Will you?

Speaking of Linda, Jack is about to cry. If Linda will pay attention to him, will he save the country? Since coming down from that bed, Linda has locked the middle door, not to mention giving him a good face. He was forced to do so.

"Wuwu, Linda ignores me. Xiaotian, you won't ignore me, will you?"

Luo Xiaotian rolled his eyes impolitely, "no, I'm just a person who doesn't pay attention to business. Mr. President, where are you cool and where are you staying? My little employee is going to be very busy."

Jack saw that she began to focus on the pile of things in front of her, and quickly made a promise, "Xiaotian, if you help me with Linda, I'll promote you and increase your salary."

Luo Xiaotian sneered, "do you think I'm the kind of person who betrays friends for a small profit?"

Jack saw that her face was not right and knew that he had said something wrong. He apologized quickly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean that. I mean..."

"Stop, even if you don't have any preconditions and want to be promoted or paid, I refuse, OK?"

The scene of just entering the company is just like yesterday. It's not easy to get along well with colleagues here. Don't be promoted to another position. Besides, she knows how much she weighs.

Jack saw that he couldn't be soft, so he had to be hard. He immediately changed his face and said in an ordered tone, "Luo Xiaotian, as the president, I order you to attend at night and pay you overtime."

Luo Xiaotian only thinks that a group of crows are flying over his head. What else can he do besides suppressing others with power? It's the same with the last birthday party, and it's the same now. I wonder if his friends only make friends with him because of his identity.

"President, if you think it's fun to use power over others, you can do it."

She said with a cold face, not feeling pressure because of Jack's words.

Jack saw the cold face and immediately counseled.

"Come on, auntie, I'm wrong, can't I? I just want to treat you to dinner. Is it so difficult? "

Luo Xiaotian glanced at him, and finally nodded reluctantly under his expectant little eyes, but she solemnly declared, "this is the last time."

Jack quickly made an OK gesture.

After work, Luo Xiaotian knocked on Linda's office.

When Linda looked up and saw Luo Xiaotian, she asked with a smile, "it's not work. Why don't you go home?" Speaking at the same time, the hands of the keyboard is constantly beating.

When Luo Xiaotian saw her, there was an unnatural flash in her eyes, forced out a smile, pretended to be relaxed, "boss, are you free at night? I'd like to invite you to dinner

Linda's busy hand pauses, takes her eyes away from the computer screen, and looks at Luo Xiaotian's twinkling eyes.


The crisp sound is especially alarming in a quiet room.

Luo Xiaotian answered with a guilty heart. He didn't dare to look directly at Linda.

"Xiaotian, do you have something to hide from me?"

Linda is sure to say, in fact, Xiaotian is a very simple woman, what's in her heart will be written on her face like now.

During this time, she knew that Xiaotian was in a bad mood. Although she didn't ask the reason, she could see that there was something wrong with her relationship with Sunan city.

As her boss, Linda is very happy to see Luo Xiaotian now. At least her heart is devoted to her work. However, as her friend, she has to care about her real situation.

Like now

Obviously, he has something on his mind.

Luo Xiaotian bites her lower lip and struggles in her heart. Finally, between Jack and Linda, she chooses Linda.

"I'm sorry, boss. I didn't offer you, but Jack offered you."

After closing her eyes, she simply explained everything.

When Linda heard Jack's name, her face flashed with a twinkle, but it's not surprising. After all, she has been with Jack for so long, and she knows that what he is good at is threatening others.

I didn't expect to reach Xiaotian this time.

"He told you all about it?" Linda said slightly bitterly.

Luo Xiaotian nods awkwardly. He doesn't know what to say to Linda at this time. After all, it's Linda's private affair.

Linda saw her embarrassed, pretending to atmosphere said, "it's OK, it's just one night stand, now it's very popular, I'm back to the trend."

Luo Xiao squatted in front of Linda in the sky, grabbed her hand and revealed his true feelings, "boss, I know you are not a casual person. You should be very uncomfortable about this, too?"

Linda covered it up so well that she didn't find any clues before.

"It's OK. By the way, does Jack want us to have dinner together?" Linda doesn't want to continue on this topic. In fact, she doesn't pay much attention to the issue of losing her virginity. The reason why she keeps her virginity is not because she has a virginity plot, but because she doesn't meet the right person.

And Jack? How to say, at least for now, she doesn't hate it. Besides, she is old and old. It's good to feel * * at least. At least there will be no regrets. Anyway, she didn't want to enter the grave of marriage.Luo Xiaotian shook his head. "Linda, if you don't want to go, we can not go."

Linda said with a smile, "go, why don't you go and eat for nothing."

Luo Xiaotian is embarrassed to smoke a corner of the mouth, young lady, you are very short of that meal?

But now that Linda has agreed, she doesn't have to pull her leg. It's a confession to Jack.

When they go downstairs, Jack is leaning on his red sedan car. Seeing Luo Xiaotian holding Linda's hand, his face almost turns into a chrysanthemum.

When Luo Xiaotian saw this face, he felt very funny. He could be a handsome man with a cold face, but he had to put on chrysanthemums to make fun of it.

"Linda, Xiaotian, it's such a coincidence. Where are you going? I'll see you off."

Jack pretended to meet Luo Xiaotian at the door according to the plot he had just agreed with him.

Luo Xiaotian almost didn't laugh when he heard the grandiose voice. He thought other people's intelligence quotient was zero. Just like he was, would others not know that he was waiting for someone?

I ran into le

Jack saw that Luo Xiaotian didn't follow the routine and gave her a wink. Just as his eyes were about to twitch, Luo Xiaotian said with a smile, "president, do you have any trouble with your eyes?"

Eye discomfort? Jack almost didn't mention it in one breath. What's wrong with his eyes? He's not

Why do you feel tired?

When Linda saw Jack's dying face, she was so happy.

Although I don't wait to see him these days, I'm not angry with him, I just don't understand my feelings, but now I see Jack's face, she suddenly feels relieved.

Although the experience of * *, but the feelings? Maybe it's good to have a vigorous relationship with Jack. In her opinion, Jack is a dissolute man, not to mention the number of women who have slept with him. It's no burden to fall in love with such a man.