Kids are fake

She was kidnapped by Sunan city just now, but she didn't bring her mobile phone. Now she can't even call for help. Most importantly, she doesn't know where it is?

After a heavy sigh, she backed back from the door, just as she came. Even if the guy in Sunan city was angry, he would not hurt himself.

I just don't know what happened to Ji Xi? Did Secretary Jin take him to the hospital.

Alas She sighed heavily again.

The house is large or small. According to the visual inspection, it is only 200 square meters. It has all kinds of household appliances and daily necessities, except for the telephone.

It seems that Sunan city is determined to keep her here.

Open the refrigerator, see a refrigerator of food, Luo Xiaotian secretly curse a, this man is ready to shut her for a few days? I'm afraid if I don't go out for ten days and a half months, I'll never die of hunger.

Just as Tieqing drove away from Sunan city with a green face, he sneezed n times, but it has to be said that a handsome guy is a handsome guy, even the posture of sneezing is very handsome.

Just then the telephone on the dashboard rang in time.

Sunan city pressed the answer button of the steering wheel, Jin Ke's voice sounded in the car stereo.

"President, I have sent Mr. Yun to the hospital. The doctor said that Mr. Yun needs to be hospitalized for observation for a few days."

Jin Ke conveyed the doctor's words one by one, but what he didn't say was that Yun Jixi's face was very bad. Although the doctor dealt with it very often, it seemed that the situation was not ideal. At least from the painful expression on people's faces, we can see that the pain level was not light.

Sunan City coldly answered, "just find him a senior nurse."

Jin Ke hesitated, "but the President..."

"Say what you have to say." Sunan city has no patience with people except Luo Xiaotian.

Jin Ke closed his eyes and decided to give up. He quickly said, "Mr. Yun has been looking for Miss Luo, you see..."

Before his voice fell, he was interrupted coolly by the southern city of Jiangsu, "Secretary Jin, I think my secretary should not be incompetent to this point, right?"

Jin Ke feels cold. Doesn't he sympathize with Yun Ji Xi? People can't see it. Now they are injured. They are alone in the hospital. Is it right to look for Miss Luo?

"Don't call me unless yunjixi is dying."

Sunan city hangs up the phone cleanly. Now the last thing he wants to hear is the news of yunjixi. If it wasn't for yunjixi, would Luo Xiaotian be as horizontal as he is now?

Think of that damned woman, there is a nameless fire running around in his body.

The gas pedal is even heavier

Night more quiet, Sunan City sitting in the car looking at the dark floor, more and more irritable.

After driving around, he drove back downstairs. He didn't know how long he had been sitting here, but he couldn't summon up the courage to go upstairs again, because he didn't want to see the cold face. He was afraid that he could not help strangling the little woman.

Sitting on the sofa, Luo Xiaotian did not know when he fell asleep. His small body almost melted into the sofa in the dark.

She had a dream.

In the dream, Sunan city and Anning roll the sheets on the bed, and the laughter of Anning's satisfaction rings out in the dream mirror, "Nancheng, who do you love most?"

Sunan city looked at Anning with love and said, "of course I love you, Anning."

"Anning, Sunan City, how can you do this? One of you is my good friend and the other is my man. How can you do this to me? " In the dream mirror, Luo Xiaotian shouts to them, but no one looks at her in Anning or Sunan City, and still kisses me in front of her.

As soon as the picture turns, an Yi in white walks towards her and kneels in front of her crying, "Xiaotian, I know I'm sorry for you, but the child is innocent. Would you like to return Nancheng to me? How about that? "

At this time, the shadow of Sunan city appeared on the other side. The other side reached out and said to her with a loving face, "Xiaotian, I love you. There are no children in Anning's stomach. I love you all the time. Will you come back to me?"

Just when Luo Xiaotian didn't know what to do, Anning kneeling on the ground suddenly screamed loudly. Blood flowed from her body and was rushing to her direction quickly. Then he heard Anning scream, "ah, my stomach hurts so much. My child, my child... "

"No kids, kids are fake, fake..."

"My child..."

Luo Xiaotian suddenly wakes up. When she sees the strange environment, she is in a trance for a moment. Until her brain slowly works normally, she remembers that she was brought here by Sunan city last night.

Looking out of the window, it's already bright. I don't know when the sky is shining.