Where is the child?

Anning just feels that his head is about to explode. Why does his head hurt so much?

When she came to her senses, the scene before her coma finally came to her mind. She was pushed by Deng Qitian, bumped into the coffee table and bled a lot.

Oh, my God, she's not going to break up, is she?

She suddenly got up and found that she didn't want the hotel, but a white bed, looked at the surrounding decoration, should be in the hospital.

So Deng Qitian sent her to the hospital?

Well, he still has a conscience.

"Why, are you awake?"

When the nurse came in for ward round, she saw Anning sitting up and asked.

Anning saw the nurse and began to care about her appearance. "Nurse, is my face broken? Will it leave scars? "

The nurse saw that she was so urgent that she said with a smile, "you are very concerned about your appearance. Aren't you afraid of damaging your brain?"

Anning said with disdain, "look at the way I speak so clearly now, can I crash my brain?"

"It's not stupid, but you've had a big bump. You may have a mild concussion. You may want to vomit and feel sick. You'd better stay in bed these days and keep your mood as stable as possible."

The nurse didn't care about her attitude and said the things that needed attention.

Anning said impatiently, "well, I know. What's wrong with my face? Will it disfigure you? "

The nurse glanced at her, looking very beautiful and delicate. How could she have such a bad temper? I don't know if it's better to ask.

"Disfigurement is not so bad, but it will definitely leave scars. After all, your forehead has been sewn with a few stitches. Although you use beauty thread, it's impossible to restore your former appearance."

"What, you said I would leave scars?"

Anning excitedly grasped the nurse's hand and asked in disbelief, but she was so excited that her brain suddenly appeared, and she had to fall back to bed.

The nurse who was caught in pain wanted to get angry very much, but the patient with concussion couldn't get angry. In case the patient got angry, it was her who was unlucky.

"Don't worry, your wound is in front of your forehead, and you can't see it if you cover it with bangs. Besides, with the development of science and technology, it's really impossible. Can't you just trim it? I didn't say just now that you can't get excited. Do you think your brain will suffer again when you get excited? "

"Get out, get out of here..."

Anning thought that her face was broken, where could she hear the nurse's words and throw everything she could.

Sunan city just came in from the door, almost hit by the pillow.

Anning saw Sunan City, and then stopped. She cried to him with an aggrieved face, "Nancheng, she said my face is broken. What can I do?"

When the nurse saw the patient who finally calmed down, she was finally relieved to see the patient's family members coming and left as soon as possible.

Sunan city looks at her with a cold face. The cold light in her eyes makes people shiver. Anning cries and stops involuntarily. Under the man's eyes, she can't help feeling guilty.

I was too sad just now. I didn't expect why Sunan city appeared here? But now look at his expression, do you know the truth?

Thinking of this, her hand holding the quilt could not help shaking.

"Nancheng, Nancheng, why are you here? Did the doctor inform you? "

Sunan City stood in front of her, squinting dangerously, like a furious lion.

The strong air pressure makes Anning suffocate, and a restless heart is about to jump out of his chest.

"Peace, don't you have anything to say to me?"

It seems that after a century, Sunan city finally opened its mouth, but the cold voice seemed to come from hell. Although tranquility didn't let her expression show any guilty feelings, she shivered at the bottom of her heart. The fear in her eyes had already revealed her mood at this time, "I, what do I want to say? I don't know what you mean... "

"Don't understand?" Sunan City sneers, the cold meaning burst out from the bottom of his eyes seems to want to freeze the peace, and his resolute chin is tight.

"Since you broke your brain, why don't I remind you, such as how you got hurt in the hotel, and where's the baby in your stomach?"

Anning's strong emotion is like a broken cow's rubber band, which suddenly falls into panic. What should we do? Sunan city really knows everything.

Sunan city had a panoramic view of her panic, but his anger did not ease because of the other party's panic. On the contrary, his anger rose in a straight line.

How could he be fooled by a woman? This is an indelible disgrace to others.

He took two steps forward, gripping Anning's neck angrily, "Anning, do you know? I really want to kill you. "

At this time, he is going crazy, and he is going to be upset by the children in Anning's stomach. He tells himself that he can't go to Luo Xiaotian until the matter is solved, but in the end, he finds that he is a complete fool, cheated by a woman.Until I know that the children's affairs are a fabrication of peace

Anning is choked by the southern city of Jiangsu Province. Her hands instinctively struggle to release the man's hand, but with the strength of the other party increasing, she can't even say a word.

At this moment, she clearly felt that death was so close to her.

No, she can't die like this. She can't die like this.

Her pupils are dilated because of fear, and her consciousness is gradually lax because of lack of oxygen. Isn't she going to die like this today?

Unwilling tears came from the corners of both eyes

Sunan city closed her eyes and finally pushed her away.

The air and consciousness gradually flow towards peace. Peace covers her neck and breathes fresh oxygen. She has never felt that oxygen is so precious.

It's great to be alive!

At this moment, she felt that nothing was better than being alive.

Sunan city didn't have any temperature to look at her and said coldly, "peace, you can't even compare with Xiaotian's finger in my eyes, so you don't want to trap me with your child. Do you really think that when you are pregnant, you can sit in Mrs. Su's position with your child? I tell you, from the beginning to the end, Xiujia just wanted your children, and you Ha ha, it may be difficult to see the child at that time. "

Anning deceived himself and shook his head, "no, no, if I'm really pregnant, you will marry me, you will..."

"Marry you?" Sunan city seems to hear a joke, "this should be the condition Xiuyuan promised you, right? You don't want to think, how could they want a daughter-in-law who drugged me? "

"But your surname is su. You're not Xiu. I want to be your wife, not Xiu's daughter-in-law. "

Anning doesn't want to marry into a family. All she wants is Sunan city.