I want to be father of your baby

"Anning, don't rush to make a decision. Why don't I give you something?"

He pressed the switch to the dashboard, and a familiar sound came out of the car's stereo.

"Why do you think my life is so hard?"

"Sister, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?"

"My husband and I have been married for several years..."

Anning's face faded bit by bit. She pressed the stop button in a panic and asked, "Deng Qitian, what do you mean?"

Deng Qitian was not annoyed either. He drove calmly on the road and said, "it's meaningless. I just think we are the same kind of people, so it's necessary to get to know each other again."

That day, he accompanied a woman to have a miscarriage. Unexpectedly, at the door of the obstetrics and gynecology department, he saw Anning singing and acting with another woman. Naturally, he could not miss such a rare opportunity.

Fortunately, he thought peace was a serious family. He pretended to be pregnant? Ha ha, it's really interesting. I don't know who is the victim?

It was not until he followed Anning here that he found that Anning fell on a big fish this time. Since he ran into him, he had no reason not to take advantage of anything, did he?

Peaceful attitude excited denied, "Deng Qitian, who is like you, I am not like you."

Deng Qitian glanced at her and sneered, "peace, don't pretend to be tall in front of me. You can do such things as pretending to be pregnant. Do you still have fun with me here?"

Peaceful tension tightly corrects the bag on the knee, the eyes twinkle deny a way, "you don't talk nonsense, I don't understand what you say."

"Ha ha." Deng Qitian raised his head and laughed twice, "it doesn't matter if you don't understand. We can go to the hospital to check whether you are pregnant."

Anning changed his face and asked, "Deng Qitian, what do you want to do?"

Deng Qitian looked at her deeply and said frivolously, "I want to get back together."

"You dream." Anning refused without even thinking about it.

The car stopped at the side of the road. The wheels were rubbing against the ground violently. Anning fell forward carelessly for a moment. Fortunately, she tied her seat belt and didn't hit the windshield in front of her.

With a dark face, Deng Qi said, "Anning, don't pretend to be tall for me. Don't think I don't know why you pretend to be pregnant. Don't you just hook up with Sunan city? If you think mother is more expensive than son, don't you see if you have such a life? "

Tranquil heart continues to sink, especially after Deng Qitian completely guessed her mind, Deng Qitian's personality, she knows better than anyone, is a man who can't go any further.

Now that he knows about it, it's impossible for her to retreat completely. Anyway, she has become a tiger, and she doesn't care about one more Deng Qitian.

After making up her mind, Anning's face improved. She changed her cold attitude just now, took Deng Qitian's arm intimately, and said with a smile, "don't be angry, Qitian. I was joking just now."

Seeing that she changed her attitude, Deng Qitian no longer had a black face. Instead, she stretched out her hand and pinched her chin like a tease. Anning restrained her nausea and said with a smile, "Qitian, the reason why I pretended to be pregnant is to get the attention of Sunan city. Otherwise, how much money do you want? I'll give it to you, and you don't know whether it's good?"

Give money? Deng Qitian shook his head.

Quiet quietly frowned, "what do you want?"

Deng Qitian insidious smile, sexy thin lips slightly opened, "I want to Be the father of your baby. "

If his child becomes the son of Sunan City, is he afraid of no future?

Anning was surprised. She didn't expect Deng Qitian to be so vicious?

"Well, if you agree to my terms, I'll help you to become Mrs. su. After all, Mrs. Su's position is not what anyone wants to get?" Seeing that Anning was still hesitating, Deng Qitian's smile became more gloomy. "Or do you want me to tell Luo Xiaotian about this?"

He tut tut twice, "peace, I didn't expect that you are really cruel. Didn't you often tell me that Luo Xiaotian is your best friend before? Why, now even the best friend's man coveted? I look down on you

Peaceful reason collapsed because of his last words, and a trace of malice flashed at the bottom of his eyes. Deng Qitian, you forced me to do all this.

"I can agree to your terms, but will you really help me become Mrs. Su?

Deng Qitian raised the corner of his mouth sarcastically and said perfunctorily, "of course, I will help you."

Anning pretends to compromise and hugs Deng Qitian. In this way, the two people who have evil intentions think they have reached an agreement.

Kg international

as he walked to the office, all the staff he met on the way said hello to him. He just nodded his head indifferently in response.The employees of kg international have been familiar with his appearance for a long time.

When Jin Ke saw him, he quickly got up and followed him to report his whereabouts of the day.

While listening, Sunan city took off its coat and went to the back of its desk.

"By the way, President Jack just called and asked about the party last night. Did you attend any party last night?"

Jin Ke's face is full of gossip. He has never seen the president attend any party.

Sunan city didn't even lift her eyelids. She said casually, "nothing, just a very boring party."

Jin Ke didn't ask for any more information.

"By the way, can you help me find out who is the owner of this license plate number?"

Sunan city quickly wrote a license plate number on the post it note. It was the license plate number of the car he saw Anning get on in the morning. He glanced at it and remembered it.

Jin Ke took the post it note and found that the license plate number was also special. He asked, "is this urgent?"

Sunan city thought, "as soon as possible."

Jin Ke agreed, and then retired to start his day's work.

Sunan city also began to put in his day's work. Although he has been in a bad mood, he can't affect his work because of his personal emotions. After all, Xiuyuan is still eyeing this position.

The time of the day seems to blink. Sunan city is still dealing with business affairs. The office is so quiet that you can hear a needle drop to the ground.

The silence of all this was broken when the telephone on the desk rang.

Sunan City picked up one side of the phone, no mood to feed a.

"Young master, it's su ma. Are you off duty?"

Hearing Su Ma's voice, Sunan city's tense mood relaxed. He put down his work, leaned back and relaxed and said, "Su Ma, I haven't finished work yet. Didn't I ask you not to wait for me to go home for dinner?"

Under normal circumstances, he doesn't get off work on time, except for the time when Luo Xiaotian was there. Jin Ke was so surprised that he almost dropped his chin.