Drunken sex with yunjixi

Anning pinches herself secretly. She is a pig. When she is excited, she forgets the false pregnancy? But without the help of alcohol, how could she go further with Sunan city?

Can't you give him medicine again and again?

But at the thought of men's softening attitude, maybe this day will come soon. After all, men are high-grade animals who think about their lower body.

She laughed awkwardly and explained, "the doctor said a small amount of red wine is OK."

Although Sunan city has doubts, it's a man. No matter how hateful he thinks about peace, he won't hurt his children, but he doesn't think about peace. There are no children in his stomach.

Jack saw the two opposite women's more and more ugly faces, and cried in his heart. Brother Cheng won't do anything too much, will he?

It's a pity that he is sitting with his back to Sunan city. Even if he is curious, he doesn't dare to turn around frequently. However, judging from the appearance of Xiaotian and Linda, the situation is not very optimistic.

"Jack, boss, I'd like to propose a toast to you. I wish you all the best and the best."

All of a sudden, Luo Xiaotian poured a full glass of wine for himself. He said it inexplicably, and without waiting for their reaction, he drank it all.

Linda didn't stop her, but if she saw her ex boyfriend and her girlfriend holding hands, she would vomit blood.

In fact, they really wronged Sunan city. In their eyes, it was only a matter of angle. Moreover, Sunan city turned its back on them, so they could not see his real expression. On the contrary, they could see the sweet look on Anning's face clearly.

"Jack, I'd like to toast you again. Thank you for helping my career."

After drinking a glass of red wine in one breath, I poured a glass of wine for myself in the blink of an eye.

Jack was so anxious that his back was wet that he raised his voice involuntarily. "Xiaotian, drink slowly so that you will get drunk."

The western restaurant was quiet. His voice spread into the ears of Sunan city. He unconsciously narrowed his eyes. However, when he saw the woman with a smiling face in front of him, he restrained himself from turning and looking.

Anning naturally heard it and saw it. Bitter meat plan? Ha ha, I didn't expect that Luo Xiaotian, who has always been simple, would have a bitter plan?

But is it too late to use bitter meat? Compared with the child in her stomach, this bitter meat scheme is simply bad.

Luo Xiaotian doesn't have much to drink. After two glasses of red wine, her smart eyes begin to be dull. Fortunately, her wine is good. When she is drunk, she just falls asleep on the table.

"Xiaotian, how are you?"

Linda shakes the sleeping Luo Xiaotian, but there is no response. She is anxious to pour her anger on the man opposite, "it's all your fault. What kind of food do you want us to come out for?"

If you don't come out, will you come across something like this?

Jack good temper with a smile, admit his mistake, "yes, it's my fault, next time I ask you to come out for dinner, I will watch the Yellow calendar." So as not to meet the wrong people.

"But Xiaotian is drunk. What should I do? Do you know where she lives? "

You can't take her home, can you? If he really takes Luo Xiaotian back to his home, I'm afraid that Sunan city will be the first to destroy himself.

Linda glanced at Sunan city not far away, deliberately raised decibels and said, "of course I know where she lives. Let's take her back to her friends, and someone will take care of her."

She didn't know how someone would react to it, because from her point of view, someone's back was straight all the time. But no matter what, also want to let the other party know, Xiaotian is not nobody want.

Jack didn't know about yunjixi, so he asked, "do you live in a friend's house? But will it be bad for us to send her like this? "

"No, yunjixi likes Xiaotian. I'd like to have this chance."

Yunjixi likes Luo Xiaotian. It's just a casual remark from Linda, but it's just a way to block up the southern city of Jiangsu. She gives Jack a look by the way. The latter can only harden her head and say, "but Xiaotian is drunk, just in case..."

He really can't say the following words, but he doesn't need to say anything more. People can do it by themselves. For example, four words spontaneously appear in the brain of Sunan City, drunken disorder.

His hand with the tableware was already pale, and his sharp chin was more straight.

Anning, after hearing this, quietly raises a sarcastic smile. It's better to have a drunken sex with Yun Jixi, so she doesn't care about Luo Xiaotian.

"Excuse me, I'll go to the bathroom."

Sunan city suddenly interrupts Anning's tiresome thought, gets up and strides to the bathroom.

Linda saw that Sunan city had left, and she was too lazy to act. She helped Luo Xiaotian and left quickly.

Jack quickly beckons the waiter to pay. Just as he swipes his card to catch up with Linda and Luo Xiaotian, the sound of vibration comes from his mobile phone.

Turn on the mobile phone and see, "if you dare to send Xiaotian to yunjixi, you will die."It's a wechat sent by Sunan city. You can see what kind of mood Sunan city is in the bathroom at this time by looking at the contents of the screen.

He shook his head helplessly, put away his mobile phone, and quickly ran after the two people who had gone far away.

A good play is over, but another is about to begin.

"Xiaotian, did you break up with your girlfriend?"

Li Dong deliberately ignores the haze on Deng Qitian's face and asks knowingly.

Anning's photo had been seen at Deng Qitian's residence before, so it's normal for him to recognize Anning.

When Deng Qitian saw the two intimate people, he felt as if they had been suddenly opened up to Ren and Du, and all his thoughts became clear.

No wonder Anning has been hiding from herself recently. It turns out that she has already taken care of Sunan City, so is she ready to take off the grind and kill the donkey?

Oh, I think it's beautiful. Deng Qitian has never been a loser.

"Break up? Hum, she's a whore with thousands of people riding. Brother Dong, you're right. She must have asked someone to kill me. "

Li Dong's expression brightened, and finally saw the dawn.

He pretended to be unbelievable. "Do you think she is? No, she looks pretty. How could she ask someone to kill you? "

Deng Qitian sneered, "birds die for food, people die for money, what can she do?"

He never thought that the always proud peace would pretend to be pregnant for a man? So nothing is impossible.

"I can't understand you any more."

Li Dong really didn't know what riddle Deng Qitian was playing. He knew there was a secret between them, but Deng Qitian didn't say it.

Deng Qitian interrupted him, "you don't have to worry about this, just wait for the good news from your friends."

Anning feels that Youdao's sinister eyes have been staring at her, but she looks around and doesn't find anything unusual. Besides, Luo Xiaotian, the only person she knows in this restaurant, has gone. Who is looking at her?