luo Xiaotian wiped the tears on his face with the back of his hand and looked like him coolly, "sorry, Mr. Su, I don't have the time to wait for your explanation. Don't come to me in the future."

She resolutely walked away from the man, took back the clothes and bags with the fastest speed, and disappeared in front of Sunan city.

Sunan city looked at the back of leaving, lips pursed into a straight line, hands hanging on both sides tightly clenched into fists, joints and just fight with the young man left a bright red wound.

But the pain in the hand is far more than the pain in the heart.

Luo Xiaotian goes to the door of the hotel with one breath and stops a taxi at the fastest speed. When she gets on the taxi, she is shaking uncontrollably.

Do you know how hard she just pretended?

It's just to protect my little self-esteem.

"Where are you going, miss?" The taxi driver quickly put down the no guest sign and asked as a rule.

But I didn't hear a sound for a long time. I turned to the back seat and found that Luo Xiaotian had a white face. I asked anxiously, "are you OK, miss? Do you want to take you to the hospital?"

Luo Xiaotian pulled out a smile, "I'm ok, go to Donghui community."

The driver is still not at ease, "Miss, if you are really uncomfortable, you must go to the hospital to have a look. If you don't have a doctor for a minor disease, it will become a serious one."

I don't know whether it was the heating in the car or the driver's words that made Luo Xiaotian warm from inside to outside.

She really showed a smile to the driver, "thank you, master. I'm really OK. Maybe I ran too fast just now."

When the driver saw that her face recovered a little, he was relieved to drive on the road. The driver was Fu, a teacher in his 50s and 60s. Seeing that Luo Xiaotian was about the same age as his daughter, he opened his mouth.

"Miss, don't worry about me. I have a daughter about your age, but she hasn't been with me all the time."Luo Xiaotian said with a smile, "master, even if your daughter is not with you, she will feel your father's love."

She didn't mean to be perfunctory. Instead, she felt a strong paternal love from the driver's words. By comparison, her father was much more indifferent. No, it should be said that only Luo Xiaoyu could feel this strong paternal love.

From childhood to adulthood, Luo Xiaoyu is the only one in Luo's father's eyes. What he should have for her is only responsibility.

Now that she's grown up, she has no responsibility.

The driver laughed shyly, "my daughter is very filial. Although she is not with me, she will send me red envelopes every Spring Festival. You know, wechat red envelopes are very popular recently."

Luo Xiaotian's sadness was diluted by the driver's humorous words. She also replied with a smile, "master, you know the wechat red envelope..."

Two people have a chat without a word, let Luo Xiaotian mood relieved a lot, wait until the door, Luo Xiaotian mood has completely recovered.

Take a deep breath, take out the key and open the door with the least movement.

The light in the room is on.

"Xiaotian, is that you?"

Luo Xiaotian was stunned for a moment and quickly replied, "it's Ji Xi, but it's very late. Why haven't you had a rest?"

Although I just sat for a while at the party, I just watched the time in the taxi. It's already ten o'clock in the evening. What yunjixi needs most now is rest.

Cloud Ji Xi walked to him with a smile, "I don't trust you. I'm hesitating to call you."

Luo Xiaotian's eyes are hot. He is moved to help Yun Jixi sit down on the sofa. "Jixi, I'm an adult. Nothing will happen. Next time if you wait for me to sleep, I'll move out."

It's good to be missed, but Luo Xiaotian doesn't want to work too hard. Two lonely people are warm to each other because they meet at this time.