
"Brother Dong, what's the point? Last time I just invited you to a big stall, but in the evening you invited me to such a high-end restaurant? "

In another corner of the restaurant, Deng Qitian said to Li Dong with a embarrassed face.

Since the last drunk, their relationship has rapidly risen to the stage of brotherhood.

Li Dong's eyes with beautiful pupils flashed a light quickly and said, "Xiaotian, do you think you can see that? We are brothers. How can we measure it by money? If you can give me face, I'll be very happy to come out for dinner at night. Come on, you can help yourself. Please come out at night

Deng Qitian glanced at the menu. Good guy, every dish here is three digits. What's more expensive is even four or five digits. You can imagine the grade of this restaurant.

Embarrassed, he handed the menu to the opposite Li Dong and said with a smile, "brother Dong, you'd better order it."

So expensive food, he can't start ah, at the thought of his own words, his face is hot hot.

If brother Dong came to this restaurant for dinner at the beginning, he would not be allowed to slap face on the spot? Thinking of this, he feels that Li Dong is a good man and treats him as a good friend.

Li Dong didn't pay attention to this detail. No matter how much he ate for the meal, he could repay Jin Ke. He also took this opportunity to experience the life of a rich family.

Therefore, he is not soft handed in ordering dishes. He will order any dish that is expensive.

"What kind of fish eggs is this caviar made of?"

He pointed to the caviar on the menu and asked.

Usually, I watch a lot of TV. In reality, I haven't eaten caviar, but I haven't eaten pork. I've seen pigs run. It's also a surprise to scare people.

When Deng Qitian heard the three words of caviar, he was immediately interested in it. The most favorite thing for those rich wives he used to soak in was this thing. So at this time, he had the most say and quickly echoed, "we don't want sturgeon eggs."

The waiter said with a smile, "two gentlemen, please rest assured that our caviar is not made of sturgeon eggs, but it tastes no worse than caviar made of sturgeon eggs."

In fact, Li Dong wanted to make Deng Qitian trust himself more. When his goal was achieved, he didn't ask for the origin of the caviar. "OK, let's have two servings of this, and another two servings of foie gras and Tricholoma matsutake."

Remembering that drinking a little wine can make people relax their vigilance, he asked Deng Qitian with a smile, "Xiaotian, open a bottle of red bar?"

Deng Qitian nodded quickly. The red wine here is not something you usually have a chance to drink.

After serving the dishes and drinking a few glasses of red wine, Deng Qitian's spirit relaxed. He said to Li Dong mysteriously, "brother Dong, I'll tell you something. You can help me to give some advice. What should I do?"

Li Dong's expression brightened for a while, pretending to be calm and said, "what's the matter? You look like you're a little upset?"

Deng Qitian carefully looked around, motioned for Li Dong to come over, and then whispered, "I feel someone is following me."

Li Dong's eyes flashed a trace of banter, but his expression was full of seriousness and worry, "someone is following you? Could it be the man who tried to kill you last time? "

It seems that the boy's vigilance is not bad, and it's not in vain that he has been following for so long. He's afraid that Deng Qitian won't find out, and he's showing his horse's feet.

Fortunately, his hard work is visible. Just look at Deng Qitian's frightened appearance.

Deng Qitian shook his head hesitatingly, "I don't know, but I've been careful recently. I try not to go to remote places. Fortunately, I didn't let the other party find a chance to start. Brother, what do you think I should do? Do you want to call the police? "

When Li Dong heard that he wanted to call the police, he naturally refused. If he called the police, what else could he do?

"It's certainly right to find the police uncle when you have difficulties, but in your case, if you find the police uncle, they will make a record for you at most, and then tell you to be careful. Your situation is still unresolved. What can you do?"

Of course, Li Dong didn't cheat him. After all, up to now, he hasn't suffered any substantial harm. The police force of other people is limited. They can't spend too much police force on it before the accident.

Seeing that Deng Qitian was still hesitant, Li Dong continued to say, "even if they give you the police force, they will send people to protect you 24 hours. But how long can the police protect you? You don't know the source. If people want to kill you, it's not a one-off thing?"

"Brother, what do you want to do?" Deng Qitian was successfully fooled. He grabbed Li Dong's hand in a panic and kept shaking.

It happened that the waiter came up to deliver the food. When he saw the two people's movements, he was surprised. It turned out that these two were Brokeback Mountain.

It's a pity that such a good-looking man should have a problem with his sexual orientation.

Deng Qitian, who is in a state of mental tension, naturally does not find the abnormality of the waiter. But who is Li Dong? He is more sensitive than most people. When the waiter gives a look, he has already noticed that he instinctively wants to withdraw his hand, but it depends on whether Deng Qitian can let go?Deng Qitian regarded Li Dong as a dead branch in the vast ocean, which was his only hope for survival.

Until the waiter left their table, Li Dong's hand was still held. At this time, his heart was broken. When he reimbursed Jin Ke at night, he had to count the mental loss.

TMD, it's a tough job. What's the point?

"Brother, do you have a word to say?"

Just now when the waiter was present, Deng Qitian didn't speak. When the person left, he couldn't help it any more. He said bitterly.

Li Dong only felt a group of crows flying over his head. He said awkwardly, "Xiaotian, would you like to let go first? People see that the influence is not good. "

He is a respectable seven foot man. His sexual orientation is absolutely normal. It can't be misunderstood.

Deng Qitian found that he had been holding each other's hand. He was embarrassed to smile and retracted his hand.

This action happened to be seen by the waiter just now. She misunderstood that the expression on Deng Qitian's face was a shy one, and the Three Outlooks were destroyed. When she returned to the service desk, she told her colleagues what she saw, and colleagues told her colleagues what she saw. The whole restaurant staff knew about this table.

Li Dong never dreamed that things would develop in this way. Fortunately, he finally found that the abnormality was when he checked out, otherwise he really didn't know whether he could sit in the restaurant until Sunan city came with peace.

Of course, these are afterwords. Now Li Dong is trying to pour Deng Qitian's bucket of suspicious water on Anning.

It is said that flies don't stare at seamless eggs. As long as there is a gap between the two people, many things can be solved.